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Muslim woman passenger faces strange discrimination in United Airlines.

Maybe not in the sky, but in your streets...

Pakistan's Christians fear for their lives - Telegraph
This was the reply of a frustrated man who cant come up with a good response. Go back and read the ur own post i had quoted and see my comment and then look at ur stupid reply.

Grow up or just dont,wont have much effect on you.

And someday do talk abt ur black ghettos, for an outsider coming out alive from there is a huge thing.
There are maniacs in every country. The air-hostess could have opened another can in front of her (like they do on most airlines except American ones I guess) and shown professionalism, instead she fell back to her stone-age upbringing. So much for "land of freedoms".
So you are assuming that Ms. Ahmad is telling the truth. I guess there are no liars in this world. :rolleyes:

I can also guess you do not fly much, or that when you have, whatever airlines you used did not have beverage service, or that you were not very observant. How the beverages are served is available for all to see since the beverage cart is pretty small to fit in the aisle. Carbonate drinks are usually opened only when there is a request for it, so that mean if a passenger request a drink, the can is opened in front of him/her and dispensed into a cup. The leftover is always used for another passenger request and usually no one make any bones about being served from an opened can.

If the investigation turned out to be a misunderstanding of policies and procedures, Shuttle America will tell the flight attendant, whoever she was, to just swallow her pride and chalk it up to dealing with nothing more than a petulant customer. Ms. Ahmad got her 15 minutes of fame as a victim of alleged institutionalized bigotry in the evil United States.

As for US being the questionable 'land of freedoms', people do have the freedom to leave US. So please do and do it quickly.
Forget about this prophecy,nobody in the West will fight under or for the Cross anymore.It has become mute.Stop waiting for a better future brought by divinity and make a better future on your own or you'll have a long waiting and end up dissapointed when the long night comes.

There is difference between know future and making one. And here am not talking my self, and I am not waiting for prophecy since I know it will.

Rightous Muslims are actually wall between end of time and today. My target is to be that rather than waiting for end of times when Muslims will be weak.
Just wanted to point a couple of things out. If you're gonna try to pass yourself off as a church going African American Christian, you should call it the OLD Testament. And yes, it is common knowledge (at least to us atheists) that copying and pasting is not exclusive to the digital age.

Second, Muslims are nowhere close to 2 or 3 times richer than the average American. You're may be confusing them with the Jews or Hindus, who are high income groups. But even they are not that rich. The only place I've seen this argument made is on PDF and that thread was based on a article by a Muslim (go figure, right?). But thanks for the laughs though.

by Household Income - Religion in America: U.S. Religious Data, Demographics and Statistics | Pew Research Center

If you're gonna play African American, you don't want to throw them under the bus on the welfare thing and jump up to support the Muslims. Kinda takes the sheen off the act.

The rest of your post is just oft repeated crap designed to guilt people into providing space to people who don't have the decency to reciprocate back in their countries. But we're supposed to put up with them because of the cliched "we're better than this" argument.

Here we go, your true color come out again. These PEW surveys......if you really knew some of these surveys reality, you won't post this crap on here. Here, allow me to teach you how the survey bias works. You pick a population sample, and you pick it disproportionately, meaning one population who paid you, you pick more of, the other one, you pick less of or you select it. Then you do top box scoring and focus on standard deviation on the lower level, and thus the results, a little twisted, called "fallacy of the truth" and its allowed. I am sure its getting too complicated for you, I am sure, its called Statistics!!!, which like the remainder of the argument, would be hard for you to get, so may want to hit the garage and honky tonk again.

You've called me almost every single religion, liberal, groups of people and all. You have zero clue about reality and your brain has more fog than current. You remind me of that PHD dude who went to some Arab country for six months to take an "English Literature" course. Came back and started teaching PHD in the Middle Eastern studied because of his "living experience" lol. I don't know how they give you work in the international area if your source of information is a forum or an English speaking university in a non-English speaking country!!! Love it.

With that, I am going to go back to my dog, miss my girlfriend who left me and sit by my truck and have a beer. Find someone else at your level of intellect (or lack thereof) to waste time. Ciao and God bless America!! :usflag:
:usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag:. And you are allowed to burn and hurt in the rear. I am still gonna have ma Budweiser!!
Here we go, your true color come out again. These PEW surveys......if you really knew some of these surveys reality, you won't post this crap on here. Here, allow me to teach you how the survey bias works. You pick a population sample, and you pick it disproportionately, meaning one population who paid you, you pick more of, the other one, you pick less of or you select it. Then you do top box scoring and focus on standard deviation on the lower level, and thus the results, a little twisted, called "fallacy of the truth" and its allowed. I am sure its getting too complicated for you, I am sure, its called Statistics!!!, which like the remainder of the argument, would be hard for you to get, so may want to hit the garage and honky tonk again.

You've called me almost every single religion, liberal, groups of people and all. You have zero clue about reality and your brain has more fog than current. You remind me of that PHD dude who went to some Arab country for six months to take an "English Literature" course. Came back and started teaching PHD in the Middle Eastern studied because of his "living experience" lol. I don't know how they give you work in the international area if your source of information is a forum or an English speaking university in a non-English speaking country!!! Love it.

With that, I am going to go back to my dog, miss my girlfriend who left me and sit by my truck and have a beer. Find someone else at your level of intellect (or lack thereof) to waste time. Ciao and God bless America!! :usflag:
:usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag:. And you are allowed to burn and hurt in the rear. I am still gonna have ma Budweiser!!

See post [HASHTAG]#242[/HASHTAG] for the answer to your comment regarding the Pew survey. As for the rest of your post, you're kinda losing focus. If you're gonna play a part, you've got to take it all the way. Really get into the character. Most importantly, you can't slip up and let your personal bias seep through into the character. It ruins the act. Enjoy your bud :-)
See post [HASHTAG]#242[/HASHTAG] for the answer to your comment regarding the Pew survey. As for the rest of your post, you're kinda losing focus. If you're gonna play a part, you've got to take it all the way. Really get into the character. Most importantly, you can't slip up and let your personal bias seep through into the character. It ruins the act. Enjoy your bud :-)

See the bold part from your post. I do strategy pal. Strategy teaches you what to pick, when to pick, when to walk away and when to play silly and when to take it all the way. The places I've taken it all the way at, probably still remmeber me. Everything else, don't matter.

I don't have personal biases. I will call wrong wrong. I am more than positive that I have more global experience in dealing with n number of people than you do, and I mean it. So my viewpoint will always be different than 90% of the people, when it comes to people. My stance still remains the same, as humans, we (whether Americans, Britts, Chinese or whoever else), don't have any right to accuse, blame or judge a large group of people, who have nothing to do with the hell that breaks lose 5000 miles away. If any of them, or anyone of us, breaks the law, let the law enforcement take its course. Why do we have to act illogical and at times, flat out stupid to each other?

Plus, our system is a capitalist system. Investments and global business is our baby and we started it. The entire world invests into us. What we don't want, is to portray an image of an arrogant society (which is being discussed more and more around the globe) and let the Chinese or the Indians show how cool their societies are, and thus people feel comfortable investing there.

This is JUST one of the examples. Frankly speaking, I don't think you'd get it or even care. The issue goes MUCH deeper than that. By the way, some of your posts talking about English, second language and racial slurs, comparisons to "brethren" in the Middle East, were stupid comments, and at best, they showed your level of ignorance, immaturity and racism to be frank with you. None of which I really care for but it also defeats the purpose of people like you being on an international forum. May want to stick to playboy, you get the best view with a hard on and a good release!! Next time you want to debate with someone, show some intellect or find someone at your level to debate with.

Till then, I am gonna go sip some more bud and play some Texas Holdem Poker!!! Ciao!
Rightous Muslims are actually wall between end of time and today. My target is to be that rather than waiting for end of times when Muslims will be weak.

haha...thank you for delaying the "end of times" for us mere peasants
This is all because of Muslims themselves. You cannot blame west for such acts. Try differentiating yourself from terrorists in the eyes of whole world.
I think one of the biggest mistakes south Asians make is when someone says "Muslim" you think about yourself and extrapolate it to the rest of the Muslim community. Most of YOU may be college educated people who come here for higher education or on a professional visa and stay on. You forget that there are refugees from war torn countries, African American converts, the people who converted in prison. I think that's why you make sweeping statements like them having 2-3 times the average income which turn out to be obviously false.

I did not make the statement that Muslims are two, three times richer than average. Although, Muslims do seem to be doing better than average American over-all...

Hindus/Jews are far above Muslims in terms of education/income though.

That "fastest growing religion" thing? It's a double edged sword. :-)

I didn't get what you mean by double-edged sword?

Secondly, when did I ever talk about Islam being the fastest growing religion sh!t? Islam might be the fastest growing religion..and Mashallah to that...but why would I give a shit? Its not like I am the pope of Muslims and I get tribute from them. So more Muslims the better for me . lol...

I am well qualified in Islam. I study it. Have been for some years now. But I am not a very practicing Muslim. More of a cultural Muslim. Only time I talk about Islam is when people/my coworkers ask me some information regarding it and I just provide them with "actual" information rather than some bullsh!t they'll read online or from "experts" sitting on Fox.

And no, Muslims are not the most educated group either. That's myth has discussed and debunked on PDF too. Reason? See above.

Classic strawman argument from your side. Nobody said Muslims being the most education group. That goes to Hindus. I said "one of the most" educated group, which is true.

Muslims in U.S are more likely to go on and get a college degree than average population.
The amount rubbish that sometimes goes for discussion around here is beyond belief. So one woman got can of coke that was already opened and some rude comments deserve 11 pages of garbage?
9/11 is deeply ingranied within the American psyche and the regular media coverage of news about Muslims has reinforced the American mind to regard the Muslim's as threat. This is a phenomenon that has developed in the last 15 years.

So given this it does not surprise me at all that this incident happened. In fact given the widespread Islamaphobia I am surprised that worse incidents of hatred have not happened. The relative safety of Muslim's in USA or the wider West is testimony to their law abiding nature, their law enforcement and more mature societies.

In fact the only reason why this ruckus has been made is because people do not expect this to happen in Western societies. There is expectation of high standard and justice in the West and when muslims slightly feel compromised they scream and howl. I am not saying these acts are justified but Muslim reaction to these are indicative of deep hypocracy that blights our societies. Just to illustrate my point read the thread below.

Pashtuns, demanding safety, refuse to bury dead from Pakistan bus hijackings that killed 19 | Page 2

So we have had in Pakistan 19 of our citizens dragged out of bus and shot like they were cattle. What is the reaction of this forum? Subdued? Every other day Hazara Pakistani are murdered like flies yet I do not see this forum going crazy? Yet here is a women who was abused - such abuse probably happened 1,000 times across Pakistan today and we have all this dramabazi. People need to get a grip and do bit of introspection.


Suicide bombers is not a Muslim invention much as Western media might paint it as such. Overlooking the Kamikazi of Japan the Hindu Tamil Tigers refined the use of suicide bombers in 1990s to a level as yet to be reached by Muslims. The Muslim's have began to use suicide bombing after they saw TT using it in Sri Lankan civil war.

Let's get this right. Nobody does 'suicide' for fun. We as humans are hardwired to live and not to die. To overcome this natural instinct must take some major impetus. Don't fool yourselves or masticate that only Muslims do this. Most Muslim jurists are agreed that suicide is against Islam. The causes of suicide are sense of shear injustice and helplessness to address that injustice.

In short to quote Flamer "Westerners accept the reality that in war innocents may die,those muslims understand the reality that civilians must die" if you gave F-16s jets, cruise missiles, M1 Abram tanks trust me those suicide bombers would come after their targets flying F-16s and use precision munitions guided by lasers and then they also can qualitfy the western criterion "accept the reality that in war innocents may die"

Furthermore there is no differance between Muslim's or "Westerners" in how they wage war. The only differance is capability and means. At a doctrinal level there is zero differance. The end justifies the means. Why not ask the American's on what basis did they use two nuclear devices on top of two cities of milllions of civilian, babies, mothers, pensioners?

The use of a nuclear device on city is as and if worse morally then a suicide bomber as the majority of victims are going to be civilians only in the former the victims will run into 100,000s. If the USA could justify Hiroshima or Nagasakhi trust me so can the terrorists.

The entire North Africa, Middle East all the way to Pakistan is going through political upheavel and if anybody dare make judgements I would ask those people to look at Europe between 1900-1950 and see the instability that Europe witnessed. How many died before some semblance of order was achieved? 50 million? Or is it 80 million or is it 100 million?

Only yesterday ( 1993) The Bosnian Muslims were massacred in 1,000s like cattle so we don't really need any people to walk with air of superiority. Just like Europe stabilised so will the Muslim world but rest assured 50 million are not going to die.


"Between 1980 and 2000 the largest number of suicide attacks was carried out by separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) of Sri Lanka. The first suicide attack by LTTE was in 1987.[70] The number of attacks conducted by LTTE was almost double that of nine other major extremist organizations.

* The Tamil's of Sri Lanka are Hindu.

Suicide attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kindly give correct information Please.

LTTE is neither commits suicide bombing for Hindu cause , neither they vouch for it.
They are fighting for ethical cause (Tamil Eelam)
Btw LTTE chief & most of their top members are Christian ( I am not counting ordinary cadre or suicide bomber) then how can you get conclusion that they are Hindu Organization.
As there most of main leaders are Christian amid you can't call them Christian Suicide bomber because they are not bombing for Christ sake.
Kindly give correct information Please.

LTTE is neither commits suicide bombing for Hindu cause , neither they vouch for it.
They are fighting for ethical cause (Tamil Eelam)
Btw LTTE chief & most of their top members are Christian ( I am not counting ordinary cadre or suicide bomber) then how can you get conclusion that they are Hindu Organization.
As there most of main leaders are Christian amid you can't call them Christian Suicide bomber because they are not bombing for Christ sake.

This is a usual tactic of the apologists. Others do it too (for Pakistanis the obsession is with Hindus as they are converts from that religion).

Apart from the fact that LTTE was both Hindu and Christians, the obvious fact is that they were not motivated by religion while the Islamic terrorists are motivated by religion and many of them do it for the rewards promised by their religion.

In Pakistan, suicide bombers are available on sale and their prices are constantly falling. The latest price is apparently close to $2,000/- (down from $8 K or so). There have been media reports and TV interviews that clearly show that they were motivated by the 72 houris (and money on offer for their family).
I did not make the statement that Muslims are two, three times richer than average. Although, Muslims do seem to be doing better than average American over-all...

Hindus/Jews are far above Muslims in terms of education/income though.

I didn't get what you mean by double-edged sword?

Secondly, when did I ever talk about Islam being the fastest growing religion sh!t? Islam might be the fastest growing religion..and Mashallah to that...but why would I give a shit? Its not like I am the pope of Muslims and I get tribute from them. So more Muslims the better for me . lol...

I am well qualified in Islam. I study it. Have been for some years now. But I am not a very practicing Muslim. More of a cultural Muslim. Only time I talk about Islam is when people/my coworkers ask me some information regarding it and I just provide them with "actual" information rather than some bullsh!t they'll read online or from "experts" sitting on Fox.

Classic strawman argument from your side. Nobody said Muslims being the most education group. That goes to Hindus. I said "one of the most" educated group, which is true.

Muslims in U.S are more likely to go on and get a college degree than average population.

The 2-3 times comes from the Viper0011 guy, you know the Pakistani pretending to be an African American christian? I'm sure you've run across him.

Muslims always proudly point out that Islam is the fastest growing religion. I was just pointing out that the one biggest sources of new Muslims is prison conversions. Not exactly Ivy League material, right? They might up your QUANTITY, but they're killing the QUALITY. For the rest of your argument regarding education and better than average standard of living, that's all been discussed and debunked on PDF.


Muslims 2nd most highly educated religious group in US -PEW Research Center
That,s the reason every time a american die i Afghanistan i get a boner :)
Har...Even if it takes a dozen Muslims lives in the process ? Of course the price is worth it, to a coward like you.

You are one of those Muslims who have no problems exhorting others to do violence but is too much of a chickenshit to do the deed yourself.

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