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Pashtuns, demanding safety, refuse to bury dead from Pakistan bus hijackings that killed 19

From last year, when I started to follow news. Seem like at first labour from South punjab used to be killed and hazaras. In recent months even sindhis and now pashtuns.
Southern Punjabi labourers was a recent incident .. They were targettin settlers since years .. Doctors,teachers,paramedics,traffic wardens etc and the attacks on FC (which as Samandri pointed out is majority Pashtun).

They than started targettin Sindhis too and now Pashtuns ... Meanwhile hazaras are under attack by secterian SOBS!
so,who killed those men??is it BLA or TTP??people here are saying its BLA..people in another thread is blaming TTP.

someone here is asking if BLA and TTP are arch enemy,while @Spring Onion was saying that both are similar proxies or such..
From last year, when I started to follow news. Seem like at first labour from South punjab used to be killed and hazaras. In recent months even sindhis and now pashtuns.
This incident was bound to happen, Baloch ultra nationalists have huge problems with Pashtuns of Balochistan over distribution of resources, assembly seats, Quota and Afghan refugees matter. BLA, BRA etc are armed wings of these Baloch nationalist leaders and they have acted on their directions. This is an eye-opener news for those Afghans , who in their innocence and ignorance , cheer for BLA like entities just because they fight against "Punjabistan".
so,who killed those men??is it BLA or TTP??people here are saying its BLA..people in another thread is blaming TTP.

someone here is asking if BLA and TTP are arch enemy,while @Spring Onion was saying that both are similar proxies or such..
QUETTA: Balochistan Home Minister Sarfaraz Bugti laid the blame on India’s spy agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) for the deadly attack on bus passengers in Mastung late Friday night
“RAW is involved in the incident because India is against the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor agreement,” Bugti said at a press conference in Quetta.
Bugti added that so far seven suspected militants were killed in search operations in which 500 security personnel are taking part.
Mastung attack: Home minister blames RAW as death toll climbs to 22 - The Express Tribune

Considering RAW having good ties with both it can be any one of them but most probably its Bla as raw is in bed with them for decades now plus it happened in their area.

Same was told to pm shareef with evidence today at ISI headquarters and he will most probably highlight Indian terror tactics to weaken Pakistan through proxies at international level soon , modi and his right wingers got to be stopped rightt now before its too lateas nobody wants to see nukes flying.
This will result in horrible retaliation by the Pashtuns. RIP to the dead and the ones to follow.

The word out is that major tribes are already marking out a strategy to deal with these vermin.
You really have to be amazed at the utter stupidity of the BLA and their ilk. Just who dreamt up the batsh*t crazy idea to massacre a group of people whose deaths will bring about massive retaliation and literally the end of their insignificant lives!
Now with the demographics clearly on the Pakhtun side of things, it means that the insurgents will have no breathing space at all and will be targeted with impunity.
Like Desert bro said, I hope the Baloch laskhers join and get rid of this menace.

This is an eye-opener news for those Afghans , who in their innocence and ignorance , cheer for BLA like entities just because they fight against "Punjabistan".

The very few of them that are around now a days have been stunned into silence. Their heroes just wiped out their kin over ethnicity. That's a shock they won't get over quickly. It also proves their critics right, which probably hurts them more i.e. that these BLA savages were always vermin and nothing to be admired.
BLA terrorists after killing thousands of shia now have started killing Pukhtuns in Balochistan enmass.

Earlier BLA terrorists had been targeting Pukhtuns in Balochistan but now they have started ethnic cleansing of Pukhtuns systematically.

Where is that big belly Achakzai? That idiot should stop visiting Afghanistan and start protest against BLA terrorists

Martin Niemöller: "First they came for the Socialists..."

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Let us absolutely and unequivocaly condemn this massacre and demand justice for these and other victims. We need to all unite and take head on these savages who kill for ethnic, sectarian or whatever reasons. Our security agencies need to improve their performance. Instead of bragging we want to see justice meted out. Why is London, Paris, New York, Rome, Berlin, Dublin, San Francisco, Detroit, Oslo, Copenhagen, Madrid safer for Pakistani's then in their own country?

Why are Metropolitan Police in London, New York Police Dept: in NYC, Carabineri in Rome, Bundespolizei in Berlin, San Francisco Police Dept: in Fresco, Polis in Oslo, Polizei in Copenhagen, Guarde Civil in Madrid in conjunction with their intelligence agencies like FBI, MI5 etc able to protect the Pakistani's living in their jurisdictions yet in Pakistan all the assorted Rangers, FC, Army, ISI. Police show abject failure in protecting the the citizens of Pakistan entrusted to them?

Please read this thread ..

Muslim woman passenger faces strange discrimination in United Airlines. | Page 12
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This incident was bound to happen, Baloch ultra nationalists have huge problems with Pashtuns of Balochistan over distribution of resources, assembly seats, Quota and Afghan refugees matter. BLA, BRA etc are armed wings of these Baloch nationalist leaders and they have acted on their directions. This is an eye-opener news for those Afghans , who in their innocence and ignorance , cheer for BLA like entities just because they fight against "Punjabistan".
Those guys don even consider you Pashtuns to them you are "punjabi slaves"..:lol:

Don't take them serious .. Bunch of idiots with computers sitting in the west.
Martin Niemöller: "First they came for the Socialists..."

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Spot on! They have been targeting Punjabi teachers, professors, doctors, laborers and barbers for years but many other communities remained silent because their people were not being killed.
@Spring Onion
Demand full scale military operation in Baluchistan.
Man Whole Population of Baluchistan is roughly equal to Lahore city. And half of residents are Pakhtuns who are all Pro-Pakistan.
And huge majority of Balochs are also with Pakistan.
What the F logic is this to allow some handfull of terrorists to terrorize almost 20% area of Pakistan?
They arent gonna stand a month against zarbe Azb.
Take all Pakhtuuns and Pro Pakistani Balochs onboard.
And shoot the hell out of this insurgency without any mercy.
Gawadar port is coming Balochistan will be seeing brighter days finally and these subhumans start this bull shit.

Families of victims should demand a full scale military operation.
7 Million Population of whole baluchistan. only half are etnic baloch. And a small part of total ethnic balochs demanding seperation of Largest province of Pakistan by mercileslly killing innocent poor balochi people.
F*** T***
QUETTA: Balochistan Home Minister Sarfaraz Bugti laid the blame on India’s spy agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) for the deadly attack on bus passengers in Mastung late Friday night
“RAW is involved in the incident because India is against the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor agreement,” Bugti said at a press conference in Quetta.
Bugti added that so far seven suspected militants were killed in search operations in which 500 security personnel are taking part.
Mastung attack: Home minister blames RAW as death toll climbs to 22 - The Express Tribune

Considering RAW having good ties with both it can be any one of them but most probably its Bla as raw is in bed with them for decades now plus it happened in their area.

Same was told to pm shareef with evidence today at ISI headquarters and he will most probably highlight Indian terror tactics to weaken Pakistan through proxies at international level soon , modi and his right wingers got to be stopped rightt now before its too lateas nobody wants to see nukes flying.

so,TTP and BLA are the possible suspects..and common suspect is RAW,which it is for any kind of terror attack happening in Pakistan these days..

by the way,still no claim from these terrorists??
Martin Niemöller: "First they came for the Socialists..."

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

are you that old Road Runner or new member ?

as far as this quote of Martin well it does not fit in Balochistan issue because Pashtuns there had been vocal against sectarian violence

This incident was bound to happen, Baloch ultra nationalists have huge problems with Pashtuns of Balochistan over distribution of resources, assembly seats, Quota and Afghan refugees matter. BLA, BRA etc are armed wings of these Baloch nationalist leaders and they have acted on their directions. This is an eye-opener news for those Afghans , who in their innocence and ignorance , cheer for BLA like entities just because they fight against "Punjabistan".

Afghans do not cheer them but Indian dalals in Afghanistan and those haramkhor communist Pashtun Afghans and Persian speaking Afghanistani leaders are cheering for BLA + Indian terrorists. And as far as Punjabistan is concerned the Afghans need to first end monopoly of Farsiwans in their own homeland. The Pashtuns in Afghanistan have been enslaved by these farsiwans. So they have no right to speak about Punjab as Punjab is very much part of Pakistan.

i agree baloch nationalist leaders have been killing Pashtuns in Balochistan and that idiot Achakzai had been licking feet of Afghan government doing nlothing for own people
I would like to note that this is not the first time BLA, BLF. BRA nexus has targetted innocent pashtuns and there have been a few incidents like this where pashtuns are targetted. The reason it seems is the patriotism of pashtuns in Balochistan. I would also like to make the point that this is not Baloch vs Pashtuns-its actually in many cases Baloch vs Baloch too. Muzaffar Khan Jamali was targeted despite being a Baloch by terrorist groups like the BLA. He is not the only Baloch who died with Pakistan in his heart.

I think we should stop turning everything into ethnic warfare and live with each other.

From last year, when I started to follow news. Seem like at first labour from South punjab used to be killed and hazaras. In recent months even sindhis and now pashtuns.
This isn't the first time btw.

Enter the Pashtun-Baloch divide - thenews.com.pk

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