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19 killed, 25 injured in convoy attack in SW Pakistan.

And these rented terrorists are saying they want to negotiate a cease fire, these rented terrorists should be crushed & there should be no negotiation's with these rented terrorists, only one order should be issued against these rented shoot at sight.
Not a day passes without killing and murder in our land. We seriously have to do something about this. Daily the SSP and LEJ are killing Hazaras in Quetta. We can't find these people and eliminate their terror network. How people like Malik Ishaq aren't punished.

there is no shia vs sunni thing
you are misinformed

this is the same Taliban / deobandi group of Sipah Sahabah that is involved in the killing and has support from the justice system because they let them go due to lack of evidence.

Irfan... I will also refer to other cases. For example that of Ataullah. Ataullah was involved and was one of the main planners for the Malala attack. He received orders from Fazlullah. When Black Thunderstorm was launched he was briefly held by our security forces... then without explanation released. He has still not been apprehended.

What are we looking at Irfan? Lack of will... and is this really just the courts fault? My book badal has a chapter about this. Its fiction but it explains how the network these terrorists have on the outside can be used to threaten judges and lawyers and thus free militants that are to be convicted... but can it be used to threaten the army?

Because if we still aren't learning after 40,000+ war on terror casualties then when will we? Also in Jirga... there was this terrorist they brought on live television. He was convinced he would be released. He said it on live television! When asked why he thought so... he says yeh bari gehri baat hai.
Oh and btw can someone explain to me what the ASWJ chief was doing with a full security escort?

When people die... it fractures society. Abdul Nishapuri and many Pashtun nationalists are created because of our failure to protect Shia's and people of Pakhtunkhwa. Maybe these politicians want our country to be destroyed. Its as if they are doing everything to ensure it.
. . .
why don't the shias ever fight back?

Look at this:
Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Personally I don't think they should have been banned, instead maybe even incorporated in the police force. Do note that Shias have a 20-30% of Pakistan's total population.

Weaker force, outnumbered....

Oh you have no idea... + lots of Sunnis have offered to back them against kharijite wahabis. Why do you think SSP and LEJ are killing sunni clerics in Karachi and Quetta. They give speeches on sectarian harmony... many even having said that Shias are their brothers.

A long time ago a journalist said he was seeking an interview with Sipah e mohammed (mentioned above), he was a Sunni and was a little nervous about the prospect... I don't know if the interview materialized because I only knew this guy in passing (hi, hello type) but he did say that when he was talking to those guys on the phone... he felt totally at ease even though he initially wanted to hide his sect... but they asked him and he told them. They never made him feel they hated sunni's outright even made the statement that Shia's and Sunnis were brothers but outside forces were trying to destroy the harmony within. They made it feel more like they were fighting in response to the attacks by SSP/LEJ which personally I feel is a natural reaction.

Personally I am a sunni, deeply sympathize with the Shias and what they are going through. And they may be outnumbered and shia's are being murdered far more than sunnis particularly because Shias never attack civilians... but perhaps you don't know the fact that very recently the ASWJ (new name for SSP after its banning) head was attacked in Karachi, 4 guards killed, him injured. In the news they were reported to be policemen. I have been told in reality they were private guards. LEJ should be their main target though. Are worse than SSP.
Saudi Arab fight its survival war in Pakistan. Once democracy knock down Saudi Kings, peace will be in all Muslim world. Saudis and Arab Emirates use ex Pakistani service men to control democratic protest, causing more hate against Pakistanis.
well CIA-MOSSAD-RAW uses "local useful idiots" like Siph-e-Sahaba/Laskhar-e-Jhangvi and TTP to target shia muslims and hence creating sectarian chaos in Pakistan! The simple thing to do is give these takfiri/kharjee organizations funds, then rest is very east for local "useful idiots" to spread chaos!

May Allah curse these bloody wahabis! Ever since advent of wahabism from 1900s, the muslim world has seen SO much sectarian violence!
well CIA-MOSSAD-RAW uses "local useful idiots" like Siph-e-Sahaba/Laskhar-e-Jhangvi and TTP to target shia muslims and hence creating sectarian chaos in Pakistan! The simple thing to do is give these takfiri/kharjee organizations funds, then rest is very east for local "useful idiots" to spread chaos!

May Allah curse these bloody wahabis! Ever since advent of wahabism from 1900s, the muslim world has seen SO much sectarian violence!
. .
well CIA-MOSSAD-RAW uses "local useful idiots" like Siph-e-Sahaba/Laskhar-e-Jhangvi and TTP to target shia muslims and hence creating sectarian chaos in Pakistan! The simple thing to do is give these takfiri/kharjee organizations funds, then rest is very east for local "useful idiots" to spread chaos!
May Allah curse these bloody wahabis! Ever since advent of wahabism from 1900s, the muslim world has seen SO much sectarian violence!
For once, keep CIA-MOSSAD-RAW out of the equation and try to find faults in your own country. Its the denial and so called "external" hands conspiracy that gives power to these people.
Once democracy knock down Saudi Kings

The Islamic worldview is that 'man's life remains under the supervision of Allah; it is Allah who guarantees man's freedom, and guides him in his life journey.' Further, 'in Islam, the ruler is not held accountable to the people; his responsibility is to Allah alone. Muslims have no right to reject the Shariah. To date, not one Arab ruler has ever dared to rethink or amend the Shariah's requirements. It is quite evident that Islam is not compatible with democracy; the very word "democratos" (people's rule) contradicts the essence of Islam, where rule belongs exclusively to Allah.'

Islam incompatible with Democracy
why don't the shias ever fight back?

hehe very funny

Sipah Sahabha/ TTP even have the grave of Jinnah as their target. they want Shias killed , simple and they enjoy huge support among our people. in my own family there are people who indirectly justify the killing of shias and I am not talking about brain damaged low privileged uneducated runts. I am talking about very well educated, well off and affluent fellows who upload tribute videos for mas killers like Malik Ishaq, tribute to killer of Suleman tasir (late governor of Punjab slain for the crime of speaking for a poor Christian girl).

whenever a stronger side decides to persecute the weak, the weaker side always comes worse off. whether or not it fights back
its the responsibility of the state to protect its citizens whether Sunni Muslims or not.

when you see judges and lawyers offering prayers for Osama, offering free representation for the killer of Suleman Tasir and letting go every single terrorist involved in the massacres like the one on the police recruits in Lahore then what chance to Ahmedis, Hindus, Christians and Shias's have?

some elements of state are working indirectly as apologists or supporters of these Wahabi/ Kharjite terrorists at this rate I wont be surprised when every neighboring country will follow the American lead and do what our justice system should have done ages ago
yes ...you are thinking right I am exactly saying what you are thinking
For once, keep CIA-MOSSAD-RAW out of the equation and try to find faults in your own country. Its the denial and so called "external" hands conspiracy that gives power to these people.

asking the impossible?

there is some hint that your planners have found the secret of getting back the Kashimiris through development and providing them justice instead of guns, bullets and torture. before that it used to be entirely ISI and LeT (not without reason)

what I am saying is, its a big ask from the people who still consider the murderers of 35000+ Pakistanis as their angry "brothers" and their actions as the direct consequence of our military fighting American war. these same angry "brothers" normally quench their thirst for human blood by slaying Shias (150K killed no single conviction... number of Ahmedis slayed unknown).

the sad part is that the party that once was headed by a liberal (read Kafir as per Jamat Islami) and modern person like Jinnah is now working as front line supporter of Taliban contains leaders that are open supporters of violent sectarian outfits.

of course RAW , Mossad and CIA will be always mentioned and to be fair a certain element of that cant be totally dismissed but 99.99% its our home grown lot which is making all these foreign secret agents redundant.
Looks like CIA got excessive funds all of a sudden.

yes yes.... We all got it....


@topic: may the dead rest in peace and get justice for this heinous crime.

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