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Muslim woman passenger faces strange discrimination in United Airlines.

u sir are damn funny ! by the way its not mere millions but billions of them .. dead Muslim and Christians .. killed and eaten by evil hindos.. i just had soft chewy muslim baby for my dinner today ! damn tasty sir !

This guy just keeps on repeating the same "millions killed by Hindus" stuff all over!

It is just the effect of the constant brainwashing that starts from a very early age. Facts don't really matter, far too many of these people really believe that Hindu Indians have been treating minorities as dirt and Pakistan and Muslims in general are the best at it. They are just victims of conspiracy theories.
This is a US company so of course you have to exaggerate every errors to outrageous proportions.

Here is how many passengers and miles US airlines fly per yr...

Total Passengers on U.S Airlines and Foreign Airlines U.S. Flights Increased 1.3% in 2012 from 2011 | Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Am willing to bet we treat our passengers better than Pakistani airlines, if you want to go there.
Oh no not at all, youre the one who is thinking as such, plus what I said was specific to this particular airline not in US as general. Quit judging people

Maybe not in the sky, but in your streets...

Pakistan's Christians fear for their lives - Telegraph
Should I also post the millions of Muslims killed by american invasion ?
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1) There is no reading comprehension issues. Frankly speaking, you threw English as a second language on me, lol. That tells me your mindset. No wonder almost every doctor, engineer and anyone with actual brains comes from a diversified family background. Take a look at the Indians who revolutionized out tech sector since the 90's, you think we, as a nation could even breathe without smart, educated people who came to us and now their second or third generation is actually the top 1% earners of this country? Time to go back to your open garage, play the honky tonk, "my girlfriend left, I got a dog and I am sipping my beer" music loud. This intellect thing here, is a little too much for you. You wrote me a book above without even making one point. What an awesome job!

No? So the fact that you went on and on about the data being from 2002 when I clearly said since 2002, was what? Your attempt at writing the next great American novel?

1) Take a look at the Indians who revolutionized out tech sector since the 90's, you think we, as a nation could even breathe without smart, educated people who came to us and now their second or third generation is actually the top 1% earners of this country?

Well, those "smart" people aren't constantly whining about the media. YOU are. They're minding their own business and getting on with life, just like I'd recommended for your people in a previous post.

1) Time to go back to your open garage, play the honky tonk, "my girlfriend left, I got a dog and I am sipping my beer" music loud. This intellect thing here, is a little too much for you. You wrote me a book above without even making one point. What an awesome job!

Thanks for the suggestion. I'd recommend Honky-Tonk and a beer to you too. But your brethren might lop your head off.

2) I agree, every group showed up faced discrimination. But the group under question and you clearly ignoring the fact, has been here since the 1900's, they have ALREADY been through discrimination. If you don't know the history for automakers in Michigan and up state NY, then you need to get edu-macated first before writing on a topic (pissing you off again, please point my ghetto Ebonics and English out to me without yet making a smart and intelligent point)..

That's because they haven't woven themselves into the fabric of American society like the Irish or Italians have. They've kept to themselves, lived with their own. So they find themselves as perennial outsiders.

3) In life we don't decide what others say. But when others start to kill your family members or threaten you or tell you to leave your country and go back somewhere else, you think that can be ignored? You have obviously never been a minority. Go live in Saudia for a few weeks or Jordan or somewhere you may feel a similar sentiment. I'd love to see how you react. Once upon a time, I met with a professor who was teaching PHD courses on Middle East. I asked him how much experience he had in that subject. His answer was, I took a couple of courses in the Syria in a university. I was shocked to see that this moron, who barely sounds like an intellect, has lived in a foreign country for six months, doesn't speak the language or can ever understand the culture in just as little as 6 months......is teaching a PHD course on probably the World's most sensitive and fuked up geography. How great? You remind me of that person!.

No, see that's the thing. If I was in Saudi Arabia or Jordon, I'd follow their rules or leave. I wouldn't sit there, collect welfare and whine about how unfair they're being or how horrible they are as a people. And I certainly wouldn't be demanding that they close schools on my religious holidays.

Of course, I'm ignorant. I mean how would you explain me not nodding in agreement with every bit of your "logic". Also, that message of tolerance you're sending me? Maybe you should try sending it to your brethren.

4) Ganging up on others? No, I don't think that's the case and I never said that. I am pointing out what is true. If you can't take it, like I said, play your country music in your garage by your truck and don't indulge in a conversation that requires you to know a few more things than what you are used to.
America is an open society. When the leaders at the level of Palin or Bachmann openly discriminate and show hostility towards a group, religion or a type of individuals, their followers would do the same. The leaders build a culture. Like our forefathers did with the bill of rights and eventually it changed America and made it the most successful nation on the planet.
THAT is what I am saying, the growing Islamophobia and intolerance as a whole, isn't healthy and will cause us issues if we don't act responsibly.

Again, poor reading comprehension. That part was about the bullies and racists. Not about you. But you are so focused on playing victim and making sure no one takes that role away from you that you can't even see straight anymore.

5) As far as the media is concerned, how many average Americans leave "Fux" news and go try to find the "truth" somewhere else? And "fux" news runs on what? Hatred for Islam as their primary objective for many years, bigotry and hatred.

You should check out the viewership for Fox News. Its about 2.5 Million in prime time. That's out of 312 million Americans (less than 1%, in case your math skills are anything like your reading skills). Fox news doesn't hate Muslims. Its a business. It does what it does for ratings. I believe one of its biggest shareholders in its parent company Newscorp is Prince Al-Walid Bin Talal. I don't know if he still has interests in it. Seems he didn't mind their bigotry as long as they were making him money.

5) How come they don't ever show MILLIONS of Muslims and Christians who have been killed in India by Hindu extremists? Who have been burnt in their homes alive by Hindu extremists whether young kids or adults???? because India does business with majority of the big guys supporting the fux news type of outlets. So you'll never see the real picture!!! How come our President told the Indians about the Hindu extremism but on our tv stations, unlike Islam, there hasn't been one documentary on how millions have been killed or forcefully converted to Hinduism? And I am not saying just one simple documentary, I am saying apples to apples comparisons, show me even effort towards that. Well, there is none!!! Due to business reasons and political alignment with them due to China. So we ignore Humans getting killed elsewhere but we cry and highlight when its a Muslim. Don't you think it should be the same for everyone?

First, MILLIONS?? Really? Ok, I guess we must have slept through the biggest genocide of the late 20th and early 21st century. Second, they aren't killing us. They aren't flying planes into our buildings, they didn't ram a boot into USS Cole, they didn't bomb our embassies in Africa, they didn't try a shoe bomb, they didn't try to bomb Times Square, they didn't recently try to shoot up a place because their feelings were hurt, they didn't decapitate our journalist. The worst they were did to our journalist was groped her when the lights went off. Pitiful yes, but still not decapitation bad. We don't care what they do in their country. I like Obama. But the fact that he gave that speech in one country and didn't have anything to say in Saudi Arabia belies any genuine concern for human rights.

You can't ignore what the media says, its how that works. If you think you can, may be you are ONE individual out of millions and hats off to you. Other than that, average American has less then 2-3 hours of family time per evening including watching the tv. You think people are so keen in finding out the "truth" after a long day at work and then dealing with families and kids?

You think they're watching the news? No, they're watching reality TV. Most people don't know what's going on unless it becomes a big deal.

6) We are not talking about me being liberal or not. What we are talking about is the fact when your leaders set the culture wrong, it goes down to the last level. Which is what you are seeing here.

No, we're not the middle east. We don't get whipped if we don't tow the line. We get to decide who we are and what we want to be. What you're expecting is for us to silence the media so that your feelings don't get hurt. That's not going to happen. You're probably better off trying to convince Muslims not to do dumb things like trying to shoot up a stupid cartoon competition.

BTW: you still haven't shown me proofs I asked for, where you can show me similar events, killing of American students and all, who are muslims, mosque attacks, etc, etc. from the 80's or the 90's??? Unless you can credentialize your stance, its useless to debate.
And for the record, I don't have any insecurities, when I write, I write the truth and obviously its not the most popular thing to do, see or hear. No one wants to hear their baby's ugly or one of them at the least.

I don't think you ever got what I was trying to say. My stance has always been that it has existed. Nobody acted upon it because they didn't find any support in society. Now that hating Muslims is more socially acceptable, you see them acting out. However, I could be wrong. Maybe the reason why there wasn't active dislike for the Muslims in 80s and 90s was that they hadn't flown planes into the World Trade Center. What do you think?
I don't understand what's with all this ''white male'' nonsense - if anything, it was religious discrimination and not racial. But all we have is her word for it, so there's no point arguing so much about it. Discrimination in Western countries definitely does exist and her story isn't too far-fetched.
Ms. Ahmad claimed a fellow passenger was handed an unopened can of beer, implying there is malice in the flight attendant in giving her an opened can of soda.

The problem here is that soda is much less expensive than alcohol beverages, so soda is pretty much free among the airlines. On the other hand, alcohol beverages, which includes beer, must be purchased by the passenger so a can of beer must remain unopened. Most people can drink and prefers soda, but not beer, so it make economic sense to give sodas for free but charge for beer.

That is why the excuse that a can of soda can be used as a weapon -- supposedly declared by the flight attendant -- is suspicious. A can of soda can be used as a weapon but not a can of beer ?
Student Tahera Ahmad says a steward refused to give her an unopened can of cola because she could use it as a weapon.
A US airline has been accused of discrimination after a Muslim woman was allegedly told that she could not have an unopened can of cola because she could use it as a weapon.

Tahera Ahmad, who wears an Islamic headscarf, was traveling on a United Airlines flight from Chicago to capital Washington DC on Saturday when she said a flight attendant refused to give her an unopened can while other passengers were given so.

When Ahmad asked the attendant for explanation, she was told that she could not be given one for security reasons.

The student, who also works as a Muslim chaplain, posted her account on social media, where it went viral and was reported on by media outlets globally.

"I can't help but cry on this plane because I thought people would defend me and say something," Ahmad wrote on a Facebook post.

Both the attendant involved and the plane's pilot later apologised for the incident, Ahmad wrote in a later post.

United airlines released a statement on Saturday evening saying there had been a "misunderstanding regarding a can of diet soda," and said they had tried several times to accomodate Ahmad's requests.

"The inflight crew met with Ms.Ahmad after the flight arrived in Washington to provide assistance and further discuss the matter," the statement said, adding the airline had apologised for the incident.

The incident has sparked outrage on social media, with calls for boycotting the airline and tens of thousands of mentions using various hashtags on Twitter, according to analytics site Topsy. The story was also widely shared on Facebook.

Muslim civil liberties group CAIR told Al Jazeera it would be meeting with lawyers to discuss whether there were grounds to take legal action against United.

Veiled Muslim woman claims discrimination on US flight - Al Jazeera English
It better unravel. I think I may have bet money on it in one of my posts :lol:

Edit: latest statement from United regarding this incident. Look like they're going to back the flight attendant. Waiting for the passengers to start talking.

United Hub - Shuttle America Flight 3504 - News
This story and its challenges are gaining on-line traction. At worst, it is made up for attention. At best, it is a case of a blend of misunderstanding of standard practices that conflicts with personal want, and embellishments by Ms. Ahmad.

A can of soda probably cost Shuttle America, which contracts with United Airlines, about 25 cents, so it makes no PR sense to make hay out of a passenger's request for an unopened can. Out of a hundred passengers, maybe %1 would ask for an unopened can of free soda, so just give it to him/her and be done with this passenger.
  • Shuttle America Flight 3504

  • image: https://hub.united.com/PublishingImages/Hub Images 120811/Author profile/globe_30x30.jpg

    United Communications
    image: https://hub.united.com/PublishingImages/Hub Images 120811/Author profile/globe_30x30.jpg

    United Communications
    UPDATED: May 30, 2015 at 6:15 PM

    The flight attendant onboard Shuttle America flight 3504 attempted several times to accommodate Ms. Ahmad's beverage request after a misunderstanding regarding a can of diet soda. The inflight crew met with Ms. Ahmad after the flight arrived in Washington to provide assistance and further discuss the matter. Additionally, we spoke with Ms. Ahmad this afternoon to get a better understanding of what occurred and to apologize for not delivering the service our customers expect when traveling with us. We look forward to having the opportunity to welcome Ms. Ahmad back.

Read more at United Hub - Shuttle America Flight 3504 - News

There flight attendants need better training. The settlement would cause a bunch of money for no good reason.
How unopened cola can, can be used as weapon?
You can burp real hard and blow the top of the plane off. Opened can does not have that much gas so your burp is not effective
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Ms. Ahmad claimed a fellow passenger was handed an unopened can of beer, implying there is malice in the flight attendant in giving her an opened can of soda.
No, this is not her argument, this is a strawman. Her real argument is the one you've made after you said this, which is:
That is why the excuse that a can of soda can be used as a weapon -- supposedly declared by the flight attendant -- is suspicious. A can of soda can be used as a weapon but not a can of beer ?
This is Ms. Ahmad's argument. If the flight attendant actually did say something about the soda can being used as a weapon but did not apply the same standards to the passenger who asked for a beer, it was discrimination.

The problem here is that soda is much less expensive than alcohol beverages, so soda is pretty much free among the airlines. On the other hand, alcohol beverages, which includes beer, must be purchased by the passenger so a can of beer must remain unopened. Most people can drink and prefers soda, but not beer, so it make economic sense to give sodas for free but charge for beer.
No, that's not the problem. If she gave Ms. Ahmad a full soda can, it makes no sense to open it because it was free. The soda can being free has nothing to do with opening it before serving it.

It would only make sense If she gave half of it to another passenger, but then she must have poured it into a cup for that other passenger - she should have poured it into a cup for Ms. Ahmad too. This would also be contradictory to the flight attendant's claim that ''no one had consumed from the can''.

Having doubts about the hygiene of an opened soda can is perfectly reasonable on part of the passenger and asking for an unopened one is her right.
The treatment that was meted out to that poor lady was intentional and highly uncalled for.
Well, those "smart" people aren't constantly whining about the media. YOU are. They're minding their own business and getting on with life, just like I'd recommended for your people in a previous post.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'd recommend Honky-Tonk and a beer to you too. But your brethren might lop your head off.

That's because they haven't woven themselves into the fabric of American society like the Irish or Italians have. They've kept to themselves, lived with their own. So they find themselves as perennial outsiders.

No, see that's the thing. If I was in Saudi Arabia or Jordon, I'd follow their rules or leave. I wouldn't sit there, collect welfare and whine about how unfair they're being or how horrible they are as a people. And I certainly wouldn't be demanding that they close schools on my religious holidays.

Of course, I'm ignorant. I mean how would you explain me not nodding in agreement with every bit of your "logic". Also, that message of tolerance you're sending me? Maybe you should try sending it to your brethren.

Your true colors came out really fast!!!! Allow me to help you clear up your brain fog. You are repeating fux news and its pretty clear, without understanding the issue. You and I can have disagreement, that's fine. But you should at least read up on reality before posting expert opinion.

1) First bold line...."My Poeple". WTF do you even know about me? My hate for people who kill or threaten other, whether its Al-Qaeda or KKK is the same. What's up with the "my people" logic? Before you called me a liberal, now its my people...I think the "R" word applies here with fux news logic everywhere written on your post. BUT, I really want a productive discussion with you so I am going to ignore the personal stuff you wrote. Let's talk facts.

2) I actually do my Honky Tonk, two steps and a beer about twice a weekend. But being in a country environment, doesn't have my brains shut to a point where I'd put my American values behind and would stat to hate against different races and religions. Specially the ones who are legally here, pay their share of taxes and are raising kids, whether they are Hindus, Muslims or Budhists, I don't really care. They are legally here and pay their dues. What their Hindu brethren do in India or in Muslims case, in the Middle East, is not related to people who are here. So putting a "terrorist" stamp on everyone is worst than calling a black guy like me the "N" word. So if the "N" word is considered racial, condescending and derogatory, so is calling others "terrorists" who really have nothing to do with fuckers from ISIS or Al-Qaeda.

In fact, 99% of migrants came from those troubled areas to the US, to get a better lifestyle and education for their kids. You obviously don't know a Muslim person so you can't understand how integrated they are or not. I do a lot of mission work, and in that process, I've met a few Muslims. So once you get to know someone a little closer, you'd understand that they are not a whole lot different than we are, or compared to others. So why harass an entire population just because they go to a different place of prayer?

Did you actually know that the Koran was almost an identical version of the First Testament??? Also, Allah isn't a new God or someone else, its the Arabic way of calling God. Like I said, I was raised in a Church based school all my life, but along the way, I learned these things and you start to see how biased our media is sounding day by day and its turning us into hate machines, which is against our American values.

3) About society integration. I agree with you. Anyone coming to another country should integrate. But, whether woven into a society or not, what gives anyone the right to go kill someone or harass others because someone from the similar faith is sitting 5000 miles away butchering that religion and has nothing to do with people who follow that religion here in the US?

The MESSAGE I am trying to convey to you is THAT, we the AMERICANS live in a much better society, a society that's tolerant of others and allows everyone to live here. Now the Middle East, as we we know it, is a Cluster Fuk. By getting people riled up like on Fux news you see every day, why are we bringing the Barberic culture that exist in the Middle East, to here in the US???

We are smarter and have a much better society. If people start to do shiit here, similar to what that they do in the Middle East, what's the difference between the most advanced and democratic system called America and a third world crappy place called Yemen or Iraq? If the above it too complex for you to understand, you should quit debating and getting personal, just go your merry way.

4) Following the law of the land......you mentioned Saudi Arabia and whatever other place and you'd follow the law, instead of collecting welfare. So RIGHT HERE, it shows your lack of command over this issue you are talking about. You have NO clue what you just wrote but its so big that it destroys the ENTIRE argument.

You used "collecting welfare" as an example and a fact...my question is, who are you addressing? If you are addressing Black community or Hispanic community, I can get that, and that won't fit here.

If you are addressing the Muslim community than you are sadly mistaken. Go research on this topic. Average Muslim family in the United States makes two to three times the income compared to the Average American family. What that means, is that Jews, Muslims (whatever geographical background they come from) and Asians have the highest per family income in the US. About 80% of them come within the top 20% earner in the US. What that also means is that these are your highest tax brackets and tax payers.....so no welfare is applicable. Which than means is that you don't really understand who and what you are trying to address as the facts are ALL mixed up.

The last paragraph tells you straight up that you are either confused or don't have the grasp on this issue.....so how about you ask me nicely and both of us debate objectively like two adults? I am sure I'll learn something from you and you'll learn something from me. But sounding so confident without having actual command over a topic makes you look bad and the entire discussion goes down the drain. Have a good rest of the day!

This story and its challenges are gaining on-line traction. At worst, it is made up for attention. At best, it is a case of a blend of misunderstanding of standard practices that conflicts with personal want, and embellishments by Ms. Ahmad.

A can of soda probably cost Shuttle America, which contracts with United Airlines, about 25 cents, so it makes no PR sense to make hay out of a passenger's request for an unopened can. Out of a hundred passengers, maybe %1 would ask for an unopened can of free soda, so just give it to him/her and be done with this passenger.

I agree with you all the way. What the airline personnel didn't need to say in an open cabin, was that "she won't give that to her so she won't use it as a weapon". This isn't a PR thing and this isn't a publication stunt. The women in question has been to White House dinners multiple times so she doesn't really need her name trashed online and offline, its common sense.
I've been to many inter-faith committees in a few different states. The problem that they are trying to identify is much bigger in nature. The problem is, we've started to behave differently against a group of people, which would eventually result in more violence and innocent will suffer. That's a dangerous game to play. I think the media and the seriously conservative leaders need to tone down the rhetoric a little.

You and I may understand the logic behind intense political, press attention hungry statements about American muslims coming out of Bachmann and the likes; but a bubba sitting in a small camp by a lake may not. He may take his leader's stand and words as real and act stupid on it, causing a mosque to be put on fire or a synagogue or a Temple to be burnt down. That is totally not necessary is what I am saying. So the leaders and the media need to do a better job at no creating public sensation for ratings and fuk up the entire "melting pot" if you will.

The world looks up to us as the icon for freedom and humanity. This kind of crap gives negativity to the goodwill of the American society.
No, this is not her argument, this is a strawman. Her real argument is the one you've made after you said this, which is:

This is Ms. Ahmad's argument. If the flight attendant actually did say something about the soda can being used as a weapon but did not apply the same standards to the passenger who asked for a beer, it was discrimination.
It is inconsistent. That is why I doubt that the flight attendant actually said that.

No, that's not the problem. If she gave Ms. Ahmad a full soda can, it makes no sense to open it because it was free. The soda can being free has nothing to do with opening it before serving it.
Yes, it does. If sodas are free, and they usually are, it does not mean free of cost to the airlines and in flying. Like I said in a previous post, weight is a penalty in aviation, so if one can of soda can serve -- free -- to two passengers, it will be opened BEFORE dispense.

It would only make sense If she gave half of it to another passenger, but then she must have poured it into a cup for that other passenger - she should have poured it into a cup for Ms. Ahmad too. This would also be contradictory to the flight attendant's claim that ''no one had consumed from the can''.
Consume is not dispense. To consume mean to actually put can to lips. To dispense mean to pour into another container. Assume this event occurred, to some degree, if the flight attendant gave Ms. Ahmad an opened can, it would be logical that some of the soda was dispensed to another passenger. I have been on that receiving end and made no bones about it.

Having doubts about the hygiene of an opened soda can is perfectly reasonable on part of the passenger and asking for an unopened one is her right.
And the airline would -- or should -- give the passenger as requested. That is why I said at best, this is a case of misunderstanding and embellishment. The flight attendant could have tried to assure Ms. Ahmad that it is safe to accept an opened container, and Ms. Ahmad took it the wrong way.
Yes, it does. If sodas are free, and they usually are, it does not mean free of cost to the airlines and in flying. Like I said in a previous post, weight is a penalty in aviation, so if one can of soda can serve -- free -- to two passengers, it will be opened BEFORE dispense.
I already said that:
It would only make sense If she gave half of it to another passenger, but then she must have poured it into a cup for that other passenger - she should have poured it into a cup for Ms. Ahmad too. This would also be contradictory to the flight attendant's claim that ''no one had consumed from the can''.
Assume this event occurred, to some degree, if the flight attendant gave Ms. Ahmad an opened can, it would be logical that some of the soda was dispensed to another passenger.
It would also be logical that if it was dispensed, it was dispensed (poured) into a cup, in which case the flight attendant should have dispensed the soda into another cup to give it to Ms.Ahmed.

All our argument is based on her word, and we can't say anything until the flight attendant or the airline responds properly. The statement they issued was that it was a 'misunderstanding', which it probably is.
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