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Muslim woman passenger faces strange discrimination in United Airlines.

I highly doubt that the pilot used the words 'white male privilege' in his apology, assuming the entire event actually took place. This whole thing simply has too many elements of political correctness in it.
Well if the event never took place then UA would have taken action against defaming or something like that. You just cant simply ignore the whole episode. Plus this airline is well known for mistreating passengers
hates off to you...epic of ignorance...she said is_real not is_rael

Yes, see post #131.

Islamophobia might be real but her story is not. It is full of exaggerations if not a complete lie.

Islamophobia is as real as Islamofascism.
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Wow! You really know how to piss a guy off! Ok, here goes:

(1) You should read my post again. But this time, pay particular attention to the part that says "SINCE 2002". The range of 105 - 160 is the lowest and the highest from 2002 to 2013 (2014 and 2015 are not out yet). Your lack of reading comprehension is not really my problem. I can appreciate that English is a second language but going off without reading something carefully?

(2) Every group that has shown up to the U.S. has faced discrimination at some point or the other. Ask the Italians, Irish and the Chinese how badly they were treated when they started showing up. How about the Japanese who were sent to internment camps during World War II? Think you're being treated worse than that? What's happening to the Muslims today is nothing compared to that. You should consider doing what they did. Sack up, work hard and get on with life. The bitching and moaning doesn't endear you to anyone.

(3) In life, we don't get to decide what someone thinks or says about us. That includes media outlets. There is no point in saying they should or shouldn't have something on. But at some point you're going to have to ask yourself why it's not say, Japan that gets all the negative coverage. Could it be that the entire media is pro-Japan? Or is it more likely they aren't out there embarrassing themselves?
The most important point ( that you obviously missed in your zeal to fire back a response) was that people (not just Americans) love to isolate someone and gang up on them. We see it in children and we see it among employees. It just makes them feel better about themselves and makes them forget their failings in life.

(4) This is just you projecting your insecurities on me. I didn't say any of those things. And to be honest, I wasn't even thinking it. I just thought you were trying to say that just because you're a liberal doesn't make you unamerican. Notice that I said "views" and not background or ethnicity in my previous post, you know, the one you're overreacting to?

(5) Already answered along with (1). One of the biggest reasons I try to avoid making idiotic references like your MLS reference is to avoid this very moment. In a split second, you can go from an intelligent poster to an ignorant douche.

Regarding the rest of your post, the only way can make the media stop sensationalizing this stuff is to stop believing everything they say. If we're not buying it, it won't be on the air. So it's really up to us to decide what goes on the air and what doesn't. Being integrated into American society on the other hand, is not our choice to make but it's rather up to the immigrant. Living in group just with their own, doesn't help. It only serves to alienate them from the rest of the populace. Yes, Britain and France made mistakes but you and I will disagree on what they are. So let's leave that for another day.

Good night.

You obviously have no experience in media, its role or how it can literally brain wash an entire population. You are trying to make some points that obviously have no common sense to them.

1) There is no reading comprehension issues. Frankly speaking, you threw English as a second language on me, lol. That tells me your mindset. No wonder almost every doctor, engineer and anyone with actual brains comes from a diversified family background. Take a look at the Indians who revolutionized out tech sector since the 90's, you think we, as a nation could even breathe without smart, educated people who came to us and now their second or third generation is actually the top 1% earners of this country? Time to go back to your open garage, play the honky tonk, "my girlfriend left, I got a dog and I am sipping my beer" music loud. This intellect thing here, is a little too much for you. You wrote me a book above without even making one point. What an awesome job!

2) I agree, every group showed up faced discrimination. But the group under question and you clearly ignoring the fact, has been here since the 1900's, they have ALREADY been through discrimination. If you don't know the history for automakers in Michigan and up state NY, then you need to get edu-macated first before writing on a topic (pissing you off again, please point my ghetto Ebonics and English out to me without yet making a smart and intelligent point).

3) In life we don't decide what others say. But when others start to kill your family members or threaten you or tell you to leave your country and go back somewhere else, you think that can be ignored? You have obviously never been a minority. Go live in Saudia for a few weeks or Jordan or somewhere you may feel a similar sentiment. I'd love to see how you react. Once upon a time, I met with a professor who was teaching PHD courses on Middle East. I asked him how much experience he had in that subject. His answer was, I took a couple of courses in the Syria in a university. I was shocked to see that this moron, who barely sounds like an intellect, has lived in a foreign country for six months, doesn't speak the language or can ever understand the culture in just as little as 6 months......is teaching a PHD course on probably the World's most sensitive and fuked up geography. How great? You remind me of that person!

4) Ganging up on others? No, I don't think that's the case and I never said that. I am pointing out what is true. If you can't take it, like I said, play your country music in your garage by your truck and don't indulge in a conversation that requires you to know a few more things than what you are used to.
America is an open society. When the leaders at the level of Palin or Bachmann openly discriminate and show hostility towards a group, religion or a type of individuals, their followers would do the same. The leaders build a culture. Like our forefathers did with the bill of rights and eventually it changed America and made it the most successful nation on the planet.
THAT is what I am saying, the growing Islamophobia and intolerance as a whole, isn't healthy and will cause us issues if we don't act responsibly.

5) As far as the media is concerned, how many average Americans leave "Fux" news and go try to find the "truth" somewhere else? And "fux" news runs on what? Hatred for Islam as their primary objective for many years, bigotry and hatred. How come they don't ever show MILLIONS of Muslims and Christians who have been killed in India by Hindu extremists? Who have been burnt in their homes alive by Hindu extremists whether young kids or adults???? because India does business with majority of the big guys supporting the fux news type of outlets. So you'll never see the real picture!!! How come our President told the Indians about the Hindu extremism but on our tv stations, unlike Islam, there hasn't been one documentary on how millions have been killed or forcefully converted to Hinduism? And I am not saying just one simple documentary, I am saying apples to apples comparisons, show me even effort towards that. Well, there is none!!! Due to business reasons and political alignment with them due to China. So we ignore Humans getting killed elsewhere but we cry and highlight when its a Muslim. Don't you think it should be the same for everyone?

You can't ignore what the media says, its how that works. If you think you can, may be you are ONE individual out of millions and hats off to you. Other than that, average American has less then 2-3 hours of family time per evening including watching the tv. You think people are so keen in finding out the "truth" after a long day at work and then dealing with families and kids?

6) We are not talking about me being liberal or not. What we are talking about is the fact when your leaders set the culture wrong, it goes down to the last level. Which is what you are seeing here.

BTW: you still haven't shown me proofs I asked for, where you can show me similar events, killing of American students and all, who are muslims, mosque attacks, etc, etc. from the 80's or the 90's??? Unless you can credentialize your stance, its useless to debate.
And for the record, I don't have any insecurities, when I write, I write the truth and obviously its not the most popular thing to do, see or hear. No one wants to hear their baby's ugly or one of them at the least.
Well if the event never took place then UA would have taken action against defaming or something like that. You just cant simply ignore the whole episode. Plus this airline is well known for mistreating passengers
The initial corporate response will be to acknowledge the passenger's complaint, but that does not mean the company admitted the event took place. The company is entitled to perform its own investigation. I can complain just about anything I want and in this age of near instant communication any company would do the same thing -- acknowledge that there is a complaint.

I am not saying there is a federal law that says beverages must be served in A, B, or C manner. There are a few exceptions, as in pilots eating different meals at different time to reduce the odds of food poisoning, but even then, that is an airline specific rule, not a law...

By LAWRENCE K. ALTMAN, M.D. IN the popular 1959 novel ''Runway-Zero-Eight'' by Arthur
Published: March 27, 1984

It is widely believed that pilots and co-pilots are required not to share any common food items when they eat aboard flights so as to avoid becoming ill while at the controls.

But the belief - which is shared even by epidemiologists at the Centers for Disease Control - is false. No airline industry regulations govern food service to the cockpit crews, according to spokesmen for the Civil Aeronautics Board, the Federal Aviation Administration and various pilot and industry associations.

Doctors who have reported outbreaks of food poisoning in medical journals have urged stricter rules governing the preparation and service of meals to commercial flight crews. The Centers for Disease Control have also called attention to the problem. And the World Health Organization in Geneva says that it is essential that the pilot and co-pilot eat food from different sources before take-off as well as in flight.

A spot check shows that, although most airlines follow the general principle of feeding cockpit crews different meals, the specific regulations vary from airline to airline. Not all airlines require pilots and co-pilots to eat from completely separate menus.
From my experience, in both coach and business flights, I have never been served a full can of soda, always partial and in a cup. In aviation, weight is a penalty and every ounce/gram is considered. If experience shows one can of soda can serve two passengers, then one can will be used in order to save weight for other considerations, such as variety of sodas and/or alcoholic beverages. That does not mean all airlines will do the same, but if a passenger insisted on a full can for fear of food poisoning or personal hygiene reasons, he/she will be accommodated.

A can of soda is not a crying baby, or a drunk, or a newly wed and overly amorous couple eager to start their honeymoon, or a smoker sneaking a cigarette in the lavatory. Pissing off a passenger in this day and age of near instant news is not worth a can of soda. At worst, a flight attendant can make up a story that the flight is out of Coke, or Pepsi, or Dr. Pepper, and leave the passenger unsatisfied. But to be rude like Ms. Ahmad claimed ?

Now we got a white pilot admitted his racial privileged position in language straight out the political correctness book of soundbites ?
The initial corporate response will be to acknowledge the passenger's complaint, but that does not mean the company admitted the event took place. The company is entitled to perform its own investigation. I can complain just about anything I want and in this age of near instant communication any company would do the same thing -- acknowledge that there is a complaint.

I am not saying there is a federal law that says beverages must be served in A, B, or C manner. There are a few exceptions, as in pilots eating different meals at different time to reduce the odds of food poisoning, but even then, that is an airline specific rule, not a law...


From my experience, in both coach and business flights, I have never been served a full can of soda, always partial and in a cup. In aviation, weight is a penalty and every ounce/gram is considered. If experience shows one can of soda can serve two passengers, then one can will be used in order to save weight for other considerations, such as variety of sodas and/or alcoholic beverages. That does not mean all airlines will do the same, but if a passenger insisted on a full can for fear of food poisoning or personal hygiene reasons, he/she will be accommodated.

A can of soda is not a crying baby, or a drunk, or a newly wed and overly amorous couple eager to start their honeymoon, or a smoker sneaking a cigarette in the lavatory. Pissing off a passenger in this day and age of near instant news is not worth a can of soda. At worst, a flight attendant can make up a story that the flight is out of Coke, or Pepsi, or Dr. Pepper, and leave the passenger unsatisfied. But to be rude like Ms. Ahmad claimed ?

Now we got a white pilot admitted his racial privileged position in language straight out the political correctness book of soundbites ?
fair enough, what remains to be seen is how well they handle the issue, given the shining record they have of mistreating their passengers, i can't expect anything less from them
fair enough, what remains to be seen is how well they handle the issue, given the shining record they have of mistreating their passengers, i can't expect anything less from them
This is a US company so of course you have to exaggerate every errors to outrageous proportions.

Here is how many passengers and miles US airlines fly per yr...

Total Passengers on U.S Airlines and Foreign Airlines U.S. Flights Increased 1.3% in 2012 from 2011 | Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Am willing to bet we treat our passengers better than Pakistani airlines, if you want to go there.
Why i am not surprised?

America did it again as she always does. But american media will focus on all ills ,real or not of pakistan and muslim nations but the extremism existing in their own society is highly overlooked. Same goes with europe, how many times britain airs the news of street incidnets ,which is common actually, where white men pull the scarves off muslim women's heads due to their islamophobic garbage stashed heads.

This is a US company so of course you have to exaggerate every errors to outrageous proportions.

Here is how many passengers and miles US airlines fly per yr...

Total Passengers on U.S Airlines and Foreign Airlines U.S. Flights Increased 1.3% in 2012 from 2011 | Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Am willing to bet we treat our passengers better than Pakistani airlines, if you want to go there.
Lemme tell u baby genius ,we dont boast of best services but never in ur life will u have heard of such racism incident happeninh on any any of our airline.
It was wrong what happened, but the Air Stewardess did apologise and so did the pilot. Read her follow-up below:


The pilot seems like a good man.

White male privilege!!!

Who the fk talks like that in real life?

Anyway, being an Islamic Chaplin and an activist for Palestine, lying is part of her portfolio.
Does the title say Pakistan? Why are indians going overboard to prove their stupidity?

We are talking about America the one that boasts to have good laws of equality and has them ...

Now either discuss the topic or just bugger off and go to some indian forum and drop your shit there they all will be thrilled to have their level guy!
did u actually read my complete comments or just blindly vomiting yourself here? For your information, there is a news about people boycotting the United airlines....none of that kind would hvae happened any where else...so they are doing everything to uphold their constitution of equality to all....

so you are endorsing the spanish woman pushing an India guy in front of a moving train
Where did i say that? did you read my earlier post where i have even said what has happened is wrong....but no you want to do selective reading to give mental masturbation and please yourself.....so go and **** around (as you use this word quite often).....anyways. it is not going to get into your peanut brain....so stop quoting me...

This is a US company so of course you have to exaggerate every errors to outrageous proportions.

Here is how many passengers and miles US airlines fly per yr...

Total Passengers on U.S Airlines and Foreign Airlines U.S. Flights Increased 1.3% in 2012 from 2011 | Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Am willing to bet we treat our passengers better than Pakistani airlines, if you want to go there.
Some people are born and taught the lessons of victimhood since their birth..its not their fault..no matter how logical the logic is, they will find some thing to prove it otherwise and come up with their conspiracy theories... I hope you got what I said...:)
It was wrong what happened, but the Air Stewardess did apologise and so did the pilot. Read her follow-up below:


The pilot seems like a good man.
I don't understand what's with all this ''white male'' nonsense - if anything, it was religious discrimination and not racial. But all we have is her word for it, so there's no point arguing so much about it. Discrimination in Western countries definitely does exist and her story isn't too far-fetched.

being an Islamic Chaplin and an activist for Palestine, lying is part of her portfolio.
What a load of bull.
White male privilege!!!

Who the fk talks like that in real life?

Anyway, being an Islamic Chaplin and an activist for Palestine, lying is part of her portfolio.

If it really happened as reported here, it is a condemnable incident.

Not sure about this event but there have been earlier reported incidents where such noise was created to render the authorities incapable of responding to real threats, making them afraid of being called Islamophobe.

Even in the case of Major Nidal Hasan, there were enough people within the military who knew that he was an extremist and a fanatic.

Yet no one was able to take action for similar reasons.
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You obviously have no experience in media, its role or how it can literally brain wash an entire population. You are trying to make some points that obviously have no common sense to them.

1) There is no reading comprehension issues. Frankly speaking, you threw English as a second language on me, lol. That tells me your mindset. No wonder almost every doctor, engineer and anyone with actual brains comes from a diversified family background. Take a look at the Indians who revolutionized out tech sector since the 90's, you think we, as a nation could even breathe without smart, educated people who came to us and now their second or third generation is actually the top 1% earners of this country? Time to go back to your open garage, play the honky tonk, "my girlfriend left, I got a dog and I am sipping my beer" music loud. This intellect thing here, is a little too much for you. You wrote me a book above without even making one point. What an awesome job!

2) I agree, every group showed up faced discrimination. But the group under question and you clearly ignoring the fact, has been here since the 1900's, they have ALREADY been through discrimination. If you don't know the history for automakers in Michigan and up state NY, then you need to get edu-macated first before writing on a topic (pissing you off again, please point my ghetto Ebonics and English out to me without yet making a smart and intelligent point).

3) In life we don't decide what others say. But when others start to kill your family members or threaten you or tell you to leave your country and go back somewhere else, you think that can be ignored? You have obviously never been a minority. Go live in Saudia for a few weeks or Jordan or somewhere you may feel a similar sentiment. I'd love to see how you react. Once upon a time, I met with a professor who was teaching PHD courses on Middle East. I asked him how much experience he had in that subject. His answer was, I took a couple of courses in the Syria in a university. I was shocked to see that this moron, who barely sounds like an intellect, has lived in a foreign country for six months, doesn't speak the language or can ever understand the culture in just as little as 6 months......is teaching a PHD course on probably the World's most sensitive and fuked up geography. How great? You remind me of that person!

4) Ganging up on others? No, I don't think that's the case and I never said that. I am pointing out what is true. If you can't take it, like I said, play your country music in your garage by your truck and don't indulge in a conversation that requires you to know a few more things than what you are used to.
America is an open society. When the leaders at the level of Palin or Bachmann openly discriminate and show hostility towards a group, religion or a type of individuals, their followers would do the same. The leaders build a culture. Like our forefathers did with the bill of rights and eventually it changed America and made it the most successful nation on the planet.
THAT is what I am saying, the growing Islamophobia and intolerance as a whole, isn't healthy and will cause us issues if we don't act responsibly.

5) As far as the media is concerned, how many average Americans leave "Fux" news and go try to find the "truth" somewhere else? And "fux" news runs on what? Hatred for Islam as their primary objective for many years, bigotry and hatred. How come they don't ever show MILLIONS of Muslims and Christians who have been killed in India by Hindu extremists? Who have been burnt in their homes alive by Hindu extremists whether young kids or adults???? because India does business with majority of the big guys supporting the fux news type of outlets. So you'll never see the real picture!!! How come our President told the Indians about the Hindu extremism but on our tv stations, unlike Islam, there hasn't been one documentary on how millions have been killed or forcefully converted to Hinduism? And I am not saying just one simple documentary, I am saying apples to apples comparisons, show me even effort towards that. Well, there is none!!! Due to business reasons and political alignment with them due to China. So we ignore Humans getting killed elsewhere but we cry and highlight when its a Muslim. Don't you think it should be the same for everyone?

You can't ignore what the media says, its how that works. If you think you can, may be you are ONE individual out of millions and hats off to you. Other than that, average American has less then 2-3 hours of family time per evening including watching the tv. You think people are so keen in finding out the "truth" after a long day at work and then dealing with families and kids?

6) We are not talking about me being liberal or not. What we are talking about is the fact when your leaders set the culture wrong, it goes down to the last level. Which is what you are seeing here.

BTW: you still haven't shown me proofs I asked for, where you can show me similar events, killing of American students and all, who are muslims, mosque attacks, etc, etc. from the 80's or the 90's??? Unless you can credentialize your stance, its useless to debate.
And for the record, I don't have any insecurities, when I write, I write the truth and obviously its not the most popular thing to do, see or hear. No one wants to hear their baby's ugly or one of them at the least.

u sir are damn funny ! by the way its not mere millions but billions of them .. dead Muslim and Christians .. killed and eaten by evil hindos.. i just had soft chewy muslim baby for my dinner today ! damn tasty sir !
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