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Islamophobia In The Indian Workplace: A Tale Of 3 Muslim Women



good thing Islam showed up... and ended this nonsense
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good thing Islam showed up... and ended this nonsense
Sati wasn't stopped by Muslims. It was stopped by a Brahmin Raja Ram Mohan Roy with the help of lord William Bentick. Read your history first.
Sati wasn't stopped by Muslims.


you guys really have IQ issues...

ok let me break it down for you. When you leave an absurd religion and become muslim you don't drink cow pee, you don't demand dowery, and you certainly don't BBQ women just because you man dies.. in fact it encourages marriage and continue with your life.

so as millions and millions converted these stupid activities ended.


It was stopped by a Brahmin Raja Ram Mohan Roy

no shit...

did he send via what app?...lol.

you guys really have IQ issues...

ok let me break it down for you. When you leave an absurd religion and become muslim you don't drink cow pee, you don't demand dowery, and you certainly don't BBQ women just because you man dies.. in fact it encourages marriage and continue with your life.

so as millions and millions converted these stupid activities ended.


no shit...

did he send via what app?...lol.
No wonder you guys are not known for intellect. Enjoy your stupidity.
Read your history first.

you do know the history you read is doctored and false?..

No wonder you guys are not known for intellect. Enjoy your stupidity.

No wonder you guys are not known for intellect. Enjoy your stupidity.

100% agree.

most hindus are retards

enjoy the truth,

"The cult of stupidity has certainly spread across India"

They should behave like this nasty poojarni?

You should be thankful there are women out there in India who don't subscribe to your 10 billion year old caste barbarism and wouldn't dismiss and degrade you for your tainted 50%+ AASI blood
Lol this girl who is now a class one administrative officer . is free to chose his husband , if she is not comfortable with uneducated husband who cheated her by telling her that he was an officer.
So you want to follow example of pinki urf bushra bibi your ideal pakistani women ? , wife of Imran . A grandmother will leave her family and grandchildren for money and power . There are other examples if you want i can post .
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They should behave like this nasty poojarni?

You should be thankful there are women out there in India who don't subscribe to your 10 billion year old caste barbarism and wouldn't dismiss and degrade you for your tainted 50%+ AASI blood
We dont want muslim ladies to come to our offices and create problem for the workers and clients , they should stay in homes as islam directs them not to mingle with na mehram .
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Loving the seethe

What if atheist goes to church or converts to Islam, do we take the numbers off????

Either way the maths points to us

Whenever I get into a argument with atheists or even liberal ex Muslims I say the same thing

About 10 years ago Muslims population was 1.6 billion

Now it 2 BILLION plus and still growing

We have added 400 million people to our number

People will go,, new people will come
YOU CANT BEAT the fact
That Muslims have a low median age of around 23/24 Christians and Jews for example the average median age is the the 30s, the Jews late 30s

We are in PRIME birth giving time and guess what we like big families
Our families and communities are strong
And divorce is less then most communities

Like I said, you can argue all you like, the Hindu idol worshippers and atheists and white nationalists and liberals etc

But the MATHS points to the rise of Islam
You're correct about your rising numbers. But those are mostly the ones who were born into the faith.
New converts are a very small percentage.

And remember, a lot of folks that you consider religious are just pretending, to avoid the wrath of law/ society. Particularly in Arab countries, India, Pakistan. Your elites/ scientists / generals are generally non religious.

I will come back to this question after some accurate surveys are done in the conservative countries.

But if you want to check out earlier ones, do look for surveys by Pew research group.
"Local farmers reported large-scale thefts of their tomato crops, with one report chronicling how thieves took off with boxes of tomatoes weighing some 150kg"

Nobody died for tomato distribution stampede , people are buying tomato and other vegetables from shops .
We dont want muslim ladies to come to our offices and create problem for the workers and clients , they should stay in homes as islam directs them not to mingle with na mehram .
Zahil pazeet first said he wants Muslim women to behave like the average nasty poojarni who runs around sleeping with other men and abusing low-caste dasyus like you, and now Zahil pazeet is saying he wants Muslim women to stay at home.

Go away, you zahil beast. You are not equipped to have this conversation.
Sati wasn't stopped by Muslims. It was stopped by a Brahmin Raja Ram Mohan Roy with the help of lord William Bentick. Read your history first.
Sati was being banned by Abrahmics long before Raja Ram Mohan Roy (a pro-West monotheist btw - would make the average poojari beast seethe with rage today) was even born.

Read history. Also make sure you're not reading Whatsapp forwards by some beastly temple r🦍ist and passing them off as history.

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good thing Islam showed up... and ended this nonsense
These beasts had sati for 2000+ years and they are now trying to pretend it was because of a Braman that it was eventually stopped...poojari shamelessness knows no bounds.
Nobody died for tomato distribution stampede , people are buying tomato and other vegetables from shops .

Yeah but
Muslim women are publicly sold in India, of course that's so much better than wearing hijab in a Muslim country..

Braindead idiot. :)
don't blame the whole country for such isolated acts, even if that is not fake or twisted news.
Can't call your entire Pakistan hatefilled fools based on just you can you?
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