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Muslim woman passenger faces strange discrimination in United Airlines.

We never claimed to be champions of human rights yet all these nations do.

Are you sure?

Who then makes claims about "final and perfect" and "peaceful and tolerant"? Isn't Islam supposed to be the best and final religion and so Muslims societies expected to be the best for everyone including the non-Muslim minorities?

Why is the reality so different?
Only yesterday ( 1993) The Bosnian Muslims were massacred in 1,000s like cattle so we don't really need any people to walk with air of superiority. Just like Europe stabilised so will the Muslim world but rest assured 50 million are not going to die.

Massive genocide and rapine and slavery at the hands of Muslims is not new. It is there from the earliest time of Islam. All your Islamic heroes like Timur and Gazani and Nadir Shah and Babur (he made minarets of kabail skulls as the first act in Hindustan) did it...

And before that the "Arab heroes" who sent 20,000 thousand women from Spain as the 20% share of the Caliph's booty along with other loot. Same thing happened to Pakistani women at the hands of Bin Qasim who sent some as booty and raped the rest right here, perpetrated massacres and so on...

What the IS is doing is nothing new at all...

It is amazing that you talk of "thousands of Bosnians" when Pakistan killed 3 million Bengalis and raped 400,000 women in 1971!

And before that ethnically cleansed the Hindus and Sikhs from West Pakistan at the time of partition (population went down from 19% to 1.5%).

Of course it was just a repeat of the ethnic cleansing of non Muslims that has happened for thousands of years in almost all areas that become Muslim majority and is continuing today.

Of course, one can almost guess the reaction (or the lack of it).
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Massive genocide and rapine and slavery at the hands of Muslims is not new. It is there from the earliest time of Islam. All your Islamic heroes like Timur and Gazani and Nadir Shah and Babur (he made minarets of kabail skulls as the first act in Hindustan) did it...

And before that the "Arab heroes" who sent 20,000 thousand women from Spain as the 20% share of the Caliph's booty along with other loot. Same thing happened to Pakistani women at the hands of Bin Qasim who sent some as booty and raped the rest right here, perpetrated massacres and so on...

What the IS is doing is nothing new at all...

It is amazing that you talk of "thousands of Bosnians" when Pakistan killed 3 million Bengalis and raped 400,000 women in 1971!

And before that ethnically cleansed the Hindus and Sikhs from West Pakistan at the time of partition (population went down from 19% to 1.5%).

Of course it was just a repeat of the ethnic cleansing of non Muslims that has happened for thousands of years in almost all areas that become Muslim majority and is continuing today.

Of course, one can almost guess the reaction (or the lack of it).

Keep this up and you defintely will be win the title "resident idiot PDF". I know of every one of those events. They all happened but your cherrypicking.

What you overlook is many invaders have done terrible things. Mongols? Huns? Crusaders? Spanish Inquisition of Muslims/Jews in Iberia? Native American genocide? German holocaust of Jews? Serb genocide of Bosnian Muslims? Hutu/Tutsi massacre Rawanda? Do I need to go on ........................... ?

Whay you have done is pck up on the racist agenda of the far right in Europe of conveniently pick on all the mideed of Muslims. The god news is they are racist who are using "Muslim" because these days it is not the done thinfg to pick on persons skin colour. The bad news is if they ever did sort out the "Muslims" they then would go after others like Indians for example so stop using their language of hate - which btw itself is ridicalous lowest common denominator because it is such a wide net that it categorizes this






In other words the "Muslim" descriptor is so wide, so vague, so disseparate that it holds no meaning.
Keep this up and you defintely will be win the title "resident idiot PDF". I know of every one of those events. They all happened but your cherrypicking.

What you overlook is many invaders have done terrible things. Mongols? Huns? Crusaders? Spanish Inquisition of Muslims/Jews in Iberia? Native American genocide? German holocaust of Jews? Serb genocide of Bosnian Muslims? Hutu/Tutsi massacre Rawanda? Do I need to go on ........................... ?

No I don't overlook anything. The Germans are ashamed of the Nazis. They don't call them "final and perfect" and "peaceful and tolerant".

None of the others justify the acts or call them divinely sanctioned till today...

They are not a model for all people and for all time to come!

For you and the Islamists, it was the golden Islamic age. Something that is divinely sanctioned and is a model for all times to come. So slavery and booty taking and all that IS is doing to the Yazdis and others is completely sanctioned by the divine and halal.

If you can't see the difference then I can only pity you and your ilk...

Are you trying to justify Islamic atrocities by claiming others have done bad things as well?

And the funny part is that you and your ilk were at the receiving end despite the pretensions and the identity crisis. It is as funny as someone from Baghdad trying to justify Halaku Khan!

Apparently you would justify the IS acts as well with the same logic, including the below one? You can probably find other instances of other people raping other women!

In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted.

He bound her hands and gagged her. Then he knelt beside the bed and prostrated himself in prayer before getting on top of her.

When it was over, he knelt to pray again, bookending the rape with acts of religious devotion.

“I kept telling him it hurts — please stop,” said the girl, whose body is so small an adult could circle her waist with two hands. “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God,” she said in an interview alongside her family in a refugee camp here, to which she escaped after 11 months of captivity


Whay you have done is pck up on the racist agenda of the far right in Europe of conveniently pick on all the mideed of Muslims. The god news is they are racist who are using "Muslim" because these days it is not the done thinfg to pick on persons skin colour. The bad news is if they ever did sort out the "Muslims" they then would go after others like Indians for example so stop using their language of hate - which btw itself is ridicalous lowest common denominator because it is such a wide net that it categorizes this






Muslims are not a race. So this "too clever by half" tactic doesn't really work. It is neither here nor there.

And no, I am not speaking the "language of hate". These are plain verifiable facts...

In other words the "Muslim" descriptor is so wide, so vague, so disseparate that it holds no meaning.

Seriously? Quite an amazing statement... ;)
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No I don't overlook anything. The Germans are ashamed of the Nazis. They don't call them "final and perfect" and "peaceful and tolerant".

None of the others justify the acts or call them divinely sanctioned till today...

They are not a model for all people and for all time to come!

For you and the Islamists, it was the golden Islamic age. Something that is divinely sanctioned and is a model for all times to come. So slavery and booty taking and all that IS is doing to the Yazdis and others is completely sanctioned by the divine and halal.

If you can't see the difference then I can only pity you and your ilk...

Are you trying to justify Islamic atrocities by claiming others have done bad things as well?

Apparently you would justify the IS acts as well with the same logic, including the below one? You can probably find other instances of other people raping other women!


Muslims are not a race. So this "too clever by half" tactic doesn't really work. It is neither here nor there.

And no, I am not speaking the "language of hate". These are plain verifiable facts...

Grab a mirror and look at your face. I bet it is not a white guy. It is a Indian face staring at you so stop talking like a right wong racist bigot. Many Germans still think exactly like they did in 1940s only that they got defeated so now it has gone undergroound. Neo Nazis are a rage in Germany.

All Abrahamic religions have literal transcriptions that would shock you. Consider some choice selection. I start with some from the Jewish scripture. Note "Goyim" means "Kaffir" or unbeliever in Jewish context. There are lots more which you can check for youreself in the link below.

Sanhedrin 59a
"To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly".

Libbre David 37

"A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them"

Zohar, Toldoth Noah 63b

"When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves"

Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156

"If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth".

Jewish Talmudic Quotes - Facts Are Facts

In Christian Bible Leviticus 20:10

English Standard Version

“If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death"

John 8:5

"In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?"

Leviticus 20:10 "'If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.

And before you start masticating yourself who used to burn their women if the guy died? Kindda harsh ain't it? It took the English to clean up the Hindu's. Maybe we also need the English to clean Islam?

Hindu Suttee.

"The act or custom of a Hindu widow burning herself to death or being burned to death on the funeral pyre of her husband; also : a woman burned to death in this way"


Sati (practice) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Suttee | Definition of suttee by Merriam-Webster



Suttee -- Kids Encyclopedia | Children's Homework Help | Kids Online Dictionary | Britannica
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As expected, a typical Pavlovian reaction without logic. Just a well practiced and rehearsed Madressa logic.

You yourself claim that Muslims are not a race (which is true) and then make absurd accusations of racism just for quoting facts! It is a well worn Islamofascist tactic: to accuse people of racism, Islamophbia and bigotry and take advantage of what you folks perceive to be weaknesses of secular, tolerant, politically correct and rule based societies by trying to induce guilt trips.

While you remain scrupulously free from the same obligations! ;)

I have seen you try to act racist with Indians and Pakistani "Muhajirs" which is funny for me. I am not a racist and have contempt for racist behavior and that includes your ilk which unnecessarily obsesses with my country and civilization when you are not even of Indic race and have nothing to do with us. If I were a racist, you would be pretty low down the race chart.

Well, this tactic would seem to be working on the surface as the host societies are unable to put up the response that is needed to deal with the threat. Whether this is good for your ilk in the longer term remains to be seen, whatever the end result of this inertia.

And your hypocrisy and munafiqat is working not because you are brilliant but is self induced. The results have as much a chance of being extremely dangerous as of the societies simply giving in and surrendering. Perhaps more.

Grab a mirror and look at your face. I bet it is not a white guy. It is a Indian face staring at you so stop talking like a right wong racist bigot. Many Germans still think exactly like they did in 1940s only that they got defeated so now it has gone undergroound. Neo Nazis are a rage in Germany.

All Abrahamic religions have literal transcriptions that would shock you. Consider some choice selection. I start with some from the Jewish scripture. Note "Goyim" means "Kaffir" or unbeliever in Jewish context. There are lots more which you can check for youreself in the link below.

Sanhedrin 59a
"To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly".

Libbre David 37

"A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them"

Zohar, Toldoth Noah 63b

"When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves"

Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156

"If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth".

Jewish Talmudic Quotes - Facts Are Facts

In Christian Bible Leviticus 20:10

English Standard Version

“If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death"

John 8:5

"In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?"

Leviticus 20:10 "'If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.

And before you start masticating yourself who used to burn their women if the guy died? Kindda harsh ain't it? It took the English to clean up the Hindu's. Maybe we also need the English to clean Islam?

Hindu Suttee.

"The act or custom of a Hindu widow burning herself to death or being burned to death on the funeral pyre of her husband; also : a woman burned to death in this way"


Sati (practice) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Suttee | Definition of suttee by Merriam-Webster



Suttee -- Kids Encyclopedia | Children's Homework Help | Kids Online Dictionary | Britannica

The first chance of discrimination that I had was on my first flight in the U S on TWA in 1983 from philly to salt lake city. I had ordered kosher food---.

Ironically---it was a BLACK male air steward---. He says he don't have it with a big attitude---don't have vegetarian---did not offer me bread even---just walked away---would not give me any fruit or anything---did not have it---oh well---I lost some weight on my 4 hour flight.

The first chance of discrimination that I had was on my first flight in the U S on TWA in 1983 from philly to salt lake city. I had ordered kosher food---.

Ironically---it was a BLACK male air steward---. He says he don't have it with a big attitude---don't have vegetarian---did not offer me bread even---just walked away---would not give me any fruit or anything---did not have it---oh well---I lost some weight on my 4 hour flight.

Yes, one does come across some racism in most Western countries at some point though I won't say it is institutionalized.

And it is better than in many Middle Eastern countries where they officially call the colored people "Abid" meaning slave.

So while racism should not be acceptable anywhere in a civilized society, people need to keep the perspective.
WOW ..
No words.
She should leave America ASAP.
And yet Muslims arrive in racist America in droves in spite of knowing that the West generally abhor Muslims due to the American paranoia and seeing all Muslims as potential terrorists! Why? Don't their Muslim countries provide them with enough opportunities?

The fundamentalists are entirely to blame for the impression they have created by their shenanigans.

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