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Muslim student in Hijab takes on Hindu extremists

Well, Sikhs turbine is completely different than muslim GIRL hijab. There is no comparison with it. Sikhs wear for religious purpose, muslim girls wear to hide their so called beauty. I don't think muslim girls wear hijab inside their home or when all are females.

That is the reason you see burkha with mesh for eyes in Afghanistan. Where you can't see anything. These girls should study in Afghanistan. They will get strictly prescribed dress code. If there is any violation, they will get to know immediately on the street.
It is faith based which is the same reason to wear Aanchal or Dupatta (they are also Hijabs), and it is fundamentally part of Indian or Hindustani tradition, but obviously not of the wannabe Indian, or the Bharati tradition who represent French values.
Well, Sikhs turbine is completely different than muslim GIRL hijab. There is no comparison with it. Sikhs wear for religious purpose, muslim girls wear to hide their so called beauty. I don't think muslim girls wear hijab inside their home or when all are females.

That is the reason you see burkha with mesh for eyes in Afghanistan. Where you can't see anything. These girls should study in Afghanistan. They will get strictly prescribed dress code. If there is any violation, they will get to know immediately on the street.

Stop looking at everything from Indian angle. Pardah/Hijab is a Islamic dress code for women. Islam is not about what you think neither warrants your low comments as such. Read Islam about Pardah/Hijab for Muslim Women before making such comments being obsessed with woman beauty. Your comments in regard to send them Muslims to Afghanistan; represents today's India in detail & very well explained.
Stop looking at everything from Indian angle. Pardah/Hijab is a Islamic dress code for women. Islam is not about what you think neither warrants your low comments as such. Read Islam about Pardah/Hijab for Muslim Women before making such comments being obsessed with woman beauty. Your comments in regard to send them Muslims to Afghanistan; represents today's India in detail & very well explained.

I have reported him. He is ridiculing Islamic provisions of "Hijaab" in his posts.
Well, Sikhs turbine is completely different than muslim GIRL hijab. There is no comparison with it. Sikhs wear for religious purpose, muslim girls wear to hide their so called beauty. I don't think muslim girls wear hijab inside their home or when all are females.

That is the reason you see burkha with mesh for eyes in Afghanistan. Where you can't see anything. These girls should study in Afghanistan. They will get strictly prescribed dress code. If there is any violation, they will get to know immediately on the street.

Hijab is for religious purposes

Works being done on how to destroy the country further and put more money into their pockets 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Nothing is being done.

Nothing was done on Afghanistan either
Where are the Muslim men of this community hiding?

Unfortunately they are seeing this day because of the failure of the falure of the madrassah system. It is a mullah factory not a place of education. The Madrassah used to be an educational institute, colonialism destroyed that and we have continued to run them as Mullah factories all over the world. So few serve as proper educational institutes where the standard of education is on par with the rest of society.

Had the Muslims of India focused on developing their own institutes - today they wouldn't have to guard their women from dogs.

Sometimes you need to pick up an ak-47 and fight for your rights. They need to stop being scared of the weak Hindutva.
Yes, sanghis are gutless cowards.

They should learn a thing or two about how to be brave from you PDF internet-warriors.
Only they are good in lynching and mob attacks
This is the strength of the law of the land.
The girl knew she was safe and the protesters knew if they break the law ,they will be punished.They can protest peacefully.

I can assure it's not possible is any other country other than in some western country and India.
This is the strength of the law of the land.
The girl knew she was safe and the protesters knew if they break the law ,they will be punished.They can protest peacefully.

I can assure it's not possible is any other country other than in some western country and India.

What are they protesting? The right to look at a girl's hair? Do you even realize how creepy this sounds?

And how is the "law of the land" being strengthened by a college principal deciding to deny girls an education despite the college rules expressly permitting the hijab
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