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The secular nature of a hindu

And we all know what those guys sell in the name of beef, hor sunao.
dunno, man

once, twice a year lagta hai chakkar to laal qila area for some kebabi goodness when in Dilli.

what you saying, but.. dog, donkey meat to ni bech rahe ? :D
dunno, man

once, twice a year lagta hai chakkar to laal qila area for some kebabi goodness when in Dilli.

what you saying, but.. dog, donkey meat to ni bech rahe ? :D
They call Buffalo meat as beef, I too go there but avoid eating anything they call beef since I can't take the risk unless 100% sure its Buffalo meat. Other than that chicken/mutton dishes of Karims is the reason I go over there. Although sad they're opening too many Outlets serving across Delhi, Gurugram, Noida and beyond (maybe beyond even NCR) which makes me fear that their dishes might get diluted since the original one in Old Delhi is what its known for.
Let's just wait till the she decides to slaughter a cow.
Why should she, knowing that it will aggravate Hindus even those who are moderate and open-minded?

What a silly thing to suggest.

Would you suggest that a suitable test of Muslim sentiment would be to roll a severed pig's head into a mosque? Your suggestion for her is as silly and irresponsible as that.

I note with sadness that Hindutva provocateurs have done such things, and worse. They are reprehensible. We really do not need to follow them and ape their actions.

She can go to Pakistan to slaughter a cow
No, she can do so in Kerala, in Tamil Nadu, in Telangana, in West Bengal, and all over the north-east.

India is the furthest from secular in the world currently
We have slipped.
No denying that.

Pig meat is Haram in Islam you dumb Brahminist. Don't they teach world relegions in your schools anymore?

She will most definitely slaughter a cow!
Please stop this outrageous provocative posting.

Why wouldn't a secular hindu welcome slaughtering a cow on Eid? If they're so secular, they should actually partake in it!

Pig meat is forbidden to Muslims.
You don't get the point, largely because you are determined NOT to get it.

Even those Hindus who are secular might or not eat beef; that is not a test of secularism. Many secular Hindus are vegetarian. Are you suggesting - you are, the question is worth asking - that they take to eating meat just to prove their political and social credentials? Do you realise how stupid that proposition is?

As for pig meat being forbidden to Muslims, that is very widely known. You are being provoked, since you were provocative yourself. Extremely provocative.
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"Respect my beliefs even though I won't respect yours"
Islamic secularism.
No, the stupidity of individuals who mistake their aggression for adherence to their faith.

Islam rejects secularism. Secularism is disbelief.

You lot made this thread celebrating Hindu secularists.

Islam is anti-secular in its very nature.
Your belief. That is not true for Muslims not living in a Muslim land. You have a long way to go.

Yea, it means being able to freely slaughter cows on your relegious holidays surrounded by the so called secular Hindus who voted to elect you.
Hardly likely to win support from the secular Hindus who elected you for your political and social stands, not for your aggressive promotion of exclusively Muslim practices.

We too aren't secular either, tolerant to others maybe.
I am secular, and I can only read the posts of two members posting here with singular contempt.

Secular ? If Angry Indian Burqa Girl Muskan bibi had removed her burqa in front of those bhagwa bois and she had stamped on it and shouted the desi Communust slogan "Laal Salaam" instead of "Allahu Akbar" what would have happened to her ?

I normally don't agree with you but will agree on this one.

Who is this new idiot in town ?
He joined in 2011, and has probably changed his name.
So basically, you're seeking our approval?
Is that by itself a bad thing?
Even a failure to reciprocate, a failure to seek the approval of Hindus, does not prevent some Hindus from wishing to live in a consensual society.
Nothing wrong with that.
Difference is, you don't consider Pigs as sacred. Cows are sacred for us. You want to eat beef, eat it outside India or consume any other meat.
Nothing is more sacred than human life. Human life first. Trump says we are Americans, so America first. Similarly, we are humans, so humanity first. But, Hindus lynch and murder human beings for the sake of cows.

First try making a sentence properly that makes sense Mr BoyzPlayedwell.

You are making a mistake. This is the equivalent of a suicide troll. He will repel any thought that does not fall within his narrowly constricted point of view.
Fvcking dirty Hindus overpopulating PDF. I am sick and tired of these pajeets.
A surprise for you: many are sick of you, too.

This is your own earning.

Saar I don't want to offend Chindoo sentiments by munching on another one of your gods
At least you did your research properly.
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Beauty of vile H's and their 69 trillion year old way of life has lead to Muslims being disenfranchised from the Indian democratic system, where though they represent around a tenth of the Indian population, only 3.5% of MPs in your Lok Sabha are Muslim. Chindoo secularism!
I suspect you know very little about how first-past-the-post electoral politics works. If you educate yourself before making sweeping statements, it would help.

For starters, consider the fact that with only 36% of the electoral vote, the BJP and its allies have an overwhelming majority in the Lok Sabha.

Consider also the fact that Muslims are scattered all over, and are often a vote-winning section in a given constituency.

Things might become clearer. The possibility cannot be ruled out.
If pajeet OP wants to claim H's are secular because a couple of them in a constituency voted for a Muslim, then he should also be able to answer why nationwide Muslims aren't represented in their parliament.
The explanation is straightforward. The trouble is that it requires reading and comprehension of what is read.

I sympathise with the difficulties that some have with this arduous process.
@Joe Shearer

only 36% of the electoral vote, the BJP and its allies have an overwhelming majority in the Lok Sabha.

A minor quibble. It was 39% in 2014 & 41% in 2019, Dada.

In East Punjab and Kashmir the entire state machinery was used to force Muslims out.
Why are you talking utter nonsense? If you are referring to the west Jammu massacre, that was an isolated instance.

Pajeets had talked about a separate country many times (only in their case, their separate country involves completely removing every Muslim from Akhand Bharat).
Nonsense again.

Can you quote a single speech by a Congress leader talking about this? Or a document?
it doesn't matter what the % was

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