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Muslim kids denied Admission in Delhi

I have a question what's the difference between these schools are they tech you different books and materials . or they all teach the same basic materials but the good ones have better additional courses such as computer and better laboratories and sport facilities .

because if its the second case ,I don't see the problem with that but if it's the first case then I can't blame people to not to like governmental school and it's also a problem , by the way I heard in this forum that islamic school in the India don't teach you physics and mathand chemistry ,... then why they are called schools and why they are allowed to me they are not worthy of being called school if it's the case they are just some religious center .
well I'm not in Canada or USA . by the way reading or writing is useless for assessing effectiveness of education system what's important is that to see if a child after schools can channel his studies in a way to benefit him .

More important than sending all of your population to university is to create jobs for them.Universal primary education is fine but where would be the educated masses employed.

If there are jobs demanding university degree supply would automatically emerge after few years.
Is it possible for me to open a KG to 12th grade school in Delhi for the Muslim kids ?
I have a question what's the difference between these schools are they tech you different books and materials . or they all teach the same basic materials but the good ones have better additional courses such as computer and better laboratories and sport facilities .

because if its the second case ,I don't see the problem with that but if it's the first case then I can't blame people to not to like governmental school and it's also a problem , by the way I heard in this forum that islamic school in the India don't teach you physics and mathand chemistry ,... then why they are called schools and why they are allowed to me they are not worthy of being called school if it's the case they are just some religious center .

You should understand INDIA first.

There are 28 States, more than 1652 languages are there. Every states have their own State Education Boards and Education ministries. Apart from that there is 'central' educational boards which applies all India level. State boards have own syllabus which uses mainly their mother tongue as a medium apart from English. In case of history, they study Indian History along with state history too.

Central board's schools are more private, thus costly and very demanding nowadays. The standard is also high too. So if you have no monies at all, you can send your children to Govt. run state syllabus school, where till 12 grade education is free.(some nominal fee may be there). I do not know how after 12th grade all prestigious colleges pick students from both curricular. It is based on their 12th marks do not know they give same weight-age for both.
I have a question what's the difference between these schools are they tech you different books and materials . or they all teach the same basic materials but the good ones have better additional courses such as computer and better laboratories and sport facilities .

because if its the second case ,I don't see the problem with that but if it's the first case then I can't blame people to not to like governmental school and it's also a problem , by the way I heard in this forum that islamic school in the India don't teach you physics and mathand chemistry ,... then why they are called schools and why they are allowed to me they are not worthy of being called school if it's the case they are just some religious center .

Yes and no

Education in India is in concurrent list ie. both State and central government could legislate on it but the law made by centre would overrule the law made by state government.

Federalism in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Education in India is administered by Central boards like CBSE and ICSE and ISC.Each boards have a uniform syllabus which is same for every school registered with that board.In addition to it there are state boards which have their own syllabus and each school registered with that board had to follow that very syllabus.Cambridge high school examination degree is also recognised in India.

Thus syllabus is dependent on Board non on school.In this particular case Only board followed in Delhi is CBSE and thus each school has same syllabus.


Indian constitution provides for special rights to linguistic and religious minorities*.

Article 30 {Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions}

All minorities, whether based on religion or language, shall have the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice.

1A. In making any law providing for the compulsory acquisition of any property of an educational institution established and administered by a minority, referred to in clause (1), the State shall ensure that the amount fixed by or determined under such law for the acquisition of such property is such as would not restrict or abrogate the right guaranteed under that clause.

Constitution of India/Part III - Wikisource

Thus they can teach additional subjects like Koran and Bible which are not part of Government syllabus.

* this overrules article 28 which provides for schools being secular.

Also due to art 30 some islamic schools simply do not teach science as it is against their creationist ideas.

Government has divided the subject in three groups and student has to choose one subjest from each group.They have to compulsarily choose 5 subjects.This provision is relaxed for madrassas.Thus many of them cram their curriculum with subjects like Urdu,Arabic,persian Etc leaving no space for science.
Is it possible for me to open a KG to 12th grade school in Delhi for the Muslim kids ?

No because FDI in Education is not yet allowed.

But you could donate for a school and become a trustee but management would remain in hand of Indians only.And you cannot statutorily bar non-muslims from your school.You could ensure that your school is exclusively muslim by locating it in the heart of a muslim colony.

Indian constitution provides for special rights for minorities.see #67
out of around 100 kindergarten schools

20 schools didnot give admission not to a single muslim kid.

17 schools gave admission to one 1 muslim kid each.

from these stats one cannot say that discrimination was done, yet shows the condition of the community.

in a letter to CM, social activist abdul khaliq claims that deliberate attempt are being made to keep muslim kids out of school...

he further said that despite Muslim population being 15% of india, the admission rate is about 0.5% kids were given admission.

?BBC Urdu? - ?????? - ?’?????? ??? ???? ???? ?? ????? ???? ??? ???‘?

This is quite disgusting and deliberate to keep the Muslim community at arm's length from Education....

must keep in mind that Delhi is Muslim Majority city.
This is the reality of India and this was the reason why Muslims decided to get separate homeland and this will keep happening with Indian Muslims as long as they don't decide to fight back as soon as possible and tell Indian government to mend their ways or have another Pakistan from India because lack of admission is not clearly due to poverty or lack of interest this is clearly deliberate attempt to do it and India will pay the price for it really very soon
I had lots of Muslim mates when I did my schooling. One of the reason for their low number is that they choose alternate means of education at times but still all the capable ones who apply gets admission at one place or others.. There are certain schools where only kids of riches of rich get admission. you obviously can not complaint about them. Generally speaking, all the well know schools out their are damn pricey and not all can afford them but then there are always Govt schools and I am not sure but there must be some Jamia Milia affiliated schools as well where Muslims are given first preference..
Is it possible for me to open a KG to 12th grade school in Delhi for the Muslim kids ?

Or you can give donation to some Muslim educational trust. Hamdard Public School in Delhi is run by a Muslim organization I think.
Is it possible for me to open a KG to 12th grade school in Delhi for the Muslim kids ?

you can start a Minority School, no problem with that, but you can not right away start a school with out the concent of the Education Board of the State where you are about to open one. The Minority schools are not only for minorits but any one who is ok with the religious norms set by the school can apply for your school and if you find no trouble for your school you can accept a candidate from any faith. its solly up to you on deciding who can join your school. all you have to care about is that are the candidate from another faith ok with the school rules set by you.
Is it possible for me to open a KG to 12th grade school in Delhi for the Muslim kids ?

You are welcome if you follow GoI guidelines, but would it be better if you serve your country first.

This is the reality of India and this was the reason why Muslims decided to get separate homeland and this will keep happening with Indian Muslims as long as they don't decide to fight back as soon as possible and tell Indian government to mend their ways or have another Pakistan from India because lack of admission is not clearly due to poverty or lack of interest this is clearly deliberate attempt to do it and India will pay the price for it really very soon

And I thank God everyday for that.
You are welcome if you follow GoI guidelines, but would it be better if you serve your country first.

And I thank God everyday for that.
And by doing these kind of Acts India is making sure soon it will again break and Muslims will again have a new home land
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