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Muslim kids denied Admission in Delhi

when a muslim is capable he gets what he wants. he becomes the head of drdo, builds rockets, become president or prime minister, billionare or a bollywood star. no one is stopping them. but those muslims who say that we cant survive in a hindu dominated society we r better of somewhere else, those suffer and make others suffer with them.
u have posted 2 links, one link talk abt some politician raising issue in parliament. i don't think we need to talk abt it as political parties only hunt for vote banks they do not care abt general ppl as such. so we are not talking politics here.

in 2nd link it is clearly stated that no. of app forms submitted by Muslims were less hence less no. of Muslim kids got admission. it has nothing to do with discrimination. in some schools there is a lottery system which is conducted openly in front of all, so no one can say that there was any kind of discrimination.

I just wanted to illuminate that this issues has been raised in parliament.

Low Muslim representation appears to be a striking feature of this year's admissions to nursery classes in Delhi's private schools. Of 92 schools which provided some sort of information on their websites, as many as 20 (or their branches) admitted no Muslim child while 17 admitted only one Muslim child each.

While the sketchy nature of available data — with only a few schools willing to reveal the numbers of Muslim applicants — makes it difficult conclusively to establish the prevalence of bias — information from individual schools suggests Muslims applied in fairly significant numbers this year and were, on average, less likely to be selected for admission than non-Muslims. For example, against 170 available seats, the Pusa Road branch of Springdales School received 2,443 applications of which 155 were from Muslim children. The school admitted two Muslim children in the Economically Weaker Section category. Delhi Public School, East of Kailash, received 2997 applications — of which 269 were from Muslims — against 180 vacancies. This school, which is close to many Muslim neighbourhoods, admitted five Muslim children in all.
Read this over again don't just try to find the word discrimination. Mind you - no where I have called this all discrimination or something like that, please refer to post number 10.

dude in india schools are from kindergarten to 12th. no matter which class u want admission u need money. no one goes to govt schools. millions of private schools have come up everywhere and i support it as they truly are world class school with top facilities.

I didn't know that.... So this system is generalized all over India?
If people actually read the news article instead of blindly commenting, they would know that this is not an issue of religious discrimination, but because these schools have tough grading systems for admissions that these children's parents are not able to meet. From the article:

What explains such a large variation in the numbers of Muslim children admitted? Why are so many schools entirely unable to admit Muslim children when a school like DPS seems to have had no difficulty on this count? As Mr. Khaliq pointed out in his letter, the problem appears to be an offshoot of the widely-varying points system followed by school managements: “Indian School has earmarked 30 points for those living in the neighbourhood and Blue Bells 40 points, whereas Cambridge Primary School has only 10 neighbourhood points.”

Mr. Khaliq argued that the system was weighted against Muslim children. For example, Cambridge School awarded seven neighbourhood points to Muslim-dominated Zakir Nagar as against 10 to the more upscale New Friends Colony. The two colonies are a mere 1.18 km apart.

Said Mr. Khaliq: “Muslims in the city are concentrated in a few segregated areas and slums, of which Zakir Nagar is one and although it is less than 2 km from Cambridge School, children of Zakir Nagar are awarded only seven neighbourhood points, whereas Friends Colony gets 10 points and much more distant Lajpat Nagar applicants are also given seven points. It may be a coincidence but the sad fact is that [most] private schools near Muslim-dominated colonies have kept the neighbourhood points very low.”

He said this “exclusion” had forced Muslim parents from across the city to send their wards to the only quality school under Muslim management in Delhi — Hamdard Public School in Sangam Vihar. “The point system with marks for parents' qualification, alumni, and sibling, etc., only adds to the exclusion of the Muslim population.”
that hindu ( 2nd link) does show that system seems to based on points and not religion. the point system also seems to have some lottery system component to it? 20 times more non Muslims apply vs. Muslims. The break down will have a much higher percentage of non Muslims get those few seats. I just don't see any religious bias here... whatever it is, the public school system needs to be made stronger for sure.
I will tell an incident to showcase How difficult it is to get admission in Indian schools in kindergarten .

My cousin is an IITian and his wife is from NIFT..both are pulling around 5 Lacs PM..they took their kid to get admisison in a normal school whose fees is around 8K per month..For three months both my cousin and his wife studied for the interviews and my niece was studying from when she was 2.5 years just that she could get admission..No surprise many kids are not able to get in the prestigious schools.
jama ath's runs English Medium Schools in many parts of south India. don't know if it is so in Delhi/North.
Admission in Delhi is really a big headache and almost a nightmare for parents....Thank God I live in Gurgaon.

The issue of less application from Muslims would be the main cause.....but why less application???

because it cost a bomb to teach in Private School...average monthy fees ranges from INR10,000 to INR30,000. excluding transport and meals .....COME TO THINK OF IT .....for nursery education you have to shell out so much money......only familiy who have one or two kids can afford this..........if you have 5 kids, you can not possibly think of sending all 5 kids to Private School....if you send one amongs five, it will be discrimination against other kids..isn't it.

My son got admitted in The Heritage School, Gurgaon........awesome school.....with one of the lowest month average fees of only INR10,000...however factoring transport, meals, special education cost etc, average monthly fees is ~ INR20K. It excludes one time and annual fees...
Looks like BBC is trying to gain foothold in this type of crowd


ON topic:

Nursery schools in Delhi follow inflexible point system which has been mandated by Delhi high court.There is little scope of improvising in this point system and thus make it blind to religion.The point are given on following basis

The school would assess the applicants on a scale of 1 to 100 in the following manner:

(a) Under the neighbourhood head, an applicant staying within a radius of 3 kms will get the maximum of 20 points. Less weightage has been proportionately assigned to those living farther off, upto the distance of 10 km. from the school and no weightage be given for those living beyond that distance.

(b) A sibling will get 20 points.

(c) Under alumni category, if the father or mother is an alumni, 5 points each will be given and if both are alumni, 10 points will be given.

(d) Any child who is physically disabled or any child with special needs will get 5 points.

(e) Under educational qualification, a maximum of 20 points will be awarded depending on the parents’ level of qualification.

In the case of single parent weightage given for educational qualification will be doubled.

b) A girl child will get 5 points.

c) Under school specific parameters which the school will decide, 20 points will be given. The weightage under school specific parameters should, in no case, be used for any sort of interview or interactive session with parents/children.

Thus fully taking into consideration the several weightage points that deserved inclusion, the committee is recommending the following specific matrix for calculation of weightage points


Criteria for Nursery Admission

Muslims are not able to get in pedigree schools because they have tendency to live in ghetto which is actively promoted by muslim leaders for the fear that scattered muslim community would be susceptible to attempts of conversion by hindus and concentration gives them political advantage in parliamentary democracy where they could influence results of seats disproportionate to their population.

This would explain parts of the news item in commiee newspaper Hindu.

The best figures were posted by Delhi Public School, Mathura Road, which admitted 65 Muslim children against 240 available seats — 23 and 42 in general and Economically Weaker Section category.

Because there is a muslim ghetto named nizammudin less than 200 meters from DPS mathura road.So this explains the high intake of muslim students in DPS and also the fact that students are not discriminated on the basis of religion.

The Hindu : News / National : In Delhi's nursery classes, Muslim children are a rarity

Also missing from the article is fact that there are some schools in Delhi where nursery classes have 100% muslims.

I just wanted to illuminate that this issues has been raised in parliament.

I didn't know that.... So this system is generalized all over India?

This issue is being raised in parliament by politicians who want to spread victim mentality among muslims so that they would act as loyal vote banks without demanding any welfare in return and would vote for them just in order to keep BJP out of power.

Point system is a good system as it is empirical and cannot be misused by vested interests.
out of around 100 kindergarten schools

20 schools didnot give admission not to a single muslim kid.

17 schools gave admission to one 1 muslim kid each.

from these stats one cannot say that discrimination was done, yet shows the condition of the community.

in a letter to CM, social activist abdul khaliq claims that deliberate attempt are being made to keep muslim kids out of school...

he further said that despite Muslim population being 15% of india, the admission rate is about 0.5% kids were given admission.

?BBC Urdu? - ?????? - ?’?????? ??? ???? ???? ?? ????? ???? ??? ???‘?

This is quite disgusting and deliberate to keep the Muslim community at arm's length from Education....

must keep in mind that Delhi is Muslim Majority city.
he ju hind men mullah ko aazan ki ju ijazat
nadan samajhta he ke Islam he aazad

This is the problem with most Muslims..they feel entitled to everything just because they ARE Muslims....No it doesnt work that way.

The criteria for getting an admission into nursery schools is very very tough and the schools really filter out the children not only based on the children's aptitude...but also based on the economy of the parents, whether they will be able to finance the fees, whether the parents are educated (to teach the child in home), whether the parents are in good jobs etc etc.

Not only are the Muslim children rejected if they fail to meet the criteria, but also children of every faith if they dont meet the stringent criteria.

This is a very very lame piece of reporting by the BBC..but then whole English industry is going to the dogs and why would BBC fare any better ?
not only muslims the condition of minorities in general is worst in countries like india.....
out of around 100 kindergarten schools

20 schools didnot give admission not to a single muslim kid.

17 schools gave admission to one 1 muslim kid each.

from these stats one cannot say that discrimination was done, yet shows the condition of the community.

in a letter to CM, social activist abdul khaliq claims that deliberate attempt are being made to keep muslim kids out of school...

he further said that despite Muslim population being 15% of india, the admission rate is about 0.5% kids were given admission.

?BBC Urdu? - ?????? - ?’?????? ??? ???? ???? ?? ????? ???? ??? ???‘?

This is quite disgusting and deliberate to keep the Muslim community at arm's length from Education....

must keep in mind that Delhi is Muslim Majority city.

LOL says who.... if more muslims came to school , they will be given admission.
Boss I know whatever I say you have made up your mind already, but still here it is... Private schools in india want money.. if you give money you can probably admit your cat. So please shut it.

But you are a secular state, right? Every citizen enjoys same rights, no religious consideration/discrimination.

Anyways this report does not clear anything. The only definite point it has raised is allocation of the seats to Muslims according to their percentage in total population, which according to same report is 15% but admissions given to them were less than 0.5%.
chadti hui gaadi mein chadne ki koshish mat kar.. reservations politics is not like what you think.. educate yourself first and come to discuss..
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