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Muslim invasion created Dalits and tribals in India, says RSS

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I thought I already did. Refer to post #29..
Ok. If it was a typo then no point in discussing about his work now.

LOL. There the famous Bengali credibility on display again:sick:. One thing everyone including that sickular @Bang Galore admits is how ASI has been unwavering in its findings and readings about the temple under the mosque and here you are claiming that ASI has invalidated its own findings? Koenraad Elst was not and has not been repudiated and nor has Sita Ram Goel been to this date.

Anything the Bengali Marxist cannot disprove suddenly becomes boring. Well given that your housemaid has decided to take it on to herself to write thesis on molecular orbital theory, that should tell you that level of fraud and delusion the world of Bhadralok has descended to

It did not become suddenly boring. A number of posts have been made and questions were raised. If you want me to post the anomalies I will do it again; Till then, have fun with your usual absurd arguments.
it's the brahmins fault. do you guys know how india was in 1900s ? how hindus were in 1900s ?

the fault lies with a lot of factors historical in nature..but the greed and their unconditional and systematic support of the untouchability sh!t of brahmins did more damage to hinduism in india than mere destruction of property as such.

Do you know that the present caste system was codified by Lord Risley and that during the process of codification there is documented 300 lower caste leaders who pleaded with Lord Risley not to consider their castes as lower castes because they themselves did not identify with such?

Also was 1000 years of invasion and foreign rule merely about destruction of property?

Ok. If it was a typo then no point in discussing about his work now.

It was not a typo by Vijay Sonkar Shastri, but rather the writer of the article.
Of course it will help since we are not just stopping at blaming. We are rectifying all of those errors .
People with common sense will laugh at these kind of rectification... Accept the short comings and try to make resolve it rather than rewriting history with all kind of weird claims..
Shows his desperation my friend.. Insulting someone's mother over a discussion only shows his culture..what ill Will happens to my family bcuz of it?

LOL. Not in the least. Just giving you the taste of your own medicine. Treating your beliefs the same way your treat others beliefs . :angel:

Nothing will happen to Hinduism either just because you said the philosophy works were written by muslim invaders :lol: .... what ill will happen to my religion bcuz of it ?
It did not become suddenly boring. A number of posts have been made and questions were raised. If you want me to post the anomalies I will do it again; Till then, have fun with your usual absurd arguments.

Oh really, anyone can visit and thread and see you had no arguments and just ran away. It was as expected.
WTF does it matter if Dalits were created by Muslims, Jews or aliens. The only thing matter is how we are gonna tackle it.

Personally, I have never suffered any discrimination but many other people have. So, instead of arguing about the past we should focus on the present.

Errr. ... you are aware we are discussing HISTORY. Right ?
We have a duty to this country to remove the poison injected in our history by the Christian missionaries and their Marxist minions.
Right.....They too had their shares in injecting caste poisons...But caste system has been in Kerala even before these muslim,colonial invasion.......
Oh really, anyone can visit and thread and see you had no arguments and just ran away. It was as expected.
Just lol. I will post the craps of ASI again. Answer them with Elst, done?
Do you know that the present caste system was codified by Lord Risley and that during the process of codification there is documented 300 lower caste leaders who pleaded with Lord Risley not to consider their castes as lower castes because they themselves did not identify with such?

Also was 1000 years of invasion and foreign rule merely about destruction of property?

It was not a typo by Vijay Sonkar Shastri, but rather the writer of the article.

i don't care what lord what did. who appointed brahmin the higher caste ? brahmin themselves. hindu society follows hinduism irrespective of who is in power. lord who or muhammed whoever. that system has been taken over by the brahmins. the spiritual part of hindus as if rest are retards who can't think for themselves. of course british would exploit it to the fullest. you have a lot to learn about the purpose of something other than parroting tradition and what not.
nooooobody says that any more bob ! get out of the stupid stereotypes.

plus china is now a threat and WB is on the border with china.
ya that was during the 1st sino indian war.....but since indrani picked it up, I answered my personal POV
People with common sense will laugh at these kind of rectification... Accept the short comings and try to make resolve it rather than rewriting history with all kind of weird claims..

What is wrong is what is being corrected. Anyone who belong to the Christian faith in 21st century is what is to be laughed at. If you visit your Sunday Church regularly and sit through the pedophile father's hectoring about God and his sacrifice of his only son, you lose claims to having any common sense at all.
i don't care what lord what did. who appointed brahmin the higher caste ? brahmin themselves. hindu society follows hinduism irrespective of who is in power. lord who or muhammed whoever. that system has been taken over by the brahmins. the spiritual part of hindus as if rest are retards who can't think for themselves. of course british would exploit it to the fullest. you have a lot to learn about the purpose of something other than parroting tradition and what not.
shhhh.....dont talk the truth man.....feelings will be hurt and u will be branded sickular, maoist etc etc
LOL. Not in the least. Just giving you the taste of your own medicine. Treating your beliefs the same way your treat others beliefs . :angel:

Nothing will happen to Hinduism either just because you said the philosophy works were written by muslim invaders :lol: .... what ill will happen to my religion bcuz of it ?

You have some serious comprehension issues...not my problem...try to read what i posted there before saying that i insulted your religion ..
Thats the best yoy can do?insulting my mother over a discussion?

I can do better when required. If you can insult Hinduism over a discussion, I assumed nothing was off limit :coffee:

I merely questioned your belief over your parentage and made a quick passing comment the same way you made a quick passing comment on Hindu beliefs.

What did jesus say about throwing stones ?

You have some serious comprehension issues...not my problem...try to read what i posted there before saying that i insulted your religion ..

I suggest you read your posts again. Then read my posts again. This time without the glasses of supremacist views and prejudice.
What is wrong is what is being corrected. Anyone who belong to the Christian faith in 21st century is what is to be laughed at. If you visit your Sunday Church regularly and sit through the pedophile father's hectoring about God and his sacrifice of his only son, you lose claims to having any common sense at all.

applies to everybody who thinks this god sh!t and religion sh!t is relevant today.
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