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Muslim invasion created Dalits and tribals in India, says RSS

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I take particular pleasure in humiliating you since you said you are "out of here" and gave a very unconvincing reason for doing so :lol: ..... yet I see you slink back for more spanking. Maybe you are a liar and a masochist.

The link you have provided shows NO connection between the Sangam bhakti movement and the Varkari sampradaya. Its just a random writing on the bhakti movement sprinkled with liberal assumptions and unsubstantiated claims :lol: ..... Where is the proof ?

The Bhakti movement in South India was to reconvert Jains and Buddhist back into Hinduism. It was patronised by the Cholas who were Shivites and the movement was stared as a Saivism movement with tantric Shaiva Siddhanta.

The Bhakti movement in Maharashtra was primarily targeted at loss of Hindu identity and divisions in Hinduism and was a Vaishnava Bhakti movement. :P

There is no link between the two bhakti movements expect in the eyes of the Marxist who do not understand the subtle differences in Hinduism :lol:

I have already explained how islam was responsible, better still read the books Hindu Charmakar Jati, Hindu Khatik Jati and Hindu Valmiki Jati . LOL.

As I have mentioned earlier I HATE educating marxist fools, I prefer their ignorance. No point in giving milk to the snake and so on.
Funny little puny man, arent you? :enjoy: Calling me a Marxist, of all other things!!
Bhakti movements are not linked? Then why is it called the Bhakti movement? :crazy: Do you even know or understand what Bhakti movement is all about? And NO, you have never explained how Islam was responsible. You just stated that claim without backing it up with sources. So again, where are your sources?
All of your claims are BS/not correct. Please provide sources. SOURCES. Only then you will be taken seriously.:coffee:
Till then, I will troll you...for I bow down to your mighty non-existent superior high caste intellect!! Oh ignorantly enlightened one!!
I am waiting.
Maf karo miya. Aage bado.

Kiun kiya huwa high caste hindu baniya?

No I do not prefer Muslims to be like Mujhaidind, hazzy, or Zarvan. You are just another variety of the loonies out there. Frankly speaking, apart from some Saudis and some Pakistani Muslims who come across as thinking questioning individuals, I have not seen many Muslims who I would consider as not loony.

Well apart from your love for Carlos the Jackal and hints of bringing defining change to India and blow up cafes full of happy silly youngsters in it, nothing much really. But that should be enough to alert anyone of your proclivity.

I read your post and as usual you were fibbing. Indians did not go there in support of America but as a part of UN forces and that too only as non-combatants which you tried to spin away as capitalist forces subjugating a socialist country.

Oh really? As far as I know all the countries of the world are members of the UN. So perhaps all the countries are USA. Some people misusing their roles in UN and suddenly India is becoming the stooge of USA?

Modern communist China killed 40 million of its own citizens of hunger. Capitalist Japan seems quite in love with India though. Socialist NK is still killing its citizens and is a pariah state in the world. No thanks, you can continue to be enamored of both China and NK. In a country of 1.2 billion people you see a handful of honor killings and some dog attacks and suddenly it is the fault of our culture? Should cultural traits not be more widespread? So if honor killing is our culture, then should not half of our population have reduced by now due to rampant killings? Likewise for dog attacks.

It was a BJP (hindutva) govt. Why the hell would it care about Muslims protesting? Or for heaven's sake the commies protesting. The same BJP govt you guys blame for 2002 Godhra riots and then claim owing to Muslim sensitivities they did not participate in Iraq attack? Do you have any common sense at all?

So Indian army exercises with half a dozen countries army. That is all about learning and keeping up to date with the latest military exercises. Nothing to do with being US' pet.

Only a fanatic Hindu can talk about justice because unlike the Muslims, the Hindu still knows right from wrong.

Why will I change my attitude? But yeah I will acknowledge you were right about something at least.

The soviet era was different. By the time of Gorbachev they had already tired of communism and wanted to get rid of it as fast as they could. Yelstin was in love with the Western system. You should have heard the latest talks by Putin where he explains there is no ideological difference between the West and Russia. There is none. Russia has embraced capitalism fully. Though it does not agree with opportunism of USA.

Stop your nonsense. One pub attack by a deviant group and suddenly Hindutvas are the oppressors of the world. But thousands of bomb attacks all over the world and Islam is a religion of peace.

Navratri is going to commence this week and there are more girls in filmsy dressing dancing the whole nigh away at these events organized by Hindutva groups than that Ram Sene could find in that pub.

What do you have against gays? Your Gaddhafi was a cross dresser too no?

That allegation was found to be false just like another allegation by the Arundhati Roy Bitches about tearing of fetuses from wombs. Nothing they could substantiate and ran away when called on it. So what is your point about teen hacked to death? It could have been murder or some other motivated killing. I am sure even your dear Libya had murders and other crimes when your Gaddafi was ruling too.

What is there to explain? There is ABVP and I guess student unions aligned to it.

What does it mean? The normal skirt blouses, salwar kameez, formal trousers and shirt, etc. etc. I live in Bangalore and girls walking around in shorts is becoming quite common place too. So what is your grief?

No, thankfully while they are not very socioeconomically alert, they are good in technical stuff and science, which matters a whole lot.

There is no Burkha or forced imposition of any dress as far as I know for Hindus. Yeah, schools and colleges frown about revealing clothing but do not impose any identity obliterating dress code like Islamic Burkhas either.

Gubbi is a Marxist who prime aim in life is to serve Islam and be ever watchful that people like me do not turn Hinduism into another Islam. LOL. If you can get this contradiction alright, you would have figured out our Marxists.

That is why we changed the GOI darling. Too much of vote bank politics. Hopefully, we will move to a system where apart from the SC/ST there wont be any quota system and even the quota for SC/ST would be time bound and removed in a few years.

OBC is upper caste. Period. Nowadays all castes want to be OBC and it is an open secret that they claim it only for the quota benefits.

Most docs are upper caste. Let me be more specific they are mostly Brahmins and Kshatriyas.

Bye fool.

You are quite clearly false flagger dalit. Your posts are typical that of Indian brahmin but claim to be dalit.
Funny little puny man, arent you? :enjoy: Calling me a Marxist, of all other things!!
Bhakti movements are not linked? Then why is it called the Bhakti movement? :crazy: Do you even know or understand what Bhakti movement is all about? And NO, you have never explained how Islam was responsible. You just stated that claim without backing it up with sources. So again, where are your sources?
All of your claims are BS/not correct. Please provide sources. SOURCES. Only then you will be taken seriously.:coffee:
Till then, I will troll you...for I bow down to your mighty non-existent superior high caste intellect!! Oh ignorantly enlightened one!!
I am waiting.

You Moron, its called the Bhakti movement because all these movements in various parts of India at various times laid stress on the Bhakti Marga to find Moksha. :lol:

The other paths in Hinduism is Karma Marga, Gyana Marga and Raja Marga.

The bhakti movements made the shift from Vedic form of worship to temple worship which allowed for the common man to have a direct link with god.

I don't care if a Ignoramus like you don't take me seriously :lol: ........ I neither care for your respect, not care to debate with you.

Nor do I plan to spoon feed you anymore. At least not without an attitude correction and some humility from you side.

You can continue to troll me :lol: .......You have nothing better to do. There is another one like you, abjku or something. You can gang up with him. All the best. Continue to wait till the end of eternity. LOL.
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You Moron, its called the Bhakti movement because all these movements in various parts of India at various times laid stress on the Bhakti Marga to find Moksha. :lol:

The other paths in Hinduism is Karma Marga, Gyana Marga and Raja Marga.

The bhakti movements made the shift from Vedic form of worship to temple worship which allowed for the common man to have a direct link with god.

I don't care if a Ignoramus like you don't take me seriously :lol: ........ I neither care for your respect, not care to debate with you.

Nor to I plan to spoon feed you anymore. At least not without an attitude correction and some humility from you side.

You can continue to troll me :lol: .......You have nothing better to do. There is another one like you, abjku or something. You can gang up with him. All the best. Continue to wait till the end of eternity. LOL.
On one hand you claim that Bhakti movement was to bring back Jains/Bhuddists and Dalits into the Hindu fold and protect Hinduism from dividing. And now this. What exactly is it? You still havent shown us sources where Islam is responsible for creating "Dalits".
I dont have anything better to do for now, so yeah, I am still waiting for those sources for your claims.

ps: calling me names, claiming to 'humiliate me' and expecting me to show YOU some humility? Tch tch....kuch to khayal kar chutiyae..
By the look of it, its you who is giving me importance by insisting on talking to me :lol: ............ Even when i am not interested in talking to you. :disagree: Clearly you have no shame. Something you have in common with other christian supremacists here.
I am only replying you bcoz you are fun with your outrageous claims..,your inferiority complex is well shown in every post....you make all kind of stupid statements and dont even have any evidence to support it... You are wasting your time insulting me...try to save your dignity by showing some evidence of what you claimed here..,otherwise its okay you continue your usual garbage...we understand its your frustration.
I am only replying you bcoz you are fun with your outrageous claims..,your inferiority complex is well shown in every post....you make all kind of stupid statements and dont even have any evidence to support it... You are wasting your time insulting me...try to save your dignity by showing some evidence of what you claimed here..,otherwise its okay you continue your usual garbage...we understand its your frustration.

Even if I was fun with my outrageous claim there was no need for you to reply to me :lol:

It would have been more fun to let me make a fool of myself, No ? Instead you reply to me and make a fool of yourself. Now what does that tell you ?

I don't care to insult you. I only care enough to return the favour without fail. Your garbage will be dumped into your house. learn to enjoy that.

Its incredible that you pretend to have some weight to provide free Advice to me :cheesy: ....let me worry about my dignity. LOL. When did that become your concern ? :woot:

What I see is your frustration for being unable to pin me down. All my statements are factual and where required I have provided enough reference. No one can prove otherwise.
Even if I was fun with my outrageous claim there was no need for you to reply to me :lol:

It would have been more fun to let me make a fool of myself, No ? Instead you reply to me and make a fool of yourself. Now what does that tell you ?

I don't care to insult you. I only care enough to return the favour without fail. Your garbage will be dumped into your house. learn to enjoy that.

Its incredible that you pretend to have some weight to provide free Advice to me :cheesy: ....let me worry about my dignity. LOL. When did that become your concern ? :woot:

What I see is your frustration for being unable to pin me down. All my statements are factual and where required I have provided enough reference. No one can prove otherwise.

As dray said you are giving importance to you,unnecessarily..your statements are factual? People will laugh at you..where are links dat support your so-called facts?
As dray said you are giving importance to you,unnecessarily..your statements are factual? People will laugh at you..where are links dat support your so-called facts?

LOL...are you dray's chamcha to repeat what dray said :lol: ........ this is the second time you have mentioned "dray said". ..... reminds me of kinder garden where children says "my daddy says".

Has dray assigned you the role of his mouthpiece ? ... his secretary ? LOL.

I repeat all my facts are referenced and when required, proofs have been provided. Now run to your daddy dray and ask him what you should say next :lol:
LOL...are you dray's chamcha to repeat what dray said :lol: ........ this is the second time you have mentioned "dray said". ..... reminds me of kinder garden where children says "my daddy says".

Has dray assigned you the role of his mouthpiece ? ... his secretary ? LOL.

I repeat all my facts are referenced and when required, proofs have been provided. Now run to your daddy dray and ask him what you should say next :lol:

Proof provided where? All your claims were debunked when you provided the link of shuddhi moment.. I am yet to see evidence of Christians created caste system... And you must have a horrible childhood thats why you are using all kind of foul language...what happened?
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