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Muslim invasion created Dalits and tribals in India, says RSS

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Well your jealousy is evident. We do not need to bend any history. We have about a million monuments which speak the truth of our history to us left by our ancestors.

Why should I jealous about my own culture? :what::what:

LOL. Whining is not in my nature, those are for cowards who find safety in numbers. However Fighting back is in my nature.

You are shameless enough to stand by your words, but when I use the same logic on you, you smart and whine and crib endlessly. I do not need anybody's permission to do anything that I have to do. I do what I think is right, and you can expect that in the future too.

Expect to be treated the same way you treat others.

As I told you, am really scared.. Fighting back in a discussion forum is in your nature?? :rofl::rofl: Dont be so naive man.. @DRAY was right.. You are giving too much importance to you, unnecessarily. :pop:
Listen you dum dum. Leftists and Socialists are the ones who are pro-gays.

and where did you learn that?? the soviet union imprisoned male homosexuals ( gays ) for seven years... but lesbians were not jailed... now, what straight man wouldn't want to watch lesbians... ;)

your wording and insulting of muammar gaddafi is similar to what indrani says... now levina says two other user-names are indrani with multiple id's... perhaps you are the fourth id of indrani.

as for gay crimes by mullahs...

1. Iranian Boy Tells of his horrendous ordeal of Rape by Mullahs in Prison


3. this confronting by veena malik of a mullah ( 'What Of Those Mullahs Who Rape The Boys They Teach In Mosques?' )

4. Pakistani accused of sexually assaulting an 11-yr-old Indian boy inside Dubai's mosque : Rest of the World, News - India Today

so shut up... and go become fish-food in the arabian sea.

You said it was created by the British so its your responsibility to prove that.

okay... lets start with these... be humble and accept truths and change...

1. Reality of Deobandi/Wahabi Jihad Against Britishers

2. Tablighi Jamaat Exposed

the britishers did not want real anymore muslim heroes like tipu sultan and siraj-ud-daulah to oppose them, so how best to blunt the senses of muslims than by putting them in a never ending cycle of prayers, quran-blind-memoriziations, fastings, festivals and non-intellectual life...

so they gave grants for building of the deoband school.

though there were muslim greats still taking birth, like iqbal, jinnah, faiz... most south asian muslims have become like you... zombies.

what will you say next?? al qaeda and taliban aren't the creation of usa government?? hamas wasn't created by israel and usa?? ikhwaan wasn't created by the british??

i am bored of you... bored...

But I am ready to explain things to you in person.

okay... so when will you put your photo and name in a national newspaper so that i find you??

Now stop posting BS or else I will keep reporting you.

report me for what?? you are on a forum run by pakistanis... ask them what they think of iqbal... ask them what iqbal says of islam... but you wouldn't know who iqbal is...

by the way, you didn't respond to me pointing out that the hindus on this thread think you are a hindu... and why not??
Sati & Child marriage too.................

Who created the murderous crusades, paedophile priests and forcible conversions in christianity ? How about money laundering by the church that helps murderers, pimps and drug mafia to turn their black money white. How created that in christianity ?

As I told you, am really scared.. Fighting back in a discussion forum is in your nature?? :rofl::rofl: Dont be so naive man.. @DRAY was right.. You are giving too much importance to you, unnecessarily. :pop:

By the look of it, its you who is giving me importance by insisting on talking to me :lol: ............ Even when i am not interested in talking to you. :disagree: Clearly you have no shame. Something you have in common with other christian supremacists here.
Already answered earlier. # 190 & # 237
No you did not answer anything at all. You just posted some statements without any sources to back them up. You are just blowing hot air filled with your amusing brain farts. Show us credible sources, not some stories you might have 'heard'.
Its people like you who have kept this caste system alive and want so desperately to hold on to that sense of superiority that comes with being born in the 'upper castes'.

I ask you , why do we need castes at all? Why cant Hindus be just one group and be done with discrimination? Why do you want castes at all?
And for all the names of the Sants/Saints you are throwing around claiming that they "wanted" to work to assimilate Dalits before Islam or even the British came etc....its all malarkey!! You have absolutely no credible sources to back up your claims. SHOW US CREDIBLE SOURCES TO BELIEVE YOU, nitwit.

The christians created the hindu caste, Hindus had Varnas. :coffee:
HAHAHA....this one takes the cake!!!

I am outta here, this is not amusing/entertaining me anymore!

PDFers- this idiot knows absolutely nothing....he's just spouting garbage that he has heard from some Hindu supremacists (believe you me, they do exist) without any credible sources to back up his claims.

Remember ISRO222 and his weird theories? This one falls in the same category!!!
No you did not answer anything at all. You just posted some statements without any sources to back them up. You are just blowing hot air filled with your amusing brain farts. Show us credible sources, not some stories you might have 'heard'.
Its people like you who have kept this caste system alive and want so desperately to hold on to that sense of superiority that comes with being born in the 'upper castes'.

LOL. The posts I made were very basic and anyone who knows Hindus knows it to be true. I never though anyone would need proof for that :cheesy:

Just goes to show what happens when you wrestle with pigs.

More psudo psycho babble from a man who thinks he is Dr. Phil and pdf is Oprah :lol:

BTW I am still waiting for the proof of your claim that Gurukul accepted only Brahmins .... its been almost 2 days now. Where is your proof ? :cheesy:

I ask you , why do we need castes at all? Why cant Hindus be just one group and be done with discrimination? Why do you want castes at all?

:cheesy: ..... more strawman ? :lol: Are you attempting to rewrite Hinduism ? :woot: .... maybe you can start with the Bhagwat Gita. :P

And for all the names of the Sants/Saints you are throwing around claiming that they "wanted" to work to assimilate Dalits before Islam or even the British came etc....its all malarkey!! You have absolutely no credible sources to back up your claims. SHOW US CREDIBLE SOURCES TO BELIEVE YOU, nitwit.

What you required is not credible sources, but a cure for your narcissistic disorder. Islamic invasion started in 712 AD with Ya'qub-ibn-Lais occupation of the north Indian province Sindh and spread in the following centuries over most parts of the Indian continent, marked a time, that was characterized by social changes. Almost all realms of society were affected by this process.

The bhakti movement started by Jnanadeva/Dnyaneshwar has roots in this conflict. Which is why most of his works in the common mans language and lingo Marathi.

I hate to educate ignorant marxist fools like you, but it was important to humiliate you AGAIN and show the kind of clown you are.

HAHAHA....this one takes the cake!!!

I am outta here, this is not amusing/entertaining me anymore!

Thank god. Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish.

PDFers- this idiot knows absolutely nothing....he's just spouting garbage that he has heard from some Hindu supremacists (believe you me, they do exist) without any credible sources to back up his claims.

Remember ISRO222 and his weird theories? This one falls in the same category!!!

:lol: ........ Come back with the proof of your statements and then show your face around here again.
@jamahir Your conspiracy theories don't prove a thing. You have no credible proof.

To some idiots I am a Pakistani false-flagger. To some I am a Hindu.

Moderators have verified my identity dummy.
LOL. The posts I made were very basic and anyone who knows Hindus knows it to be true. I never though anyone would need proof for that :cheesy:
No, they are not "very basic", you are making outrageous claims and you need to support them with credible sources.
BTW I am still waiting for the proof of your claim that Gurukul accepted only Brahmins .... its been almost 2 days now. Where is your proof ? :cheesy:
You are somewhat right here. Common Gurukuls accepted students from all walks of life. However, there were many who would not accept students from other castes. Quoting Mahabharatha, Eklavya was not aceepted by Drona because he wasnt a Kashtriya.
:cheesy: ..... more strawman ? :lol: Are you attempting to rewrite Hinduism ? :woot: .... maybe you can start with the Bhagwat Gita. :P

What you required is not credible sources, but a cure for your narcissistic disorder.
:enjoy:Dude, you are such a Drama Queen!! :yahoo::rofl:
I just asked you a question and you go on a melodramatic rampage! :cheesy:
The bhakti movement started by Jnanadeva/Dnyaneshwar has roots in this conflict. Which is why most of his works in the common mans language and lingo Marathi.
Bhakti movement wasnt started by Dnyaneshwar, (go check your sources ) although he was one of its proponents later in the 13th century! BTw, FYI, Bhakti movement was started in the south in areas now constituting Tamil-Nadu early in the 7th century. It later spread to the north by 12-15th centuries!
So instead of taking the burden of trying to "educate Marxist Fools" like me, it would do far more help to educate yourself first!:lol:
And oh yes, dont forget credible sources for your claims, least you come out appearing as the ignorant liar!:enjoy:

And while you claim that Islam and Muslims started the "dalits" thing, this Bhakti movement you so ignorantly talk about, was one of the many movements in Hinduism that talked about removing caste distinction and discrimination! They welcomed women folk, shudra, the untouchables etc into the fold!
All this BEFORE Islam came to Indian subcontinent!
What happened to "I am out of here" ? :lol: .

No, they are not "very basic", you are making outrageous claims and you need to support them with credible sources.

Not good enough. You need to spell out what "outrageous" claim I made. :lol:

You are somewhat right here. Common Gurukuls accepted students from all walks of life. However, there were many who would not accept students from other castes. Quoting Mahabharatha, Eklavya was not aceepted by Drona because he wasnt a Kashtriya.
:enjoy:Dude, you are such a Drama Queen!! :yahoo::rofl:
I just asked you a question and you go on a melodramatic rampage! :cheesy:

Oh gee wiz.....Dr. Phil has a new diagnosis. :woot:

Bhakti movement wasnt started by Dnyaneshwar, (go check your sources ) although he was one of its proponents later in the 13th century! BTw, FYI, Bhakti movement was started in the south in areas now constituting Tamil-Nadu early in the 7th century. It later spread to the north by 12-15th centuries!
So instead of taking the burden of trying to "educate Marxist Fools" like me, it would do far more help to educate yourself first!:lol:
And oh yes, dont forget credible sources for your claims, least you come out appearing as the ignorant liar!:enjoy:

The bhakti movment in Tamil Nadu was in the Chola and Pandya kingdoms :lol: ...and the lingo was Tamil. There is no visible connection to that with the Varkari Sampradaya who's lingo was Marathi. :lol: Now provide evidece it influenced the Varkari movement :P ...i will be waiting for this. As for my proof, you can refer to any Sangam literature and literature by Nayanars and Alwars.

The varkari sampraday was started by Dnyaneshwar. It was based on Dnyaneshvari (which talked about Varnas :cheesy: ) and Amritanubhava.

What fun it is to humiliate you again and again. :P

And while you claim that Islam and Muslims started the "dalits" thing, this Bhakti movement you so ignorantly talk about, was one of the many movements in Hinduism that talked about removing caste distinction and discrimination! They welcomed women folk, shudra, the untouchables etc into the fold!
All this BEFORE Islam came to Indian subcontinent!

Which part of the islam arrived in 7th century did you not understand. You want me to show you year by year how islam spread in India ?

Varkari sampraday was indeed to welcome all folks back into Hinduism. A way for Dalits to come back into hindusim, something inspired by his own parents death (Dnyaneshwar). Which was my point all along. Why are you telling my narrative back to me ? :woot:
Remember ISRO222 and his weird theories?

haven't seem him in some months ( i think )... now, who will take the brave responsibility of invoking him?? anyone ?? :D
We have reached mars and lowlives like you still carrying on with bhangi chura bullshit

These are not insults, its people like you who have turned them in to insults. And yet blame muslim invasion for dalits. And you have not reached anywhere yet.
The bhakti movment in Tamil Nadu was in the Chola and Pandya kingdoms :lol: ...and the lingo was Tamil. There is no visible connection to that with the Varkari Sampradaya who's lingo was Marathi. :lol: Now provide evidece it influenced the Varkari movement :P ...i will be waiting for this. As for my proof, you can refer to any Sangam literature and literature by Nayanars and Alwars.

The varkari sampraday was started by Dnyaneshwar. It was based on Dnyaneshvari (which talked about Varnas :cheesy: ) and Amritanubhava.

What fun it is to humiliate you again and again. :P
Of course, only an ignorant nitwit would take pleasure in 'humiliating' people.
Check out his....talks bout the origins of Bhakti Movement.
So, pray, please tell me how is Islam responsible for Dalits and untouchables, when Bhakti movement started out in South India to root out these evils long before Islam even touched Indian subcontinent? This being the topic of the thread under discussion.
Which part of the islam arrived in 7th century did you not understand. You want me to show you year by year how islam spread in India ?
please to be educating us, oh ignorant enlightened one!
Varkari sampraday was indeed to welcome all folks back into Hinduism. A way for Dalits to come back into hindusim, something inspired by his own parents death (Dnyaneshwar). Which was my point all along. Why are you telling my narrative back to me ? :woot:
Exactly. Now show me how Islam was responsible for ostracizing Dalits and other untouchables.

I have been providing sources to back up my claims, while you have not. So calling me a fool and claims of 'humiliating' me dont carry any water!
Of course, only an ignorant nitwit would take pleasure in 'humiliating' people.
Check out his....talks bout the origins of Bhakti Movement.
So, pray, please tell me how is Islam responsible for Dalits and untouchables, when Bhakti movement started out in South India to root out these evils long before Islam even touched Indian subcontinent? This being the topic of the thread under discussion.

please to be educating us, oh ignorant enlightened one!

Exactly. Now show me how Islam was responsible for ostracizing Dalits and other untouchables.

I have been providing sources to back up my claims, while you have not. So calling me a fool and claims of 'humiliating' me dont carry any water!

I take particular pleasure in humiliating you since you said you are "out of here" and gave a very unconvincing reason for doing so :lol: ..... yet I see you slink back for more spanking. Maybe you are a liar and a masochist.

The link you have provided shows NO connection between the Sangam bhakti movement and the Varkari sampradaya. Its just a random writing on the bhakti movement sprinkled with liberal assumptions and unsubstantiated claims :lol: ..... Where is the proof ?

The Bhakti movement in South India was to reconvert Jains and Buddhist back into Hinduism. It was patronised by the Cholas who were Shivites and the movement was stared as a Saivism movement with tantric Shaiva Siddhanta.

The Bhakti movement in Maharashtra was primarily targeted at loss of Hindu identity and divisions in Hinduism and was a Vaishnava Bhakti movement. :P

There is no link between the two bhakti movements expect in the eyes of the Marxist who do not understand the subtle differences in Hinduism :lol:

I have already explained how islam was responsible, better still read the books Hindu Charmakar Jati, Hindu Khatik Jati and Hindu Valmiki Jati . LOL.

As I have mentioned earlier I HATE educating marxist fools, I prefer their ignorance. No point in giving milk to the snake and so on.
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