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Muslim invasion created Dalits and tribals in India, says RSS

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Everything they said is factually correct.

The Untouchables were not the Shudras/Dalits but those without caste, the outcasts.

That did change during the islamic invasion when the dalits were used to deal with animal skin and dead creatures.
bold part is correct.....
the rest is correct if we agree that RSS is the pinnacle of truth
kyun,,,ye bhi koi puchne Ki baat hae...:p:

ehh,u don't know anything...these r historical facts. :D:
everythng else is sickular leftist Marxist gibberish.

You have no idea how hollow your drumbeat is. You need to look no further than the article furnished by our TT @scorpionx here written by Ramchandra Guha to read about how Indian history was sacrificed on the Secular Marxist altar.

History Beyond Marxism and Hindutva, The Telegraph « ::Welcome to Ramachandra Guha.in::
You have no idea how hollow your drumbeat is. You need to look no further than the article furnished by our TT @scorpionx here written by Ramchandra Guha to read about how Indian history was sacrificed on the Secular Marxist altar.

History Beyond Marxism and Hindutva, The Telegraph « ::Welcome to Ramachandra Guha.in::
1.Who is Vijay Sonkar Shastri (I know about his political identity but what is his academic qualification?) and what are his contributions in research of Indian History? Please post any thesis, articles of him on Indian history if you have access to it.

2.Who are Chanwarvanshiya Kshatriyas?
You have no idea how hollow your drumbeat is. You need to look no further than the article furnished by our TT @scorpionx here written by Ramchandra Guha to read about how Indian history was sacrificed on the Secular Marxist altar.

History Beyond Marxism and Hindutva, The Telegraph « ::Welcome to Ramachandra Guha.in::
will read it later,,,,.
n yo,,,i just repeated what u always say :agree:
anyway,,what do i know,after all i read fabricated history,,,right..
them bad bad sickular,leftist,Marxist.:mad:its there fault.
bold part is correct.....
the rest is correct if we agree that RSS is the pinnacle of truth

So why did the Shudras leave their caste by indulging in things considered unhygienic and barbaric and unclean in Hindu society ? Why would any caste indulge in activities that make them loose their caste and become outcaste ? ....they only do it when they are forced to do it.

So the next question is, who forced them to do it ?

Or do you like all marxist do not bother with reasons ?

My housemaid has written a thesis on molecular orbital theory. Give me your mail ID. Its a quite fascinating read.

Einstine wrote about relativity when he was a clerk :lol: ....... funnily enough, no one asked for his qualifications. All that mattered was the truth.

I guess that is the difference between REAL scientists and fake social scientists and historians with "qualifications".
Einstine wrote about relativity when he was a clerk :lol: ....... funnily enough, no one asked for his qualifications. All that mattered was the truth.

I guess that is the difference between REAL scientists and fake social scientists and historians with "qualifications".
First of all, Einstein was a clerk but that does not necessarily makes every clerk Einstein.This is against law of nature. And secondly. I am asking for the works by Real scientists before I reject the fakes. Because the fakes have their works published, analysed, debunked and accepted.But our real scientists have not still. I am waiting for it.
Blame every thing on Muslims-

below used to be a normal sculpture of Hindus riding their horses on the way to every day Puja-
Muslims came and vandalized it- made it look like bestiality-



Below is another example- this used to be a normal sculpture of Hindu yatris gathered in a religious congression-
Muslims came and vandalized it as well- made it look like a group orgy-


Damn the Muslims- :lol:-
1.Who is Vijay Sonkar Shastri (I know about his political identity but what is his academic qualification?) and what are his contributions in research of Indian History? Please post any thesis, articles of him on Indian history if you have access to it.

2.Who are Chanwarvanshiya Kshatriyas?

I just googled about him and this is what I found. Since he has written 3 books rather than just mere articles why do you not read one of his books

Hindu Balmiki Jati | 9789350485668

Vijay Sonkar Shastri
डॉ. विजय सोनकर शास्त्री का जन्म उत्तर प्रदेश में वाराणसी जनपद में हुआ।
काशी हिंदू विश्‍वविद्यालय से बी.ए., एम.बी.ए., पी-एच.डी. (प्रबंध शास्त्र) के साथ ही संपूर्णानंद संस्कृत विश्‍वविद्यालय से शास्त्री की उपाधि प्राप्‍त। बाल्यकाल से ही संघ की शाखाओं में राष्‍ट्रोत्थान एवं परमवैभव के भाव से परिचित डॉ. शास्त्री की संपूर्ण शिक्षा-दीक्षा काशी में हुई।
तीन जानलेवा बीमारियों के बाद पूर्णरूपेण स्वस्थ हुए डॉ. शास्त्री ने प्रकृति के संदेश को समझा। हिंदू वैचारिकी और हिंदू संस्कृति को आत्मसात् कर राजनीति में प्रवेश किया और लोकसभा सदस्य बने। सामाजिक न्याय एवं सामाजिक समरसता के पक्षधर डॉ. सोनकर शास्त्री को राष्‍ट्रीय अनुसूचित जाति एवं अनुसूचित जनजाति आयोग, भारत सरकार का अध्यक्ष भी नियुक्‍त किया गया।
देश एवं विदेश की अनेक यात्राएँ कर डॉ. शास्त्री ने हिंदुत्व के प्रचार-प्रसार में अपनी भूमिका को सुनिश्‍च‌ित किया तथा मानवाधिकार, दलित हिंदू की अग्नि-परीक्षा, हिंदू वैचारिकी एक अनुमोदन, सामाजिक समरसता दर्शन एवं अन्य अनेक पुस्तकों का लेखन किया। विश्‍वमानव के ‘सर्वोत्तम कल्याण की भारतीय संकल्पना’ को चरितार्थ करने का संकल्प लेकर व्यवस्था के सभी मोरचा पर सतत सक्रिय एवं वर्तमान में भारतीय जनता पार्टी के राष्‍ट्रीय प्रवक्‍ता के दायित्व का निर्वहन कर रहे हैं।

About your second question, that seems a typo for Chandravanshi Kshatriya by the article writer.


My housemaid has written a thesis on molecular orbital theory. Give me your mail ID. Its a quite fascinating read.

I am sure it would match your literary talent and be at par with most Marxist writings. It has been long since Bengal has produced anything beyond housemaid grade stuff.
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will read it later,,,,.
n yo,,,i just repeated what u always say :agree:
anyway,,what do i know,after all i read fabricated history,,,right..
them bad bad sickular,leftist,Marxist.:mad:its there fault.

At least you know you are a fool. That is the good thing about you. Not to worry though, soon enough we will have people with integrity write honest history as it is meant to be.
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