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Muslim invasion created Dalits and tribals in India, says RSS

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What more remains to be posted ? Everything you have said has been countered.
No, my harebrained friend. Where are your sources? Please to be posting them. Please enlighten us with your wisdom gleamed from irrefutable sources. Where are they?
@gubbi I hope you got a hang of superior genetic and highly educated persons arguments..Argue them only for fun ..otherwise they are not worth your time
@gubbi I hope you got a hang of superior genetic and highly educated persons arguments..Argue them only for fun ..otherwise they are not worth your time
Dont worry, I am between writing manuscripts, I have all the time for a few days, that is till I get bored!
This fellow is really amusing!! For now.
I was referring to you only. About the first part, I hope you know what I am trying to mean. The old lady is radical about her own belief, might force other ladies in her families to follow the same but she might be damn honest to her own conscience.

Might is speculation.

Her faith does not tell her that people who do not fast and not worthy of respect or are Kafir. so why would she treat them any different ?

Truth is about facts and proof and evidence, not about conscience.
In his foreword, Bhaiyyaji Joshi, Bhagat's Number Two in the RSS pecking order, reportedly says the 'shudras' were never untouchables according to the Hindu scriptures.

It was only after the "Islamic atrocities" during the medieval times that the untouchables, Dalits and Indian Muslims emerged
The untouchables became "untouchables" long before muslim invasion.

I generally try to avoid you like plague. As Manvan once appropriately called you, you are an intellectual midget.
what manvan told you was about himself :lol:
Btw does manvan TALK to manvan ??:rofl:

My knowledge about hinduism must be limited but atleast I dont go about tarnishing it on every thread.I mean you start posting out of context and about hinduism on every thread possible.
I know you for over an year now,Manvan your habit of attacking with your 2 ids hasnt changed at all.:disagree:
You've become so predicable now.
No, my harebrained friend. Where are your sources? Please to be posting them. Please enlighten us with your wisdom gleamed from irrefutable sources. Where are they?

Calling me your friend is the last resort of the village idiot ? .....I am very choose about my friend and you are certainly not one of them.

Where is your source that prove Syrian christians were brahmins ? You last sources only says they "claimed" to be brahmins. None of the other brahmin community of Kerala considered them brahmins :lol:

The very fact that Kalari Gurukuls taught kalari to muslims, christians and shudras are proof that Gurukuls taught to all, irrespective of caste or community :P..... you can google it up like you have googled up "syrian christians where brahmins" :cheesy:

Why did they do it ? ... becauase as per you they became irrational and did it anyway . What a clown :lol:

Rich from a person who was insulting my mother..have some shame dude...

Rich from a person who was shameless enough to make snide comments on Hinduism.......... and then pretend he did nothing wrong :lol:
You bet!!
she is a he.:lol:

Oh man!!
When you've so much knowledge about Hinduism then how is it that you fail to assimilate its essence??

he really should take a break from pdf. he can't resist it. u know? there is a le carre quote...the more faces you create...more of you is revealed. or something lithat..our manvan is the prime cut example of that. thik koi nai ? :D
What desert stories are you referring to?
Btw, I said 'fear of wrath of the Gods' not fear of Gods. See the difference? Btw, I never denied existence of 'saints' from all castes and walks of life then. So what was your question here?
There were so many outrageous social practices back then, and the much touted multi layered society you so fondly speak of was still rigidly classified into the caste system and people were persecuted for their 'low birth', no? So doesnt that speak of their gullibility

What fear wrath of Gods? People all along were changing their religions from Jainism to Buddhism to Hinduism and later on to Islam, yet you speak of a fear of wrath of God? Why did this fear of wrath of Gods not stop people from changing religions or even experimenting with atheism to various sexual deviancy? In every society the lower strata emulates and follows the upper strata. If the upper strata of the society was changing religion without fear of wrath of Gods, then what makes you assume that lower castes would be held back by fear? Where did this fear go when majority of the Bengalis converted to Islam?

If there were saints from all castes and all walks of life then where is the question of a rigid caste system? Who was persecuted? The lower castes do not have any memory of such persecution and to date refuse to leave their castes, when one would assume that they should be shunning their religion to escape persecution. So how do you explain the lower castes remaining staunch Hindus much to the chagrin of Marxists?

It seems to be a case of gullibility and desperation on the part of Marxists to see the lower castes as gullible and persecuted in their service of Abrahamic faiths?

That was true in the earlier periods. I dont know the exact time frame when the society became rigid regarding the caste system, but it did! Caste, like today, was determined by birth and even today many people still look at caste when marrying. Deny this.
If untouchability was not present, pray what then all these saints and social reformers of the priod were talking about?

People did do occupation based on caste but was it rigid? How did Shivaji become a king then? Was he born a Kshatriya? How were there Queens and various tribal Kingdoms too?

What has marrying into ones caste got to do with untouchability? Castes were groups with their own lineages and tradition patterns, kul devata, etc. etc, if they wish to preserve those traditions, how does it become a practice of untouchability rather than tribe like affiliation?

Much of the social reformers came in during the Muslim era. Which is exactly what RSS is talking about. A society under siege and war with much of its intellectuals killed, wont undergo transformation? Wont develop distortions to their beliefs and society?
Calling me your friend is the last resort of the village idiot ? .....I am very choose about my friend and you are certainly not one of them.
You really are an 'interesting' person! Aren't you my asinine friend?
Yes, I am the low caste village idiot and look upon thee, oh learned loony one, for much needed amusement!
The very fact that Kalari Gurukuls taught kalari to muslims, christians and shudras are proof that Gurukuls taught to all, irrespective of caste or community :P..... you can google it up like you have googled up "syrian christians where brahmins" :cheesy:
I thought we were talking about the period before Islam came to India. Since you blame Islam for making Dalits the untouchables, pray did Shudras have the same rights as the Brahmins in pre-Islam India?
Why did they do it ? ... becauase as per you they became irrational and did it anyway . What a clown :lol:
Rich from a person who was shameless enough to make snide comments on Hinduism.......... and then pretend he did nothing wrong :lol:
Please use your own phrases and sentence, its much more amusing and hilarious than when you ape someone else's language.
u do understand that, Brahmins were researching on genetics,test tube babies n aeroplanes when moslem invaders came n destroyed all that alongwith our good caste system(thus making it bad caste system)
Rich from a person who was shameless enough to make snide comments on Hinduism.......... and then pretend he did nothing wrong :lol:

I stand by on my words and i feel no shame or remorse about it.. I believe that our culture had faults and still have it.. If you think its a snide remark then you are mistaken...its an open remark..feel free to involve my parents but do not whine about it when someone attacks you in the same manner..
So tell me again how come Muslims are to be blamed for the caste system which was in existence from times of Ramayan and before?-

They are not blaming Muslims for existence of caste system. Caste system is undestroyable. Rather they are blaming the Muslims for distortion of the caste system. One is a fact of society and life and the other is ugliness and evil. Hope you got the difference.


The untouchables became "untouchables" long before muslim invasion.

what manvan told you was about himself :lol:
Btw does manvan TALK to manvan ??:rofl:

My knowledge about hinduism must be limited but atleast I dont go about tarnishing it on every thread.I mean you start posting out of context and about hinduism on every thread possible.
I know you for over an year now,Manvan your habit of attacking with your 2 ids hasnt changed at all.:disagree:
You've become so predicable now.

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