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Muslim invasion created Dalits and tribals in India, says RSS

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because power was taken away from by god's system. both mental power and physical power. by birth they were born into their jobs.

do u not know this ? r u retarded ?

you know what ? because of people like you, our religion is still considered a pagan religion of rituals. you can't think.

You are a born moron. It is better you not speak about our religion at all.
Actually yes. The same way you - a relic of past practices - wants it to be. If only you knew.
Poor, ignorant, uneducated people were more afraid of the 'wrath of the Gods' than money or words - neither of which they had any.
Lol. You are a tin-foil hat wearing little man, arent ya?!

I am still waiting for the proof that Syrian christians were high caste brahmin converts :lol:

When are you going to provide that proof ? :P
[quote="MokshaVimukthi, post: 6206007, member: 162470]

Ah... you'r a syrian christian :lol: ........ now everything becomes clearer.


:lol::lol:' man you convert more people to christianity than entire church :cheesy:combined...
:lol::lol:' man you convert more people to christianity than entire church :cheesy:combined...

LOL. That was a honest mustake :D ...... I just remembered he was a bong. Difficult to keep track of marxist and bigots, most times they speak the same language :P
There were no Dalits back then. There is no exclusion in the chatur varna caste system. Human society is divided in just 4 varnas and there is no one else outside of it. Now mind you, I said human society. Society was only people in the towns and villages who had rights and duties as per varna. People in forests were excluded from the varna system because there was no taxation in the forests or any duties expected of the forest dwellers.
May be you are right....i have read otherwise....
Dalit discrimination is there among Christians and Muslim also..Dalit Christians have their own separate churches and dominions in Kerala...
Yeah so why do you not get a job as a Janitor and ask for Z category protection. Why not demand to live in Rashtrapathi Bhavan as a janitor.

Maybe he will marry his kam wali bai just to show everybody is equal and same same.
Bull shyte! Gurukuls only accepted Brahmins. Even the warrior class was given limited knowledge and the higher caste of Priests &/or 'learned' men zealously guarded the dissemination of whatever knowledge was there - basically the ability ti read and write and knowledge of vedic texts. They used this very knowledge to keep the rest of the population in check.
Who, in those times, would a common man fear - one who would physically fight him or one who would threaten to unleash the wrath of Gods upon him?

This is such a bullshit. Trying to transpose desert stories on to Indian landscape. There were saints from all castes. India experimented with atheism too and Buddhism co-existed with Hinduism all through until the arrival of Islam. So what fear of Gods to hold back whom? This society which was so multi layered with so many power structures was so gullible you mean?

You should stop seeing Mel Gibson movies and thinking India was the dark place where Brahmin priests ate babies for dinner.

That was rich. :tup:

I am always honest.
I am still waiting for the proof that Syrian christians were high caste brahmin converts :lol:

When are you going to provide that proof ? :P
...In Kerala...
Those Malayalis who could able to speak their mother tongue fluently are High caste(even if he was a tribal) and whom couldn't are lower caste(even if he was of Brahmin origin)...
...In Kerala...
Those Malayalis who could able to speak their mother tongue fluently are High caste(even if he was a tribal) and whom couldn't are lower caste(even if he was of Brahmin origin)...

Never heard of such a thing. Any links ?
...In Kerala...
Those Malayalis who could able to speak their mother tongue fluently are High caste(even if he was a tribal) and whom couldn't are lower caste(even if he was of Brahmin origin)...
I cant comment on that because caste system is believed to be existing right from the times of Ramayan and before. I was only talking in context to the pics you have posted.

Well then in broader context in which we are talking about your point is Null & Void-
Since both those erotic arts and caste system existed as per your understanding before there was a religion called Islam-
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