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Muslim invasion created Dalits and tribals in India, says RSS

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What you have posted is just one form of the 64 fine arts. Nudity/sexuality is next to divinity without which the world would come to an end. It also gives a message that we have come to this earth without a stitch and we would be leaving without one as well. This holds true for even the greatest of the prophets who ever walked on this planet. Perverts tend to see them as objects of sensual pleasure and stoop down to the levels of homosexuals, pedophiles etc.
The point being why dont you give the credit of these examples of fine art to Muslims as well?-
By that same logic, why din't the Shudra's appoint themselves higher caste ? :lol:
Really? Shudras - the laborers and other assorted workers would have the brains or the knowledge, then, to defy the will of the priest (Brahmins) class? And on what basis would they challenge the Brahmins/Priest class?
Why din't the shudra's take over Hinduism ? :cheesy: ..... what stopped them ? surely you have to wonder about such simple questions.
You do realize that knowledge during those times was the sole prerogative of the Brahmins? Even the Kashtriyas class were given limited knowledge. And those 'learned' people would use that very knowledge to instill fear into the lower classes. And here you come to "wonder simple questions" like what stopped Shudras to take over Hinduism?
Hey btw, do you even know what or how Hinduism works?
maybe u should move to usa, sweden, norway, new zealand etc..open ur eyes.

it's you. that id has survived because it has a woman's name. both you and i know it.


Just so that I understand, you are telling me that Indrani and I am the same person ? right ?
So if I move to the USA I will have the same social status as Obama and Clinton and the Rockefeller and Bill Gates ? :lol:

Stop embarrassing yourself. :disagree:

u really should. like i said, open your eyes.

i'm done with this..keep making them ids...u sound similar.
The whole article was about RSS claiming that the Dalits were higher caste and that disturbed the "secular" since it takes away their favourite story and whipping boy. :lol:

All these protest you see is to deny the upper caste status to the dalits so that the "seculars" can continue to play them as the victims, the same way they do for muslims :cheesy:
Their fear is Hindu Unity and erosion of caste which means they cannot play divide and rule game with hindus to stay in power.The same Seculars wont raise a word on muslim and xtian unity but when it comes to hindus uniting they raise hell as if something bad has happened.
Atrocity literature and converts will stop.
Dalits are portrayed as separate from hindus,so they can be easily harvested by both abrahamics whose claim is they are rescuing untouchable dalits from oppressive hindus and giving them dignity and equality.They are scared of dalits being hindus for this reason.
The point being why dont you give the credit of these examples of fine art to Muslims as well?-
Because, these fine arts existed way before muslims arrived. Parasurama was an expert in all the 64 forms of art and he belonged to the treta yuga which is some thousands of years before mohammad was born/Islam was formed.
maybe u should move to usa, sweden, norway, new zealand etc..open ur eyes.

it's you. that id has survived because it has a woman's name. both you and i know it.

hey,whatever u do,, dont report d lord :angry:,,,,his posts have a very sobering affect on aspiring fundoos
Their fear is Hindu Unity and erosion of caste which means they cannot play divide and rule game with hindus to stay in power.The same Seculars wont raise a word on muslim and xtian unity but when it comes to hindus uniting they raise hell as if something bad has happened.
Atrocity literature and converts will stop.
Dalits are portrayed as separate from hindus,so they can be easily harvested by both abrahamics whose claim is they are rescuing untouchable dalits from oppressive hindus and giving them dignity and equality.They are scared of dalits being hindus for this reason.

dude..the muslims and christians are no longer in power. we are. stop writing so much generic stuff without thinking.
Their fear is Hindu Unity and erosion of caste which means they cannot play divide and rule game with hindus to stay in power.The same Seculars wont raise a word on muslim and xtian unity but when it comes to hindus uniting they raise hell as if something bad has happened.
Atrocity literature and converts will stop.
Dalits are portrayed as separate from hindus,so they can be easily harvested by both abrahamics whose claim is they are rescuing untouchable dalits from oppressive hindus and giving them dignity and equality.They are scared of dalits being hindus for this reason.
bhai,tum bhi,,,,u think this is d way to promote Hindu unity :rolleyes:
Really? Shudras - the laborers and other assorted workers would have the brains or the knowledge, then, to defy the will of the priest (Brahmins) class? And on what basis would they challenge the Brahmins/Priest class?

Exactly. The one who had the knowledge was the Brahmins. Not the other way around.

The point of discussion is how and when the system got corrupted. There are plenty of examples in Kerala (since it was untouched by violent islamic invasion) where dalits became as knowledgeable as the Brahmins and rejected the supremacy of the Namboodris. They started their own temple and had their own priests.

In the North, the Bhumiars did it too.

You do realize that knowledge during those times was the sole prerogative of the Brahmins? Even the Kashtriyas class were given limited knowledge. And those 'learned' people would use that very knowledge to instill fear into the lower classes. And here you come to "wonder simple questions" like what stopped Shudras to take over Hinduism?
Hey btw, do you even know what or how Hinduism works?

The division of power was well established in Hinduism.

1. The Brahmins got to have knowledge, but was devoid of land, wealth and arms.
2. The kshatriyas got to have arms, but was denied knowledge outside his domain, land and wealth.
3. The Vaishya got to have wealth, but was denied knowledge outside his domain, land and arms.
4. The Shdra got to have land and cows, but was denied denied knowledge outside his domain, arms and wealth.

The question is when did this change ? that is the million dollar question.

Are you now going to give me gyan on Hinduism ? :P ...I look forward to it.

dude..the muslims and christians are no longer in power. we are. stop writing so much generic stuff without thinking.

LOL. Are you sure ? You will be surprised.
What "power" was taken away and by "whoem" ? the ability to fly and climb walls like spiderman ?

How does one "take away" mental power ? ...how does one "take away" physical power ?
Are those rhetorical questions? Or are you really such a simpleton?
Shudra's were the one who owned the land and did farming. They were the one's who owned cows. Clearly no one could take away their food. Education was not exclusive to brahmins. Anybody who could pay the fee was accepted into a gurukul. When did that change ? Why did that change ? What drastic change took place that destroyed this system ?
Bull shyte! Gurukuls only accepted Brahmins. Even the warrior class was given limited knowledge and the higher caste of Priests &/or 'learned' men zealously guarded the dissemination of whatever knowledge was there - basically the ability ti read and write and knowledge of vedic texts. They used this very knowledge to keep the rest of the population in check.
Who, in those times, would a common man fear - one who would physically fight him or one who would threaten to unleash the wrath of Gods upon him?
Veda Vyasa was born of a fisher women and today his birth day is Guru Poornima. So what mental power was taken away from him ?
True. But you also conveniently forget to mention that his father was the wandering sage Parashara - a Brahmin who authored Vishnu Purana. And that inheritance of anything was based on paternal authority rather than maternal.
1. Its a "her" not a "him"
2. Seiko is a Christian, so no need to call him a muslim or a communist.
3. Don't poke your head in somebody's else's conversation.

I am not sure who "invented" caste system, I guess its the Portuguese. If you want a specific name, I will have to google it.

If you are talking about Varna, then that is part of Hinduism and is not attributed to any one particular person or community :coffee:

Again, how is that relevant ?
But you seems putting the entire blame on Islamic invaders..may be they promoted it...
Dalits were excluded from the chatur varna caste system and were treated as untouchables..or was it also coined by Islamic invaders??
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