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Musharraf VS Imran Khan: Who is best at handling foreign policy ?

Who on earth is going to Vote for that Hardcore drinker - Musharraf, whose spokesperson just recently found guilty in possession of Alcohol.

ok seriously you guys are throwing cheap around! first of all It is all known to Pakistan that PPP and PMLN are trying their best to stop APML and PTI new parties to emerge and they will do anything meaning any accusation to put parties down. Atiqa Oudo isn't stupid who will if she does drink, will bring alcohol on plan or carry it on plain and check in in baggage WTF it speaks for itself. now your question that Musharraf drinks and who will vote for him? hahah same for those who support adulterous and heavy drinker imran khan! now my comments were just to meet you on your level. which i usually don't do it. what a shameful act some members do on this forum.
@ Moha 19

No one is playing cheap here. The real question is why Musharraf himself is using the Religion Card to deceive the masses but on other hand he promotes Roshan Khayali? Refer to my post no 60 please.
All Pakistan Muslim League. If it is not hypocrisy and deception, then what it is?
ok seriously i seriously expected PTI supporters a little different from pmln/ppp supporters. Who the fk say he drink alcohol seems like he has been drinking with your elders isn't it? or with your? or you have seen him yourself? WTF what a cheap comments are we getting on this forum? Prove me one place Musharraf where he is drinking? i can be saying that Imran khan still drinks with his sisters along with benazir and zardari? but does it support my cheap comment? answer is no! now grow up on this kind of moronic statements bro. Wanna talk about politics then talk about it. Fact is that when you have no argument you will go on personality! We have nailed all who were against Musharraf on every step way back now new comments like you are just jumping the guns with no knowledge of history. let me also say that this forum used to keep some information which it doesn't. it's more like yahoo chat room, You will never see APML member or supporter to come up and say that imran is this or that we all say that support Musharraf or Imran or any who is not tested but don't support PMLN and PPP who are tested and failed. We believe that Musharraf is tested and successful, you think that Imran khan is better but it doesn't give you a right to call names to a person who has given 50 years of his and his family life to Pakistan, who has faced bullets tanks and aerial bombardment and who was and still is ready to give his life for this nation. Unlike Zardari nawaz who had just delivered some emotional speeches and nothing else. Now imran khan is not a bad guy but i personally like Musharraf but it doesn't mean that who doesn't vote imran khan is traitor or anyone who is standing against PTI in elections is traitor. WTF is wrong with this nation man. instead of joining hands with people who had been loyal to Pakistan and who had led country to prosperity, you guys just wanna pick on them not corrupt nawaz and zardari???? fine Musharraf was a dictator and now he isn't! he is coming as political leader who will be seeking votes! just like imran zardari or nawaz. Show some respect to elders secondly. This is exactly PMLN and PPP want. devision in newer parties so they gain and this is exactly what is happening. It's time to say that lets be realistic and support PAKISTAN FIRST not PTI first imran first or Musharraf first. it's PAKISTAN FIRST. APML members or supporters know that it is impossible for any party to win election as whole and we will be needing alliances and we will pick PTI and MQM but i guess some people still live in fools paradise who say they will mark elections as whole!
@ Moha 19

No one is playing cheap here. The real question is Musharraf himself is using the Religion Card to deceive the masses. Refer to my post no 60 please.
My upper comment is a bit harsh but i guess members should need to learn how to talk sensible. This isn't yahoo chat. On this forum we have discussed that pakistan joining WOT was not an option but only way, We also acknowledged as whole members especially old ones including webmaster that Musharraf was loyal and is loyal and he was the best of what Pakistan ever had, now all of the sudden when man steps away for two years and media starts to change mood of people, many fell for propaganda and many chickened out but it doesn't prove that Musharraf was a bad guy. Lets work together and work for Pakistan and flush out morons like PPP PMLN old and tested fail political parties
There is NO comparison between a military dictator and a civilian leader.

to compare itself is shameful that we look at night-watch-man as leader?

even compare Zardari vs Musharraf I would go with Zardari since we, the Nation elected him.

Very negative / heart breaking comment from you indeed. Tussi tay dil hi tor ditta ji. I dont know why people are so fond of 'procedures' rather than results. How Zardari was elected by 'YOU' everybody knows it. He smartly used Bewakoof tareen politician 'nawaz sharif' for the purpose. NS was so out of his mind against Mush bcaz he kicked him out from Govt, so NS was used by Zardari as Toilet paper. Do you really think that he is representative of the 'Nation'?
Without doubt, Musharraf is the best diplomatic entity

Specify your claims and back it up with valid arguments which must reflect his past record.

Pakistan has and needs to ensure it's survival.

A dictator is one big threat to this country's survival - ie Adolf hitler who came into power through ballet.

His stature in the international community in itself vindicates of how well he performed during his tenure.

How well ? i think he destroyed this country from within , from Pashtuns to Baloch all are turning against Pakistan just because of the ruthless "you wont know what hit you" policies -- you call it international stature - one has to be out of his mind to believe you.

I have statistics to prove it.

Bring the statics ! im waiting.

Pakistan needs friends not enemies.

Yet Musharraf created more and more enemies ! Angered balochs , Pashtuns , attacked a Mosque ! - you call that "creating friends" ? i disagree and rather call it absolute lunacy.
Trade not aid as honorable Gen. (r) Musharraf put it.

Yet he never refused aid :lol: - Pakistan is in this mess because of his mind boggling policies regarding war on terror - his decisions have cost us 60 plus billion dollars so far in economic loss.

No debate. What Imran Khan is preaching equates to surrender to the T and AQ in turn for peace.

Imran is not preaching "surrender" to terrorists - he is rather preaching the path of "debate , reconciliation & negotiations" - your cheap shot at Imran has just back fired !

Not only will the world condemn us, we will, in effect be isolated.

Do you think we already are not isolated ? My God i am starting to have doubts in your sanity ! -- Holland pulled out of Afghanistan years ago are they Isolated ? NO they have actually survived the global economic crunch by ending their policy over WOT & now everyone else in EU is paying the price for their stupidity.

His foreign policy is based on impractical standards.

Elaborate more & back your claims with valid proofs which can be verified in recent history -- mindless dogmas are not accepted.

He's oblivious to ground realities.

How exactly ?

Even his own party members do not know how he plans to deal with the cancerous radicals and extremism.

How do you know that his party members are unaware of his policies over WOT if so why his party members join him in Dharnas ?

:lol: you are just making yourself look like a fool.
No one talks about Musharraf only a handful e-supporters. I wonder when Musharraf himself is going to give up on Alcohol? Isn't this hypocrisy that he consumes alcohol, watched shows of dancing Shahida Minni, brought that Roshan Khayali to our people but yet he used a religion card to deceive the masses of Pakistan - All Pakistan Muslim League. If it is not hypocrisy and deception, then what it is?

Hypocrisy is not limited, well i ll not go into 'personal' details of IK but would like to refer that he can not be member of parliament based on his 'personal' matters:

Const. of Pakistan
62. Qualifications for membership of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)
(d) he is of good character and is not commonly known as one who violates Islamic Injunctions;
@ Moha 19

No one is playing cheap here. The real question is why Musharraf himself is using the Religion Card to deceive the masses but on other hand he promotes Roshan Khayali? Refer to my post no 60 please.

Tehrik e Insaf

Did he do insaf to his 'love child'??? If it is not hypocrisy and deception, then what it is?

If you will bring personal things in debate, it will derail the thread.
Very negative / heart breaking comment from you indeed. Tussi tay dil hi tor ditta ji. I dont know why people are so fond of 'procedures' rather than results. How Zardari was elected by 'YOU' everybody knows it. He smartly used Bewakoof tareen politician 'nawaz sharif' for the purpose. NS was so out of his mind against Mush bcaz he kicked him out from Govt, so NS was used by Zardari as Toilet paper. Do you really think that he is representative of the 'Nation'?

Yes, he represent our NATION, he played well with his cards, whats wrong with it ? this is what corrupt people like him do...

and how did he got elected is exactly the result of NOT following the Procedures...Institutionalization of the power is required, and that comes through procedures and process...which military boots have destroyed every now and then...

but as long as our constitution doesnot allow military interference, we should not support any dictator for the sake of our state... we the commoners must get strong to defend our state, the state which is because of us, not because of its institution called military.

if theocracy is giving results, if British Raj is giving results,if talibees are giving results, what will you say?
Tehrik e Insaf

Did he do insaf to his 'love child'??? If it is not hypocrisy and deception, then what it is?

If you will bring personal things in debate, it will derail the thread.

even on this level you cannot compare IK with mush. since IK has transformed into a new person, a muslim to begin with... while mush is still what he was...characterless... and there is nothing known change in his thoughts....
and how many time I.K in his interviews said his wish is to brought his children back to pak . but its rule in brit that before 16 childs must stay with there mother.
so going to conclusion read or listen a bit.
Tehrik e Insaf

Did he do insaf to his 'love child'??? If it is not hypocrisy and deception, then what it is?

If you will bring personal things in debate, it will derail the thread.

His love child as you claim it lives with her mother. She has no issues there, her mother has no issues keeping her and neither any laws of that country have issues with it as the matter is settled.

What "insaf" are you talking about?
Tehrik e Insaf

Did he do insaf to his 'love child'??? If it is not hypocrisy and deception, then what it is?

If you will bring personal things in debate, it will derail the thread.

yes, but musharraf did a very good insaf ???
i dont say imran is a good political material but this musharraf is the worst scum of the earth

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