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Musharraf VS Imran Khan: Who is best at handling foreign policy ?

Ground realities? What ground realities? No Pakistani was involved in 9/11. If I'm not wrong, the then secretary of defense denied any calls to Musharaff threating him of being bombed to stone ages. Even if he did, what did they do about Iran after threatening them of an attack? North Korea?

And You didn't mention anything about NRO?
Raheel bhai Pakistan doesn't have oil! let me remind you that when Bush wanted to attack iran in 2006 do you know that patrol in USA went as high as $7 gallon where it used to be $2:15 and you talking about N KOREA? are we N koreans? answer is no and no way. north koreans don't have life they worship their leader as god and i mean what i say THEY WORSHIP THEIR LEADER AS GOD. they all work for government and they get food from government and that food is not chicken etc! go read about N KOREANS. secondly people who talk about N KOREAN? Must read history of AMERICAN AND CHINES CEASE FIRE"
Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NOW YOU SAYING THAT WHY DID MUSHARRAF LET TALIBANS TAKE SANCTUARIES IN PAKISTAN? WELL MY ANSWER IS HE DIDN'T..... WE ALL GREW UP WITH STORIES OF ALLAQA GAIR AND STOP BEING HYPOCRITE, Army usually use the term that Pakistan conquered the area which had talibans in it. see this is the problem my friends that you guys don't know the history and you guys are jumping the guns. well i will say it only once and these are headlines and rest you go do research. Pakistan didn't have forces in alaqa gair meaning the entire Pakistan beyond dara in Pashawar. now when americans came to Afghanistan at that time afghan talibans came to Pakistani area and in 2002 when Pakistani army tried to go in to secure the boarder, these tribal people didn't like outsiders meaning Pak FOJ because many of them also don't accepted pak afghan boarder under Durante line. now these talibans started and launched cross boarder attack on NATO forces from pakistan and when americans followed them they entered Pakistan. and americans weren't allowed to come into Pakistan. on this americans made so much noise and passed serious threats of cross boarder conflicts. Pak foj decided to cut the deal with real tribal elders in 2002 who supported Musharraf and Pakistan but TTP talibans killed 290 MALIKS in one day and eliminated entire tribal leadership which resulted in army action in tribal region. because Pakistan didn't have their own people well after this Pak foj made the next generation into leadership meaning the kids of those maliks but same thing happened in end of 2003 which made army to take strong action and actually seal the boarder and this is where all these terrorist went against Musharraf that he is not letting us do jihad against americans etc and all trouble started and jinni came out of the bottle now when Musharraf ordered to strike back, many people acted like chickens and went against Musharraf. now read more about it, go do research. listen to army generals who were posted there during that time. even some personal level anti Musharraf generals ended up supporting Musharraf on TV because actions were legit from Pakistani interest point of view
Actions speak louder than words.

Abottabad. Ring any bells?

Abottabad happened because our military and civilian Govt. is addicted to US aid. Had this been any other country, she would have had protested strongly in UN and other foras. You don't bite the hand that feeds you. So no comparisons between post 9/11 and Abottabad raid.

I have mentioned NRO read my previous posts.

I am unable to see it. Kindly highlight it.

OHhh h h h '
remember one thing Mush was a phatoooooooo
on one call he bow down to USa .....
lanat ho yar aisa leader ... kal india nay koi threat kar dia to yeh to apni ...... tak day dega.
There is NO comparison between a military dictator and a civilian leader.

to compare itself is shameful that we look at night-watch-man as leader?

even compare Zardari vs Musharraf I would go with Zardari since we, the Nation elected him.
Im all up for imran khan,he follows his heart,he's brave,not corrupt.He has been saying this for years that pakistan should go out on wot and time has proved him right,look where we are now because of jumping into wot,and except imran khan i dont see any other politition who can take pakistan out of this mess.And i would definately not want another army coup in my country so hope Imran khan does the job of a good leader.:pakistan:

thats the whole point he follows from his heart not from head .u Need to think from head that whats matters
Mushy by far is the BEST in diplomacy as compared to all the baboons in Pakistan! He uses BRAINS as oppose to HEART!

You tell'em Z9_ec and tell all these Mushy haters that how awesome Mushy is!

Long live Mushy and PTI + APML + MQM alliance, InshahAllah! Instead of fighting with each other, PTI and APML should ALLIANT together!
Mushy by far is the BEST in diplomacy as compared to all the baboons in Pakistan! He uses BRAINS as oppose to HEART!

You tell'em Z9_ec and tell all these Mushy haters that how awesome Mushy is!

Long live Mushy and PTI + APML + MQM alliance, InshahAllah! Instead of fighting with each other, PTI and APML should ALLIANT together!

I would rather like to see IK becoming Asghar Khan than making this alliance... he has already said "Qoam mujhay aik or galti per maaf nahi kare gi."
Cheap comment! if you go dig back you will see that Pakistan allowed and accepted all terms on sep 29th 2001 when terms were given on sep 12th 2001 so i don't know which phone call are you talking about! and we have posted all the information. you guys are way late on this forum to talk about 911 MODS and webmaster should really bring forth those threads where we had posted all the information, the early version of wiki leaks dated way back in 2005/2006 ... where we had proves that Pakistan tried all what i could to save Talibans from american wrath. the cabals which proved that Pashah was keep going back and forth to work things out, and when talibans refused on 26th sep 2001 flat out this is when Pakistan decided to cooperate with NATO forces
OHhh h h h '
remember one thing Mush was a phatoooooooo
on one call he bow down to USa .....
lanat ho yar aisa leader ... kal india nay koi threat kar dia to yeh to apni ...... tak day dega.
There is NO comparison between a military dictator and a civilian leader.

to compare itself is shameful that we look at night-watch-man as leader?

even compare Zardari vs Musharraf I would go with Zardari since we, the Nation elected him.

I mean what can i say to you since your comment is shameful as it is, and debating on this or you over this comment is cheap as it is your comment. YOU ARE RIGHT AND WE ARE WRONG ON THIS, STAY HAPPY WITH ZARDARI BABA ;)
Who on earth is going to Vote for that Hardcore drinker - Musharraf, whose spokesperson just recently found guilty in possession of Alcohol.
I mean what can i say to you since your comment is shameful as it is, and debating on this or you over this comment is cheap as it is your comment. YOU ARE RIGHT AND WE ARE WRONG ON THIS, STAY HAPPY WITH ZARDARI BABA ;)

just showing how wrong it is to compare a military dictator with any Civilian leaders, you can still go by the letter if you like.

---------- Post added at 11:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 AM ----------

Who on earth is going to Vote for that Hardcore drinker - Musharraf, whose spokesperson just recently found guilty in possession of Alcohol.

who after consultation with Musharraf resigned from Vice-presidency of APML....
who after consultation with Musharraf resigned from Vice-presidency of APML....

No one talks about Musharraf only a handful e-supporters. I wonder when Musharraf himself is going to give up on Alcohol? Isn't this hypocrisy that he consumes alcohol, watched shows of dancing Shahida Minni, brought that Roshan Khayali to our people but yet he used a religion card to deceive the masses of Pakistan - All Pakistan Muslim League. If it is not hypocrisy and deception, then what it is?
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