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Musharraf VS Imran Khan: Who is best at handling foreign policy ?

Sadly musharaf who is a military guy, is more mature than Imran Khan.
Imran Khan is passionate, clean and nice guy, but he will finish last. He is also telling everything to everybody, trying to widen his popularity too much.
In the end he needs to take a stand on terrorism.
The world is full of such nice and well meaning guy who make a mess of everything.
Musharraf is the reason why Pakistan is in this mess in the first place. What was wrong in staying neutral? Why drag Pakistan into this never ending war OF terror which is destroying Pakistan.

Iran stayed out of this war OF terror, and it also has a long border with Afghanistan and has sea ports. Now look at Iran today and look at Pakistan.

Imran Khan is the only politician who cares for Pakistan and not his bank balance.
if i has to chooese between them

i willl go for musharaf any time

imran khan without any doubt will be a good leader

bt musharaf is more mature and know how to deal with the current situation

and i am sure if he has given one chance again
he will be very honest to pakistan.

Imran khan is a hope for pakistan bt musharaf is the best and ultimate choice in this presentt situation for pakistan
who created ahtisab beauro ??
and the culprits were in his party after they were balckmail by ahtisab beauro .
all the curropt people were with him . . . .
none other than mush.
he has done good things i agree . but his negative points are very big one.
and baki sara lafzon ka khail hai . . .
sharabi log . . . Rashi log ... kabhi bhe koi theek kam nahi karney daingey. jo bhe ho

---------- Post added at 10:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 AM ----------

and one big reason for supporting Imran for me is Indians dont like him.:cheers:
Musharraf all the way! now don't take me wrong, i have nothing against ik actually i like him also but when it come to Pakistan i will put my senses over my emotions, There are many die heart supporters of Musharraf who has fallen for propaganda, for having WOT not being our war and that we had choice, i seriously laugh now because all i see is chicken out personalities because when heat turned up and Pakistan had to face heat in the final stages, many ran away like chickens, From 2001 to 2008 many most of the members on this page supported and accepted that Pakistan had no choice but to side with west, Indeed iran stayed neutral because it has something what world need and when Bush tried to move to attack iran in 2006 we saw GAS"patrol" $7 a gallon in USA. where as Pakistan has nothing to offer. We all know that we had no choice and i have tried to remind many that if you think that Pakistan had choice then lets lay out possibilities of how Pakistan could off stayed away from this war and possibly fought the world plus USA. but in return i get no answer!
Musharraf has many votes. the problem is that Musharraf's supporters are not typical jiyallay who will try to prove their opponent wrong which is the culture of Pakistan where as Musharraf's supporters will also say that IK is also good and there should be some working together plan but IK jiyallay are typical voters who say that IK is only good no one else is, and if you are not PTI then you are traitor lol to me this is rational.
Imran Khan is a born leader, he will learn and lead Pakistan to greatness.

Probably not going to happen though, Zardari/Nawaz are billionaires and have the pocket to win campaigns.

imran khan might have leadership qualitie's but does not have any expert knowledge on pakistani economy and pakistani military establishment's, while MUSSHARAF is a tough task master, with a lot of experience behind him, he enjoy's cordial relation's with army and know's the basic problem's in pakistan. Pakistan had seen some economic growth under his rule as well. And some of the argument's made by IMRAN KHAN are not practical, such as rejection of american economic aid, when the country is having no economic growth, you can't run a country on silly ego's and emotion's.
thats why i hate democracy .
because kabhi bhe koi theek banda is curropt system main nahi aa sakta.
previously 3 crore 50 thousend illegal or 2 number votes were caust. and dont know how much this time. and we may know about the blunder after 3 to 4 years passed.
imran no doubt is a great leader but in this curropt system he has got only 5% chance to come to rule the country. but iFFFFFFFFF he comes to rule the country he will have to deliver. other wise .......
imra khan might have leadership qualitie's but has less knowledge about pakistani economy and pakitai military establishment's, while MUSSHARAF is a tough task master, with a lot of experience behind him, he enjoy's cordial relation's with army and know's the basic problem's in pakistan. Pakistan had seen some economic growth under his rule as well. And some of the argument's made by IMRAN KHAN are not practical, such as rejection of american economic aid, when the country is having no economic growth, you can't run a country on silly ego's and emotion's.

very childesh view .
What zardari knows about economy ????
what Nawaz knows about Economy????
What mush knows about economy ????
they all know about there personal bank balance Swiss A/C formhouses london and Saudi properties.
but for imran he has good people around and he listens to great economist very good people in defence and all other fields of life. if you are a leader you dont have to be all rounder you just need to know K kis ko kaisey chalana hai.
very childesh view .
What zardari knows about economy ????
what Nawaz knows about Economy????
What mush knows about economy ????
they all know about there personal bank balance Swiss A/C formhouses london and Saudi properties.
but for imran he has good people around and he listens to great economist very good people in defence and all other fields of life. if you are a leader you dont have to be all rounder you just need to know K kis ko kaisey chalana hai.

let me tell you that pakistan is all about military establishment's, and you can't have a more experienced guy than mush who has sound knowledge about army, if you see the current situation pak civilian governement and pk army are seen as two end's of a stick, the stick being pakistan, so a lot of confusion,chaos and disturbance has arisen due to this differnce's between civilian gov and army, this confusion will vanish if mush come's to power. regarding pak economy , i have already said that pak economy grew in mush era , so he has already proved himself when it come's to economic growth, so if given a chance he can repeat it again. while zardari gov is a total failure , econoically as well as militarily.And mush with all his experience will ot commit those mistake's which he comitted in his previous term.
bro have all the names but kindly don't bring Musharraf in this list! i knew well off of economy and he didn't steal jack sh!t from Pakistan... this is exactly what i say i hate typical jiyallay.... now please tele all the figures from GOP reports or for this you can also use google and look up the economy of Pakistan prior to Musharraf and during musharraf.
very childesh view .
What zardari knows about economy ????
what Nawaz knows about Economy????
What mush knows about economy ????
they all know about there personal bank balance Swiss A/C formhouses london and Saudi properties.
but for imran he has good people around and he listens to great economist very good people in defence and all other fields of life. if you are a leader you dont have to be all rounder you just need to know K kis ko kaisey chalana hai.

Year Gross Domestic Product US Dollar Exchange Inflation Index
(2000=100) Per Capita Income
(as % of USA)
1960 20,058 4.76 Pakistani Rupees 3.37
1965 31,740 4.76 Pakistani Rupees 3.40
1970 51,355 4.76 Pakistani Rupees 3.26
1975 131,330 9.91 Pakistani Rupees 2.36
1978 283,460 9.97 Pakistani Rupees 21 2.83
1985 569,114 16.28 Pakistani Rupees 30 2.07
1990 1,029,093 21.41 Pakistani Rupees 41 1.92
1995 2,268,461 30.62 Pakistani Rupees 68 2.16
2000 3,826,111 51.64 Pakistani Rupees 100 1.54
2005 6,581,103 59.86 Pakistani Rupees 126 1.71
Indicator 1999 2007 2008 2009
GDP $ 75 billion $ 160 billion $ 170 billion $ 185 billion
GDP Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) $ 270 billion $ 475.5 billion $ 504 billion $ 545.6 billion
GDP per Capita Income $ 450 $ 925 $1085 $1250
Revenue collection Rs. 305 billion Rs. 708 billion Rs. 990 billion Rs. 1.05 trillion
Foreign reserves $ 1.96 billion $ 16.4 billion $ 8.89 billion $ 14 billion
Exports $ 7.5 billion $ 18.5 billion $ 19.22 billion $ 18.45 billion
Textile Exports $ 5.5 billion $ 11.2 billion - -
KHI stock exchange (100-Index)$ 5 billion at 700 points $ 75 billion at 14,000 points $ 46 billion at 9,300 points $ 26.5 billion at 9,000 points
Foreign Direct Investment $ 1 billion $ 8.4 billion $ 5.19 billion $ 4.6 billion
External Debt & Liabilities $ 39 billion $ 40.17 billion $ 45.9 billion $ 50.1 billion
Poverty level 34% 24% - -
Literacy rate 45% 53% - -
Development programs Rs. 80 billion Rs. 520 billion Rs. 549.7 billion Rs. 621 billion


Take some time and read this, http://www.adb.org/Documents/Assessments/Private-Sector/PAK/Private-Sector-Assessment.pdf
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bro have all the names but kindly don't bring Musharraf in this list! i knew well off of economy and he didn't steal jack sh!t from Pakistan... this is exactly what i say i hate typical jiyallay.... now please tele all the figures from GOP reports or for this you can also use google and look up the economy of Pakistan prior to Musharraf and during musharraf.

thakyou for the source , now they will know how much did mush knew about pak economy
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Im all up for imran khan,he follows his heart,he's brave,not corrupt.He has been saying this for years that pakistan should go out on wot and time has proved him right,look where we are now because of jumping into wot,and except imran khan i dont see any other politition who can take pakistan out of this mess.And i would definately not want another army coup in my country so hope Imran khan does the job of a good leader.:pakistan:
thakyou for the source , now they will know how much did mush knew about pak economy

But what people do not want to understand is - the life does not stop at dollar, dollar and dollars

He was good in some matters (most related to economy) but extremely failed in other sensitive issues.

He ruled the country for about 10 years so the economy was bound to increase up to certain extents... during 90s all regimes were under sanctions comparing to Musharraf's regime which was rather backed by the foreign nations and were getting aid from all over the world. It was not because of Musharraf's ability but the whole world came to Pakistan for support in the War on Terror or in my opinion that was more like a mutual understanding by all parties.

Figures makes a lot difference but I always like to give the example from that movie that Spain conquered Brazil by force, won the land but ultimately all of its soldiers were killed... Portugal conquered Brazil and instead of force they absorbed the give away policy... put them under immense pressure of "Thankfulness" and then commanded them what to do... and now 99% of Brazil speaks Portuguese as their native language.

During Musharraf's era we were given money and $$$ but the country's sovereignty was also put on stake and this current regime is just following the same policies agreed by the Musharraf era and all we can do is - count $$$ and sell our people in exchange
Neighther of two....
these two are very lavish life enjoying people...
Pak desperately needs a new leader..should be down to earth; moderate

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