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Musharraf VS Imran Khan: Who is best at handling foreign policy ?

well for that musharraf would first need to come to Pakistan, find his party members, ask pardon for the crimes he committed, declare his assets, face charges of crimes he committed, face trial, and get hanged for the murderers of political leaders and citizens, if survived, then he would be required to come to PTI and ask for coalition.... then PTI executive committee will consider his application...

by the way, PTI has already stated "no compromise on objectives"

we will consider his application for coalition after that...

Funny this coming from a supporter of IMRAN KHAN who wants to SURRENDER to the MURDERERS of 35,000 PAKISTANIS.

Wheres the justice for those innocent civilians?
How is all that relevant to what i said ? - Democracy is a threat to Pakistan -- yes to delusional dictatorial morons like you.

Question, Which era was more democratic? todays Pakistan or during Musharraf's tenure?

Have you forgotten local governments? Todays PAKISTAN = dictatorship.
ok seriously i seriously expected PTI supporters a little different from pmln/ppp supporters. Who the fk say he drink alcohol seems like he has been drinking with your elders isn't it? or with your? or you have seen him yourself? WTF what a cheap comments are we getting on this forum? Prove me one place Musharraf where he is drinking? i can be saying that Imran khan still drinks with his sisters along with benazir and zardari? but does it support my cheap comment? answer is no! now grow up on this kind of moronic statements bro. Wanna talk about politics then talk about it. Fact is that when you have no argument you will go on personality! We have nailed all who were against Musharraf on every step way back now new comments like you are just jumping the guns with no knowledge of history. let me also say that this forum used to keep some information which it doesn't. it's more like yahoo chat room, You will never see APML member or supporter to come up and say that imran is this or that we all say that support Musharraf or Imran or any who is not tested but don't support PMLN and PPP who are tested and failed. We believe that Musharraf is tested and successful, you think that Imran khan is better but it doesn't give you a right to call names to a person who has given 50 years of his and his family life to Pakistan, who has faced bullets tanks and aerial bombardment and who was and still is ready to give his life for this nation. Unlike Zardari nawaz who had just delivered some emotional speeches and nothing else. Now imran khan is not a bad guy but i personally like Musharraf but it doesn't mean that who doesn't vote imran khan is traitor or anyone who is standing against PTI in elections is traitor. WTF is wrong with this nation man. instead of joining hands with people who had been loyal to Pakistan and who had led country to prosperity, you guys just wanna pick on them not corrupt nawaz and zardari???? fine Musharraf was a dictator and now he isn't! he is coming as political leader who will be seeking votes! just like imran zardari or nawaz. Show some respect to elders secondly. This is exactly PMLN and PPP want. devision in newer parties so they gain and this is exactly what is happening. It's time to say that lets be realistic and support PAKISTAN FIRST not PTI first imran first or Musharraf first. it's PAKISTAN FIRST. APML members or supporters know that it is impossible for any party to win election as whole and we will be needing alliances and we will pick PTI and MQM but i guess some people still live in fools paradise who say they will mark elections as whole!

Why is it so hard for you to understand what I'm trying to make it through your brain. Okay, Imran may be adulterer, he may be an alcohol consumer, he may be committing any sin which is against the teaching of Islam, but Imran has never used religion or Islam in his speeches specifically to appease the masses and in conjuring them to support his party. What could be said if the very fabric of the party has a word 'Muslim' in it but the leader is no where Islamic. I call it hypocrisy and deception, and you are allowed to disagree with me.

Moha, it looks like you don't know anything about Musharraf. One of my closest was a security guard of Musharraf and I can tell you more about his personality and acts then even his wife would.
When Musharraf came into power, Imran Khan was all sweet and sugar to him and Musharraf was a sugar-daddy of Imran Khan. Both shared many common traits and preferences and one of them was to have expensive and rare breed dogs. Musharraf’s kennel was exemplary during his era, and now he breeds few of them in his London residence. During those times, Imran used to spend quite a time with Musharraf in Chak Shahzad farm house and his dogs. Both have a history of exchanging dogs in the past.
Now Musharraf has refreshed those memories again and has sent a puppy to Imran. The father of puppy is the favorite dog of Imran in the Musharraf’s kennel. Humuyun Gohar, the mutual friend of Musharraf and Imran has been the courier. Imran is already getting his love restored for pro-establishment parties like MQM, and he has asked his PTI people in UK and USA to not to speak against Musharraf. It seems that the establishment’s dream of making Imran premier and Musharraf president is still alive, and this puppy could bring good luck to Imran.
Why is it so hard for you to understand what I'm trying to make it through your brain. Okay, Imran may be adulterer, he may be an alcohol consumer, he may be committing any sin which is against the teaching of Islam, but Imran has never used religion or Islam in his speeches specifically to appease the masses and in conjuring them to support his party. What could be said if the very fabric of the party has a word 'Muslim' in it but the leader is no where Islamic. I call it hypocrisy and deception, and you are allowed to disagree with me.

So what you mean is, anyone who uses the word "MUSLIM" is using religion as a veil?

This is hypocrisy.
Funny this coming from a supporter of IMRAN KHAN who wants to SURRENDER to the MURDERERS of 35,000 PAKISTANIS.

Wheres the justice for those innocent civilians?


(the other way around of saying plain ignorance :rofl: )

come up with some argument or stop wasting your and ours time.
I used to respect Imran Khan but he is like a clean shaved taliban. Not to mention senior members from his party support Mumtaz Qadri and blasphemy law. His stance on taliban is too weak. He thinks we can negotiate with bearded animals who are read to blow themselves up at any minute.

While Musharraf on the other hand did all the right things. Especially the economy. Under him a 7-8% gdp growth and so much foreign investment. I wish Musharraf stayed in power for atleast 6-8 more years.
Funny this coming from a supporter of IMRAN KHAN who wants to SURRENDER to the MURDERERS of 35,000 PAKISTANIS.

Wheres the justice for those innocent civilians?

A brief history of Drone attacks.

Year/no. of attacks
2011/19, and still continued

No. of Attacks: 232
Deaths: 2241

Attacks during Musharraf Govt: 9
Death: 112

Attacks during PPP Govt: 223
Deaths: 2129

Now tell me who signed a deal with the US of A on these drones attacks? I won't blame PPP Govt. for all this mess but Musharraf and all those 35,000 Pakistanis died only in retaliation of these drone attacks, so in a sense Musharraf is responsible for all of them too.
When Musharraf came into power, Imran Khan was all sweet and sugar to him and Musharraf was a sugar-daddy of Imran Khan. Both shared many common traits and preferences and one of them was to have expensive and rare breed dogs. Musharraf’s kennel was exemplary during his era, and now he breeds few of them in his London residence. During those times, Imran used to spend quite a time with Musharraf in Chak Shahzad farm house and his dogs. Both have a history of exchanging dogs in the past.
Now Musharraf has refreshed those memories again and has sent a puppy to Imran. The father of puppy is the favorite dog of Imran in the Musharraf’s kennel. Humuyun Gohar, the mutual friend of Musharraf and Imran has been the courier. Imran is already getting his love restored for pro-establishment parties like MQM, and he has asked his PTI people in UK and USA to not to speak against Musharraf. It seems that the establishment’s dream of making Imran premier and Musharraf president is still alive, and this puppy could bring good luck to Imran.

quite an epic story, :lol:

Imran has apologized to Nation for supporting Musharraf, the military dictator, and he has said recently he wont repeat his mistakes. enough said !
I used to respect Imran Khan but he is like a clean shaved taliban. Not to mention senior members from his party support Mumtaz Qadri and blasphemy law. His stance on taliban is too weak. He thinks we can negotiate with bearded animals who are read to blow themselves up at any minute.

While Musharraf on the other hand did all the right things. Especially the economy. Under him a 7-8% gdp growth and so much foreign investment. I wish Musharraf stayed in power for atleast 6-8 more years.

Even Obama suggested to make Taliban into talks, so shall we call him a black nigger Taliban too?
I used to respect Imran Khan but he is like a clean shaved taliban. Not to mention senior members from his party support Mumtaz Qadri and blasphemy law. His stance on taliban is too weak. He thinks we can negotiate with bearded animals who are read to blow themselves up at any minute.

While Musharraf on the other hand did all the right things. Especially the economy. Under him a 7-8% gdp growth and so much foreign investment. I wish Musharraf stayed in power for atleast 6-8 more years.

no one is animal, everyone has a cause, and they think they are right like you think you are right... there is nothing wrong with coming to common terms, its a civilized way.

hate has no end, there is nothing wrong with blasphemy law...implementation is questionable, which is the case in all the judicial system of Pak.

to be respected you need to give respect...

we all know how that artificial bubble was created of so called growing economy...
i dont know why mushi's fan compare previous 1999 year with mushi's ruling years . remember pakistan was under heavy sanctions during nawaz era after 1998 nuclear tests , while mushi's progress was all a temporary bubble even world bank has reports on it ,, Shoukat Aziz ran pakistan like a bank and just because of poor economic policies economic system collapse with in a months , if mushi was that much hero he would have done much more in 9 years . i am not supporter of nawaz sharif but it is not fair to compare a tenure of 2 years with full of sanctions with 9 years tenure with americans aid and freedom from sanctions .
I think what Imran Khan is good at is darna and dead line , jo garajte han who baraste nahi
Obama also loves drone attacks and is pressing Pakistan to kill terrorists and not support them.


He loves drone attacks to happen only in Pakistan but on the other hand making truce with Taliban. He wants you to make them kill in Pakistan but on the other hand asking them to have dine with them in Afghanistan. If Obama's administration can do such things why can't we? or is it that we Pakistani loves the blood of others to be fled...

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