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Mullahism V/S Liberalism

what is the defination of mullahism?why?

  • Mindset which promotes Islamic ideology

    Votes: 13 22.4%
  • Mindset which promotes TTP version of Islam

    Votes: 22 37.9%
  • Mindset with wild conspiracy theory and no sense of ideology

    Votes: 17 29.3%
  • Mindsets with lack of knowledge about Islam/group of confused mindsets

    Votes: 19 32.8%
  • other

    Votes: 8 13.8%

  • Total voters
Well said...furthermore....
Mr.Luftwaffe,let me clear it out first to many others that why I have started this thread today?I am personally evident of this so-called mullahism,let me tell you that I am not criticizing Islam as Mr @RAMPAGE and others have misunderstood,but specific mindsets who have twisted actual Islam and blurred the very base of it.
Let me share this incident with you.
Once there was a kid whom I used to teach,so once,I asked him that why he changed his field after completing his intermediate with science?why is he doing BA?He replied that because his preacher told him that drawing pictures in Islam is haram.
I was very shocked,I replied:"verily it is forbidden to make **** statues and figures of alive beings,but for the sake of study like physiology and medical,zoology...it is not haram.
He replied:"My preacher told me that no need for it,when we will enter inside heaven then Allah will teach us,about all his creations,everything..."
After he left,I thought that how this mullahism has blurred and ruined Islamic teachings?
Tell me if everyone began to follow that incomplete conception like of his preacher then imagine,no one will become doctor in Pakistan,as we don't need to,we will learn in heaven :hitwall:
What do you suggest?shouldn't we suppose to stop such mindsets Mr.Luftwaffe?
The incident you shared is real life example but should not be termed as Mullahism as this word is Generalizing the individual mistake with a whole religious community. Let me try to put in a simple way , I don't term myself a religious or Islamist , But I love Islam and Its tradition as muslim and do follow some sane religious leader of all sect . It means that I'm selective but not a sectarian . Why I'm so selective before making decision? Its to avoid folks like those you have mentioned above. I believe that the student you have mentioned may be mis-understood the teachings of his preacher , I just cannot judge everything from his answers but decisions related with life just not taken on the teachings of individual. :undecided:
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Tell me if everyone began to follow that incomplete conception like of his preacher then imagine,no one will become doctor in Pakistan,as we don't need to,we will learn in heaven :hitwall:

Please , remind me , how do we get into that Mullah's heaven ? :D

Kabooom !

not an athiest i guess , but not a muslim right?

Is this thread about me ? :what:

Secur is a atheist
Secur isn't a atheist , I guess
Secur may be a non Muslim

What follows next ? :azn:
The very point that I was trying to make . The belief/ideology/opinion/ideas aren't a problem unless it asks its followers to deny others the right to practice their respective ones with the use of force . I have no problem with the Mullah who spews venom day and night but does nothing to harm others who do not agree with him , even if I have that is in the form of disagreement , but is the same true for them ? No ! They would like to use force/fear psychology/harassment to stop me from practicing what is my belief . Live and let live . Mind your own freaking business is the way forward . None of Taliban's concern if I keep a beard or clean shave myself , that is my choice to make so there's no need to threaten barbers not to do their supposedly ' unislamic ' work . :D

Yea you are right if we consider all this shia vs sunni killing and lack of tolerance for qadyani community . Taliban actually have no authority over people because they are not legitimate ruler of the country and they just try to establish their authority through fear and violence but what you are going to do if you live in a country run by sharia say KSA or Iran? :D Then we cannot have kissing with opposite gender in public places by asking them to close their eyes as its none of their business :D
Please , remind me , how do we get into that Mullah's heaven ? :D

Kabooom !

Is this thread about me ? :what:

Secur is a atheist
Secur isn't a atheist , I guess
Secur may be a non Muslim

What follows next ? :azn:

What will follow after all this will be the explicit retelling of Secur's affair with Altu miyan as presented by @Armstrong. :rofl:

So since we are on the topic of the ummah. What is the "mortal world" equivalent of prescribed punishments for contravening rules regarding the ummah- since (as we had discussed earlier) Pakistan and its people will have a lot of atoning to do for having cheered the coming to power of Zia (took part in the killing of anywhere between 10.000-15,000 Palestinians) and for electing a government and supporting a military establishment which is training the Myanmar naval personnel etc.? Collective punishment is in order perhaps? Yes, @Hyperion?
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Please , remind me , how do we get into that Mullah's heaven ? :D

Kabooom !

Is this thread about me ? :what:

Secur is a atheist
Secur isn't a atheist , I guess
Secur may be a non Muslim

What follows next ? :azn:

well im in no position to be clling anybody a non muslim, but judging from your actions i believe you are.
Yea you are right . Taliban actually have no authority over people because they are not legitimate ruler of the country and they just try to establish their authority through fear and violence but what you are going to do if you live in a country run by sharia say KSA or Iran? :D Then we cannot have kissing with opposite gender in public places by asking them to close their eyes as its none of their business :D

Trust me , you enjoy more religious and cultural freedom under Queen's law or the Western one today than you ever would do in the existing situation of the Muslim countries :D Because the Kingdom bans driving for women which has more significant impact on their lives than we can imagine , add in the recent notifying to their brother/father/husband about where are they checking in/out as if they do not know already or the women are infants , is there any protest in the Muslim world for this intrusion on freedom and unislamic law ? No , sir . Then , why is the world turned upside down when the infidel Monsieurs ban burqa :lol:

Their country , their law , right ?

well im in no position to be clling anybody a non muslim, but judging from your actions i believe you are.

Thank you for the first part .

For the second , you didn't read my posts in context in such case .

Believe what you believe .
that there is no such thing as the muslim ummah.

That makes me atheist ! :rofl:

You nailed it .

@Dillinger Where is this revised definition coming from , mate ?

Actually there is something as 'Muslim Ummah', but not in today's world.
Religion is banned topic on the forum due to apparent reasons, so stop stressing over the matter.
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What will follow after all this will be the explicit retelling of Secur's affair with Altu miyan as presented by @Armstrong. :rofl:

So since we are on the topic of the ummah. What is the "mortal world" equivalent of prescribed punishments for contravening rules regarding the ummah- since (as we had discussed earlier) Pakistan and its people will have a lot of atoning to do for having cheered the coming to power of Zia (took part in the killing of anywhere between 10.000-15,000 Palestinians) and for electing a government and supporting a military establishment which is training the Myanmar naval personnel etc.? Collective punishment is in order perhaps? Yes, @Hyperion?

You tell me , my dear friend . What is so hard to understand about the fact that the ' Ummah doesn't exists in today's world ' :D How does that make one atheist or non Muslim ? Since , when is the believe in that , a fundamental pillar of Islam and an important criteria of a Muslim ? Apparently , the people claiming to know more about Islam , know nothing themselves .

Oh , I dont know . Because the supporters of Palestinians were silent at that time and hence supported that action which means a huge punishment and curse on them from the God almighty ! Similarly , the people not protesting now against the training of the infidel Burmese who have been involved in genocide shall find their abode in hell forgetting of course that the Muslims in Pakistan have killed more Muslims than the Buddhist Monks there . They are more concerned about Burma some 1000 miles away than their own country at the moment :rofl: Please dont make me talk more sense now .

Learn more about Secur's commitment to responsibility :lol:

Actually there is something as 'Muslim Ummah', but not in today's world.
Religion is banned topic on the forum due to apparent reasons, so stop stressing over the matter.

I know , sir .

I made it abundantly clear in the thread , where he's quoting my post from , but without understanding the context .

The concept is there , of course .
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Trust me , you enjoy more religious and cultural freedom under Queen's law or the Western one today than you ever would do in the existing situation of the Muslim countries :D Because the Kingdom bans driving for women which has more significant impact on their lives than we can imagine , add in the recent notifying to their brother/father/husband about where are they checking in/out as if they do not know already or the women are infants , is there any protest in the Muslim world for this intrusion on freedom and unislamic law ? No , sir . Then , why is the world turned upside down when the infidel Monsieurs ban burqa :lol:

Their country , their law , right ?

Thank you for the first part .

For the second , you didn't read my posts in context in such case .

Believe what you believe .

I know and thats what i said in my previous post when we were comparing secular nation with Islamic. You see i have got freedom to do everything but still i never smoke let alone doing drinking, gambling or clubbing so i am still living a life as if i am in KSA :lol:

Dude Muslim society were not bad during their golden period..they had tolerance, freedom of thought and beliefs that's why they got progress and had reached at peak which is sad if we look at present condition where we fight to each others over silly things. Banning burqa was against secular principles as you know there is difference between religious society and secular ones
Actually there is something as 'Muslim Ummah', but not in today's world.
Religion is banned topic on the forum due to apparent reasons, so stop stressing over the matter.

Muslim Ummah is ideologicall bond between two Muslim irrespective of their country or place of residence. Muslim Ummah dont mean one country for all Muslims if we talk about present
I know and thats what i said in my previous post when we were comparing secular nation with Islamic. You see i have got freedom to do everything but still i never smoke let alone doing drinking, gambling or clubbing so i am still living a life as if i am in KSA :lol:

Dude Muslim society were not bad during their golden period..they had tolerance, freedom of thought and beliefs that's why they got progress and reached at peak which is sad if we look at present condition where we fight to each others over silly things

This is the true ' belief/faith ' , I believe , God seeks from his followers . That the actions be done , not under compulsion , not under fear , not under the state's enforcement and certainly not out of cultural/social traditions . But , for the God and God himself . Tell me , what use was it , when the Zia-ul-Haq's religious police used to forcibly close down shops and use sticks to drive people to mosques ? You think that this prayer offered out of fear and compulsion interests God ? I dont think so .

I know about the Golden period of Muslims and the progression during that time because ' difference of opinion ' was not punishable by death during that time , but appreciated .
This is the true ' belief/faith ' , I believe , God seeks from his followers . That the actions be done , not under compulsion , not under fear , not under the state's enforcement and certainly not out of cultural/social traditions . But , for the God and God himself . Tell me , what use was it , when the Zia-ul-Haq's religious police used to forcibly close down shops and use sticks to drive people to mosques ? You think that this prayer offered out of fear and compulsion interests God ? I dont think so .

I know about the Golden period of Muslims and the progression during that time because ' difference of opinion ' was not punishable by death during that time , but appreciated .

Yea true no use of such prayers which you offered because you had Talibani gun over your head . Intentions matter more than actions itself thats why Islam say there is no compulsion in deen as far as haqooq Allah concerned
If you wish to push others into following your beliefs and expectations especially with regards to religion, assaulting their personal space rather than focusing on your own path be it Muslim/Hindu/Sikh etc., that's sick and probably that would be extremism. The reverse of that would be liberalism. Pretty simple for me I guess.
@Slav Defence you seriously should have defined in your first post what you mean about this term Mullahism.. :lol:
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