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Mullahism V/S Liberalism

what is the defination of mullahism?why?

  • Mindset which promotes Islamic ideology

    Votes: 13 22.4%
  • Mindset which promotes TTP version of Islam

    Votes: 22 37.9%
  • Mindset with wild conspiracy theory and no sense of ideology

    Votes: 17 29.3%
  • Mindsets with lack of knowledge about Islam/group of confused mindsets

    Votes: 19 32.8%
  • other

    Votes: 8 13.8%

  • Total voters
The incident you shared is real life example but should not be termed as Mullahism as this word is Generalizing the individual mistake with a whole religious community. Let me try to put in a simple way , I don't term myself a religious or Islamist , But I love Islam and Its tradition as muslim and do follow some sane religious leader of all sect . It means that I'm selective but not a sectarian . Why I'm so selective before making decision? Its to avoid folks like those you have mentioned above. I believe that the student you have mentioned may be mis-understood the teachings of his preacher , I just cannot judge everything from his answers but decisions related with life just not taken on the teachings of individual. :undecided:

That is the worse part,he was not misunderstood,he asked him and his preacher replied that drawing pictures even for the sake of studies are not allowed.:hitwall:

@Slav Defence you seriously should have defined in your first post what you mean about this term Mullahism.. :lol:

lolz...I have defined multiple times,but if some people are so slow to understand the context of my post so they better not jump-off :rofl:

lack of education is the biggest threat. we wont have to worry about ttp terrorists or any fundamentalists if we were educated.
right now people in pakistan believe one educated person like a sheep simple becuase he went to 10th grade lol.
pakistanis in general are very sly people, so once they know something more then rest of pakistanis they will use to milk people as long as they can, its not that mullahs are bad , its just that the people are dumb who follow the mullahs blindly. and who wouldnt get power hungry once you have people following you like that? especially if your pakistani, say what you want but this mullahism is native to sly people of pakistan.

Mr.Qamar I have said this multiple times that I am not criticizing term mullah but such mindsets who consider themselves as mullah and have no proper knowledge about Islam.

Yes I agree,lack of education is the basic problem and it's only soultion is to spread as much general awareness as they can.
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Please , remind me , how do we get into that Mullah's heaven ? :D

Kabooom !

Is this thread about me ? :what:

Secur is a atheist
Secur isn't a atheist , I guess
Secur may be a non Muslim

What follows next ? :azn:

These are their dreams Mr.Secur,they live in fool's paradise,trust me such people will be condemned more then common man in resurrection day,as they have twisted the Islamic concept and blurred the very base of it.
That is the worse part,he was not misunderstood,he asked him and his preacher replied that drawing pictures even for the sake of studies are not allowed.:hitwall:

lolz...I have defined multiple times,but if some people are so slow to understand the context of my post so they better not jump-off :rofl:

Mr.Qamar I have said this multiple times that I am not criticizing term mullah but such mindsets who consider themselves as mullah and have no proper knowledge about Islam.

Yes I agree,lack of education is the basic problem and it's only soultion is to spread as much general awareness as they can.

why drawing pics are not allowed?:what: i do that all the time!:ph34r:
with due due respect.

a practising muslim is a mullah (some one pointed out in above posts. the things mullah has). according to these points every practising muslim is a mullah.
i can prove it with ahadith and Quran.
there is large no. of muslims who don't know about islam. and they preach others to act on what they belive is islam.

and for liberals .....
the persons escape from religion ..... pointing every bad thing on religion every bad happened to nation or the world they think its because of the religion.

Exactly Mr.Laeeq,I am criticizing such kind of mindsets,they have no knowledge of Islam and they preach false concepts of it,even I can prove this via Hadith that Rasool Allah mentioned more then 14 signs of arrival of anti-christ and one of them is that:"Fools will preach Islam rather then sensible ones"

why drawing pics are not allowed?:what: i do that all the time!:ph34r:

Drawing **** images of living beings for the sake of lust and ***** is not allowed,also drawing images of living things for the sake of fun is prohibited,however for the sake of studies like medical and science,it is allowed by Allah,you can ask this to authentic mufti.
Exactly Mr.Laeeq,I am criticizing such kind of mindsets,they have no knowledge of Islam and they preach false concepts of it,even I can prove this via Hadith that Rasool Allah mentioned more then 14 signs of arrival of anti-christ and one of them is that:"Fools will preach Islam rather then sensible ones"

Drawing **** images of living beings for the sake of lust and ***** is not allowed,also drawing images of living things for the sake of fun is prohibited,however for the sake of studies like medical and science,it is allowed by Allah,you can ask this to authentic mufti.

@Slav Defence

btw i never seen any biology book without havin any pics of human brings....sometimes students have to draw humans too if asked,at school level...so its not possible to refuse them and i see no wrong in it....
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Drawing **** images of living beings for the sake of lust and ***** is not allowed,also drawing images of living things for the sake of fun is prohibited,however for the sake of studies like medical and science,it is allowed by Allah,you can ask this to authentic mufti.

Oh Bhai what are you talking about ! :angry:

My Baby Sister @Marshmallow doesn't do anything of the sort....none of us do ! :hitwall:

Shes a good, moral & upright kid ! :)
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@Slav Defence

btw i never seen any biology book without havin any pics of human brings....sometimes students have to draw humans too if asked,at school level...so its not possible to refuse them and i see no wrong in it....

You should not be studying Biology Books ! :disagree:

Try Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings & Star Wars instead ! :D
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@Slav Defence

btw i never seen any biology book without havin any pics of human brings....sometimes students have to draw humans too if asked,at school level...so its not possible to refuse them and i see no wrong in it....

bachay I am talking of M.B.B.S books,like physiology,medical,gynecology etc,and yes you are right,it is not wrong to draw for the sake of study..:)
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Mr.Armstrong,Alhmdulliah all of us belong to great family backgrounds,this reflects from our posts.:D except few.

and @Armstrong is an example of a very bad person from a very good family
:tongue: so he is in ur except few:tongue: JK
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