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Mullah Fazlullah Killed by Pak Armed Force

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Yes this is not the first time but your asset thought he could get away with killing of our children. Now I hope he enjoys cocks in hell. Bloody shemale

No It is your asset turned against you. This simply show your inability to manage your own strategic asset. If i am not wrong, he is the same person who had offered to fight against India in hand to hand with Pakistan Army if war take place between two countries.

We to share your feeling of he being rote in hell.
Awesome timing if its true. Killing this scumbag at the eve of Pakistan Day, couldn't get batter than this.. :pakistan:
No It is your asset turned against you. This simply show your inability to manage your own strategic asset. If i am not wrong, he is the same person who had offered to fight against India in hand to hand with Pakistan Army if war take place between two countries.

We to share your feeling of he being rote in hell.

Mullah Fazal Ullah and our asset.....Wow Pakistanis must be really living under a rock all these years.
Mullah Fazal Ullah and our asset.....Wow Pakistanis must be really living under a rock all these years.

They were good till they offered to fight against India. Bad subsequently.
They will appoint another one, :(

They will and he will die as well. But if he has indeed been killed in Tirah then the most important point to notice here is that he wasn't killed in some far flung area, he was killed in the valley where a huge OP is going on. This shows that the army has entered the last few remaining sanctuaries (or so that bastard thought) of the TTP.
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Pakistanis and the families of martyred. Congratulations.. this hell dweller is gone to his final resting place for good.



Asad Umar is also tweeting his pic.

EDIT - I am yet to confirm if this pic is real or not, apparently it is not real.
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