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Indian and TTP propaganda Busted by Argentine Ambassador and survivors .

mullah?? i am more into the sufi songs of bulleh shah. :lol:
Most of the Sufi were busy in conversion than serving humanity.....
Sorry for being off topic....
Shoddy Journalism has been a bane in India primarily due to influx of large numbers of Electronic and print media companies propping up in the last decade, with the narrative getting louder and louder day by day. Rookies hired prop out sensationalist articles and news pieces to get themselves noticed, which takes away a lot from commendable job done by professionals. Nepal and Kashmir calamities were prime example, where VIshnu Som did remarkable work, but then unknown faces shoving mics up people's faces completely was unprofessional.

In this case of chopper accident, Indian media picked up a taliban claim and ran it as a taliban claim in one of the news articles that I have seen. Much similar to the first obama visit controversy where American media picked up a multi billion dollar visit claim on the visit before validating it from a mistake in currency conversion. Even before Pakistani grievances, you should look at Indian organisations like the right, communist, NGO's, AAP and the privileged class which bears the brunt of biased and unsubstantiated reporting and hit jobs on a daily basis.

although off topic, might I point out, that even around here our respected Pakistani members have been overzealous in picking up insignificant stories for India bashing with some of them not willing to think beyond the toilets and rape generalization with impunity.
you and others have summed it up right
although the sorrow or loss is no less due to the accedent itself and begs the question for a thorough and joint investigation comprising of teams from other countries too

but if TTP's claim was true then it would have been much more devastating. do recall an attack on PIA flight with an improvised AK47 with a retrofitted long barrel that managed to kill a female passenger as the aeroplane was in the process of Land in Peshawar airport.

I just hope they don't do it again for proving this :(
they will do everything in their ability.
our job is to ensure that we sever their link of funding and material support and then take them out completely.
there is no other way
Why are you blaming India's media? The world's media reported on this issue. Getting a wee bit way too paranoid about India after all those allegations about RAW (without any evidence) are being sprouted by your establishment perhaps?
There has been more than enough evidence showed to indias top cabinet but i guess its not the governments fault s raw is a much stronger organisation than the indian parliment
Indian Media is like a Zoo , and their Journalists are like monkey's
It was purely cheap act by Indian media. They tried their best by cashing in on the crash & by spreading lies against Pakistan. This shows the mentality of India & their bull sh!t attitude towards Pakistan.

Indian Media is like a Zoo , and their Journalists are like monkey's

Well said.
Indian speaking is a proof that he is lying.

It's not just a cheap act, its a well thought out policy to blatantly lie and mislead the world about Pakistan. hindus are fucking pigs and must be eliminated from the face of the planet.

It was purely cheap act by Indian media. They tried their best by cashing in on the crash & by spreading lies against Pakistan. This shows the mentality of India & their bull sh!t attitude towards Pakistan.

Well said.
Indian speaking is a proof that he is lying.

It's not just a cheap act, its a well thought out policy to blatantly lie and mislead the world about Pakistan. hindus are fucking pigs and must be eliminated from the face of the planet.

because i want people within the boundary of india to join the progressive humanity. :enjoy:

You certainly don't know Indians if you have such high hopes :D

LOL, the Indians I have worked with are professionals of highest level and I hold them in esteem. Even they agreed that something happens when ever they head back to the country may be its in the air or something. But I guess such statement would be true for Pakistani's as well but to a far lesser extent compared with India. We didn't see each other as mortal enemies, in-fact got along very well.
Let me rephrase Asif:

India walo kuch sharam hoti hy. Koi hyaa hoti koi ethics hote hy...
LOL, the Indians I have worked with are professionals of highest level and I hold them in esteem. Even they agreed that something happens when ever they head back to the country may be its in the air or something.

sadly, it is a general air of callousness, especially in the middle-classes... it is the middle-class that really controls india, giving the lower-classes their employment and the industrialist class its income... and it is the middle-class of the modern times ( from the 90's ) that got stuck in its colleges and jobs and failed to look at the general injustice here ( india was declared "suicide capital" last year ) and even accepted their own big/small troubles as acceptable.

much of the indian middle class is too cowardly to rebel against the establishment.

@Norwegian , @syedali73 , , @Leader , @DESERT FIGHTER , @Horus @Jazzbot @Norwegian @pkuser2k12 @Fahad Khan 2 @Spring Onion @chauvunist @Pukhtoon @Jzaib
@Horus @Devil Soul @rockstar08 @WAJsal @Junaid B @Color_Less_Sky @Zarvan @xyxmt @Spy Master @SipahSalar @Bratva @Stealth @Rashid Mahmood
@A.Rafay @Ahmad1996 @Akheilos @Armstrong @arushbhai @AstanoshKhan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @balixd @batmannow @Bilal. @chauvunist @Crypto @Dr. Stranglove @Evil Flare @EyanKhan @Fahad Khan 2 @GIANTsasquatch @graphican @Green Arrow @Guleen Ahmed @HRK @Jazzbot @Junaid B @Jzaib @Khalidr @khawaja07 @Leader @Luftwaffe @mr42O @Muhammad Omar @nomi007 @Pak123 @Pakistani shaheens @Pakistanisage @Peaceful Civilian @pkuser2k12 @Pukhtoon @PWFI @raazh @Rafael @Rashid Mahmood @RescueRanger @Saifkhan12 @SHAMK9 @Spy Master @Stealth @Strike X @SUPARCO @sur @syedali73 @Tameem @Tayyab1796 @Zarvan @waleed3601 @AdeelFaheem @Rajput_Pakistani @Men in Green @IceCold @LoveIcon @razahassan1997 @Dil Pakistan @asq @junaid hamza @Pukhtoon @jamahir @Strigon @Rafi @Ulla @HughSlaman @420canada @sathya @slapshot @raza_888 @hacsan
@SBD-3 @cb4 @AsianUnion @Aether @Proudpakistaniguy @Waffen SS @FaujHistorian @Fracker @Ranches @ghoul @Jf Thunder @GreenFalcon @genmirajborgza786 @orangzaib @Pakistani Exile @KURUMAYA @Irfan Baloch @ali_raza @Syed.Ali.Haider @dexter @Patriots @muslim_pakistani @W.11 @Meengla @zaid butt @ajpirzada @Shoaib Rathore @OrionHunter @CHARGER @Major Sam @yesboss @TheNoob @Bratva @ghazaliy2k @Viny @StormShadow @suresh1773 @SOHEIL @venu309 @danish_vij @Force-India @faisal6309 @S.U.R.B. @vsdave2302 @jarves @WAJsal @pursuit of happiness @Winchester @janon @pak-marine @AgNoStiC MuSliM

Hummmm many people has exposed India and Indian media. Zaid is far ahead of everybody else. There are more and more people joining Him.
it was not nice of much of indian media to play nationalistic games on the back of a tragedy... the pakistani pakistani permanent representative to the uno should make a statement in the general assembly.

much of indian media has been wrongly energized by victory of modi and has caused indians much embarrassment, be it in nepal or in this tragedy.

this act by indian media deserves a international censure, i have no shame in admitting.

So what about arab news , they also wrote that taliban claimed of heli crash
I don't understand what was so wrong in reporting the TTP claim.

the TTP did claim responsibility, Pakistan media then reported the claim, Indian media later reported it..

but tbh, I just read a small snippet of news about the incident, don't really watch tv so I'm not sure if the media here were insensitive or sensationalist about it (wouldn't put it beyond them, though)
Which pakistani media reported it ? Fk off
So what about arab news , they also wrote that taliban claimed of heli crash

if you are talking about al-jazeera or one of those gulf agencies, they are no different from zee news. :-)

they must have picked up the news, as a sensational item, from our zee news or dainik jagran types.

but that is my opinion, which agency are you talking of?? :-)
if you are talking about al-jazeera or one of those gulf agencies, they are no different from zee news. :-)

they must have picked up the news, as a sensational item, from our zee news or dainik jagran.

but that is my opinion, which agency are you talking of?? :-)
I am talking about arab news not al jazeera
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