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Raw Going to Give Small Nuclear Weapons to Terrorists and Blame it on Pakistan.

IS itself claimed that they will get from Pakistan in their online magazine Dabiq.. Now don't tell me RAW bribed to mention Pakistan... Rather this blame Pakistan should focus on turning down such deal by any corrupt to sell nukes to them... If they get it wether India or Pakistan threat will be for both the countries...

All are eradicated...
I think in india so many opportunities for foreign investors to invest. details are here these are Emerging Countries of future india map and lots of business opportunities as India Much Needed Investment to Boost its Economy as he is Investing in other Countries:
1. country name Teola: Proposed autonomous area: Arunachal Dragon Force or East India Liberation Front, Proposed autonomous area: Hajong Chakma Homeland Political organisation: All Hajong Chakma Homeland Movement
The Arunachal Dragon Force (ADF), also known as the East India Liberation Front, is a violent secessionist movement in the eastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. The ADF seeks to create a state resembling the pre-British Teola Country consisting of area currently in Arunachal Pradesh as well as neighboring Assam.
2. Proposed state: Assam Bodoland United Liberation Front of Assam, Muslim United Liberation Tigers of Assam, National Democratic Front of Bodoland,
Geographically and culturally, the region now called north-east India is between the two traditions of Indic Asia and Mongoloid Asia and is regarded as part of Southeast Asia. This geographical-cultural condition of "in-betweenness" is an important factor in the area’s crisis of identity. The leaders of the present-day "underground outfits" continue to struggle for independence, as the political integration of the northeast to India was brought about without the approval of its people. The people of northeast India, who are culturally Mongoloid, refuse to accept the caste-ridden social system advocated by ‘Indian’ culture. Similar struggles for independence are also going on in other northeastern subdivisions or sister regions, such as Assam, Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya and Nagaland. Assam has been the hotbed of militancy for a number of years due to its porous borders with Bangladesh and Bhutan. The main causes of the friction include the anti-foreigner agitation in the 1980s and the simmering Assam-Bodo tensions. The insurgency status in Assam is classified as very active. The government of Bangladesh has arrested and extradited senior leaders of ULFA or the United Liberation Front of Asom was formed in April 1979 to establish a sovereign state of Assam through an armed struggle. In recent times the organisation has lost out its middle rung leaders after most of them were arrested. The National Democratic Front of Bodoland was formed in 1989 as the Bodo Security Force, aims to set up an autonomous region Bodoland. Problems in Meghalaya arise from the divide between tribals and non tribal settlers, identity issues and growing corruption besides the fear of being reduced to minority by native tribals. The activity status is classified as active.
Proposed state: Republic of Manipur Hmar People's Convention–Democrat, Manipur People’s Liberation Front, People's Liberation Army of Manipur, United National Liberation Front, Revolutionary People's Front of Manipur, People's People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak[3]
Insurgent groups in Manipur may be broadly classified into hill-based (mostly tribals) and valley based (mostly majority meiteis). While the former demand for tribal state to preserve their tribal cultures from outside influence, the latter based their demands for independence from historical perspective claiming that Manipur a Princely state with its geographical area extending to as far as the disputed Kabaw Valley of modern Myanmar during the British colonialism, was never a part of India. They say that Manipur should not be a part of the modern nation of India as well. About 90% of the hill-based insurgents and a few of the valley-based insurgents have now entered what is called Suspension of Operation. The Peoples Liberation Army is a leftist organisation formed in 1978 with the aim of liberating Manipur from India.

4. Proposed state: Zozam, Zomi Revolutionary Organization, Mizoram Farmers Liberation Force
Mizoram's tensions are largely due to the simmering Assamese domination and the neglect of the Mizo people. In 1986, the Mizo accord ended the main secessionist movement led by the Mizo National Front, bringing peace to the region. Insurgency status is classified as partially active, due to secessionist/autonomy demands by the Hmars, chakmas, Brus, Pawis, Lais and the Reangs.

5. Proposed state: Nagalim or People's Republic of Nagaland Government of the People's Republic of Nagaland : National Socialist Council of Nagaland
Nagaland was created in 1963 as the 16th State of Indian Union, before which it was a district of Assam.[4] Insurgent groups classified as active, mainly demand full independence. The Naga National Council led by Phizo was the first group to dissent in 1947 and in 1956 they went underground.
Proposed state: Khalistan, or Tripura
The insurgent groups in Tripura were emerged in the end of the 1970s, as ethnic tensions between the Bengali immigrants and the tribal native population. So many people moved from India and Bangladesh that they outnumbered the native population. Being outnumbered, the native population worried about its economically, socially, culturally status. This resulted in native leaders demanding that tribal rights and cultures should be protected. Hatred and suspicion grew. Insurgent groups in Tripura are classified as very active. The National Liberation Front of Tripura was formed in March 1989.[5] The All Tripura Tiger Force was formed by the local aboriginal tribals in 1990, with the sole aim of the expulsion of all Bengali-speaking immigrants from mainland India and nearby Bangladesh.

7. is offcourse Jamu Kashmir that is part of Pakistan Already .
All are eradicated ...they all are lost dreams... Kis zamane ho bhai saab aap...
PAKISTAN must want to raise this issue in UNITED NATION this is also very serious issue....!!
I mean..there is a limit how dumb you can be..Pakistani media just crossed the limit..

these morons doesn't know but one can simply trace back the radiation to which reactor it belonged and who possessed it..in fact one can pinpoint from where this fuel even came..

The key job of any nuclear detective is to examine the radioactive material’s ‘signature’ characteristics. Different nuclear reactors and processing techniques produce materials with different signatures, so it may be possible to trace them to their source. Knowing where the material came from helps the authorities to decide where security needs tightening or, in the event of an attack, where to point their weapons.
A nuclear forensics expert will study the physical characteristics of the item they’ve found – examining its texture, size and shape. Even these simple things can be valuable as the dimensions of a nuclear pellet are often unique to a manufacturer.

But vital clues will be missed unless the nuclear detective finds out exactly what radioactive material they’re dealing with – whether it’s uranium or plutonium for instance. These substances can also appear in different forms, or isotopes. Natural uranium, for instance, is made up of uranium 238 and u235. Enrichment involves increasing the proportion of u235 – the isotope that releases lots of energy and is ideal for bombs and reactors. The level of enrichment can also pinpoint where the stuff was made and its intended use. Different isotopes give off different radiation and this can be measured using a gamma- or alpha-ray spectrometer.

If plutonium is found, the process is the same. “Depending on the type of reactor that generated it, the plutonium composition looks different,” says Dr Klaus Mayer of ITU. “If, for instance, the plutonium composition shows it came from a heavy-water reactor, we could slightly narrow the search as these are only found in Canada and Romania.”

Nuclear detectives | BBC Focus Magazine | Science and Technology

not whole world is as dumb as Pakistan..
India ka investment defence may 40 billion hey bhai sab so apke hum na 71 may he padeya hey ab ka phat na

Betay, soch agar humara defence budget $40 billion tak pohanch gya to tum logon ka kya haal hoga :P... Our defence budget is nothing as compare to yours but you are using Rats against Pakistan. Himmat to nai hai samnay aa k larnay ki.. Phat chuki hai gaand lakin bharam baaki hai tum logon ka.
Had a good laugh for performing nuclear nasbandi of our neighbour Raw to give choota bambu to dickheads Masha Allah Bollywood sa Aage nikal gaya A log

Betay, soch agar humara defence budget $40 billion tak pohanch gya to tum logon ka kya haal hoga :P... Our defence budget is nothing as compare to yours but you are using Rats against Pakistan. Himmat to nai hai samnay aa k larnay ki.. Phat chuki hai gaand lakin bharam baaki hai tum logon ka.

If at all balls were ballons you would be flying by now..... beta hum to America say nahe daraa jab tumare phade thi 71 may......

Tum logo ka himat to duniya janthi hey bush na kaha stone age to apna pichwada dediya predator ki liya

Hamara itna aukat kaha miya
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In short, Pakistan wants to give or already has given small nuclear weapons to terrorists.
what a moron. If you stick a 'label' on nuclear weapons and blow it up, the 'label' will not survive. When idiots like him become 'international mediator', the world is a more dangerous place.
World is not dumb enough to believe such bullshit.India's has a clean nuclear record whereas
World has believed all non senses from iraq weapons of mass destruction to syria chemical weapons.
keep on barking..nothing gonna change...Ajit Doval will create the ripples so strong that you will not be able to handle it...

I have a feeling Pakistan will loose Baluchistan very soon and hence preparing ground for face saving by blaming everything on RAW....
You proved yourself a complete as.... Hole.

Cartoons like ajit doval can only exist in india under modi sarkar.

Better send ajit doval to hospital for his oral piles treatment.
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