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Raw Going to Give Small Nuclear Weapons to Terrorists and Blame it on Pakistan.

will someone tell me why there are so many indian's on this site?
just block em already
Kyunki defence forum tumgare abbu ki jagir nahi hai... Indian defence forum par laakhon pakistani hain... Dil jodne ka kaam karo todne ka nahi miyan...
employing spies is a very legitimate part of the game. Angela Merkel wasn't even an enemy and Obama had her phone tapped. Espionage is a regular part of statecraft.
true that dear and I am glad that you recognise that b the way this spy has my respect. he said what he said without any bias and by the way the difference to him and other guy who we refused to give up was that he was involved in the terrorist acts, espionage alone may be pardonable but terrorism resulting in loss of life is not.

take the case of Sarabjit Singh for example who according to Pakistan was a RAW spy who was involved in multiple bomb blasts in Lahore and Faisalabad resulting in the loss dozen of people.
India on the other hand maintained that he was just a farmer who strayed into Pakistan by mistake , I hope that Indian posters Do consider this statement when they boast and celebrate the killing of Pakistani villagers by BSF (the border is fenced and all that)

by the way moving on, the recent "boasting" by Indian minister is telling (I know all patriotic Indians must religiously justify his declaration of using Terrorism in Pakistan
this @Horus and @Leader is what I predicted and noted in my article of the next Act of recent carnage in Pakistan via proxies is about just like in east Pakistan when the denials eventually turned into open admissions and boasting when Indians didnt really care NOW it seems the Indian minister has done the same. although in my opinion he opened his mouth a little bit early, India has not declared its "diplomatic missions" in Kunar and Nooristan as Baloch Samachar base camps yet and security in Baluchistan or KPK is not degraded to a point that its army which is stationed there to safeguard Indian interests can just drive into Pakistan.

exciting times coming I say. a lot of blood will be lost, we are getting used to it for pat 10+ years and terrorists have done their bad to worse so far.. question is are Indians prepared for the same too? after all the Indian minster has set the precedent here.

I mean..there is a limit how dumb you can be..Pakistani media just crossed the limit..

these morons doesn't know but one can simply trace back the radiation to which reactor it belonged and who possessed it..in fact one can pinpoint from where this fuel even came..

The key job of any nuclear detective is to examine the radioactive material’s ‘signature’ characteristics. Different nuclear reactors and processing techniques produce materials with different signatures, so it may be possible to trace them to their source. .
this is very true, the nuclear material can be traced back to the country of origin.
I pray for us all that such situation never happens.

by the way moving on from that there is another grave possibility
the use of dirty bomb. the terrorists dont really need a nuclear device, they can use the crude, limited nuclear material or even the depleted form and just include it in a massive conventional bomb to cause the radioactive contamination in the target area. this is one of the things that Dr Afia and her top tier AQ affiliates considered while planning the terror attacks in the west specially USA.

ISIS in its frightening gains inside Iraq managed to over run some state hospitals that had radiology departments that contain equipment for diagnostics, although the radioactive material is not weapon grade and is very small but still getting enough of it from different hospitals in the country can theoretically give the terrorists a very devastating (psychological & real) weapon
true that dear and I am glad that you recognise that b the way this spy has my respect. he said what he said without any bias and by the way the difference to him and other guy who we refused to give up was that he was involved in the terrorist acts, espionage alone may be pardonable but terrorism resulting in loss of life is not.

take the case of Sarabjit Singh for example who according to Pakistan was a RAW spy who was involved in multiple bomb blasts in Lahore and Faisalabad resulting in the loss dozen of people.
India on the other hand maintained that he was just a farmer who strayed into Pakistan by mistake , I hope that Indian posters Do consider this statement when they boast and celebrate the killing of Pakistani villagers by BSF (the border is fenced and all that)

by the way moving on, the recent "boasting" by Indian minister is telling (I know all patriotic Indians must religiously justify his declaration of using Terrorism in Pakistan
this @Horus and @Leader is what I predicted and noted in my article of the next Act of recent carnage in Pakistan via proxies is about just like in east Pakistan when the denials eventually turned into open admissions and boasting when Indians didnt really care NOW it seems the Indian minister has done the same. although in my opinion he opened his mouth a little bit early, India has not declared its "diplomatic missions" in Kunar and Nooristan as Baloch Samachar base camps yet and security in Baluchistan or KPK is not degraded to a point that its army which is stationed there to safeguard Indian interests can just drive into Pakistan.

exciting times coming I say. a lot of blood will be lost, we are getting used to it for pat 10+ years and terrorists have done their bad to worse so far.. question is are Indians prepared for the same too? after all the Indian minster has set the precedent here.

I think the belief that he is somehow 'stupid' and 'opened his moth early' so that even random posters like us can 'see through them' is really problematic. He is the political heavyweight here, not us. And make no mistake, every single word they say is very carefully thought out and worked out. Using proxies can be done without any prelude- they don't have to publicly say anything. That means that there is a political message in stating what he did. I don't know what it is but people in Pakistan establishment who need to be told definitely would have got the message because MP has so openly stated it. I'm guessing he's indicating to them that India will go down that route and he needs proof of Pak taking some additional steps if this has to be avoided.
I think the belief that he is somehow 'stupid' and 'opened his moth early' so that even random posters like us can 'see through them' is really problematic. He is the political heavyweight here, not us. And make no mistake, every single word they say is very carefully thought out and worked out. Using proxies can be done without any prelude- they don't have to publicly say anything. That means that there is a political message in stating what he did. I don't know what it is but people in Pakistan establishment who need to be told definitely would have got the message because MP has so openly stated it. I'm guessing he's indicating to them that India will go down that route and he needs proof of Pak taking some additional steps if this has to be avoided.
very good post and nicely put.
just an alternate view on your ending point that he is warmongering or as in diplomatic language he is declaring a de facto war on us.
very good post and nicely put.
just an alternate view on your ending point that he is warmongering or as in diplomatic language he is declaring a de facto war on us.

This is international politics. As simple as that. It is well known that Indian estimate is the danger that another Mumbai happens is not small and it is problematic for both sides- each time a Mumbai type incident takes place all diplomatic channels need to be shutdown for decades, It is wiser for him to threaten if needed and get some action that produces results rather than not do it. Hurt 'ego' is a small price in front of traquility for millions (on both sides).
This is politics, this is how things are done- sometimes you use inducements, sometimes threats- whatever works. India is the bigger country here so he's trying to come down like a ton of bricks.

Whether he will actually use proxies is very difficult to say. India generally avoids that route because proxies you can't control are dangerous and religious fanatics fall in that group. Like I had pointed out earlier, within 4 months after the Indo-Pak war in 1971 we bundled off all the mukti bahini and dumped them in Bangladesh. We distrust radicalized populations who fight easily. The TTP that call you kafirs will come after us if they succeed in your country. You can't control them with money that's why they cannot be RAW proxies. 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' only sounds smart. In reality it can really screw you. Whether that option will be used or not (as MP says) is difficult to estimate. My belief is he will still try to avoid it. If all options are exhausted, he might.
This is international politics. As simple as that. It is well known that Indian estimate is the danger that another Mumbai happens is not small and it is problematic for both sides- each time a Mumbai type incident takes place all diplomatic channels need to be shutdown for decades, It is wiser for him to threaten if needed and get some action that produces results rather than not do it. Hurt 'ego' is a small price in front of traquility for millions (on both sides).
This is politics, this is how things are done- sometimes you use inducements, sometimes threats- whatever works. India is the bigger country here so he's trying to come down like a ton of bricks.

Whether he will actually use proxies is very difficult to say. India generally avoids that route because proxies you can't control are dangerous and religious fanatics fall in that group. Like I had pointed out earlier, within 4 months after the Indo-Pak war in 1971 we bundled off all the mukti bahini and dumped them in Bangladesh. We distrust radicalized populations who fight easily. The TTP that call you kafirs will come after us if they succeed in your country. You can't control them with money that's why they cannot be RAW proxies. 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' only sounds smart. In reality it can really screw you. Whether that option will be used or not (as MP says) is difficult to estimate. My belief is he will still try to avoid it. If all options are exhausted, he might.
the nuclear angle of terrorism is very real and as I pointed out, the terrorists don't need the high end prohibitive material and hard to get technology to get the bomb, just the nuclear material in its crude depleted form can give them the potential to cause devastation, the threat is very real and this is something both agencies should be mindful .

you guys see no incentive in cooperating with us on this mutual danger and feel confident that the proxies will keep themselves busy within Pakistan so except warnings, blames and threats nothing comes out from India which would indicate that India sees the rise of ISIS as a direct threat.

just like yourself we also like to see some positive move and action re our own complaints about your base of operations in Kunar, Nooristan and Jalalabad. so our war of words and some continues
the nuclear angle of terrorism is very real and as I pointed out, the terrorists don't need the high end prohibitive material and hard to get technology to get the bomb, just the nuclear material in its crude depleted form can give them the potential to cause devastation, the threat is very real and this is something both agencies should be mindful .

you guys see no incentive in cooperating with us on this mutual danger and feel confident that the proxies will keep themselves busy within Pakistan so except warnings, blames and threats nothing comes out from India which would indicate that India sees the rise of ISIS as a direct threat.

just like yourself we also like to see some positive move and action re our own complaints about your base of operations in Kunar, Nooristan and Jalalabad. so our war of words and some continues

I can assure you that the threat of nuclear terrorism is VERY high on Indian priority list and India will under no circumstances give them to pak terrorist (like this thread title). That's just DUMB. As for the rest of your argument, it is a question of credibility. Pak institutions are considered to be a bit of a wobbly group. It is considered that the writ of the govt does not run. Your FP, for instance is in PA's hands. They (Indin bureaucracy) have no respect if the govt of the day allows other power centers to form.

Indian Administration is the exact opposite. An absolute must that each person knows his place and stay there. And if you are not like the Indian system, the Indian system does not respect you. They think you guys are like kids, that's why they lecture you so much. they think you don't know how to run your state and this is not just 'words', Indian establishment truly believes that.
why we call RAW a secret service agency when they can't keep the secret?
Its because they have gone so much far ahead in jalousie with Pakistan`s ISI, that RAW just couldn`t hold their terror mission as secrete against Pakistan!

Pakistani media should change its name to cartoon network
But the problem is that you indian don`t dare to watch a full episode of India`s poor Propaganda against Pakistan on that "Cartoon Network" Even Pak Media already tried it on "Boomrang" too.

Ajit doval is a cartoon, its surprising that such people get official assignments.
No, he "Ajit Doval" is not a cartoon. He is a monster cartoon.
the nuclear angle of terrorism is very real and as I pointed out, the terrorists don't need the high end prohibitive material and hard to get technology to get the bomb, just the nuclear material in its crude depleted form can give them the potential to cause devastation, the threat is very real and this is something both agencies should be mindful .

you guys see no incentive in cooperating with us on this mutual danger and feel confident that the proxies will keep themselves busy within Pakistan so except warnings, blames and threats nothing comes out from India which would indicate that India sees the rise of ISIS as a direct threat.

just like yourself we also like to see some positive move and action re our own complaints about your base of operations in Kunar, Nooristan and Jalalabad. so our war of words and some continues

Honestly, we don't have an incentive. We're not expecting Pakistan to lose against ISIS. We're more worried about Pakistan allowing them to operate from its territory against us. First, I don't know if there anything going on from the Indian embassies. However, if there was and we stopped it and gave Pakistan breathing room, what guarantee can you offer that there won't be a spike in "indigenous" freedom struggles in India? I've asked this question before (I believe to you). Our actions against Pakistan are punitive. We have no interest in any Pakistani territory. Your interest in Kashmir goes deeper than just needling us like we might be doing to you. Once we take our foot off the pedal, are you going to be doing the same? Or are you just asking for some space so you recover, recuperate and start working against us anew?
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Wow..Just couple of statement by DM, Ajit Doval etc about India going to work for its interest, have created ripples in pakistan. They are so much scared that every moment they just think about India and nothing else.

creating fear among enemies is the first step towards victory.Well done....
Ever check how ur media every alternte days publishes something on hafiz saeed. The fear is worth checking out







Not their fault.....they are terRAWfied !! :lol:

Aur Pakistani karain gay India ka : KachRAW
Did they show you the signed agreement? or are you just an asshole

ISIS boasts it 'could buy first nuclear weapon in less than 12 months' - Mirror Online
Isis claims it could buy its first nuclear weapon from Pakistan within a year - Middle East - World - The Independent
pakistan army and media is trying their best to spread their propaganda. isis said they will get nukes form pakistan, so to save face of pakistan military the pak media is trying to blame india for Pakistan's failures.
Comparring UN declared terrorist with a National Security Advisor..No wonder Pakistanis are in deep shit and remain in there..
That sh!t hole Hafeez will be dragged on the roads, hanged and lynched in full public view one day...His body will be left for scavengers to feast.
Nice joke
Just do it, what are you waitung for.
Its really funny to have ajit doval as security advisor, an as....s hole by birth with oral piles problem.
Go and get some serious person for your security issues.
Comparring UN declared terrorist with a National Security Advisor..No wonder Pakistanis are in deep shit and remain in there..
That sh!t hole Hafeez will be dragged on the roads, hanged and lynched in full public view one day...His body will be left for scavengers to feast.

forget abt nsa chief ,even ur pm was a persona non grata and banned from travelling to america and european countries.
Maybe these small nuclear bombs are festive bonuses.

Heard there will be salary hike too.

In government circles its called Prathaanmanthri Jan bomb yojna, which is part of swachh blast abhyaan.
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