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MRCA conteders narrowed to Eurofighter and Rafael: IAF

But... what good will they do for us? Can they be used on any of our fighters?

TOT of such a high class engine will prove to be a shot in the arm..You will see KAVERI doing 130-150 KN with TVC and powering LCA-III and AMCA...
Now does that sound mouthwatering.. Our own fighter outmaneuvering Euro birds in half the price and no strings attached...

However all the above said is my own conspiracy theory..so move on and discuss something useful..:cheers:
TOT of such a high class engine will prove to be a shot in the arm..You will see KAVERI doing 130-150 KN with TVC and powering LCA-III and AMCA...
Now does that sound mouthwatering.. Our own fighter outmaneuvering Euro birds in half the price and no strings attached...

However all the above said is my own conspiracy theory..so move on and discuss something useful..:cheers:

Well, it could be a great possibility...:tup:
If so much of trouble then bloddy mass produce LCA...LOL

best solution of all, buy only MKIs....

THats a thought. With the 230 Su 30's delivered to IAF, it will operate more of these birds than rest of the operators put together. India should try and buy the rights to this bird and mass produce that internally (anyway 100% of Su 30 is now being constructed inhouse) along with LCA and that should do the trick.
We have many brilliant minds like you;).....well trained bullock cart pilots...LOL....

well, so from now on, i can say
TOT of such a high class engine will prove to be a shot in the arm..You will see KAVERI doing 130-150 KN with TVC and powering LCA-III and AMCA...
Now does that sound mouthwatering.. Our own fighter outmaneuvering Euro birds in half the price and no strings attached...

However all the above said is my own conspiracy theory..so move on and discuss something useful..:cheers:

AAhh.. you meant about TOT and not about merely buying them.
Now that will certainly help us. Lets see what happens.
I think US will be pacified with some nuclear deal or some other secondary defense deal. putting 1/5th of our fighter fleet at the risk of an unreliable government like US is foolish and even our babus should know that.

If they don't want to take in Russian stuff, there's always a middle choice: EF and Rafale.

I just hope that either of these two is the winner and not F/A-18 or F-16IN.

Dude US Has already been pacified to certain extend
C17 Heavy lifter contract for 10 aircrafts valued at 5.8 Billion USD ,and we are also getting news about the number being raised to 10+6 aircraft which along with required support systems will cost 7.5 billion USD
Howitzer contract for 145 M777 Ultra light howitzers valued at 645 Million USD
These 2 deals are which are confirmed , are valued at 6.5 -8.2 Billion USD ,
There are also 2 other contracts namely the
22 Attack helicopter deal valued at 1.1 Billion USD , where Apache is the front runner, and
15 Heavy lift helicopter deal valued at 1.2 Billion USD , where Chinook is front runner
So u can be rest assured that Obama will be well Obliged when he pays a visit in november

U are also forgetting the Nuclear plant purchase deal worth 100 Billion USD out of which only 22 billion USD deals have been signed with Russia(10 Bil $) and france( 12 bil $) FOR 16 NUCLEAR POWERPLANTS producing a total of 21000 MW:D
TOT of such a high class engine will prove to be a shot in the arm..You will see KAVERI doing 130-150 KN with TVC and powering LCA-III and AMCA...
Now does that sound mouthwatering.. Our own fighter outmaneuvering Euro birds in half the price and no strings attached...

However all the above said is my own conspiracy theory..so move on and discuss something useful..:cheers:


Look at this guy day dreaming.......

TVC? Dude you are not even in final stages of receiving the MMRCA aircraft and you are bashing about LCA?
TOT of such a high class engine will prove to be a shot in the arm..You will see KAVERI doing 130-150 KN with TVC and powering LCA-III and AMCA...
Now does that sound mouthwatering.. Our own fighter outmaneuvering Euro birds in half the price and no strings attached...

However all the above said is my own conspiracy theory..so move on and discuss something useful..:cheers:

Mate, you do know that the US are not even ready to provide us enough ToT of their older GE 414 engine for LCA, so how do you expect that we would get ToT of an new engine, which was developed for F35? TVC?
If you want to see such capabilties on Kaveri engine, we surely have to go with the Russians, or Europeans, which have these capabilities already and would offer ToT.

Look at this guy day dreaming.......

TVC? Dude you are not even in final stages of receiving the MMRCA aircraft and you are bashing about LCA?

NAAh..doesn't deserve a reply..:hitwall::hitwall:

A suggestion- before replying to a post -- READ IT FULL...
I would suggest go for 200 and divide them b/w EF and Rafale.


yeah, yeah .. i know there is no split of order and all those stuff but that is not the hardwritten which we have to follow.

Now if we go for above configuration there is lot benefit we can get.

First there will be commonality b/w LCA-MkII and Ef if EJ get chossen.

Also french have some say in EADS and they are involve in Meteor projet which go to both EF and Raf,so common weapon.

Also IN go for their seperate MMRCA and they can very well chose Rafa.,then no. for Rafa will go to about 120.With this no. of Rafa we can very much indulge french into the kaveri project and develope that for further variant of LCA,MCA and even Rafa.

Another thing will be speedy delivery with two production sources and HAL we can induct all these fighter around 2022.

As far as maintenance and logistic we can ask both the vendors to have common radar,IRST,EW,etc...,as much as possible.

And all these goodies will be going into LCA to some extent so it will further decrease the logistic issue.

Well all n all it all can be mere speculation....:)

:) Sounds nice, but doubtful, especially the common radar and avionics in EF and Rafale!

A split rises the costs, because 200 same fighters from 1 vendor, are clearly cheaper than 200 from 2 different vendors.
The most logical choice for a split would be Gripen and F18Sh, both uses the same GE 414 engine, the same US weapons (Gripen could use the EU weapons in addition too), both are cost-effective, which makes a split more likely, because the unit costs won't increase that much and would be useful for the exact opposite roles (Gripen for A2A, F18SH for A2G). One have to admit a nice combo as a high low mix. The problem is, IAF already has a planed high lo mix with MKI and LCA, so what we need is something in between and the best suited is the Rafale, because it offers good A2A and A2G capabilities combined in 1 fighter.

Btw, a split would speed up the delivery only for a short time, because the aim is to get only 1 squad from the vendors, but the rest will be licence produced. So in a split we might get 1 squad from each vendor in 2014, but the licence production of 2 foreign fighters at the same time will be more difficult, which will cause delays and even extend the delivery. Not to forget that we still will produce LCA MK2, Su 30 MKI and later even FGFA at the same time!
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