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Most of Pakistan isn't a part of the Indian sub-continent

Fact is that no matter what we do, we can not change the fact that we are not middle eastern.

The problem, however, is that the Facts do not matter
Hyper-nationalists from India and Pakistan deny/twist facts
they want to rewrite history
The problem, however, is that the Facts do not matter
Hyper-nationalists from India and Pakistan deny/twist facts
they want to rewrite history
I have a much simpler question. Why do you guys even care for this question? Let those who have that curiosity worry about it. There are more than one ways to skin a cat and in due time you won't even need to justify your history --if that is a worry. It will set itself by itself.
I didn't. My forefathers came from there. Quite a while back. I didn't guess "Scottish descent" would be so confusing for someone claiming to have spent 30 years in London. You sure it was London and not Lahore? You know it could be hard to tell sometimes for certain folks.

Here is a helpful link.

BTW, I am yet to hear why are you so reluctant on proving your prowess at telling Indians and Pakistani faces apart, if it is so easy as you claim.

Becuase most White Scottish-descended people are concerned with proving that indians and Pakistanis look the same.... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:........keep going!......:lol:
Becuase most White Scottish-descended people are concerned with proving that indians and Pakistanis look the same.... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:........keep going!......:lol:
Good point. I am more curious why you guys are so hell-bent on assuming"We are totally different" while all the facts point to the contrary. I brought my Scottish descent to drive home the point that ethnicity and nationality are not one and the same thing.

You know it is looking more and more like Dragon in my Garage argument (https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/The_Dragon_in_My_Garage). The more you are trying hard to push it back, the harder it comes back to you. Because it is a simple fact. Now look at yourself, you have to act like a 5-year old with all these smileys to look sarcastic and "in control", run-away from a fair and final arbiter about this similarity question and now you have to resort to shooting the messenger because you can't handle the message.

It has all the hallmarks of losing the argument and not being graceful about it.
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Good point. I am more curious why you guys are so hell-bent on assuming"We are totally different" while all the facts point to the contrary. I brought my Scottish descent to drive home the point that ethnicity and nationality are not one and the same thing.

You know it is looking more and more like Dragon in my Garage argument (https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/The_Dragon_in_My_Garage). The more you are trying hard to push it back, the harder it comes back to you. Because it is a simple fact. Now look at yourself, you have to act like a 5-year old with all these smileys to look sarcastic and "in control", run-away from a fair and final arbiter about this similarity question and now you have to resort to shooting the messenger because you can't handle the message.

It has all the hallmarks of losing the argument and not being graceful about it.

WHAT facts point to the contrary? Please share them here. No conjectures or anecdotal ramblings. GENUINE, RELIABLE, HONEST AND IRREFUTABLE Facts ONLY.
Absolutely true. On PDF they might claim differant but rarely will you get them calling themselves 'Pakistani'. So form of alternative will be used. This is to do with the abject failure in the state failing to form a identity and consolidated brand.

Except for the Mohajirs rest [94%] don't. And I assume you are a Mohajir who feels the need to foist that descriptor on rest of us. Now if you said most Pakistan's have South Asian heritage - yes I would agree with you.
What a load of baloney, I don't know about Canadians but British Pakistanis are proud....we don't hide our identity.
Becuase most White Scottish-descended people are concerned with proving that indians and Pakistanis look the same.... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:........keep going!......:lol:

Lol. They have no other job than this... or so they want us to believe.

I have visited Canada many times and know many Canadians, they aren’t obsessive like Indians who only think about Pakistan.
Lol. They have no other job than this... or so they want us to believe.

I have visited Canada many times and know many Canadians, they aren’t obsessive like Indians who only think about Pakistan.

And they most certainly don't care what Pakistanis, indians or any other non-whites look like or their origins. You get a lot of indians coming on PDF pretending to be White-Western Christain Europeans but their grammar and the way they construct their sentences always gives away their indianess.
difference is only due to religion which is basis of our culture and way of living
The problem, however, is that the Facts do not matter
Hyper-nationalists from India and Pakistan deny/twist facts
they want to rewrite history
But can you?
difference is only due to religion which is basis of our culture and way of living

Difference is MUCH MORE than that. Religion does not account for why the Pathans, Baloch, Kalash etc are racially COMPLETELY different to indian Tamils, South indians etc.
religion counts alot and most of people living in Pakistan migrated from india after partition which indicates that their race is that of indian and not Pakistan as their ancestors were living in india before partition so how their race can differ from those indians who are living there today pathans and balochs are much closer to afghanistan and iran in their race than punjabis and sindhis and indians
Difference is MUCH MORE than that. Religion does not account for why the Pathans, Baloch, Kalash etc are racially COMPLETELY different to indian Tamils, South indians etc.
religion counts alot and most of people living in Pakistan migrated from india after partition which indicates that their race is that of indian and not Pakistan as their ancestors were living in india before partition so how their race can differ from those indians who are living there today pathans and balochs are much closer to afganistan and iran in their race than punjabis and sindhis

So even by your own admission, there is a significant proportion of Pakistanis who are racially, completely non-indian. As they are racially Afghan and Iranian does that make us Pakistanis Iranian, Persian or Middle Eastern?. It doesn't just as it doesn't make us "racially" indian. If you believe otherwise, can you please post the link that proves Pakistanis are "racially" indian. Here's one that proves otherwise:

The matter is that no one migrated to Pakistan from afghanistan and iran after partition like massive migration that took place from india to Pakistan so those who migrated to Pakistan main reason is religion otherwise they were living there with more land and other wealth
So even by your own admission, there is a significant proportion of Pakistanis who are racially, completely non-indian. As they are racially Afghan and Iranian does that make us Pakistanis Iranian, Persian or Middle Eastern?. It doesn't just as it doesn't make us "racially" indian. If you believe otherwise, can you please post the link that proves Pakistanis are "racially" indian. Here's one that proves otherwise:

The matter is that no one migrated to Pakistan from afghanistan and iran after partition like massive migration that took place from india to Pakistan so those who migrated to Pakistan main reason is religion otherwise they were living there with more land and other wealth

But is it not feasible to say that those Pakistanis that migrated to Pakistan from india only have a racial connection to less than 3% of modern day indians? So at least 97% of modern day indians have 0 racial connection to Pakistan whatsoever. Hence the difference is more than religion, it's also RACE.
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