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Mongol invasions of India

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1. "indian namak haram trolls in one place proudly display the building built by muslim invaders to the foreign tourists and make money,,,,,on the other hand they are crying about being enslaved" - Built in India by Indians from Taxes collected from India! Itna to haq banta hi hain... :yay:

2. "indians do not allow foreign tourists into kamasutra temples and khajurao temples" - It very much allows anyone. There is no such directive at all.

3. "nanda empire was attacking maratha empire and maratha empire was attacking chola empire" - May be in another dimension. In this one, they belong to different periods. For it to happen a Time Machine will be needed.

4. "showing buildings built by muslim invaders to foreign muslims is worthwhile and will bring fame to hindoland,,,,,and by displaying khajurao and kamasutra temple to foreign tourists will only bring shame to already inferiority complexed hinduish man" - bwaahahahabwahahahahaha :rofl: :rofl: :omghaha:
Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/milita...-mongol-invasions-india-10.html#ixzz2f4S9Htnb

Hell! Now I got it! Pakistanis have managed the greatest invention through their superior "70% ANI" brains - they have made a time machine. :partay::nana: All that which left us bewildered is easily explained through Time travel:

1.Pakistan, a state created in 1947 not only existed in IVC times, but the IVC chaps actually carried Pakistani Passports.

2. Alexander was repulsed by crack troops of Pak Army. Unfortunately we dont know the regiment but it will be revealed eventually

3. The Punjab people, who bore the brunt of Central Asian invaders themselves became the invaders while the invaded underwent a dimensional shift to become the Hindu Banias of Gangetic plains.

4. The LOC and Kashmir issues existed as far back as 1000 BC.
Saini claim to be decendents of Porus & Krishna at the same time? :laughcry:

That was proposed by many historians. :wacko:

The discussion was about defeating Alexander army & not greeks. Unless they moved from Pakistan región to India in last century then there is zero chances of that. Indians like to claim they are decendents of every hindu King who ever lived anyway.

Discussion was about Greeks, divided India fell to Alexander, United India under Mauryas defeated the Greeks. Don't write crap to suit your own narrative. :wacko:
Ghilzais are Pahstoons

Ghilzai (Pashto: غرزی‎) are the second largest Pashtun tribal confederacy found in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are also known historically as Ghilji, Khilji, Ghalji, Ghilzye, and Gharzai (in Pashto "ghar" means a mountain and "zai" born of).[1] These Pashtun people are today scattered all over Afghanistan but mainly in and around the Zabul and Kabul area, and extending eastwards towards the Suleiman Mountains into neighboring Pakistan.[2] During the 14th and 15th centuries, various Ghilzai dynasties took control over some areas of north-west India.[1] Many of the migrating Kuchi people belong to the Ghilzai confederacy.

Ghilzais are Pahstoons

Ghilzai (Pashto: غرزی‎) are the second largest Pashtun tribal confederacy found in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are also known historically as Ghilji, Khilji, Ghalji, Ghilzye, and Gharzai (in Pashto "ghar" means a mountain and "zai" born of).[1] These Pashtun people are today scattered all over Afghanistan but mainly in and around the Zabul and Kabul area, and extending eastwards towards the Suleiman Mountains into neighboring Pakistan.[2] During the 14th and 15th centuries, various Ghilzai dynasties took control over some areas of north-west India.[1] Many of the migrating Kuchi people belong to the Ghilzai confederacy.

i never denied ghilzais are not pushtoon, but to say all pushtoon are same race is hilarious and wrong.

I can trace my family for over 600 years and believe me we are not iranic people, however i am always pro Iran against Arabs, and have love for Iranian people as we share culture.
Could you please tell me how you define backward culture? When it comes the position of women we can easily say that Indians were and are more backward compared to Turkic and Mongol societies. The position of women in steppe nomadic peoples like Turks or Mongolians was always equivalent with the position of men.

What would you call the people starting to destroy the education institutions in the conquered land like more than half a dozen universities.
Of course. Khiljis and everybody else who participated in the Mongol a$$-whooping in India . Every single soldier.

Well only Indian that has felt that way, those who most Indians call barbaric invaders were the saviours of Indians against mongols.

What would you call the people starting to destroy the education institutions in the conquered land like more than half a dozen universities.

visionaries of the future.
@Iranzameen give it up will you, i am not intrested in being iranic, i am what i am.
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Well only Indian that has felt that way, those who most Indians call barbaric invaders were the saviours of Indians against mongols.

visionaries of the future.

Well firstly I am sure many local Indians participated in the defeat of Mongols in India along with the Khiljis or under the Khiljis.

Secondly , just because the Khiljis did some good deeds in India does not take anything away from all the wrongs that they committed.
Well firstly I am sure many local Indians participated in the defeat of Mongols in India along with the Khiljis or under the Khiljis.

Secondly , just because the Khiljis did some good deeds in India does not take anything away from all the wrongs that they committed.

Well one mans monster is another mans hero, lets just leave it that.
Ghilzais are Pahstoons

Ghilzai (Pashto: غرزی‎) are the second largest Pashtun tribal confederacy found in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are also known historically as Ghilji, Khilji, Ghalji, Ghilzye, and Gharzai (in Pashto "ghar" means a mountain and "zai" born of).[1] These Pashtun people are today scattered all over Afghanistan but mainly in and around the Zabul and Kabul area, and extending eastwards towards the Suleiman Mountains into neighboring Pakistan.[2] During the 14th and 15th centuries, various Ghilzai dynasties took control over some areas of north-west India.[1] Many of the migrating Kuchi people belong to the Ghilzai confederacy.


I thought so that Ghilzai was lying about Turk ancestry. Nowadays,pashtuns are serfs and slaves of the cunning pakistani punjabi muslims.What a shame .Once they were masters ,today they are slaves of cowardly pakistani punjabi muslim brahmins.:cry:
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