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Mongol invasions of India

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I thought so that Ghilzai was lying about Turk ancestry. Nowadays,pashtuns are serfs and slaves of the cunning pakistani punjabi muslims.What a shame .Once they were masters ,today they are slaves of cowardly pakistani punjabi muslim brahmins.:cry:

Ghilzai are Pashtoon Iranians that pretend they are Turkic so they can hide their true ancestry. These are very sneaky people :azn:
Well firstly I am sure many local Indians participated in the defeat of Mongols in India along with the Khiljis or under the Khiljis.

Secondly , just because the Khiljis did some good deeds in India does not take anything away from all the wrongs that they committed.

The pashtun is talking nonsense.Genghis and Hulagu were Buddhist heroes who slaughtered over 100-150 million muslims in devastating wars. They conquered afghanistan also.

I thought so that Ghilzai was lying about Turk ancestry. Nowadays,pashtuns are serfs and slaves of the cunning pakistani punjabi muslims.What a shame .Once they were masters ,today they are slaves of cowardly pakistani punjabi muslim brahmins.:cry:

Pakistani Punjabi is pukhtoon, pukhtoon is Pakistani Punjabi, we are one we are Pakistanis.

Pakistani Punjabi rejected your kind for us didn't they?

I thought so that Ghilzai was lying about Turk ancestry. Nowadays,pashtuns are serfs and slaves of the cunning pakistani punjabi muslims.What a shame .Once they were masters ,today they are slaves of cowardly pakistani punjabi muslim brahmins.:cry:

Punjabi Muslims are hardly Brahmins. Mostly cowherd castes. So Pashtuns are servants of farmers and cowherds nowadays.
Ghilzai are Pashtoon Iranians that pretend they are Turkic so they can hide their true ancestry. These are very sneaky people :azn:

Awww the resentment from you because we don't consider you as our own.
That was proposed by many historians. :wacko:

Discussion was about Greeks, divided India fell to Alexander, United India under Mauryas defeated the Greeks. Don't write crap to suit your own narrative. :wacko:

No actual tribe in Punjab does that, at best they say that King belonged to our tribe. But to outright claim being decendents of particular King mean they had no history to begin with. Or changed their tribe name for reasons best known to them.

Malis also now are considered Sainis. Anyway Porus was most likely Khatri or some other tribe of west punjab. Khatri home land was west punjab till partition when they moved to India. Also many claim him to be jatt because of jatt clan name Phor. But to actually claim decendent of particular King shows they had nothing to do with it in the first place.

Also he was assasinated, so chances of anyone being his decedent is pretty low let alone whole sub caste of Sainis.
Pakistani Punjabi is pukhtoon, pukhtoon is Pakistani Punjabi, we are one we are Pakistanis.

Pakistani Punjabi rejected your kind for us didn't they?

Yes, that is why you guys are serfs to the punjabis. Got to say they got brains.They lost all the wars ,yet they bamboozle you pushtans.Thats why they dump nuclear poison on you pashtuns and you say nothing.What a bunch of losers.

Pakistan 'dumped nuclear waste' in Afghanistan « RAWA News
A green blooded Pakistani of ghilzai heritage, after that a pushtoon of turkic origin.

I don't think that the Pashtun Ghilzai tribes are only descendants from the Turkic Khiljis. They seem to be a big mix of different peoples and they are several theories about the origin of Ghilzai Pashtuns.

The Ghilzais are a confederation of Pashtun tribes whose origin is unknown. Some oriental scholars hold that the Ghilzais are the descendants of a mixed race of Hephthalite and Pakhtas who have been living in Afghanistan since the Vedic Aryan period.[1] They are reputed by some to be descended at least in part from the Ghurids.

Ḡalzī tribal genealogies in general trace their early descent from the union of either Shah Ḥosayn, a Ghurid (q.v.) prince, and Bībī Mātō, a granddaughter of Qays ʿAbd al-Rašīd, the putative ancestor of all Pashtuns, or Mokarram Shah, a Pashtun prince from Ḡūr, and the daughter of a Persian notable...[6]
—M. Jamil Hanifi

Others suggest that they descended from the Khalaj or Khilji dynasty,[7][8][9] who entered Afghanistan in the 10th century. According to Elphinstone, the Khilji, "though Turks by descent...had so long settled among the Afghans that they had almost identified with that people."[10]

Ghilzai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Awww the resentment from you because we don't consider you as our own.

This guy is a Pashtoon that thinks he is a Turk:omghaha:


Pashtun people (Pashto: پښتانه‎ Pax̌tānə; also spelled Pushtun, Pakhtun or Pukhtun), also known as ethnic Afghans or Pathans[13][14] are an Iranian ethnic group belonging to Afghanistan and Pakistan.[15][16][17] They are typically characterised by the usage of the Eastern Iranian Pashto language and practice of Pashtunwali, which is a traditional set of ethics guiding individual and communal conduct. Their origins are unclear but historians have come across references to various ancient peoples called Pakthas (Pactyans) between the 2nd and the 1st millennium BC,[18][19] inhabiting the region between the Hindu Kush and Indus River, who may be the early ancestors of the Pashtun people. Since the 3rd century AD onward, they have been referred to by the ethnonym "Afghan".[20][21][22][23]

Often characterised as a warrior and martial race, their history is spread amongst various countries of South, Central and Western Asia, centred around their traditional seat of power in medieval Afghanistan. During the Delhi Sultanate era, the Pashtun Lodi dynasty replaced the Turkic rulers in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. Other Pashtuns fought the Safavids and the Mughals before obtaining an independent state in the early-18th century,[24] which began with a successful revolution by Mir Wais Hotak followed by conquests of Ahmad Shah Durrani.[25] Pashtuns played a vital role during the Great Game from the 19th century to the 20th century as they were caught between the imperialist designs of the British and Russian empires.

Pashtuns are the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan and reigned as the dominant ethno-linguistic group for about 300 years, with nearly all rulers being Pashtun. The mujahideen who fought against the pro-Soviet Afghan government in the 1980s were also dominated by Pashtun fighters. Abdul Ahad Mohmand became the first Afghan and 4th Muslim to journey into outer space, spending nine days aboard Mir space station in 1988. Zalmay Khalizad became the first Muslim and first Afghan to become Ambassador of the United States. Many famous Bollywood superstars in India are of Pashtun descent. Some became high-ranking officials working for the World Bank, the United Nations and other international organizations.

They made up the majority of the Taliban and the current Afghan government. They are also an important community in Pakistan, which has the largest Pashtun population and constitute the second-largest ethnic group, having attained presidency there and high rankings in sports. They are the world's largest (patriarchal) segmentary lineage ethnic group. According to Ethnologue, the total population of the group is estimated to be around 50 million[1] but an accurate count remains elusive due to the lack of an official census in Afghanistan since 1979. Estimates of the number of Pashtun tribes and clans range from about 350 to over 400.
zakat and jaziya both have been defined , btw see wat ur barbarians hindus indian used to do with ur women before muslims

sati Sati (practice) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

still doing
We Are A Nation of Daughter-Killers, Affirms India

Sati is a barbaric practice created by conmen for exploitation and oppression same as jaziya and one man four women is a barbaric practice created by conmen for exploitation and oppression.

Yes, the conmen did claim to see god. I spit on those conmen, do you?
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