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Mongol invasions of India

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Us punjabis were always better fighters then chamars of India but we accept Afghans were better then us. See there is no harm accepting one short comings, if only chamars of India also do that.

Is that why you punjabi pakistanis lost 3 wars and East Pakistan in 1971?
They are fighting for the islamic emirate in NWFP ,which is pastun land.So they are fighting for freedom and you punjabi brahmin muslims are oppressing them with Chanakya neeti.

You fool they are fighting to establish an Islamic state and fulfil the prophecy of ghazwa e hind, in simple English they want to invade India.
Us punjabis were always better fighters then chamars of India but we accept Afghans were better then us. See there is no harm accepting one short comings, if only chamars of India also do that.

Punjabis were better fighters but excluding the Punjabi Muslims. :wacko:
You fool they are fighting to establish an Islamic state and fulfil the prophecy of ghazwa e hind, in simple English they want to invade India.

Good you can try .We will conquer and then the beautiful pashtun women will be ours. By the way Islam is prophecized to cease to exist when it comes to be 1500 years .Its over 1400 years already. So much for Ghazwa e-hind for it will be Akhand Bharat and we will get the lovely pashto beauties too..

Shaykh Hamza Yusuf (1500 years, i.e. around 70 years left)

Sh. Hamza Yusuf discusses on this hadith at the 2 hour and 6 minutes mark (2:07:00) in this video (a great video by the way): Hamza Yusuf – The Antichrist (Dajjal) and The New World Order | Halal Tube

“Question: Imam Mahdi will appear during Ramadan where a sun and moon eclipse will occur in the same month. It’s research indicates this is in the year 2004?”

Answer: There are some hadiths that indicate…that, nobody can say for sure. You can’t give any dates. Anybody gives you any dates we just can’t take them. Imam as-Suyuti said the ajal of the ummah would end sometime in the 15th century. He based it on a hadith that indicates this ummah lasts half of the life of the Jewish ummah and they lasted 2,000 years and so the ummah would only last 1,000 years. Which is why we had our own millennial fever 400 years ago, because people really thought it was coming to an end. And Imam as-Suyuti was born in the 10th century and lived into the 11th century so he obviously passed the thousand year mark and wrote a fatwa called “Kishf an ummata”- insight into the fact the ummah will last more than 1,000 years because he actually said, “Look we’re all alive, and its been over a thousand years.” But he said it was only 1,000 years but there was a dua of the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasalam) in which he said, “Oh Allah, give my ummah an extra half-day.” And somebody asked him how long will that be? And he said, “500 years” because a day with Allah is a thousand years. And so he said it wouldn’t go past 1,500 years, which means we have about 70 years left. And Allah knows best. Thats not the sa’a, because the ummah is finished and the sa’a comes on the worst people.”
I don't deny mixing, but would you say every turk from turkey in 100 % pure turk?. I would say he is not as he mixed with Greeks, Arabs, Armenians, Serbs and so on, but he like to associate himself with his ancestors who were turkic to begin with.

No man on this planet is pure.

We Iranians are pure Iranic people, especially Ossetians, they are the most pure aryans (Iranic).
Is that why you punjabi pakistanis lost 3 wars and East Pakistan in 1971?

What do you define as lost?.

i define lost as lets say the prithvi raj vs ghuri the second battle as it meant capture of huge land.

3 wars lost by us are not lost but stalemate, 71 Bangladesh would have been a loss if Bangladesh became part of India. 71 created Bangladesh which was agreed on in 47.
Is that why you punjabi pakistanis lost 3 wars and East Pakistan in 1971?

Not 71 again :laughcry: Civil war in región far away. It was better for both of us to separate anyway. "Pakistan" didnt include B for Bengal. While in rest of the wars, well did chamars rule Lahore in 1965 like they said they will? The day you guys capture our land by crossing loc we will accept that we lost war.

But chamars even if they are 7 times more cant do that. They dont even think about it after so many provocations, thats supa pawa for you.
Good you can try .We will conquer and then the beautiful pashtun women will be ours. By the way Islam is prophecized to cease to exist when it comes to be 1500 years .Its over 1400 years already. So much for Ghazwa e-hind for it will be Akhand Bharat and we will get the lovely pashto beauties too..

Shaykh Hamza Yusuf (1500 years, i.e. around 70 years left)

Sh. Hamza Yusuf discusses on this hadith at the 2 hour and 6 minutes mark (2:07:00) in this video (a great video by the way): Hamza Yusuf – The Antichrist (Dajjal) and The New World Order | Halal Tube

“Question: Imam Mahdi will appear during Ramadan where a sun and moon eclipse will occur in the same month. It’s research indicates this is in the year 2004?”

Answer: There are some hadiths that indicate…that, nobody can say for sure. You can’t give any dates. Anybody gives you any dates we just can’t take them. Imam as-Suyuti said the ajal of the ummah would end sometime in the 15th century. He based it on a hadith that indicates this ummah lasts half of the life of the Jewish ummah and they lasted 2,000 years and so the ummah would only last 1,000 years. Which is why we had our own millennial fever 400 years ago, because people really thought it was coming to an end. And Imam as-Suyuti was born in the 10th century and lived into the 11th century so he obviously passed the thousand year mark and wrote a fatwa called “Kishf an ummata”- insight into the fact the ummah will last more than 1,000 years because he actually said, “Look we’re all alive, and its been over a thousand years.” But he said it was only 1,000 years but there was a dua of the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasalam) in which he said, “Oh Allah, give my ummah an extra half-day.” And somebody asked him how long will that be? And he said, “500 years” because a day with Allah is a thousand years. And so he said it wouldn’t go past 1,500 years, which means we have about 70 years left. And Allah knows best. Thats not the sa’a, because the ummah is finished and the sa’a comes on the worst people.”

Your foolishness is distancing your own countrymen from you.
We Iranians are pure Iranic people, especially Ossetians, they are the most pure aryans (Iranic).

Actually majority Iranis now have recent arab Ancestry after islamic invasions as proven by genetic tests.
According to this jats existed since 3100 BC :laughcry:

Jat History - Jatland Wiki

A.H. Bingley wrote: "It is from these Scythian Immigrants that most of the Jat tribes are at any rate partly descended."[31]

Professor J. Pettigrew wrote: "Another view holds that the Jats came from Asia Minor and Armenia in the successive invasions during the period 600 B.C. to A.D. 600."[32]

Professor H.S. Willliams wrote: "The extent of the Scythian invasion has been variously estimated. Some scholars believe that they virtually supplanted the previous population of India (means Punjab), and there seems little doubt that by far the most numerous section of the Punjab population is of Scythian origin."[33]

Professor P.S. Gill wrote: "There is a general concensus of opinion that Jats, and with them Rajputs and Gujjars were foreigners who came from their original home, near the Oxus, Central Asia."[34]

Professor T. Sulimirski wrote: "The evidence of both the ancient authors and the archaeological remains point to a massive migration of Sacian (Sakas) & Massagetae (great Jats) tribes from the Syr Darya Delta (Central Asia) by the middle of the second century B.C. Some of the Syr Darya tribes; they also invaded North India.[35]

H.A Rose wrote: "Many of the Jat tribes of the Punjab have customs which apparently point to non-Aryan origin. Suffice it to say that both Sir Alexander Cunningham and James Tod agreed in considering the Jats to be of Indo-Scythian Stock. The former identified them with the Zanthi of Strabo (Greek Geographer of the ancient times) and the Jatii of Pliny (Roman writer) and Ptolemy (Another Greek Geographer of the ancient times); and held that they probably entered the Punjab from their home on the Oxus (in Central Asia) very shortly after the Meds or Mands (still exist as one of the Jat clans of the Punjab), who also were Indo-Scythians, and who moved into the Punjab about a century before Christ."[36]

Sir H.M. Elliot wrote: "These ignorant tribes (Jats) pointing to the remote Ghazni (Afghanistan) as their original seat, the very spot we know to have been occupied by the Yuechi, or, as Klaproth says, more correctly, Yuti, in the first centuries of our era, after the Sakas (a Scythian tribe) were repelled back from the frontiers of India, and left the country between India and Persia open for their occupation. The Jat tribes not doubt emigrated, no at all once, but at different times, and it is probable that those in the North-West are among the latest importations."[37]

I. Sara wrote: "Recent excavations in the Ukraine and Crimea. The finds points to the visible links of the Jat and Scythians."[38]

C.J. Daniell wrote: "Jats, who describe their ancestors as being immigrants from the west."[39]

Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant Duff wrote: "My conclusion, therefore, is, that the Jats may be of Scythian descent."[40]

U.S. Mahil wrote: "Jat were called Scythians; because they were the inhabitants of the ancient country of Scythia. The Jats who invaded the Punjab and conquered India up to Benares were called Indo-Scythians."[41]

Surely an IVC / Vedic people!!:rofl::rofl:
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