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Mongol invasions of India

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Thats why chamars rule Lahore now after invading in 65 war? :omghaha:

Greatest Punjabi of them all ahmad shah abdali, speculations are he was born in multan, a man is from where he is born.
Well best of luck to you sir, like us all you came from Africa.

something we agree on, well its a start.

I am surprised you agree with me on support India to become Islamic Emirate. I didn't think you were a very conservative Islamist, maybe I like you more now...
I am surprised you agree with me on support India to become Islamic Emirate. I didn't think you were a very conservative Islamist, maybe I like you more now...

Well i am just a Muslim i don't consider myself Sunni or shia but just a Muslim, we will go for India after we converted the Arabs to Islam.

India will become a separate Islamic nation under the protection of Pakistan of course.
Actually majority Iranis now have recent arab Ancestry after islamic invasions as proven by genetic tests.

Ok then you Pakistanis have recent Indian ancestry now.

Well i am just a Muslim i don't consider myself Sunni or shia but just a Muslim, we will go for India after we converted the Arabs to Islam.

What do you mean "converted the Arabs to Islam"? Which Arabs are you referring to? In what region.
Ok then you Pakistanis have recent Indian ancestry now.

What do you mean "converted the Arabs to Islam"? Which Arabs are you referring to? In what region.

Well you were arguing with me about pukhtoons being iranic but in a whiff you sold them to Indian ancestry lol.
Actually ,there were many brahmins in punjab too who were converted.Pakistanis are the Brahmin convert to Musalman. - Topix

I dont know what you guys expected from hindu brahmins, they always sided with winners and muslims were winners simple as that. Their job was to opress dalit hindus and stay in mandir for pooja. Thats why i said most syeds are actully brahmin converts in Punjab. They claimed arab ancestry to be regarded as hgher up again and superior to others but it didnt work this time.

But majority muslim converts stick with their tribe names after caste system was abolished. So dalit was still opressed even under muslims, hence they never converted till Sikhsm & british raj. While hindu caste system was over tribe discrimination was still there, just that it was no longer done by brahmins or hindusism.

Now most of the brahmins in India are actually chamars and nothing more.
Thats why chamars rule Lahore now after invading in 65 war? :omghaha:

Scythians were called Mlechhas, the barbarians. And to think they dare compare with the ancient Brahmins:omghaha: Wanna write more Vedas??:chilli:

The invasion of India by Scythian tribes from Central Asia, often referred to as the Indo-Scythian invasion, played a significant part in the history of South Asia as well as nearby countries. In fact, the Indo-Scythian war is just one chapter in the events triggered by the nomadic flight of Central Asians from conflict with tribes such as the Xiongnu in the 2nd century CE, which had lasting effects on Bactria, Kabul, Parthia and India as well as far-off Rome in the west. The agrarian and artisan communities (e.g. Jats, Gujars, Ahirs, Rajputs, Lohars, Tarkhans etc.) of the entire western India are derived from the Scythians, who settled north-western and western South Asia in successive waves between 500 B.C. to 500 AD.[4]

Indo-Scythians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Greatest Punjabi of them all ahmad shah abdali, speculations are he was born in multan, a man is from where he is born.

Abdali a Punjabi :woot: Reminds me of Baba Waris Shah's(who composed Heer Ranjha) poem about Abdali.
Abdali a Punjabi :woot: Reminds me of Baba Waris Shah's(who composed Heer Ranjha) poem about Abdali.

Well do you not agree if he is born in punjab then he is a Punjabi, after all punjab is a region and not a race.
Scythians were called Mlechhas, the barbarians. And to think they dare compare with the ancient Brahmins:omghaha: Wanna write more Vedas??:chilli:

Indo-Scythians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did i deny invasions? Punjabi Jatt look no different then then non-chamar punjabi. And we also have to wait for genetic studies to confirm when jatt clans mixed with ASI. That will clear many doubts. :coffee: Brahmins wrote vedas who were from us as proven by genetic tests. Unlike in India where brahmin will show lower ASI component by 10-15% compared to local population despite mixing. There is no such a thing in Punjab.

Which again proves they were from local and didnt come from outside as is the case with Indian chamar brahmins.
Well do you not agree if he is born in punjab then he is a Punjabi, after punjab is a region and not a race.

Heer Ranjha famed Punjabi Muslim poet Baba Waris Shah wrote after Abdali's ransacking of Lahore number of times.

"khada peeta laahey daa, te rehnda Ahmad Shahey daa."(What we eat and drink is ours, rest belongs to Ahmad Shah)

Before making India an Islamic state , you should try to make your countrymen practice Islam first :lol: (If you really are Iranian).
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