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Mongol invasions of India

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No actual tribe in Punjab does that, at best they say that King belonged to our tribe. But to outright claim being decendents of particular King mean they had no history to begin with. Or changed their tribe name for reasons best known to them.

Malis also now are considered Sainis. Anyway Porus was most likely Khatri or some other tribe of west punjab. Khatri home land was west punjab till partition when they moved to India. Also many claim him to be jatt because of jatt clan name Phor. But to actually claim decendent of particular King shows they had nothing to do with it in the first place.

Jatts at the time of Alexander :wacko: Jatts have Scythian origin. Khatri word originated from Kshatriya.

Historians believe Porus was a Shoorsaini, Saini who originated out of Shoorsaini are considered his descendants.
Yes, that is why you guys are serfs to the punjabis. Got to say they got brains.They lost all the wars ,yet they bamboozle you pushtans.Thats why they dump nuclear poison on you pashtuns and you say nothing.What a bunch of losers.

Pakistan 'dumped nuclear waste' in Afghanistan « RAWA News

Thats what you guys do anyway now days, one frustrated bunch of cockroaches. To pakhtun they will say look what punjabis did to you, and to punjabi look what pashtuns did to you.

But you know what we are united under Pakistan now and chamars cant handle this. :laughcry: The day you guys cross loc and capture our land is the day we will accept yes we lost the war. But we all know that will not come even if chamars army is 7 times bigger. :laughcry:
Khiljis/ghiljays were pashtuns, the credit goes to them for humiliating mongols
Thats what you guys do anyway now days, one frustrated bunch of cockroaches. To pakhtun they will say look what punjabis did to you, and to punjabi look what pashtuns did to you.

But you know what we are united under Pakistan now and chamars cant handle this. :laughcry: The day you guys cross loc and capture our land is the day we will accept yes we lost the war. But we all know that will not come even if chamars army is 7 times bigger. :laughcry:

We don't need .Some pashtun freedom fighters like TTP are brutally attacking and destroying pakistani punjabi military. Thats vengenance for the evils you guys are doing on the pashtuns by ttp

Khiljis/ghiljays were pashtuns, the credit goes to them for humiliating mongols

More than half of afghanistan was under mongol control so how did they humiliate.Buddhist Mongols pawned you.
Jatts at the time of Alexander :wacko: Jatts have Scythian origin. Khatri word originated from Kshatriya.

Historians believe Porus was a Shoorsaini, Saini who originated out of Shoorsaini are considered his descendants.


Pashtun samples was proven to be 2200 years old when ANI-ASI mixed. And now you will tell me pashtuns come much later :lol:. Tribes changes, name changes but we are here since for ever. I dont deny any invasions anyway of Scythian.

Pashtun samples was proven to be 2200 years old when ANI-ASI mixed. And now you will tell me pashtuns come much later :lol:. Tribes changes, name changes but we are here since for ever. I dont deny any invasions anyway of Scythian.

Show me the proof that Jatt existed at time of Pauravas. They will indeed have that traits because all of them mixed with earlier populations.
Sorry! Mostly jats and Gujars. Smattering of Rajputs and Khatris. Very few Brahmins.

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We know how to identify brahmin convert, anyone who is syed punjabi is brahmin convert :omghaha: Thats historical fact chamar brahmin and not RSS mandir fact. Also unlike in case of chamar brahmin & chamars of India. Punjabi & Kashmiri brahmins have same amount of ASI component in them just like regular population.

Only in Kashmir & Punjab brahmins were from local population while in rest of India they were clearly foreigners and belonged to Punjab as one can see from their paternal lineage and lower ASI compared to local population.
We don't need .Some pashtun freedom fighters like TTP are brutally attacking and destroying pakistani punjabi military. Thats vengenance for the evils you guys are doing on the pashtuns by ttp

More than half of afghanistan was under mongol control so how did they humiliate.Buddhist Mongols pawned you.

Pashtuns have a continuous martial history while Punjabis are basically farmers with zero fighting tradition. Pashtuns have always invaded the plains. Now Punjabis are finding out that history repeats itself in a continuous loop.
We don't need .Some pashtun freedom fighters like TTP are brutally attacking and destroying pakistani punjabi military. Thats vengenance for the evils you guys are doing on the pashtuns by ttp

More than half of afghanistan was under mongol control so how did they humiliate.Buddhist Mongols pawned you.

lol TTP isnt fighting for pashtuns. your ignorance is expected being chamar :laughcry:
Show me the proof that Jatt existed at time of Pauravas. They will indeed have that traits because all of them mixed with earlier populations.

Jats were the caravan followers of Scythian armies. The Scythian warriors were absorbed as various clans of Rajputs and the camp followers were settled in small pieces of land. Even a school student knows that this happened around 600 AD. So all these Punjabi claims of IVC and Vedic is undiluted bunkum.
lol TTP isnt fighting for pashtuns. your ignorance is expected being chamar :laughcry:

They are fighting for the islamic emirate in NWFP ,which is pastun land.So they are fighting for freedom and you punjabi brahmin muslims are oppressing them with Chanakya neeti.
Pashtuns have a continuous martial history while Punjabis are basically farmers with zero fighting tradition. Pashtuns have always invaded the plains. Now Punjabis are finding out that history repeats itself in a continuous loop.

Us punjabis were always better fighters then chamars of India but we accept Afghans were better then us. See there is no harm accepting one short comings, if only chamars of India also do that.

Jats were the caravan followers of Scythian armies. The Scythian warriors were absorbed as various clans of Rajputs and the camp followers were settled in small pieces of land. Even a school student knows that this happened around 600 AD. So all these Punjabi claims of IVC and Vedic is undiluted bunkum.

Just a theory nothing more, there are other dozens of it. Being chamar you will only accept the one wich suite you.
I don't think that the Pashtun Ghilzai tribes are only descendants from the Turkic Khiljis. They seem to be a big mix of different peoples and they are several theories about the origin of Ghilzai Pashtuns.

The Ghilzais are a confederation of Pashtun tribes whose origin is unknown. Some oriental scholars hold that the Ghilzais are the descendants of a mixed race of Hephthalite and Pakhtas who have been living in Afghanistan since the Vedic Aryan period.[1] They are reputed by some to be descended at least in part from the Ghurids.

Ḡalzī tribal genealogies in general trace their early descent from the union of either Shah Ḥosayn, a Ghurid (q.v.) prince, and Bībī Mātō, a granddaughter of Qays ʿAbd al-Rašīd, the putative ancestor of all Pashtuns, or Mokarram Shah, a Pashtun prince from Ḡūr, and the daughter of a Persian notable...[6]
—M. Jamil Hanifi

Others suggest that they descended from the Khalaj or Khilji dynasty,[7][8][9] who entered Afghanistan in the 10th century. According to Elphinstone, the Khilji, "though Turks by descent...had so long settled among the Afghans that they had almost identified with that people."[10]

Ghilzai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't deny mixing, but would you say every turk from turkey in 100 % pure turk?. I would say he is not as he mixed with Greeks, Arabs, Armenians, Serbs and so on, but he like to associate himself with his ancestors who were turkic to begin with.

No man on this planet is pure.
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