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Mongol invasions of India

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How were barbaric invaders who looted, massacred and raped different from human migration over many millennia? Duh, beats me!

mulle ke lulle, alexander's troops were deterred from attacking indian kingdoms because they were united and fielded large armies.

Historians dont think like that, Greeks knew about 3 kingdoms in India. Rest is exagerated account of army by greeks who never set foot in India and turned back.
Sincé when did united Indian kingdoms defeateded Alexander? The battle was fought in Pakistan and Porus lost hard fought war.

Chandragupta Maurya defeated Greeks at the age of 20 and expelled them out of ancient India and Afghanistan.

He had nothing to do with chamars of India. And also even if he was punjabi we dont like to invent lies to feel better. India is united now and we all know what jack **** they have done since

Pakistanis like you don't know the real name of king Purushottama. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: His descendants now have surnames of Puri or Saini. :enjoy:
Historians dont think like that, Greeks knew about 3 kingdoms in India. Rest is exagerated account of army by greeks who never set foot in India and turned back.

Unity = strength.

Otherwise we would have seen great warriors from the martial race (ahum ahum) of Punjabis, but fact is, they have thenga to show before Sikhs introduced unity.
India is one of the few countries where the Mongols got their rears kicked hard and had to run away with their tails between their legs :lol:
Historians dont think like that, Greeks knew about 3 kingdoms in India. Rest is exagerated account of army by greeks who never set foot in India and turned back.

Alexander came to the border of Nanda Empire on the bank of Beas river in Himachal Pradesh. :wacko:
They themselves were backward, what can they teach us.

Earlier when Arabs came, they took back lots of knowledge from Indians and translated Indian books into Arabic.

Could you please tell me how you define backward culture? When it comes the position of women we can easily say that Indians were and are more backward compared to Turkic and Mongol societies. The position of women in steppe nomadic peoples like Turks or Mongolians was always equivalent with the position of men

Here are some examples:

Compared to other civilizations, Mongolian women had the power to influence society. Even though men were dominant in society, many turned to women in their lives for advice. While developing organizations within the Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan asked for assistance from his mother. He honored the advice women in his life offered. Genghis Khan permitted his wives to sit with him and encouraged them to voice their opinions. Because of their help, Genghis was able to choose his successor.

The Mongols considered marriage as the passage into adulthood. Before a marriage could proceed, the bride's family was required to offer "a dowry of clothing or household ornaments" to the groom's mother. To avoid paying the dowry, families could exchange daughters or the groom could work for his future father-in-law. Once the dowry was settled, the bride's family presented her with an inheritance of livestock or servants. Typically, married women of the Mongol Empire wore headdresses to distinguish themselves from the unmarried women. The Yassa/Zasag it is claimed prohibited trade in women

Marriages in the Mongol Empire were arranged, however Chinggis Khan´s later nokoger (literally "women friends" but seen as wives usually and later) and those of his officers were not ever paid for with any bride price, but men were permitted to practice polygamy. Since each wife had their own yurt, the husband had the opportunity to choose where he wanted to sleep each night. Visitors to this region found it remarkable that marital complications did not arise. The location of the yurts between the wives differed depending on who married first. The first wife placed her yurt to the east and the other wives placed their yurts to the west. Even though a husband remained attached to his first wife, the women were "docile, diligent, and lacked jealousy" towards one another.

Mongol women enjoyed more freedoms than those in their foreign vassal countries. They refused to adopt the Chinese practice of footbinding and wear chadors or burqas. The Mongolian women were allowed to move about more freely in public. Toward the end of the Mongol Empire, however, the increasing influence of Neo-Confucianism, Buddhism and Islamicization saw greater limits placed on Mongol women.[54]

The same high status of women goes for Turkic peoples:

Status within the family was based on age, gender, relationships by blood, or marriageability. Males as well as females were active in society, yet men were the backbones of leadership and organization. According to the Book of Dede Korkut which demonstrates the culture of the Oghuz Turks, women were "expert horse riders, archers, and athletes." The elders were respected as repositories of both "secular and spiritual wisdom."

Of course the role of women changed when Turkics or Mongols adopted Islam as Islam itself is a hardcore patriarchal religion
Chandragupta Maurya defeated Greeks at the age of 20 and expelled them out of ancient India and Afghanistan.

Pakistanis like you don't know the real name of king Purushottama. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: His descendants now have surnames of Puri or Saini. :enjoy:

Saini claim to be decendents of Porus & Krishna at the same time? :laughcry: The discussion was about defeating Alexander army & not greeks. Unless they moved from Pakistan región to India in last century then there is zero chances of that. Indians like to claim they are decendents of every hindu King who ever lived anyway.
indian namak haram trolls in one place proudly display the building built by muslim invaders to the foreign tourists and make money,,,,,on the other hand they are crying about being enslaved,,,,,,,,,,,,,

the fact is indians do not allow foreign tourists into kamasutra temples and khajurao temples,,,,,,,,they are only proud of the building built by muslim invaders.......in their hearts and minds they know that muslims invaders brought order to their land cause nanda empire was attacking maratha empire and maratha empire was attacking chola empire,,,,,,and there were all mushriks killing one another for temple gold......

so in their hearts they know that showing buildings built by muslim invaders to foreign tourists is worthwhile and will bring fame and revenue to hindoland,,,,,and displaying khajurao and kamasutra temple to foreign tourists will only bring shame to already inferiority complexed hinduish man.

in their hearts they know that foreign tourists like to see neat and clean buildings built by muslims who wash themselves daily 5 times for prayers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and foreigner tourists do not want to see buildings built by mushriks who do not take bath for 30,40 years
indian namak haram trolls in one place proudly display the building built by muslim invaders to the foreign tourists and make money,,,,,on the other hand they are crying about being enslaved,,,,,,,,,,,,,

the fact is indians do not allow foreign tourists into kamasutra temples and khajurao temples,,,,,,,,they only are only proud of the building built by muslim invaders.......in their hearts and minds they know muslims invaders brought order to their land cause nanda empire was attacking maratha empire and maratha empire was attacking chola empire,,,,,,and there were all mushriks killing one another for temple gold......

so in their hearts they know that showing buildings built by muslim invaders to foreign muslims is worthwhile and will bring fame to hindoland,,,,,and by displaying khajurao and kamasutra temple to foreign tourists will only bring shame to already inferiority complexed hinduish man.

1. "indian namak haram trolls in one place proudly display the building built by muslim invaders to the foreign tourists and make money,,,,,on the other hand they are crying about being enslaved" - Built in India by Indians from Taxes collected from India! Itna to haq banta hi hain... :yay:

2. "indians do not allow foreign tourists into kamasutra temples and khajurao temples" - It very much allows anyone. There is no such directive at all.

3. "nanda empire was attacking maratha empire and maratha empire was attacking chola empire" - May be in another dimension. In this one, they belong to different periods. For it to happen a Time Machine will be needed.

4. "showing buildings built by muslim invaders to foreign muslims is worthwhile and will bring fame to hindoland,,,,,and by displaying khajurao and kamasutra temple to foreign tourists will only bring shame to already inferiority complexed hinduish man" - bwaahahahabwahahahahaha :rofl: :rofl: :omghaha:
Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/milita...-mongol-invasions-india-10.html#ixzz2f4S9Htnb
India is one of the few countries where the Mongols got their rears kicked hard and had to run away with their tails between their legs :lol:

So you are thankful to khiljis for kicking the Mongolian rear hard.
Zakat's upper limit has been defined but jaziya not, hence used to exploit non muslims. That's how it always was. So your apologetic argument has no historical evidence. Muslim rulers were intolerant barbarians as a rule, exceptions existed.

zakat and jaziya both have been defined , btw see wat ur barbarians hindus indian used to do with ur women before muslims

sati Sati (practice) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

still doing
We Are A Nation of Daughter-Killers, Affirms India
Unity = strength.

Otherwise we would have seen great warriors from the martial race (ahum ahum) of Punjabis, but fact is, they have thenga to show before Sikhs introduced unity.

Yes sikhs united hindus & muslims of punjab no one deny that. The thing is thats the only instance when any kingdom in South Asia was good enough to face Afghans. Rest of history is filled by defeats after defeats in hand of foreign invaders. Also its not like they ruled Afghanistan, but just good enough defend it self till British conquered again.
1. "indian namak haram trolls in one place proudly display the building built by muslim invaders to the foreign tourists and make money,,,,,on the other hand they are crying about being enslaved" - Built in India by Indians from Taxes collected from India! Itna to haq banta hi hain... :yay:

2. "indians do not allow foreign tourists into kamasutra temples and khajurao temples" - It very much allows anyone. There is no such directive at all.

3. "nanda empire was attacking maratha empire and maratha empire was attacking chola empire" - May be in another dimension. In this one, they belong to different periods. For it to happen a Time Machine will be needed.

4. "showing buildings built by muslim invaders to foreign muslims is worthwhile and will bring fame to hindoland,,,,,and by displaying khajurao and kamasutra temple to foreign tourists will only bring shame to already inferiority complexed hinduish man" - bwaahahahabwahahahahaha :rofl: :rofl: :omghaha:
Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/milita...-mongol-invasions-india-10.html#ixzz2f4S9Htnb

do not lie,,,,i have posted facts.,,,,,,they might have existed in different times but the people of the land held grudges against one another......bottom line is mushriks were killing mushriks for temple gold in petty kingdoms and states.....and indians are proud of the buildings that foreigners built in india,,,,they are proud of the architecture and proud of their cleanliness.

should i post some khumb mela pictures to educate you on age of ignorance and indian heritage?
Topic is about mongolian invasion of India, any Indian here can deny that khiljis saved India from mongols?.

Why dislodge the topic, its not about porus or sikhs, why not have a meaningful fact oriented debate?.

i trust @shan on history and genetics analysis, he speaks sense, however when did Indians even understand reason and sense.
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Because i am a turk, ghilzais are turkic while the ebodals or abadals as they are called now are iranic.

Ghilzais are Pahstoons

Ghilzai (Pashto: غرزی‎) are the second largest Pashtun tribal confederacy found in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are also known historically as Ghilji, Khilji, Ghalji, Ghilzye, and Gharzai (in Pashto "ghar" means a mountain and "zai" born of).[1] These Pashtun people are today scattered all over Afghanistan but mainly in and around the Zabul and Kabul area, and extending eastwards towards the Suleiman Mountains into neighboring Pakistan.[2] During the 14th and 15th centuries, various Ghilzai dynasties took control over some areas of north-west India.[1] Many of the migrating Kuchi people belong to the Ghilzai confederacy.
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