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Modi's toilet remark finds support in MP

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Can you be anymore bias? I was replying to post that says rape is not a problem in India.

Nobody denies that rape is a problem in India , but there is a salient difference between problem and crisis. The Pakistani member used the term crisis.Anyway, he was offtopic and so are you.

Had it been me , I would have been sent to pinkville long back.
Nobody denies that rape is a problem in India , but there is a salient difference between problem and crisis. The Pakistani member used the term crisis.Anyway, he was offtopic and so are you.

Had it been me , I would have been sent to pinkville long back.

I was replying to an Indian, not Pakistani.

So you are taking it out on me? There was another indian member posted link about rape in China, why didn't you report him?
I was replying to an Indian, not Pakistani.

So you are taking it out on me? There was another indian member posted link about rape in China, why didn't you report him?

Didnt notice any such post. Anyway, you don't even need to report Indian members here.
Foreign journalist does not equal to US journalist only! Have a brain.
And the very word "foreign" doesn't exclude US journalists either. High IQ brain don't seem to be working today.
Atheism is proof that the whole article is fabricated because no atheist would follow any religious belief be it taoism or christianity. Not to mention, taoism doesn't talk about sex. As such, we can infer that the rest of the article is pure BS.
This is called logic of reasoning and deduction. And you don't need a high IQ for that, average is fine :laughcry:

Yeah and since your high IQ has a week off today, I have to remind you that an Atheist can also be a sex maniac, with whatever acts it can get by. Also, I am not saying this, of is said by his very own doctor. Affirming the controversial fact that the founding father of the great China was a rapist.
You know what..
I have to laugh now,
So here it goes..
Your ready?? ...

And the very word "foreign" doesn't exclude US journalists either. High IQ brain don't seem to be working today.

In the context of your qoute from the questionable US state depart, "foreign does equate to US" certainly carry more weight than "foreign doesn't exclude US." Learn something new? LOL

Yeah and since your high IQ has a week off today, I have to remind you that an Atheist can also be a sex maniac, with whatever acts it can get by. Also, I am not saying this, of is said by his very own doctor. Affirming the controversial fact that the founding father of the great China was a rapist.
You know what..
I have to laugh now,
So here it goes..
Your ready?? ...


If you are an atheist, sex maniac or not, you would not subscribe to Taoism or any religious practice. And Taoism does not teach sex. Logic of reasoning doesn't apply to Indian? Too much mythology? There's dumb troll and intelligent troll, the difference is in the IQ. Try harder :omghaha:
In the context of your qoute from the questionable US state depart, "foreign does equate to US" certainly carry more weight than "foreign doesn't exclude US." Learn something new? LOL
Not really. The context is very simple, i.e. US department issues Chinese rape stats and china have stopped issuing rape stats after 2005.
and yeah I learnt something new today really, that high iq brain lack common sense to understand the context..:lol:

If you are an atheist, sex maniac or not, you would not subscribe to Taoism or any religious practice. And Taoism does not teach sex. Logic of reasoning doesn't apply to Indian? Too much mythology? There's dumb troll and intelligent troll, the difference is in the IQ. Try harder :omghaha:
If you are a sex maniac, atheist or not, you can subscribe to all your "fantasies", (as those practices, whether or not religious, dont matter) specially when you are a dictator of a communist regime where common people don't have a say, and are supposed to consider themselves lucky to be raped:lol:
I know you are not supposed to agree to this, may be because CCP is monitoring your posts right now, or may be because you lose some cents. I will choose losing cents over losing sense any day though

And hey, wake me up when you try to understand the context this time, till then :sleep:
Blow to Modi: Man found who goes to temple before toilet

New Delhi. In a major blow to Modi, news channels have found out a person who goes to “devalay” (temple) before going to “shauchalay” (toilet) as the first thing done in the morning.

Digvijay Sharma, a man from Gorakhpur was found praying first in the morning and going to toilet later; earlier his priority order was reverse.

“I was shocked to hear Modi say ‘pahle shauchalay, phir devalay’ – this is exactly what I had been doing all these years. The thought of being a Modi follower made me sick, and I decided to change my routine,” Digvijay told Faking News. “I will do whatever it takes to keep communal forces at bay,” the anti-Modi activist declared, “Even if it means being full of $hit (in the morning).” :cheesy:

“What I am doing is not an easy thing to do. You must be knowing how tough it is to control those things in the morning, but Narendra Modi must be controlled,” he underscored his importance to the society.

Digvijay is getting a lot of support from fellow anti-Modi activists, though some have frowned upon his idea of going to a temple as the first thing to do in the morning.

“This could give rise to communalism,” protested some activists.

Meanwhile thousands of pro-Modi activists have started going to toilets and taking bath before barging into temples, sources tell Faking News.
Not really. The context is very simple, i.e. US department issues Chinese rape stats and china have stopped issuing rape stats after 2005.
and yeah I learnt something new today really, that high iq brain lack common sense to understand the context..:lol:

It's a proven fact that US state department is as credible as the WMD in Iraq, yet you go on and on about US state department, US state department....That is a sign of retardation. It's hampering your learning. Now if you can get past that, we can discuss things in proper context. :laughcry:

If you are a sex maniac, atheist or not, you can subscribe to all your "fantasies", (as those practices, whether or not religious, dont matter) specially when you are a dictator of a communist regime where common people don't have a say, and are supposed to consider themselves lucky to be raped:lol:
I know you are not supposed to agree to this, may be because CCP is monitoring your posts right now, or may be because you lose some cents. I will choose losing cents over losing sense any day though

And hey, wake me up when you try to understand the context this time, till then :sleep:

Hey Forest, before you make a case, you've got to establish the fact. And the fact is Mao was atheist. So if he was atheist, he cannot be following any taoism belief. Hereby ruling out any chance that he was a sex maniac as propagated by the article This is called logic of deduction. I know you've had trouble with this a few times, this is not hindu mythology after all, where logic and common sense don't apply. I also know it's not by choice your IQ is on the lower side. But if you want troll, you'll need to know what is logic and reasoning because this is how the world outside of India works :laughcry:
Why will the toilet campaign make the world laugh? It is a fact that the infrastructure including the public and private access to toilets are lacking in India and needs to be addressed.

There is no rape crisis. The Indian media is starting to highlight serious social problems which includes rape. There were a few high profile rape cases such as the Delhi saga and the rape of a tourist but that cannot be classed as a "rape crisis" . South Africa has a far lesser population than India but recently there have been high profile rape cases reported in that country which includes a 14 hour kidnap and rape ordeal of a British tourist. Neither the world nor South Africa has indicated that there is a "rape crisis in that country.

Are you attempting to mock India or the incidents of rape in India? If you are attempting to mock the incidents of rape then you need help since you are in effect mocking the victims. Or is the rape of a woman something you find humorous and entertaining ?

ARe you living under a Rock ???? Every minute a woman is raped in India and you deny it ?
You have something against women ????

If Modi succeed in his plans than history will remember him as Mr. Toilet ------------ j/k

He will probably not get elected as the next PM of India :

Digvijaya slams Modi's 'toilet first temple later' remark

Ordinance row: Modi silent, aides may face disqualification

@Oscar @WebMaster

What is the relevance of this to the topic at hand. Is this not "offtopic trolling and flaming" ?

He posted the message to answer an Indian's remark about rape in China.
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It's a proven fact that US state department is as credible as the WMD in Iraq, yet you go on and on about US state department, US state department....That is a sign of retardation. It's hampering your learning. Now if you can get past that, we can discuss things in proper context. :laughcry:
Any person outside china (and may be Pakistan) may wanna believe US (the foreign, as per your definition) any day over a "I-desperately-wanna-hide" Chinese communist regime (or a few cents army) any day.
Why? because we are not being monitored all the time by our dictators. lol

Hey Forest, before you make a case, you've got to establish the fact. And the fact is Mao was atheist. So if he was atheist, he cannot be following any taoism belief. Hereby ruling out any chance that he was a sex maniac as propagated
Haha atheism stops you from being a sex maniac.
Nice high IQ logic. Keep it up buddy.

I know you've had trouble with this a few times, this is not hindu mythology after all, where logic and common sense don't apply. I also know it's not by choice your IQ is on the lower side. But if you want troll, you'll need to know what is logic and reasoning because this is how the world outside of India works :laughcry:
Is that why BBC and world media affirming the fact that China's founding father was a rapist? Is that why CCP unsuccessfully tried to stop the BBC documentary on that sex addict emperor? Well, May be because this is how the world outside China works, who are not controlled by CCP and dictators.

And yeah, please wake me up again when you dont get the context. I will be happy to help you as always
Bande mein dum hai. Whatever he says, causes channels to shoot up their TRPs. :lol:

Good move. He wants more facilities of sanitation, infrastructure and hygiene in the country, which is good for all. Divine presence is only there in areas of clean and positivity so whether it is the Hindus or us or anyone, we all should support development.

Oh and @Hafizzz, no need to panic; Israel won't be invading you anytime soon. :P. You can stay in your religion for a little while longer before the Rabbis come for you.

(See how it feels when you waste bandwidth with trolling)
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Any person outside china (and may be Pakistan) may wanna believe US (the foreign, as per your definition) any day over a "I-desperately-wanna-hide" Chinese communist regime (or a few cents army) any day. Why? because we are not being monitored all the time by our dictators. lol
LOL, it doesn't get any more desperate than this. You have to side step further away and away from the original point, you even had to bring in Pakistan. Can't you just stay on topic? Of course, you can't because no WMD was found in Iraq. US state depart...... :omghaha:

Haha atheism stops you from being a sex maniac.
:omghah:Nice high IQ logic. Keep it up buddy.

LOL, poor indian IQ cannot comprehend that atheism, taoist practice, and sex maniac are mutually exclusive. No wonder, you believe the article, it's just like hindu mythology: devoid of logic and reasoning :omghaha: :omghaha:

Is that why BBC and world media affirming the fact that China's founding father was a rapist? Is that why CCP unsuccessfully tried to stop the BBC documentary on that sex addict emperor? Well, May be because this is how the world outside China works, who are not controlled by CCP and dictators.
And yeah, please wake me up again when you dont get the context. I will be happy to help you as always

What BBC really did affirm is India: A Dangerous Place to Be a Woman :omghaha: :omghaha:

Don't worry I won't accuse your leaders as sex maniac just because rape is rampant in your country. My judgment is made based on the logic and reasoning, not dubious article. I also don't believe in smearing others, as it won't erase your own problem. So focus on rape in India, don't be obsessed with China. :laughcry:
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LOL, it doesn't get any more desperate than this. You have side step further away and away the original point, you even had to bring Pakistan. Stay you just stay on topic? Of course, you can't because no WMD was found in Iraq. :omghaha:
And no rape data found in China after 2005.
That, my friend, was the original point.

LOL, poor indian IQ cannot comprehend that atheism, taoist practice, and sex maniac are mutually exclusive. No wonder, rape is rampant in your country, even holy godmen partake in it, :omghaha: :omghaha:
You did it again, an atheist can not be a sex maniac
Good going buddy. lol

What BBC really did affirm is India: A Dangerous Place to Be a Woman :omghaha: :omghaha:

The same BBC affirmed that the Founding Father of China is a rapist!

And yeah... wake me up again:sleep:
And no rape data found in China after 2005.
That, my friend, was the original point.

No, the original point was US state depart data.:laughcry:

You did it again, an atheist can not be a sex maniac
Good going buddy. lol
LOL, atheism, taoist practice, and sex maniac are mutually exclusive. Poor indian IQ STILL can't comprehend that :omghaha:

The same BBC affirmed that the Founding Father of China is a rapist!
And yeah... wake me up again:sleep:

LOL, this is not Hindu mythology. Show me proof that BBC affirmed it, can you? DOn't be obsessed with China, smearing others won't solve the rape epidemic in your country. Many countries are issuing travel warning. :omghaha: :omghaha:
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