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Feku Modi wants Toilets not Temple

Why couldn't India build more toilets in more temples. That would solve the contentions between toilets or temples. The tourist would know where to go use the bathroom.

Why can't you stay away from trolling!!...if you can find answer to that i will certainly give answer to your query...
I don't think anyone was objecting to the content as such...i believe no-body would deny the fact that India needs lot of toilets as a big percentage of our population defecates in open which is a health hazard of great magnitude...However one has to be careful in chosing the words used to pass on the message...bcoz words can hurt the sentiments...

Sometime back Modi used a phrase where he said "it hurts me even when a puppy dies"....now the message is simple - obviously it hurts when anybody dies however the words he used to deliver that message were derogatory....I hope now you can see the difference in both the statements...

but I don't see nothing wrong in Modi statement, I watched that interview..it seems offensive when used out of context and with small but clever changes in words. any how jayaram ramesh's statement was not even that vulnerable or bad to feel offended, it's just the political bias makes one feel offended when leaders you don't like makes a statement how ever well intended it may be.
but I don't see nothing wrong in Modi statement, I watched that interview..it seems offensive when used out of context and with small but clever changes in words. any how jayaram ramesh's statement was not even that vulnerable or bad to feel offended, it's just the political bias makes one feel offended when leaders you don't like makes a statement how ever well intended it may be.

Exactly what i said(at-least the theme)....The context was not bad or ill-intentioned...however the words they chose were definitely not the right one's....if you follow the entire thing you may not feel awkward however if you concentrate on the words you may feel bad/hurt.....Thus i believe it is very important for leaders to chose very carefully as to what they speak...
It sounds kinda offensively odd putting toilets and temples together in the same sentence.
This whole business is getting really silly. Now a complaint from those who oppose Modi about him ditching "Hindutva"? Really? What was wrong with what he said? Earlier people were worrying about Modi sidelining the RSS...and these were people who don't like the RSS...:lol:

There is almost zero ability to carry on a reasonable discussion here. Anything and everything Modi says has to be rubbished, regardless of the merit & his supporters do the same with anything said by the Congress leaders. A complete mad house, this.

It is indeed difficult to fulfill the daily quota of 3 bash-Modi posts; hence, they pick up any news! :D

A large majority of Modi's supporters support him for his performance related to development and administration, and/or for the lack of it in Congress Government. Modi showed that he can put development over religion when he ordered demolition of some 120+ temples to build highways, and I think this is a positive development in Indian politics.

Actually Congress is confused, they are good in managing support of regional parties and form coalitions, but first they need a significant number of seats to negotiate with regional parties. Now, if this Modi factor can swing 3% to 5% votes in BJP's favor, then lot of calculations will go wrong in lot of constituencies. Congress is finding it difficult to counter the Modi factor, not because Modi is a messiah, but because Congress has nothing to show for themselves other than dozens of high-profile scams. So, this vicious malign Modi campaign; if they cannot rise, then they will pull others down to prove that they are still standing tall.

Sad to see that the whole election campaign of Congress is based on negativity.
@Bhai Zakir

Had it be some statement about 'peaceful religious place',Jairam would have been killed by now :D

Even if the statement had been made in "Ram Rajya", Jairam would definitely have been killed by now thank God India is a secular country...
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I think @Guynextdoor and [MENTION=148509][Bregs][/MENTION] would make a nice couple..if they are not the same guys operating multiple accounts..

Well you know Congress has approved creating fake accounts to combat Modi in social media :lol:

Feku fans are normally very ignorant of hard facts, do not go personal with blaming me for having multiple accounts lest you will be reported as you seems to be very fond of mentionation names @Aeronaut please have a look at this allegation
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Infrastructure is extremely vital and his statement needs to be applauded. By the same token , the temples are a huge domestic and foreign tourist generator. The balance is important
Infrastructure is extremely vital and his statement needs to be applauded. By the same token , the temples are a huge domestic and foreign tourist generator. The balance is important

This Temple vs Toilet issue can easily be sorted if all the temple authorities helped by Government can actually build toilets nearby the temples. Not sure about other areas but in the area I live shopkeepers irrespective of their religious affiliation use the toilets of mosques in its vicinity. Something which could be emulated in other areas as well...
Serving mankind is serving God... Great Move by Modi... You just elevated your level.. Its not about Hindus or Muslims its about Mankind...!!!!:tup:
@Bhai Zakir You can post 10000 threads like this but it won't change anything on the ground (vice versa is also true)the game changer is your vote and you can only vote once.

You don't like BJP or Modi because you are a Muslim,I can understand that because that's true for me as a Sikh that I don't like Congress.But I would be the first one to vote for Congress in Punjab because BJP and Akalis here are the most corrupt people.

This is precisely the reason why this country is lagging behind because votes are cast on the basis of religion and creed not on the basis of merit.

You should for the future not the past and your community will be the biggest winner.

PS - For the eNREGA workers.We have a slight issue with the payments but its been worked on at defcon level 5.So don't stop posting..... Centre amends rules to prevent delay in payment for NREGA workers

Friend, its noting to do with my religion and belief.

You don't get it i think, its because of him being a Fake and Feku.

He was not speaking at a religious conclave neither on a sanitation issue then why he brings these two things??

And if want to raise any issue there are trillions of dignified ways for it comparing dragging temples in everything is not good and to compare them with toilets not at all good.
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