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Feku Modi wants Toilets not Temple

Will BJP ask Modi to resign or make a public apology or the BJP known for its double standard will kept a mum or twist words to justify him.

you are a muslim, a sunni one I presume....you hate Modi because you are brainwashed to do that..we get it. But please dont overdo it.

And no matter what you guys crow here, the support for modi isnt dwindling..rather increasing exponentially..infact that man has taken every stone thrown at him for the last 12 years and built a bridge...so take a chill pill and relax.

And a word of advice : if you really want to campaign against Modi, dont talk anything about him..the more you talk (negatively) against him, the more support he gets.
Feku Modi wants Toilets not Temple

When the congress leader and rural development minister jairam ramesh made such commets a year ago the BJP was calling for his head.

BJP lashes out at Jairam Ramesh for comparing toilets with temples

BJP flays Jairam Ramesh for temple, toilet remarks - India - DNA

Now, the demi God of BJP the great iron man, vikas purush, the super man himself have defamed temples and compared them with Toilets.

Now, it will be interesting to note that double standard BJP which was ridiculing congress man's comments how it will react now.

Will BJP ask Modi to resign or make a public apology or the BJP known for its double standard will kept a mum or twist words to justify him.

Incredible that all the Smear campaign champions are turning a good initiative into a bad one.... As far as the OP is concerned, I did fail to see any comparison between temple and toilet. It seems that Modi said first "Toilet then temple" which ToI fumbled in the translations and listed backwards....

Whereas jayram ramesh straight compared place of worship with toilet....

From the title of the thread it is evident of this being a smear campaign thread, but at the end the op's comment either show deliberate twisting of facts or jut plain comprehension fallacy....
agreed...he just buried most of BJP leadership to get there. God knows what else fenku has up his sleeve.

Awwww..is the cutiepie worried about BJP leadership ? :oops:.. Dont worry, that is our problem..(actually it isnt..the BJP cadres have never been so fired up and enthused since mr.Vajpayee ji's peak. After a long time we have a strong, focussed leader - not politician - leader with a purpose who has taken the bull by the horns and not a old, confused octagenarian)

I understand that last time Advani was waiting for Congress to loose...but this time its the opposite..the congress (and the entire pseudo-secular gang) is waiting for Modi to loose..not sure of how to tackle him..

I understand the consternation..congress was hoping that Advani would play the 2009 role again..but that is not to be..I would be concerned if I were you (god forbid) too...:)

You know everyone talks about worshipping Rahul, hell I call him an @$$hole too...

I have been repeatedly telling you..you dont need to fake outrage against Congress..because anyway you are going to vote for them...And no need to also pretend that your dislike Modi because of how fans are worshipping him...we both know why it is how it is..It would be refreshing if you guys can be open just once...

I do give RG credit for the stupid decisions on the ordinance.

Well not all of us are born dumb like you..especially when he claims that heard about the ordinance only that day from Ajay Maken when the bill and ordinance were in discussion for about 2 months in both houses of the parliament (of which he is a member) and that his own mama chaired the meeting atleast once..

The whole nautanki was enacted once Pranab mukherjee refused to sign the ordinance..so raul baba decided to come out as a the knight in white and act all macho..
So it turns out India has more temples than toilets :sick:
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Some how Indian politics has become a kind of reality show now a days.

In all this the common man is getting side lined as always.

On topic what he says is true , without clean body there can't be a clean mind.
This whole business is getting really silly. Now a complaint from those who oppose Modi about him ditching "Hindutva"? Really? What was wrong with what he said? Earlier people were worrying about Modi sidelining the RSS...and these were people who don't like the RSS...:lol:

There is almost zero ability to carry on a reasonable discussion here. Anything and everything Modi says has to be rubbished, regardless of the merit & his supporters do the same with anything said by the Congress leaders. A complete mad house, this.
So it turns out India has more temples than toilets :sick:

Yes, want to be a part of cleanup advisory committee?

India has enough of temples and shrines and mosques and places of religions and sect congregations. What Modi says is right. But on the other hand, kitne bhi toilet banao, logon ki "sadaabahaar khet me sandaas" psychology needs to be dismantled by force. Jabb tak ye nahi hota, kittne bhi sandaas banao, kittne bhi naare lagao shauchaalya ke, kuch badalne vala nahin.

Pehle yeh sawaal karna chahiye ki shauchalya banane ke baad bhi, log kheton mein kyoon jate hein? Is it because of lack of ventilation and gandagee jo naak ke baal bhi jalaa dete hein?
@Bhai Zakir You can post 10000 threads like this but it won't change anything on the ground (vice versa is also true)the game changer is your vote and you can only vote once.

You don't like BJP or Modi because you are a Muslim,I can understand that because that's true for me as a Sikh that I don't like Congress.But I would be the first one to vote for Congress in Punjab because BJP and Akalis here are the most corrupt people.

This is precisely the reason why this country is lagging behind because votes are cast on the basis of religion and creed not on the basis of merit.

You should for the future not the past and your community will be the biggest winner.

PS - For the eNREGA workers.We have a slight issue with the payments but its been worked on at defcon level 5.So don't stop posting..... Centre amends rules to prevent delay in payment for NREGA workers
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This Modi guy is right. India needs more toilets, not temples or weapons or politicking.

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I agree that there is a need for major sanitation drive in India.

We need a purposeful government that can do what needs to be done. At this point it is the BJP that seems to be better than the rest.
This statement from modi and the comments that follow highlight a few things very clearly:

Hindus are relatively tolerant. Had modi said that india needs more toilets than masjids or churches, then all the sackulars would have gone hoarse and pain would have moved from throat to behind already. This even when it is well known that muslims are the poorest of religions in the country and their living conditions are the worst. Don't get all internethindu on me on this. Sachar comitte report Iis on the web. So I take pride in the fact that modi can talk about temples in the same sentence as toilets and in a hindu majority country no one will give fatwa on him and people will actually elect him as the prime minister. That is a given.

Second is that it is clear that congress is **** scared and its proponents and supporters have got their turds stuck halfway down the passage. Else how else could a person who claims to be sensible and aware of india of today not understand a simple fact that what modi is saying is actually right. Each year several thousands of crores have been spent by congress and still after over 60 yrs of independence they have not had the gall for stopping this steal and finally deliver. Indians are no less human and they deserve basic decency. Modi said nothing wrong. The guys who support congress should not in their zeal forget what is needed in this country.

This also highlights that even when the media has left no stone unturned in making modi seem non sackular and put rsss chaddi images on the front pages, modi has taken them on where the congressi media is at its weakest. Sackularism versus development. Modi has clearly opened the debate of development versus religion. What else could have been a more open challenge. Let us see what the congressi sackulars csay about this to the hindus. They have made their life out of scaring muslims.

Finally, if anyone thinks that this is a mistake then knowing how modi keeps his mouth shut and the digi dogis and the likes are braying about, one should not make the mistake of thinking that modi shot off his mouth. This is to a plan. Modi also knows that hindus are his largest constituency and this talk of temples and toilets in the same breath could give congress another opportunity of a religious farce, however he still does it. So then it looks like that the open secret that he is going to be the next prime minister of the country is now open enough for him to finally turn a page in this country and bring development above religion.
Feku Modi wants Toilets not Temple

NEW DELHI: Build toilets first and temples later, said Hindutva icon and BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Wednesday.

Speaking at a function organized here for the youth, Modi said he dared to say so even though his image as a Hindutva leader did not allow him.

"I am known to be a Hindutva leader. My image does not permit to say so, but I dare to say. My real thought is — Pehle shauchalaya, phir devalaya' (Toilet first, temple later)," he said.

The Gujarat chief minister's comment could well stoke a controversy from within his party and sister organizations, which are keen to rake up the "temple issue" again ahead of next general elections.

A similar comment on toilets from Union rural development minister Jairam Ramesh that the country needs more toilets than temples had stirred a row with a large number of women organizations and NGOs protesting against the remark.

Touting the slogan of development that could take the country on the path of speedy progress, Modi said lakhs of rupees were spent on temples in villages, but there were no toilets there.

Invoking Mahatma Gandhi's thoughts, he lamented that it was ironic that women in the country had to go in the open for easing themselves in the absence of toilets.

Build toilets first and temples later, Narendra Modi says - The Times of India

When the congress leader and rural development minister jairam ramesh made such commets a year ago the BJP was calling for his head.

BJP lashes out at Jairam Ramesh for comparing toilets with temples

BJP flays Jairam Ramesh for temple, toilet remarks - India - DNA

Now, the demi God of BJP the great iron man, vikas purush, the super man himself have defamed temples and compared them with Toilets.

Now, it will be interesting to note that double standard BJP which was ridiculing congress man's comments how it will react now.

Will BJP ask Modi to resign or make a public apology or the BJP known for its double standard will kept a mum or twist words to justify him.

Corrected you. ^^
"Now, the demi God of BJP the great iron man, vikas purush, the super man himself have defamed temples and compared them with Toilets." - Funny to see folks coming up with such ridiculous excuses now. :hitwall:

@Roybot's comment is also apt^^
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