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Feku Modi wants Toilets not Temple

And I'm not even defending those trash bag scums who have screwed us either. But where you see hope in change, all I see is a bunch of goons even worse than what is there right now. fenku's bringing back all those people we in Karnataka booted out because of a level of corruption so unimaginable, even congress was rattled at the public response. Fenku will not only screw us as bad but will also leave the stench of religious re-engineering. Though disgusting, fact is BJP is worse (I'm not saying congress is 'better'). These jokers who wax eloquent about modi this and that actually CELEBRATE when yeddy is brought back. And these clowns are being 'rational'?

Everything you said is correct.. No one in his right mind would have voted for BJP in Karnataka.. They screwed up pretty big there.. But Congress is not helping itself either.. Within months of coming to power, Siddaramaih has already alienated a number of Mutts and almost all Brahmins.. Congress though is not as corrupt in Karnataka ( not even close ), but they are giving all the wrong signals..

Also the fact remains that Anti-incumbency is going to be the biggest issue this election by a huge margin.. As I said, Congress has lost too many like me who now just want to get rid of Congress... BJP might be worse.. But I am willing to give them a chance just to make these scumbags realise that they have not inherited PM post...

The way every single leader is worshipping that idiot Rahul is frightening to watch.. This is going to be repeat of 88-89 which Rajiv lost for Congress and this time Sonia-Rahul are loosing it for Congress..
[Bregs];4834201 said:
Looks like baba ramdev will make feku pm, kya din aa gai hai BJP ke :rofl:

Well, if a person who did not even manage to win even a panchayat seat can become the PM of India for 9 years, only because he was the most loyal pet of baby Rahul, then anything is possible.
Btw, didnt get my answere, who is supposed to change Rahul's nappy tonight?
Everything you said is correct.. No one in his right mind would have voted for BJP in Karnataka.. They screwed up pretty big there.. But Congress is not helping itself either.. Within months of coming to power, Siddaramaih has already alienated a number of Mutts and almost all Brahmins.. Congress though is not as corrupt in Karnataka ( not even close ), but they are giving all the wrong signals..

Also the fact remains that Anti-incumbency is going to be the biggest issue this election by a huge margin.. As I said, Congress has lost too many like me who now just want to get rid of Congress... BJP might be worse.. But I am willing to give them a chance just to make these scumbags realise that they have not inherited PM post...

The way every single leader is worshipping that idiot Rahul is frightening to watch.. This is going to be repeat of 88-89 which Rajiv lost for Congress and this time Sonia-Rahul are loosing it for Congress..

You know everyone talks about worshipping Rahul, hell I call him an @$$hole too...but I find that fenku worshipping is even worse. The one department when BJP reasonably scored over congress is actually reversed. just look at these mooney eyed people ready to justify every single thing that fenku does...if he farts it's sweet perfume to them. And no matter what his faults, I do give RG credit for the stupid decisions on the ordinance. And also for the fact that he single handedly took on the Shiv Sena and shwed them their place.
Oh I agree with you there, never rule out asaram. But somehow he looks too down don't you think?

Yes.. He is down.. But its still 7-8 months till election.. If he comes out on bail, he might take some votes away from Congress in some constituencies where the fights are going to be close..

[Bregs];4834189 said:
lol Ramdev kab se vote catcher ho gya :rofl:, he crook has amassed hell lot of money through selling his fake desi drugs although useful as a yoga guru

Only if democracy worked that way my friend... How would anyone explain 20% votes for Lalu in Biahr after 15 years of Jungle-raaj..?
Baba Ramdev ( he might be everything you said ) has some solid votebank in UP+Bihar+Uttrakhand + MP..
You know everyone talks about worshipping Rahul, hell I call him an @$$hole too...but I find that fenku worshipping is even worse. The one department when BJP reasonably scored over congress is actually reversed. just look at these mooney eyed people ready to justify every single thing that fenku does...if he farts it's sweet perfume to them. And no matter what his faults, I do give RG credit for the stupid decisions on the ordinance. And also for the fact that he single handedly took on the Shiv Sena and shwed them their place.

Yes.. Modi worshipping is also extreme.. I attended his Delhi rally and was astonished .. I have never seen something like this.. And I have attended quite a few of these rallies.. Not even lalu in his prime got people so charged up.. Everyone of his anti-congress comments were getting huge cheers.. I can just hope that he delivers on at least some of the things he is promising.. Else I'll stop voting altogether..

And yes.. Rahul did do a gutsy job.. Coming to a press conference like this and getting the ordinance cancelled is a very good thing on his part.. But the way he did reminded me of his father.. Which is not good..I hope he matures and maybe in 2019, I'll vote for him .. And Shiv-Sena is a dying force..I dont see any future for it in next 10 years other than some constituencies.. Raj thakrey will keep getting few seats if he continues his anti-north, anti-south antics .. I hope Maharahstra gets rid of NCP also.. They are one bunch of goons.. This Ajit Pawar is Lalu reborn..
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