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Feku Modi wants Toilets not Temple

[Bregs];4834076 said:
Lol nah feku fans are trying there best to report me many times but they have not succeeded so far :P
nobody is reporting you mate but i would advice you to stop this unnecessary name calling when your own cangressi politicians are the biggest fekus in the world but then again you seems to be on their payroll!!
okay let's have a discussion in a decent manner without any name calling.what's your take on all those massive scams made by the congressi leadership in these last 10 years.do you think that despite looting public properties in such a shameless manner these politicians deserve a second chance in the center?if so then why?
nobody is reporting you mate but i would advice you to stop this unnecessary name calling when your own cangressi politicians are the biggest fekus in the world but then again you seems to be on their payroll!!
okay let's have a discussion in a decent manner without any name calling.what's your take on all those massive scams made by the congressi leadership in these last 10 years.do you think that despite looting public properties in such a shameless manner these politicians deserve a second chance in the center?if so then why?

what name calling?
Kya Jha Ji- I'm not asking you to support congress, or even not vote BJP, but at least accept that the picture is not as rosy as it is painted to be.

Bhai Saab.. I have been a Congress supporter for 3 generations now and have always voted for Congress ( except once when I was 12 yrs. old ).. But this UPA-2 has made me a die hard anti-congress person... I am willing to vote for Communists if they are in a position to get rid of this party from Delhi..I am not a traditional BJP supporter and hence am not looking at all for anything rosy.. Any non-congress govt. will do just fine for me..Since Modi seems to be the only capable one, I'll vote for him..

And BTW if Modi does become PM, we can all thank Congress for that.. The arrogance after doing everything wrong in last 5 years has made me realise that we have done the best thing in Bihar by eliminating this party from there..
Bhai Saab.. I have been a Congress supporter for 3 generations now and have always voted for Congress ( except once when I was 12 yrs. old ).. But this UPA-2 has made me a die hard anti-congress person... I am willing to vote for Communists if they are in a position to get rid of this party from Delhi..I am not a traditional BJP supporter and hence am not looking at all for anything rosy.. Any non-congress govt. will do just fine for me..Since Modi seems to be the only capable one, I'll vote for him..

And BTW if Modi does become PM, we can all thank Congress for that.. The arrogance after doing everything wrong in last 5 years has made me realise that we have done the best thing in Bihar by eliminating this party from there..

How could you vote when you are 12 years old? Not trolling;genuine query.
nobody is reporting you mate but i would advice you to stop this unnecessary name calling when your own cangressi politicians are the biggest fekus in the world but then again you seems to be on their payroll!!
okay let's have a discussion in a decent manner without any name calling.what's your take on all those massive scams made by the congressi leadership in these last 10 years.do you think that despite looting public properties in such a shameless manner these politicians deserve a second chance in the center?if so then why?

you too like others seeing half side of coin i would join for decent debate when you stop other fans from abusing other Indian leaders, Modi aka feku is taking yeddi back in BJP whats it ? every one knows how much corruption of resources in Karnataka has been done this former CM
Bhai Saab.. I have been a Congress supporter for 3 generations now and have always voted for Congress ( except once when I was 12 yrs. old ).. But this UPA-2 has made me a die hard anti-congress person... I am willing to vote for Communists if they are in a position to get rid of this party from Delhi..I am not a traditional BJP supporter and hence am not looking at all for anything rosy.. Any non-congress govt. will do just fine for me..Since Modi seems to be the only capable one, I'll vote for him..

And BTW if Modi does become PM, we can all thank Congress for that.. The arrogance after doing everything wrong in last 5 years has made me realise that we have done the best thing in Bihar by eliminating this party from there..

And I'm not even defending those trash bag scums who have screwed us either. But where you see hope in change, all I see is a bunch of goons even worse than what is there right now. fenku's bringing back all those people we in Karnataka booted out because of a level of corruption so unimaginable, even congress was rattled at the public response. Fenku will not only screw us as bad but will also leave the stench of religious re-engineering. Though disgusting, fact is BJP is worse (I'm not saying congress is 'better'). These jokers who wax eloquent about modi this and that actually CELEBRATE when yeddy is brought back. And these clowns are being 'rational'?

I was asking who disagrees with Modi's statement.

Fenku (aka Modi) disagrees with this statement

both [Bregs] and guynextdoor2 work for Robert Wadra's user ids :omghaha:

targeting a hefty bonus over your daily batta today? Must be a big one.

The thought of Modi winning is so frightening for congress that they using PDF for lobbying voters. OP has obession p with Modi.

Yeah dude...we're shaking in our boots right now
Asaram bapu attracts as many people in his rallies as fenku does (even in jail). And he is able to charge (on an average) much more than Rs.5 per head...considering your logic I think you should vote for Asaram as PM :D

Cant say anything about Asaram.. But Ramdev is certainly taking votes away from Congress, JD-U, RJD, SP, BSP in UP and Bihar..
RJD is getting hit the worst because Lalu does not seem to be coming out soon and his wife and sons are joke. His brother-in-law already had "tea" with Modi. RJD's few MLAs and MLCs are ardent follower of Babajee and are weighing their options..

Asaram may be down now.. But you never know what he will do once he is out.. Any wonder why Congress is not coming too hard on him.. No party can afford to mess with these godmen..
Cant say anything about Asaram.. But Ramdev is certainly taking votes away from Congress, JD-U, RJD, SP, BSP in UP and Bihar..
RJD is getting hit the worst because Lalu does not seem to be coming out soon and his wife and sons are joke. His brother-in-law already had "tea" with Modi. RJD's few MLAs and MLCs are ardent follower of Babajee and are weighing their options..

Asaram may be down now.. But you never know what he will do once he is out.. Any wonder why Congress is not coming too hard on him.. No party can afford to mess with these godmen..

Oh I agree with you there, never rule out asaram. But somehow he looks too down don't you think?
lol Ramdev kab se vote catcher ho gya :rofl:, he crook has amassed hell lot of money through selling his fake desi drugs although useful as a yoga guru
[Bregs];4834189 said:
lol Ramdev kab se vote catcher ho gya :rofl:, he crook has amassed hell lot of money through selling his fake desi drugs although useful as a yoga guru

naa...babaji has a constituency all right
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