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Feku Modi wants Toilets not Temple

@Bhai Zakir

Isn't it good that he is not turning out the hardliner that his opponent portray him to be?

+ he may deliver us from eternal curse of Gandhi family,a cancer which has turned India into a monarchy.

Congress wants to take us back into licence-Quota raj era.
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[Bregs];4834040 said:
This feku can stoop to any level for grabbing power

Dude - Do you get banned for couple of hours only? In last few days i have seen you banned/unbanned many times :blink:
I totally agree with mr.Modi . Though , i would not like him as our prime minister but still i totally support his idea. Wish he will prevail and his idea of reforms not only economically but also socially .

Big Deal...EVERYONE agrees that toilets and basic services are more important than now than statues and temples. But why don't you ask fenku to actually act on it than make hollow (fenku) statements. He's allocated 300 million USD to build a statue of sardar ( sardar will be turning in his grave) and is gonna build 'grand temple'- read billions- in ayodhya. Lots of sanitation and other key services those will be able to provide.

@Bhai Zakir

Isn't it good that he is not turning out the hardliner that his opponent portray him to be?

+ he may deliver us from eternal curse of Gandhi family,a cancer which has turned India into a monarchy.

Congress wants to take us back into licence-Quota raj era.

You want me to make pro BJP statements- put me in strking range of PM post and I'll fill your ears with it.

Zakir bhai BJP's main agenda about temples is Ram temple in ayodhya.i am of the view no political party should bank on religion politics.He is not comparing toilets to temples..

doesn't seem to be stopping fenku from signing private agreements with VHP, RSS, Bajrang Dal etc.
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Dude - Do you get banned for couple of hours only? In last few days i have seen you banned/unbanned many times :blink:

Yes bro there has been some problem with my system or browser as my massages starts getting re quoted again again, its very awkard
Good.... He gets my vote...
[Bregs];4834065 said:
Yes bro there has been some problem with my system or browser as my massages starts getting re quoted again again, its very awkard

I thought you are getting banned on reports of MODIfied Indians :D
[Bregs];4834070 said:

Did you know that RSS is a para Nazi organization? those jokers were taken off by the west 50 years ago, their vestige continues. Modi's chaddi Buddy includes Yeddy...what a beautiful combination


Good.... He gets my vote...

Kya Jha Ji- I'm not asking you to support congress, or even not vote BJP, but at least accept that the picture is not as rosy as it is painted to be.
Did you know that RSS is a para Nazi organization? those jokers were taken off by the west 50 years ago, their vestige continues. Modi's chaddi Buddy includes Yeddy...what a beautiful combination


Lol yeddy looking very cute :bunny:
Evrything he says these days becomes headline news !

Now people hate him for being soft on Hindutva ? What is wrong in demanding more toilets than temples ?

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh..........I was wondering why the BJP paid brigade isn't jumping in for their daily batta despite my repeated and open provocations. I was beginning to get bored!!!
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh..........I was wondering why the BJP paid brigade isn't jumping in for their daily batta despite my repeated and open provocations. I was beginning to get bored!!!

Today they are busy in Indian elections building tall mirages of threads about what feku will do
NO clue...look at the Bizzare heading of the thread ... Desperate people going to desperate levels ...

Why don't you give me your perspective then...you're a sensile guy (sometimes :) )- fenku has just set apart 300 million USD (1500 crores) for building the biggest statue in the world of Sardar (sardar'll probably be thanking he didn't live on to see these days). Do you agree with fenku?

[Bregs];4834098 said:
Today they are busy in Indian elections building tall mirages of threads about what feku will do

like fenku being the 'most searched man in the universe and fenku saving 15000 people with his BEAR (intended) hands :rofl:
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