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Feku Modi wants Toilets not Temple

[Bregs];4834076 said:
Lol nah feku fans are trying there best to report me many times but they have not succeeded so far :P

Who wants to ban you?? Tell me!! :pissed:

Actually I am too habituated to your "3 bash Modi post per day" dose, can't live without it!! :D

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh..........I was wondering why the BJP paid brigade isn't jumping in for their daily batta despite my repeated and open provocations. I was beginning to get bored!!!

Why bother about BJP paid brigade?? Kaam karte jao bhai, work harder, KRA, target, incentive, bonus, promotion......................kamiyabi aapki kadam chumegi!! :D

How about you read your post and tell me if it even deserves a reply ? The excuses you people give to put down Modi are clearly Ridicules ...

Every time i ask a CONgress supporter why i should vote for them ,they end up replying why i should not vote for Modi ... you people have seriously lost sleep over the obsession :lol:

nobody is reporting you mate but i would advice you to stop this unnecessary name calling when your own cangressi politicians are the biggest fekus in the world but then again you seems to be on their payroll!!
okay let's have a discussion in a decent manner without any name calling.what's your take on all those massive scams made by the congressi leadership in these last 10 years.do you think that despite looting public properties in such a shameless manner these politicians deserve a second chance in the center?if so then why?

No answer for this bhai, I have asked this several times to many including these two guys, received only silence from other side. I guess Google search will also show "No results found"!! :D

[Bregs];4834215 said:
Feku Fans must see this before mocking others :

screen capture freeware

Sikhon ka khun to patla hai, dhul gaya!!
8000 sikhon ka katil mass murderer rajiv gandhi was a visionary :D
bhopal gas tragedy ke karak ko bhagane wala rajiv gandhi was a visionary :D
muslim aurton ko khai me dhakelne wala rajiv gandhi was a visionary :D
ram mandir ke gates kholne me madad krne wala rajiv gandhi was a visionary :D

A lot of people on this thread are getting agitated it seems, congress supporter are in full force here, fun to read.:lol:
Amazed by his guts in saying this openly.....a complete suicidal statement but i think it is purely the nation first attitude which made him say so....
8000 sikhon ka katil mass murderer rajiv gandhi was a visionary :D
bhopal gas tragedy ke karak ko bhagane wala rajiv gandhi was a visionary :D
muslim aurton ko khai me dhakelne wala rajiv gandhi was a visionary :D
ram mandir ke gates kholne me madad krne wala rajiv gandhi was a visionary :D


Well, he is a "Bharat Ratna"!! :)

Sonia and Rahul are also on the waiting list.......sooner or later. :)
kya ho gaya... why's Modi getting to everyone's mind? Think of Rahul baba tooo... Modi atleast knowingly creates controversy, Rahul doesn't even realize what is he doing ;)
All right!!! BJP paid brigade dominating the tail end. Was wondering where you guys were. Loss of efficieny don't you think?:D
All right!!! BJP paid brigade dominating the tail end. Was wondering where you guys were. Loss of efficieny don't you think?:D

Bingo!! This will surely ensure a performance bonus for you, maybe a promotion also; you will dictate and 10 people will type.....Team Leader Sir!! (In military style)!! :D

btw how lucrative is the package that your company offers? How good is the CEO Rahul? Employee friendly? I read somewhere that he is too much friendly? :D
he knows what he sputters.............hence needs the toilets

Feku Modi wants Toilets not Temple

NEW DELHI: Build toilets first and temples later, said Hindutva icon and BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Wednesday.

Speaking at a function organized here for the youth, Modi said he dared to say so even though his image as a Hindutva leader did not allow him.

"I am known to be a Hindutva leader. My image does not permit to say so, but I dare to say. My real thought is — Pehle shauchalaya, phir devalaya' (temple first, toilet later)," he said.

The Gujarat chief minister's comment could well stoke a controversy from within his party and sister organizations, which are keen to rake up the "temple issue" again ahead of next general elections.

A similar comment on toilets from Union rural development minister Jairam Ramesh that the country needs more toilets than temples had stirred a row with a large number of women organizations and NGOs protesting against the remark.

Touting the slogan of development that could take the country on the path of speedy progress, Modi said lakhs of rupees were spent on temples in villages, but there were no toilets there.

Invoking Mahatma Gandhi's thoughts, he lamented that it was ironic that women in the country had to go in the open for easing themselves in the absence of toilets.

Build toilets first and temples later, Narendra Modi says - The Times of India

When the congress leader and rural development minister jairam ramesh made such commets a year ago the BJP was calling for his head.

BJP lashes out at Jairam Ramesh for comparing toilets with temples

BJP flays Jairam Ramesh for temple, toilet remarks - India - DNA

Now, the demi God of BJP the great iron man, vikas purush, the super man himself have defamed temples and compared them with Toilets.

Now, it will be interesting to note that double standard BJP which was ridiculing congress man's comments how it will react now.

Will BJP ask Modi to resign or make a public apology or the BJP known for its double standard will kept a mum or twist words to justify him.
friends modi ji say right. modi wanna make our country to be a develpod country. go and see the progress in gujrat first than comment. if you wanna that pakistan take away our kashmir than vote for congress, if u wanna poor india than vote for congress. end of talk.
Did you know that RSS is a para Nazi organization? those jokers were taken off by the west 50 years ago, their vestige continues. Modi's chaddi Buddy includes Yeddy...what a beautiful combination


What about this Man?


All right!!! BJP paid brigade dominating the tail end. Was wondering where you guys were. Loss of efficieny don't you think?:D

Hi, hows the ordinance coming up ?

Are you on Sonia gandhi/Mutemohan side or Raul baba side ?

kya ho gaya... why's Modi getting to everyone's mind? Think of Rahul baba tooo... Modi atleast knowingly creates controversy, Rahul doesn't even realize what is he doing ;)

What are you talking ? This is nonsense.

Take a printout of this post, tear it and throw it. Ok boss ?

(read this in Raul baba voice)
Totally out of context, the penguin looking Jairam Ramesh is a moron.
[Bregs];4834040 said:
This feku can stoop to any level for grabbing power

Still better than Raul baba's cheesy drama.. Sleeping for two months when the bill was discussed multiple times, passed in parliament and then suddenly getting enlightenment one day to "tear it and throw it"..I guess he must have practised those words a 1000 times before the mirror before talking to the press..:lol:

I pity the Khangressi spokespersons (and enrega coolies like you) who were forced to eat their own spit and defend the withdrawal of the ordinance..lol..how humiliating it must have been to defend it for weeks and do a 180 degree after amul baby's nautanki...
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