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Modi sends Envoy to Dr Zakir Naik for Safe Passage Back to India

Curb your patriotism.

He hasn't said anything against Pakistan. He's against the partition which to me is a surprise.

However, India of 2010 and i imagine the video was shot before that probably is completely different than terrorist regime of Modi.

Dr Zakir Naik is also a human. So he has a different view back then. I imagine it must have been changed now seeing what happened to India.

His message is also not bad. He thought Muslims would be stronger if united. What's wrong with that thinking?

I don't see where he gave comments that makes him an Anti-Pakistani dog. Or his comments straight from rss handbook. Or he wants Muslims to be a slave race of Hindus.

Try harder.

I don't disagree with you on your point. But if he was really that naive back in 2010 and couldn't see the reality of Hindu India... That just means he is a poor visionary and lacks comprehension!!! Should not be in any sort of leadership role!

I know what Hindus really were like and their hatred towards Muslims way before 2010.... It was known before 1940s by true visionaries!
Dr Zakir Naik is banned in Malaysia from doing lectures because of his comments against China (Uighurs) and Kashmir atrocities.

I wish other leaders had courage like he has.

This is totally false. Malaysia has its fair share of Uyghur awareness, similar to Indonesia. He made some statements on the heightened power of Indian and Chinese origin Malaysians who begun attacking him as soon as he arrived in Malaysia. I agree with him on this point, and most Malays do also.

Notice how @IlyasMyHero NEVER speaks against india or America. I wonder why?.........

He seems like a typical American Pakistani Muslim in this sense.

He was hated by a lot of them for the past few years, Uighurs and Kashmir issues only surfaced last year, and I am not talking about the reason for him being hated (by those people), I am talking about the reason he was told to stop giving lectures (by the government)

In this article you posted, you already answered the actual reason he was told to stop talking, and it has nothing to do with Kashmir or Uighurs


Do tell me isn't he toeing the same line as Maudodi?

Maulana Maududi admitted he was wrong and moved to Pakistan where he helped the state and public come to terms with partition, its aftermath, and the challenges we faced with independence.

We should not be critical of such distinguished scholars who have had such a strong imprint on our nation and people.

Some posters are expressing extreme views about Zakir Naik, to which I don't agree. But, I think that he has never supported the right of self determination of Kashmiri people. Here, you appear to be mistaken.

He does support 'freedom for Kashmir from the Indian fascist regime,' in his own words. He is quite vocal about the Kashmiri cause since he left India.

He is one scholar whom we should be reaching out to rather than chastising.

The pig faced dr naik is an anti-Pakistani dog. His comments against Pakistan are straight from the rss hindu handbook. He deserves what he gets from india.

He has the typical mindset of Indian Muslims and Bangladeshis concerning partition, in which he states Muslims were divided into three countries and it weakened Muslim power.

However what no one talks about is that, even then we would have been a minority and still at the mercy of Hindus. Right now Pakistanis are free of Hindu negative influences and it is a liberating feeling.

Even then, I think we should go easy on Dr. Zakir Naik, it takes a long time to de-toxify one's self from Gangu influences. He is doing it slowly, maybe one day he will come to the realization that Pakistan is the model to be emulated.
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I don't disagree with you on your point. But if he was really that naive back in 2010 and couldn't see the reality of Hindu India... That just means he is a poor visionary and lacks comprehension!!! Should not be in any sort of leadership role!

I know what Hindus really were like and their hatred towards Muslims way before 2010.... It was known before 1940s by true visionaries!

Bro, we were saying exactly that on another Pakistani defence forum more than 10 years ago. I remember you saying exactly those things.
To you this nation might not mean anything, to you Ummah Chummah might be everything.

Ummah is an Islamic concept and the legacy of Sayyidina Muhammad SAWS. It is not the sole property of KSA or Iran.

It also does not mean become weak-kneed and star-struck by Arabs, Iranians, Turks, etc. Our Pakistani population is just naive and uneducated, they don't know the reality of the world around them and assume that every Muslim is their friend, which is not the case.

Ummah means Mother, it is a transcendent concept which should lead to unity, but unfortunately in today's cut-throat, backstabbing Muslim world, it is just used to make fools out of more devout, conservative nations like ours.

This is not the fault of Islam, but the fault of Muslims today. I like how Malcolm X summed up this concept quite succinctly.


Regarding Dr. Zakir Naik, he is following the same vein of strong Islamic debate as Sheikh Ahmad Deedat, who was his teacher. He has described Dr. Naik was Deedat 2.0 due to his strong ability to give proofs for Islam and the Quran, and ability to refute religious claims of other religions using their own scripture. That too straight from memory.

The amount of service he has done to spread Islam and strengthen Muslims' faith cannot be emulated by you or I. We should be in gratitude for his relentless defense of Islam.
Regarding Dr. Zakir Naik, he is following the same vein of strong Islamic debate as Sheikh Ahmad Deedat, who was his teacher. He has described Dr. Naik was Deedat 2.0 due to his strong ability to give proofs for Islam and the Quran, and ability to refute religious claims of other religions using their own scripture.

Well, he is falling short compared to Deedat. But every one is a different person, I don't blame him for that. I do blame him for the misinformation he spreads, youtube is full of claims counter-claims and more claims. Also you heard his views about Pakistan and India.

The amount of service he has done to spread Islam and strengthen Muslims' faith cannot be emulated by you or I. We should be in gratitude for his relentless defense of Islam.

I am not denying it, but there are many da'ees on this land, the un-named/un-known da'ees. He is not the only one and he shouldn't be treated/presented/thought to be the only one. Knowledge is not bound by any one person, one should take it from any one. And if the same person is talking sh-t about some thing then he should be told that what he is talking is pure shiat. And that is the case of him talking about Pakistan.

Ummah is an Islamic concept and the legacy of Sayyidina Muhammad SAWS. It is not the sole property of KSA or Iran.
Ummah is a transcendent concept which should lead to unity, but unfortunately in today's cut-throat, backstabbing Muslim world, it is just used to make fools out of more devout, conservative nations like ours.

This is not the fault of Islam, but the fault of Muslims today. I like how Malcolm X summed up this concept quite succinctly.

Don't have any problem this, but taking all of it into consideration in a realistic perspective, it is not possible in at-least the foreseeable future. I wrote in my Iran thread that instead of "hoha" Iran should focus on its diplomatic relations with muslim countries. Who in the muslim world doesn't want to see a united muslim states? But we are nowhere reaching there any time soon and that is a reality. So why live in delusions, which we have been doing for past 70 years. Becoming a pitho of one country in the name of Ummah and then becoming a pitho of another country in the name of Ummah.

Our Pakistani population is just naive and uneducated, they don't know the reality of the world around them and assume that every Muslim is their friend, which is not the case.

This is the crux for my argument too.

We should not be critical of such distinguished scholars who have had such a strong imprint on our nation and people.

Well not a fan of him, he became more of a political figure than a religious figure. Had he stayed away from politics, I would have been fine. And this had repercussion, today you see TLP, whose leader says "Dangar Padri diya Putra", we had Fazlul Rehman, and we have the now soon to be forgotten JI.
no it does not, it means community. um أم means mother ummi أمى means "my mother"

That is the root word for the word Ummah.

It is the same way how the root of Islam is Salam (peace.)

I wrote in my Iran thread that instead of "hoha" Iran should focus on its diplomatic relations with muslim countries. Who in the muslim world doesn't want to see a united muslim states?

I agree 100% but Iranians are following their own policy, their motives are not Pan-Islamic but sectarian and ethno-nationalist.

Pakistanis, and Pakistani state, are always pursuing this policy to unite Muslims together and minimize differences. In this way we are more forward-thinking than our coreligionists, but unfortunately our wishes don't affect reality.

Well not a fan of him, he became more of a political figure than a religious figure. Had he stayed away from politics, I would have been fine.

I agree with you. My teacher Dr. Israr Ahmad left Jamat e Islami because of this difference. He felt that politics sullied the work that Jamat e Islami was doing for Pakistan.

As a fervent believer in the message of Quaid e Azam and Allama Iqbal, he never compromised on Allama Iqbal's last wish of creating an Islamic organization which transcended politics and preached pride in Islam, country, and self.
But I guess, your brain isn't mature enough to process simple arguments.

You aren't looking it holistically and a person like you can't comprehend these concepts, I am pretty sure after reading your comments.

For you there is no proof, blind can't see light no matter what.

Please don't reply like a retard, otherwise I would be forced to assume you are one.

Seems like you've me figured out and i am not good enough so we're done here.

I don't know who these "People" are, but you could have tagged them. I never came across any one who told me that I have this or that secondary account. If that was the case I would have confronted them then and there, also involved mods into the mix.

It was when i first joined the forum about a year ago. Don't remember the names anymore.
That is the root word for the word Ummah.

It is the same way how the root of Islam is Salam (peace.)

I agree 100% but Iranians are following their own policy, their motives are not Pan-Islamic but sectarian and ethno-nationalist.

Pakistanis, and Pakistani state, are always pursuing this policy to unite Muslims together and minimize differences. In this way we are more forward-thinking than our coreligionists, but unfortunately our wishes don't affect reality.

I agree with you. My teacher Dr. Israr Ahmad left Jamat e Islami because of this difference. He felt that politics sullied the work that Jamat e Islami was doing for Pakistan.

As a fervent believer in the message of Quaid e Azam and Allama Iqbal, he never compromised on Allama Iqbal's last wish of creating an Islamic organization which transcended politics and preached pride in Islam, country, and self.
That is the root word for the word Ummah.

It is the same way how the root of Islam is Salam (peace.)

I agree 100% but Iranians are following their own policy, their motives are not Pan-Islamic but sectarian and ethno-nationalist.


Brother its easy for many Pakistanis to criticize Iranians and the current Islamic Republic Regime but I want to make a counter arguement I know you are fan boy of Erdogan and Turkey in general but do you reliaze that the Turks just like the Iranians and Arabs are just as hegemonic,overtly nationalistic and just using the Muslim World as a chessboard to become a larger regional power Turkey only cares about its Pan Turkic agenda and becoming a hegemon just like Iran they are all the same us weaker Muslim countries are pawns in these games become more nuanced brother but I dont hate the Iranians,and Turks I feel pity for them Pakistan is also overated we have nukes but cant even retaliate when the same Americans were drone striking us heck killing our border guards and soliders and we begged them to stop and then forgot about Iran at least retaliated and struck bases what we did nothing
I don't disagree with you on your point. But if he was really that naive back in 2010 and couldn't see the reality of Hindu India... That just means he is a poor visionary and lacks comprehension!!! Should not be in any sort of leadership role!

I know what Hindus really were like and their hatred towards Muslims way before 2010.... It was known before 1940s by true visionaries!

Dr Zakir Naik isn't a politician neither does he claim to be a visionary or a thinker. He's a simple humble man who wants to spread the message of Islam.

His fame has created a lot of enemies and hatred but you can see how naive he is by giving that statement. If he was smarter or really the person that his haters falsely accuse him of, he wouldn't be giving that statement and pissing his Pakistani viewers. Bollywood celebrities who are loved by Pakistani hide their inner venom against Pakistan because they don't want to piss off their fans yet these cunning people are loved and considered good in Pakistan.
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