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Modi sends Envoy to Dr Zakir Naik for Safe Passage Back to India

he is one of my favorite Islamic scholar and speaker ..

Both Ahmed Deedat and Zakir Naik are great personalities which have been sources of pride and honor for Muslims worldwide. We need such leaders to instill genuine Islamic principles into society.

Demonizing them only serves the interests of anti-Islamic governments and Islamophobic groups, such as India and RSS.

Pakistan lost so much support in the Muslim world due to Musharraf's attack on Islamic institutions, kicking out foreign students from Pakistan, and his attempted manipulation of core Islamic principles.

This is a chance for us to recover some standing in the Muslim world. We should be supporting Zakir Naik 100%.
What a hero Zakir Naik is. This is some great PR against Modi, Pakistan should get Zakir Naik on our side quickly.

It would cripple him internationally and bring in much more support from Islamic scholars and personalities who are not Pakistani.

So basically none.

Turkish goodwill has resulted in positive opinions of Turkey in Pakistan, regardless of political affiliation or secularization.

The whole population loves Turks.

That's because most Pakistanis are naive and gullible they only like listening what they hear and not think, Turkey, Saudi Arabia,Iran all are hegemonic regional Islamic powers that dont care about Muslims in general only care to curry political favors hence why Pakistanis always are like we wuz ARABZ WE WUZ PERSINAZ WE WUZ TURKS
What a hero Zakir Naik is. This is some great PR against Modi, Pakistan should get Zakir Naik on our side quickly.

It would cripple him internationally and bring in much more support from Islamic scholars and personalities who are not Pakistani.

So basically none.

Turkish goodwill has resulted in positive opinions of Turkey in Pakistan, regardless of political affiliation or secularization.

The whole population loves Turks.

Im a Kashmiri and we love brother Zakir who’s always stood by us and never wavered in he’s support when others sold us out for money .

modi offered him riches and hero status of India to sell out the Muslims of India and occupied Kashmir .
That's because most Pakistanis are naive and gullible they only like listening what they hear and not think, Turkey, Saudi Arabia,Iran all are hegemonic regional Islamic powers that dont care about Muslims in general only care to curry political favors hence why Pakistanis always are like we wuz ARABZ WE WUZ PERSINAZ WE WUZ TURKS

Atleast 10% of Pakistani DNA is Mongol-Turkish, whilst certain groups like Rajputs, Mughals, Chagatais, Baigs, and similar groups have higher ratio of Mongol-Turkish blood.

KSA, UAE and Iran both support India against Pakistan and only give token support for Kashmir (if even that.)

Turkey actually gives concrete support to Pakistan and the Kashmiri cause. They willfully decreased their relations with India for Pakistan.
Atleast 10% of Pakistani DNA is Mongol-Turkish, whilst certain groups like Rajputs, Mughals, Chagataiz, Baigs, and similar groups have higher ratio of Mongol-Turkish blood.

KSA, UAE and Iran both support India against Pakistan and only give token support for Kashmir (if even that.)

Turkey actually gives concrete support to Pakistan and the Kashmiri cause. They willfully decreased their relations with India for Pakistan.

5-10 percent makes it nothing when the Turks have already Europeanized their behaviors 100 years ago I argue Pakistan has more in common with Persia and Afghanistan to a extent rather than Turkey, and Turkey as well gives token support on Kashmir as its just diplomatic statements what does that do for the cause we know it not much and no they did not decrease their relations with India either Pakistanis need to grow up from this phase of WE WUZ TURKS AND WE WUZ ARABSZ AND WE WUZ PERSIIANZ
ڈاکٹر ذاکر نائیک نے بھارتی حکومت کو بے نقاب کردیا

ویب ڈیسک
JANUARY 12, 2020

ڈاکٹر ذاکر نائیک نے بھارتی حکومت کو بے نقاب کردیا

معروف مذہبی اسکالر ڈاکٹر ذاکر نائیک نے بھارتی حکومت کو بے نقاب کردیا۔

ملائیشیا میں جلا وطن بھارتی ریسرچ اسکالر ڈاکٹر ذاکر نائیک نے انکشاف کیا ہے کہ بھارتی حکومت نے مقبوضہ کشمیر میں آرٹیکل 373 ختم کرنے کی حمایت کے بدلے انہیں بھارت واپسی کی خفیہ پیشکش کی۔

ڈاکٹر ذاکر نائیک نے کہا کہ انہوں نے بھارتی حکومت کو صاف انکار کردیا۔

مذہبی اسکالر نے کہا کہ وہ کشمیریوں پر ہونے والے ظلم و ستم پر آنکھیں بند کرکے نہیں بیٹھ سکتے۔
5-10 percent makes it nothing when the Turks have already Europeanized their behaviors 100 years ago I argue Pakistan has more in common with Persia and Afghanistan to a extent rather than Turkey, and Turkey as well gives token support on Kashmir as its just diplomatic statements what does that do for the cause we know it not much and no they did not decrease their relations with India either Pakistanis need to grow up from this phase of WE WUZ TURKS AND WE WUZ ARABSZ AND WE WUZ PERSIIANZ

They organized a conference on Kashmir which our leaders ignored, Sherry Rahman of PPP (lol) ended up going represent Pakistan.

Has Iran ever done such a conference to bring attention to Kashmir?

Our missed Kuala Lumpur conference also hosted a session on Kashmir, which unfortunately also was unattended by Pakistan due to KSA pressure.

Turkey and Malaysia took economic hits to support Pakistan when India downscaled trade with them. They gave money (in this way) and used their influence for the Kashmir cause.

We have more in common with Afghanistan and Iran, true, but our Turkish heritage and history cannot be ignored.

Our culture is more similar to Uzbeks, Tajiks, Turkmens, Kyrgyz, and Uyghurs than Turkey, but those nations are still under influence of foreign powers and don't have independent policies.

Turkey has bravely embraced its Ottoman heritage, the same way Pakistan has embraced its Mughal one. We are both sons of two glorious Turkic empires.

Commonalities between us goes even deeper into our religious sensibilities as well, both of us admire Sufi poets and preachers who taught us Islam. We follow the same vein of Sunni Hanafi Islam.

Unfortunately Iran became Shia during Safavi era, and our culture has diverged since. Afghanistan is under occupation of the same puppets of Iran.
They organized a conference on Kashmir which our leaders ignored, Sherry Rahman of PPP (lol) ended up going represent Pakistan.

Has Iran ever done such a conference to bring attention to Kashmir?

Our missed Kuala Lumpur conference also hosted a session on Kashmir, which unfortunately also was unattended by Pakistan due to KSA pressure.

Turkey and Malaysia took economic hits to support Pakistan when India downscaled trade with them. They gave money (in this way) and used their influence for the Kashmir cause.

We have more in common with Afghanistan and Iran, true, but our Turkish heritage and history cannot be ignored.

Our culture is more similar to Uzbeks, Tajiks, Turkmens, Kyrgyz, and Uyghurs than Turkey, but those nations are still under influence of foreign powers and don't have independent policies.

Turkey has bravely embraced its Ottoman heritage, the same way Pakistan has embraced its Mughal one. We are both sons of two glorious Turkic empires.

Commonalities between us goes even deeper into our religious sensibilities as well, both of us admire Sufi poets and preachers who taught us Islam. We follow the same vein of Sunni Hanafi Islam.

Unfortunately Iran became Shia during Safavi era, and our culture has diverged since. Afghanistan is under occupation of the same puppets of Iran.

I say we have more in common with Afghanistan and Iran I would call Pakistan a half way Persianite state, and I say our relations with Turkey is nothing more than a Cold War alliance made by the Americans just like our alliance with the Chinese besides Iran does support Pakistan on Kashmir it still does it has infrastructure of support among the Shia there Turkey is not embracing its Ottoman heritage thats more sloganeering by Erdogan Ruling Party the AKP the Turkish Youth is more Europeanized and Westernized and give a decade once Erdogan retires Turkey will become less and more distance itself from countries like Pakistan as many young Turks I have met and talk to have mostly negative opinions towards countries like Pakistan and Syria as many illegal immigrants from those sadly poor countries have damaged the image of foreigners in Turkey however I think Pakistan should manage to have close relations with Ankara just like it has with Beijing
Iran does support Pakistan on Kashmir it still does it has infrastructure of support among the Shia there

This is false information.

Pakistani Azad Kashmir has more element of Shias than does Indian Occupied Kashmir (to the displeasure of India,) but still India was trying to use sectarianism to its advantage. They have successfully gained some support from a few Shia areas, and a major Shia family, Abdullahs of Kashmir, who before 370 were big supporters of BJP/RSS.

Iran is deathly fearful of the rise of Taliban (i.e. Pukhtoons) in Afghanistan, and has done everything it can post-Soviet withdrawal to either keep Afghanistan in perpetual state of war or to bring in a Tajik/Shia government under Iranian puppets. They were even willing to share their puppets with Americans and Indians to cause harm to Taliban (.ie. Pukhtoons) and Pakistan (whom they also view in the guise of an enemy, as a supporter of Pukhtoons.)

This is why 1999 was a nightmare scenario, when Taliban leaders met with Pakistan to discuss some kind of merger of both countries. At the same time, Taliban had taken out Iranian spies in major Afghan cities which were providing intelligence for NA enemies, this led to Iranian buildup on the Afghan border which almost led to war.

2001 provided the perfect cover to eliminate that enemy, Iran gave all the sites of Taliban bases and command centers to the Americans and cooperated fully (just like they would later do in Iraq.) Pakistan was forced to betray its former ally due to the united pressure of the whole world, including most Muslim countries, but even then we refused to provide information of Taliban locations. A useless war ensues for Afghans and Pakistanis who lost 100,00+ and 75,000 respectively. Now the world is back to negotiating with Taliban which was Pakistan's position from day one.

This Iranian sectarian regime will try to flare up sectarian animosities anywhere it can, in the hopes of propping up loyal Shia puppets wherever it can. Where impossible, such as 87% Sunni Pakistan, they will cause mayhem and anarchy by using their sectarian forces to launch attacks on the state or cooperate with the enemies of Sunni states to form a nexus against them (how they brought India into Chahbahar and Afghanistan.)

Iran, just like KSA/UAE, is no friend of Pakistan or the Kashmiri cause. They have been willfully silent (except for a few minor statements,) and will be for the foreseeable future.
To an Englishman all browns look the same

what do you call them again on your country

pakkis? All the bloody same

An English man cannot even tell the difference between a Pakistani and a Brazilian..........:lol:........couldn't care less what the English think or don't think......means nothing to me......:lol:..........neither does it stop zakir KUFFAR naik being a hybrid between a chimpanzee and a pig..........:lol:
dr zahir naik is in Malaysia which means the ISI MAY have direct access to him.
he is one of my favorite Islamic scholar and speaker ..
interesting. I never knew he had that far a following. I met him when i visited Durban back in 1990; and had lunch at the mosque center next to his office; i think i still have his book with his written message to me. His son is now doing the work.
An English man cannot even tell the difference between a Pakistani and a Brazilian..........:lol:........couldn't care less what the English think or don't think......means nothing to me......:lol:..........neither does it stop zakir KUFFAR naik being a hybrid between a chimpanzee and a pig..........:lol:

What's with all this abuse against an Islamic scholar who has converted thousands of Non-Muslim to Islam? If he is an Indian and he from the looks of it he has mended his ways and now he knows what is India is all about today then it is a win-win for Pakistan.

You yourself live and have the nationality of a country(Working for the Britain) that enslaved Muslims of Subcontinent and when they left gave Kashmir and the majority of Subcontinent to Hindus. What makes you that? Pig and Goat hybrid?
interesting. I never knew he had that far a following. I met him when i visited Durban back in 1990; and had lunch at the mosque center next to his office; i think i still have his book with his written message to me. His son is now doing the work.

he is still quite famous, I've seen almost all his lectures , speeches and debates , and in my opinion Deedat was the best when it comes Dawah (Preaching) , despite his sometimes aggressive way of speaking but still love the way he carries the debate.

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