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Modi sends Envoy to Dr Zakir Naik for Safe Passage Back to India

What's with all this abuse against an Islamic scholar who has converted thousands of Non-Muslim to Islam? If he is an Indian and he from the looks of it he has mended his ways and now he knows what is India is all about today then it is a win-win for Pakistan.

You yourself live and have the nationality of a country(Working for the Britain) that enslaved Muslims of Subcontinent and when they left gave Kashmir and the majority of Subcontinent to Hindus. What makes you that? Pig and Goat hybrid?

ANYONE who doesn't agree with the creation of Pakistan is a KUFFAR of the highest order and an enemy of the Pakistani race and nation...........8-)
he is still quite famous, I've seen almost all his lectures , speeches and debates , and in my opinion Deedat was the best when it comes Dawah (Preaching) , despite his sometimes aggressive way of speaking but still love the way he carries the debate.
Over here it was the debate between him and Jimmy Swaggart which drew a lot of attention within our non white population. That aside the man did a lot of community service here locally.
Over here it was the debate between him and Jimmy Swaggart which drew a lot of attention within our non white population. That aside the man did a lot of community service here locally.

He destroyed Jimmy Swaggart , I saw that debate at least 3-4 times :D also showed it to my wife ..
interesting. I never knew he had that far a following. I met him when i visited Durban back in 1990; and had lunch at the mosque center next to his office; i think i still have his book with his written message to me. His son is now doing the work.
Ahmed Deedat is revered amongst the muslims of the subcontinent as he was one of us. We read his books and derive immense pleasure and pride from his debates with Jimmy Swaggat and the likes. He was humble and logical and with such mild manners that he convinced even the staunchest of opponents. Wish there were more like him amongst us today
Ahmed Deedat is revered amongst the muslims of the subcontinent as he was one of us. We read his books and derive immense pleasure and pride from his debates with Jimmy Swaggat and the likes. He was humble and logical and with such mild manners that he convinced even the staunchest of opponents. Wish there were more like him amongst us today
very much so; a humble man. meeting him in person was very remarkable. i did not take any appointment and went by hoping he would be around. An old friend worked with him and recommended that i meet him. he took me around showing what they were doing. You must visit his office when you get a chance.

He destroyed Jimmy Swaggart , I saw that debate at least 3-4 times :D also showed it to my wife ..
I think there were 2 debates if I recall. I could be wrong.
he is still quite famous, I've seen almost all his lectures , speeches and debates , and in my opinion Deedat was the best when it comes Dawah (Preaching) , despite his sometimes aggressive way of speaking but still love the way he carries the debate.

Sadien is one of the best qaris' our country has given this world. I found this very old video. You can see Sadien recite and dearest Deedat is sitting on the panel.

very much so; a humble man. meeting him in person was very remarkable. i did not take any appointment and went by hoping he would be around. An old friend worked with him and recommended that i meet him. he took me around showing what they were doing. You must visit his office when you get a chance.

I think there were 2 debates if I recall. I could be wrong.
There were 2 debates that is correct. We were very happy to see that Swaggart destroyed. He had a cult following.

video unavailable..the content is not available on this country domain due to a legal complaint from the government.
I watched this video a few months back...just now checked zakir naik's youtube channel was blocked in india in 0ct 2020.
his peace tv youtube channel has not yet been blocked in india.
Zakir Naik did more bad to muslims of india than good.He was aggressive and demeaning in his approach when he was doing dawah...he forgot india is a majority hindu country and hurting hindu sentiments was not good for him or his community...he through his speeches insulted hindu customs and philosophy.
So the likes of Zakir Naik are the "intellectuals" for modern Muslims now ? Sad.
DR Zakir naik may be a Muslim but an Indian Muslim, 4ft 4 inches tall, dark, horrible looking & Anti pak like most Indian Muslims.

Only good Indian Muslims is the one whose neck is under our feet.
The pig faced dr naik is an anti-Pakistani dog. His comments against Pakistan are straight from the rss hindu handbook. He deserves what he gets from india.
I dont kmow if he has ever made anti Pak remarks but he is a proud indian. Many indian muslims make ridiculous comments agaisnt pakistan and we should not show sympathy for them when riots break out.
Curb your patriotism.

He hasn't said anything against Pakistan. He's against the partition which to me is a surprise.

However, India of 2010 and i imagine the video was shot before that probably is completely different than terrorist regime of Modi.

Dr Zakir Naik is also a human. So he has a different view back then. I imagine it must have been changed now seeing what happened to India.

His message is also not bad. He thought Muslims would be stronger if united. What's wrong with that thinking?

I don't see where he gave comments that makes him an Anti-Pakistani dog. Or his comments straight from rss handbook. Or he wants Muslims to be a slave race of Hindus.

Try harder.
You're a fraud and anti-Pakistani. You've been exposed enough times around here.
DR Zakir naik may be a Muslim but an Indian Muslim, 4ft 4 inches tall, dark, horrible looking & Anti pak like most Indian Muslims.

Only good Indian Muslims is the one whose neck is under our feet.
I can say the same for your sodomy loving Afghan brothers. Freaks of nature. Atleast the IMs stay in India, your Afghan cousins/brothers are found in every nook and cranny of our country.
Wow. Just ridiculous. He expects Dr Zakir Naik to support article 370 and betray Muslims.

Modi doesn't understand people like Dr Zakir Naik can not be bought with anything this world offers.

Zakir Naik may be very important person for you guys but nobody gives any shit to this Mullahs. Nobody need any support for kashmir for third rate person like him. His place is in jail where he will go.
Zakir Naik may be very important person for you guys but nobody gives any shit to this Mullahs. Nobody need any support for kashmir for third rate person like him. His place is in jail where he will go.

He has a only popular amongst Indian Muslims... Nobody in Pakistan knows him.

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