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Modi sends Envoy to Dr Zakir Naik for Safe Passage Back to India

To be small and dark is a sin... Its a white mans burden. Which many Pakistanis are carrying...

the prophets where blue eyed white skin with blond hair according to some . Wonder when they’ll find out the reality lol
They're you go.. he also claims that india is going to be a superpower within 2 years (as of 2010)........:lol: :

He wants Pakistanis to be a slave race of hindus.........:disagree:

PS YOU hate all things which are pro-Pakistani or which benefits Pakistan.

You believe that Pakistan should be sacrificed for causes which have NOTHING to do with us...........:disagree:
So if Allama Mashriqi had the same idea that India should have been one country" does it made him pig faced ?" Sick logic, sickest logic
Dear I feel sorry for you
Except for mob lynching, tell me a single good thing in which we Pakistanis are living a better life than Indian Muslims? Any single thing. Even your elders left Pakistan, now what are you singing here? Tell your elders to come to Pakistan first, then lecture others.

Brother, why are you living in fantasies, please just make an effort to educate yourself. I have read many posts from you, I like lot of what you say, but you are full of negativity about Pakistan, without reason.

In Pakistan a non-Muslim male has 2 votes in elections, and a non-Muslim female has 3 votes. No history of mob lynching is a massive deal, you don't give enough value to.

Except mob lynching,

No mass riots, that kill minorities in hundreds and thousands,
No forcing minorities to observe Muslim practices, that happens in India, getting Muslims involved in religious gatherings, and religious worship on a regular basis
There is no organised official or unofficial persecution of non-Muslims, that matters.
Social issues or discrimination is not persecution, if we count social issues, then I am persecuted in the West as a Muslim, please recognise the difference.

In think in 2012, Pakistani state introduce a policy of reserving 5% of government jobs for non-Muslims, they make up about 3.6% I think, even if the full target has not been achieved, but it has to be recognised, that an effort is being made and the target set is above their representation in the population, and that no one has spoken up against why they are given higher quota, no opposition to that policy matters, because it means people in our society want the non-Muslim minorities to feel safe, the intentions matter.
In India Muslims are almost 15%, but their representation in all government jobs, and in public life including parliament is between 1% and 4%.

There are so many things that point to a peace loving society in Pakistan, it is unfair to ignore that and repeat statements that have no basis in reality.

Most of Pakistan's problems stem from the Afghan war of last 40 years, plus the Iran/Saudi Sunni/Shia fight that has spilled into Pakistan, and Indian backed terrorism. Internally our society is peaceful, people keep making statements without backing them up, they present odd incidents and example as something that happens on a daily basis, that ridiculous.

Zakir Naik is a two face snake,
he talks of Islam, but hides a Hindustan based Hindu ideology about India.

When you discuss religion, you cannot mix it with your desh bhakti,
that's being a hypocrite, lot of what he says is hypocritical, as soon as it relates to India, his logic changes.
Double headed snake, beware of this serpent.
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India is under extreme pressure. They need to improve image otherwise the new ugly facist hinduvta driven India is making US and the West very anxious.
The super right wingers~ the bhagya trads~ already hypothesize he's a cryptoMuslim lololol.
He's actually learning to be more pragmatic and becoming a better leader, our Modi Ji.

Nobody is really prepared for this kind of 'top job', they all learn on the job.. and I'm happy to see Modi evolve.

You ex Indian former muslim lot across the fence can keep poking as much fun as you want but, but India mein Modi is going from strength to strength. They're here to stay, the Bhajpa.
Brother, why are you living in fantasies, please just make an effort to educate yourself. I have read many posts from you, I like lot of what you say, but you are full of negativity about Pakistan, without reason.
If you want to hear the truth, I can write. But You will not be able to bear it.

Zakir Naik is a two face snake,
he talks of Islam, but hides a Hindustan based Hindu ideology about India.

When you discuss religion, you cannot mix it with your desh bhakti,
that's being a hypocrite, lot of what he says is hypocritical, as soon as it relates to India, his logic changes.
Double headed snake, beware of this serpent.
The damage he caused to Hinduism is unprecedented. He quoted many Hindus scriptures and and proved many Hindu believes wrong. That's the reason why Modi et al are chasing him everywhere.
You read many members here who are criticising him you will find them basically belonging to following groups:
1) Barelvi (Zakir Naik is Wahabi)
2) Qadiani (He proved that Qadianis are non-muslims)
3) Shia (Shai people got attacked by many of his statements, for unknown reasons)
4) Librals (You may already know the reason)
5) Hindus et al (As I mentioned before)
6) Christians (Shaikh Ahmed Deedat and Zakir Naik have destroyed many of the great pillars of Christian intelligentsia, specially Catholics).

So whenever a member is writing here something about someone, always try to figure out what is his background. This thing I came to know when I saw many of the members here praising Iran, while I saw Iran killing Pakistani ulama and causing great unrest in Pakistan.
So basically, background matters.
He's actually learning to be more pragmatic and becoming a better leader, our Modi Ji.

Nobody is really prepared for this kind of 'top job', they all learn on the job.. and I'm happy to see Modi evolve.

You ex Indian former muslim lot across the fence can keep poking as much fun as you want but, but India mein Modi is going from strength to strength. They're here to stay, the Bhajpa.
We also pray for Mr Modi. There was always a confusion in Pakistan regarding India till congress was in power. 1971 happened, and we were not sure, as we were looking at a secular power in India.
But, thanks to Modi and BJP, we came to know the real face.
He's actually learning to be more pragmatic and becoming a better leader, our Modi Ji.

Nobody is really prepared for this kind of 'top job', they all learn on the job.. and I'm happy to see Modi evolve.

You ex Indian former muslim lot across the fence can keep poking as much fun as you want but, but India mein Modi is going from strength to strength. They're here to stay, the Bhajpa.
I really have no problem with BJP. Except what they do to Muslims. I actually would prefer BJP keeps winning. Better for us.
The damage he caused to Hinduism is unprecedented. He quoted many Hindus scriptures and and proved many Hindu believes wrong.
wrong !

"Hindus" do not care for their "scriptures"

it's beyond you lot to understand it, because you're a 'horse blinder' lot, happy taking orders and "obeying" a system.. here, we question, and are free to reject any and all aspects of whatever some scripture may say.

But, thanks to Modi and BJP, we came to know the real face.
real face is real secularism, no more Nehruvian BS

I really have no problem with BJP. Except what they do to Muslims. I actually would prefer BJP keeps winning. Better for us.
they're not doing anything to the Muslims

and they will keep winning, regardless of our preferences.

Man, handsome and your army needs to get used to it.. they're not fascist genocider anything, they are here to stay.. the fringe is exactly what it is, the fringe.

Hope for better ties with Pak, but that myopic Kashmir centric worldview is holding things back.

We could into trade, travel and tourism, farming and agri.. it's limitless. Auto, Pharma, Tech, Space.. India is so far ahead it's not even funny.. an end to hostilities, a resolution of the Kashmir issue (accepting the status quo) would be sooo good for people on both sides.
wrong !

"Hindus" do not care for their "scriptures"

it's beyond you lot to understand it, because you're a 'horse blinder' lot, happy taking orders and "obeying" a system.. here, we question, and are free to reject any and all aspects of whatever some scripture may say.
:lol: Wonderful (Applaud in background)
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:lol: Wonderful (Applaud in background)
That means nothing, you can find thousands of extremist views by BJP people online.

Keep your eye on the ball, what Modi/Shah are doing.. ok ?

There's a lot of crazy imams preaching terroristic BC all over wahabbalpur in your Punjab too, but they are not important.. what handsome and the generals do is important.

samjhey ?
You are protecting those who wish genocide against the Pakistani race and nation. Like the pig/chimpanzee hybrid KUFFAR dog, zakir KUFFAR naik.
Whats wrong with you... plus hows old are you? calm down... everyone has a different opinion about a POLITICAL decision... let him have it... but don't disregard his core competency which is competitive-religion.
Like Nassem Hijazi is a good novelist but not a historian. So one can criticise nassem on history depicted in his novels.
Disgusting post from the forum racist
You hate Indians , afghans , bengalees , Africans and everything in between yet love the queen of England Donald trump and netenyahoo your saviour for Pakistan all the while sitting in your cold damp freezing covid ravaged dump of England . Uncle Tom was your mentor your pastor and your imaam
English boy

What makes you think I like Whites? Why do you say that?

PS Just like with indians, bangladeshis, blacks etc I cannot relate to white people either.
Whats wrong with you... plus hows old are you? calm down... everyone has a different opinion about a POLITICAL decision... let him have it... but don't disregard his core competency which is competitive-religion.
Like Nassem Hijazi is a good novelist but not a historian. So one can criticise nassem on history depicted in his novels.

If he is making retarded claims that india will be a superpower by 2012 and that the creation of Pakistan was a mistake then you can't take this sanghi seriously. He has NO credibility.

Problem with some Muslims is that they see a religious guy with a beard and then start worshipping him. Thinking he is the 2nd coming or whatever. What is this indian naik doing that is ACTUALLY helping Islam and Muslims? In fact do Muslims and Islam even need his help?
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