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Modi sends Envoy to Dr Zakir Naik for Safe Passage Back to India

@waz @Areesh @fitpOsitive
So I think he is rights as in united India, the resources will be more and may be attention towards economy and poverty will be a priority as the military budget will be way less..
Some muslims pockets (Bengal, assam, KPK, Balochistan etc) will ensure that Dehli cannot go alienating muslims totally.. any fascist regime also means that all the minorities are together so better resistance.

Remember Quaid didn't want partition (till 1945 Simon commission)if Nehru had agreed on more provincial autonomy. (Still india is quasi-federall rule though.)
As Congress didn't agree so Quaid went for partition. (Do you know Sheikh Mujeeb demanded way less provincial autonomy than in 18th amendment? ) Anyway, feared by that Muslims can be sidelined in a federal structure, Quaid opted for partition (Abdul Kalam regretted later for his thoughts in his books)

Anyway, creation of Pakistan is a political thing. People can criticise it, But now it is a done thing so everyone should accept it. Plus current Modi regime proves that it is better we have it.
But it is not a holy/fundamental thing of Islam that questioning it makes you kafir etc. It is not a God-given khilafah...
Again he is a religious leader and not a political person so he may have a bad taste in that.
so may be Zakir is inspired by this video..

Pakistan is the ONLY ever nation in the ENTIRE history of mankind to be created in the name of Islam and Allah swt. If you question that or are against Pakistan, then you are the biggest kuffar on planet earth. Especially when you then go on to claim that india will be super power by 2012:

People are prejudiced to core here. Who can I discuss, who will I explain. On both sides, its madness. Within both sides, it's madness.
I will also leave this forum, and for good.

Try and be more handsome and have richer connected friends. It works in some parts of the world.
People are prejudiced to core here. Who can I discuss, who will I explain. On both sides, its madness. Within both sides, it's madness.
I will also leave this forum, and for good.
I think some are too old to be changed but most are kids who will mature i think...
Dr Zakir Naik is banned in Malaysia from doing lectures because of his comments against China (Uighurs) and Kashmir atrocities.

I wish other leaders had courage like he has.
No. Zakir Naik was banned because of giving hate speech against Chinese and Hindus living in Malaysia. Basically he was inciting the majority Malays against the country's ethnic and religious minorities.

In one video this man claimed that Malaysian Hindus are more loyal to India than Malaysia. In another video this dude said that Malaysian Chinese should go back to China.

The ideal place for Zakir Naik is Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan where the population of non muslims are close to none and you can spew hate speech against Hindus, Christians, Jews without inciting riots between two communities.

But when you are living as a guest in a multicultural land, better try to be humble.
What makes you think I like Whites? Why do you say that?

PS Just like with indians, bangladeshis, blacks etc I cannot relate to white people either.

If he is making retarded claims that india will be a superpower by 2012 and that the creation of Pakistan was a mistake then you can't take this sanghi seriously. He has NO credibility.

Problem with some Muslims is that they see a religious guy with a beard and then start worshipping him. Thinking he is the 2nd coming or whatever. What is this indian naik doing that is ACTUALLY helping Islam and Muslims? In fact do Muslims and Islam even need his help?

You don’t class Indian Muslims as Muslim just for being born other side of a fence . Zakir naik has never said anything against Pakistan it’s your lie you keep trying to peddle , I wonder why ?? He’s against partition nothing wrong with that. He supports Kashmiri stand and has same views as pm and people of Pakistan .
And??????????????????...........................................isn't Pakistan made up of specific races and ethnicities that is indigenous and specific to Pakistan?............................how does this validate the sanghi-kuffar naik?.............................:disagree:

One of the worst things that a Muslim can do, is call his fellow Muslim a disbeliever/Kafir.

Abu Dhar (may Allah be pleased with him) said that he heard the Messenger of God (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) say, “Whoever addresses a man as a disbeliever or calls him the enemy of God, and he is not, then it returns to him.” (Agreed upon Bukhari 10/377 Muslim 61)

Do you really want to take the chance of calling someone a disbeliever and this curse returning to you? Do you really want to take that chance? Are you really that sure of yourself? The curse of disbelief returns to the one who said it.
You don’t class Indian Muslims as Muslim just for being born other side of a fence . Zakir naik has never said anything against Pakistan it’s your lie you keep trying to peddle , I wonder why ?? He’s against partition nothing wrong with that. He supports Kashmiri stand and has same views as pm and people of Pakistan .

????????...........nothing wrong with being against partition??????????.........WTF!!!!!!!!!......... :eek: :eek: :eek: ...........no wonder why some Pakistanis are willing to be ar*e licking slaves for non-Pakistani Muslims...........:eek:
One of the worst things that a Muslim can do, is call his fellow Muslim a disbeliever/Kafir.

Abu Dhar (may Allah be pleased with him) said that he heard the Messenger of God (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) say, “Whoever addresses a man as a disbeliever or calls him the enemy of God, and he is not, then it returns to him.” (Agreed upon Bukhari 10/377 Muslim 61)

Do you really want to take the chance of calling someone a disbeliever and this curse returning to you? Do you really want to take that chance? Are you really that sure of yourself? The curse of disbelief returns to the one who said it.

I am not the "fellow" nothing of indians or sanghis. I couldn't care less what religion they are.

Pakistan is my beloved. Pakistan is my everything. Pakistan is my heart, my blood, my soul, my toil and sweat.............my loyalty is to Pakistan and the Pakistani people. I have no mercy or humanity for our enemies.
????????...........nothing wrong with being against partition??????????.........WTF!!!!!!!!!......... :eek: :eek: :eek: ...........no wonder why some Pakistanis are willing to be ar*e licking slaves for non-Pakistani Muslims...........:eek:

I am not the "fellow" nothing of indians or sanghis. I couldn't care less what religion they are.

Pakistan is my beloved. Pakistan is my everything. Pakistan is my heart, my blood, my soul, my toil and sweat.............my loyalty is to Pakistan and the Pakistani people. I have no mercy or humanity for our enemies.

your enemies are your imagination . Wicked disease that is .I’m sure in England the English give you free money house and car for this sickness . Enjoy England your lucky
Pakistan is the ONLY ever nation in the ENTIRE history of mankind to be created in the name of Islam and Allah swt. If you question that or are against Pakistan, then you are the biggest kuffar on planet earth. Especially when you then go on to claim that india will be super power by 2012:

I'm not surprised, a lot of these Indian Muslims still dying to prove there loyalty to the Sanghi's -- they'll spit on there own co-religious brothers and sisters.

Well let him and Modi Bop It for all I care.
@waz @Areesh @fitpOsitive
So I think he is rights as in united India, the resources will be more and may be attention towards economy and poverty will be a priority as the military budget will be way less..
Some muslims pockets (Bengal, assam, KPK, Balochistan etc) will ensure that Dehli cannot go alienating muslims totally.. any fascist regime also means that all the minorities are together so better resistance.

Remember Quaid didn't want partition (till 1945 Simon commission)if Nehru had agreed on more provincial autonomy. (Still india is quasi-federall rule though.)
As Congress didn't agree so Quaid went for partition. (Do you know Sheikh Mujeeb demanded way less provincial autonomy than in 18th amendment? ) Anyway, feared by that Muslims can be sidelined in a federal structure, Quaid opted for partition (Abdul Kalam regretted later for his thoughts in his books)

Anyway, creation of Pakistan is a political thing. People can criticise it, But now it is a done thing so everyone should accept it. Plus current Modi regime proves that it is better we have it.
But it is not a holy/fundamental thing of Islam that questioning it makes you kafir etc. It is not a God-given khilafah...
Again he is a religious leader and not a political person so he may have a bad taste in that.
so may be Zakir is inspired by this video..
Most religious people opposed partition because they wanted to Islamize all of India or Hind so to speak.

I can see both sides of the argument. Partition led to the complete wiping out of Islam from East Punjab and Delhi. Muslims lost the centers of powers that they had held for centuries in Lucknow, Hyderabad and Delhi etc. And Islam became the defacto enemy religion in India, while it had existed there for 800 years.

But no partition would also have meant Muslims would be economically and politically weaker. Most of the wealth was concentrated in Hindu and Sikh hands, especially in the parts that are Bangladesh and Pakistan now. Only the Muslim nawabs of India and a few rulers like Nawab of Bahawalpur were rich.

Although this bogus theory that Muslims would have been wiped out had partition not happened is just that. Bogus.

Though one thing is certain given the population trends. 100 years down the line, Muslims will outnumber Hindus in the subcontinent. Maybe then we can join up again lololol.

@Naofumi @jamahir
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Most religious people opposed partition because they wanted to Islamize all of India or Hind so to speak.

I can see both sides of the argument. Partition led to the complete wiping out of Islam from East Punjab and Delhi. Muslims lost the centers of powers that they had held for centuries in Lucknow, Hyderabad and Delhi etc. And Islam became the defacto enemy religion in India, while it had existed there for 800 years.

But no partition would also have meant Muslims would be economically and politically weaker. Most of the wealth was concentrated in Hindu and Sikh hands, especially in the parts that are Bangladesh and Pakistan now. Only the Muslim nawabs of India and a few rulers like Nawab of Bahawalpur were rich.

Although this bogus theory that Muslims would have been wiped out had partition not happened is just that. Bogus.

Though one thing is certain given the population trends. 100 years down the line, Muslims will outnumber Hindus in the subcontinent. Maybe then we can join up again lololol.

@Naofumi @jamahir
Probably some good degree of secularization will penetrate Pakistan (and India) in next 80 years, we may have supranational state like EU to assert the South Asian influence upon the world.
But no partition would also have meant Muslims would be economically and politically weaker. Most of the wealth was concentrated in Hindu and Sikh hands, especially in the parts that are Bangladesh and Pakistan now. Only the Muslim nawabs of India and a few rulers like Nawab of Bahawalpur were rich.
Consider the $$ lost in squabbling, warring and backstabbing each other in last 75 years, I presume that people would have been better off with probably more investment in education, R&D, healthcare than defense considering combined armies would be actually an overkill for the united subcontinent's needs.
your enemies are your imagination . Wicked disease that is .I’m sure in England the English give you free money house and car for this sickness . Enjoy England your lucky

So according to you, the sanghis are not the enemies of us nor do they hate Pakistan....................:disagree:.............brilliant!...................:disagree:
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