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Modi sends Envoy to Dr Zakir Naik for Safe Passage Back to India

I have read those studies, but like they say, they are not the gospel truths, they have to make sense. I have consistently observed Pew being wrong on so many matters that I understand. I have been following population developments in South Asia for nearly 30 years, so rather then just provide my statements, I will provide rational for why I believe myself to be correct and Pew to be talk out of their organisational backside.

Population projections in essence are just about maths, that's, historical trends, present growth rate, and expected future growth, the last part is guess work, because it relies on population control polices, there implementations, the acceptance at social level, accurate reporting of such efforts and the list goes on, but you can also assess the future trends partly by looking at historical performance of population control policies in a country.

We are here to discuss, national figures, not regional figures, especially from tiny states, sticking to national figures makes sense because it is the overall population and percentage share that we are concerned with, so, lets ignore the regional example.

For sake of ease, where possible I will be rounding off to the nearest whole number.
India's first census after independence was in 1951, in that census India had a Muslim population 10% from a total population of 360 million. In the 2011 census, India had a Muslim population of 14.2% from a total population of 1210 million.

14.2 - 9.8 = 4.4 / 6 (decades) = 0.73
On average Muslim population has increased by 0.73 percentage points as a share of the total population. This during a period of explosive population growth, India has already reach near fertility replacement levels, meaning its population will stop growing over the next couple of decades, after the natural growth momentum also comes to a halt.
But, the leveling of growth is not just among Hindus or non-Muslims, India Muslims have also lower fertility rate then in the past and their population is also growing at a much slower rate then before, higher the then other groups, but still slowing fast, meaning their growth rate will also reach zero natural growth within next couple of decades, perhaps a decade slower then other groups.

On the basis of previous growth trajectory, lets assume India's Muslim population will stand at 15% in the next census, which is this year. so the growth of Muslim population as a share of overall population would have grown by 5% percentage points, from 10% to 15% in 70 years.
We have already established the growth trends were different in the previous decades and have already changed and are expected to come to a halt within the next 3 decades.

India's Muslim population at most will increase at the same percentage points as in the previous decades, so,
0.73 x 3 = 2.19 + 15 = 17.2% by 2051, by which India's population is sure to come to a halt, including its Muslims population growth, lets round that to 18%

you have stated that India's population will peak at 1650, that naturally means all groups within a country reach a peak, otherwise it would continue to grow.

18 / 1650 x 100 = 297 Million, lets assume a higher peak of 1800 million
18 / 1800 x 100 = 324 million <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

But if we follow the actual historical trends, then,
17.2 / 1800 x 100 = 309.6 million <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Peak Muslim Population in India

15% / 1360 x 100 = 204 million Muslims in India in 2021.

I think they created their figures after a drunk late night office party, No matter the reputation, what they say has to make sense, it does not make sense at all. at most Muslim population in India will peak around the figures I just provided above. we can see the success of population control polices in India, that cannot be ignored.

Now Pakistan.
96% / 232 million x 100 = 223 million Muslims in Pakistan in 2021

212 increasing by 2.4%
.024 x 212 = 5 million x 4 = 20 million = 232 million in 2021, I have not taken into account accumulated growth.

Pakistan's first census after independence was also in 1951, the Muslims population was 97% from a population of 34 million, and in the last census in 2017, it is estimated to have a Muslim population of about 96% our of 212 Million. Yes, Muslim population decreased as a share of total population, non-Muslims are doing well after all, they just have a even higher birth rate.

Now, with Pakistan things get a bit tricky, because there have only been 2 censuses since 1981, in 1998 and 2017. Pakistan is known to have useless population control policies and measures.

Between 1981 and 1998 population increased by 59% from 84 million to 134 million over 17 years.
Between 1998 and 2017 population increased by 58% from 134 million to 212 million over 19 years. At an average annual growth rate of 2.4%.

Pakistan has experience a very similar and consistent growth rate from 1981 to 2017, that's a nearly 40 year period.
Now, lets assume a somewhat similar growth rather between 2017 and lets say 2035, I do not foresee any population planning program on the horizon, even if they start now, it takes time to get such a policy in place, get it approved and implemented, and more time still, before you start seeing results, so, I do not see radical changes around the corner.

2017 to 2035 is 18 years, lets assume a slightly slower increase lets say at 54%,
1.54 x 212 = 326 million, 313 million Muslims by 2035 and still growing like crazy in 2035.

Let us look at it from a different perspective,
One of the yard sticks used in population projections is the rule of 70, so a population growing at 1% will double in 70 years, at 2% at 35 years, so whatever the growth rate, you divide that by 70 and you get an estimated doubling time of that population.

If we take Pakistan's population growth at 2.4% in 2017,
70 / 2.4 = 29 years to double, so Pakistan's population of 212 million would reach 424 million by 2046,
96 / 424 x 100 = 407 million Muslims by 2046, by this time India's total and Muslim population would have stopped growing, with the Muslim share around 320 million, whereas, Pakistan's population would still most likely be growing.

This is the most basic but accurate representation I could present, so Pew's projections just do not make sense. Pakistan is highly likely to become the largest Muslim country in the world, over taking Indonesia around 2030 or so, and that position is not likely to change. Pakistan will remain the largest Muslim country in the world.

Pakistan's projections very much depend on how effective we are at organising an effective population control polices, but that is not in discussion here, we are discussion the size of Muslims populations. Pakistan's Muslim population became larger then India's sometime during the 1990s, and that gap has only, and will only increase with time. Indonesia's population is also slowing, so it is highly likely Pakistan will become the largest Muslim country in the world, by far. certainly far larger then India's Muslim population.

thought you might be interested in reading, or providing any feedback

Very informative thanks! :)
Modi tere PM ka bhi phone nahi uthaya vo ek tin Lodi ke mullah ke pass gidgidayega?

True, tell this to the cheer girls dancing with joy here.

Andrew holness is my pm I don’t understand rest of your lingo gidigidigaye mean what
I have read those studies, but like they say, they are not the gospel truths, they have to make sense. I have consistently observed Pew being wrong on so many matters that I understand. I have been following population developments in South Asia for nearly 30 years, so rather then just provide my statements, I will provide rational for why I believe myself to be correct and Pew to be talk out of their organisational backside.

Population projections in essence are just about maths, that's, historical trends, present growth rate, and expected future growth, the last part is guess work, because it relies on population control polices, there implementations, the acceptance at social level, accurate reporting of such efforts and the list goes on, but you can also assess the future trends partly by looking at historical performance of population control policies in a country.

We are here to discuss, national figures, not regional figures, especially from tiny states, sticking to national figures makes sense because it is the overall population and percentage share that we are concerned with, so, lets ignore the regional example.

For sake of ease, where possible I will be rounding off to the nearest whole number.
India's first census after independence was in 1951, in that census India had a Muslim population 10% from a total population of 360 million. In the 2011 census, India had a Muslim population of 14.2% from a total population of 1210 million.

14.2 - 9.8 = 4.4 / 6 (decades) = 0.73
On average Muslim population has increased by 0.73 percentage points as a share of the total population. This during a period of explosive population growth, India has already reach near fertility replacement levels, meaning its population will stop growing over the next couple of decades, after the natural growth momentum also comes to a halt.
But, the leveling of growth is not just among Hindus or non-Muslims, India Muslims have also lower fertility rate then in the past and their population is also growing at a much slower rate then before, higher the then other groups, but still slowing fast, meaning their growth rate will also reach zero natural growth within next couple of decades, perhaps a decade slower then other groups.

On the basis of previous growth trajectory, lets assume India's Muslim population will stand at 15% in the next census, which is this year. so the growth of Muslim population as a share of overall population would have grown by 5% percentage points, from 10% to 15% in 70 years.
We have already established the growth trends were different in the previous decades and have already changed and are expected to come to a halt within the next 3 decades.

India's Muslim population at most will increase at the same percentage points as in the previous decades, so,
0.73 x 3 = 2.19 + 15 = 17.2% by 2051, by which India's population is sure to come to a halt, including its Muslims population growth, lets round that to 18%

you have stated that India's population will peak at 1650, that naturally means all groups within a country reach a peak, otherwise it would continue to grow.

18 / 1650 x 100 = 297 Million, lets assume a higher peak of 1800 million
18 / 1800 x 100 = 324 million <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

But if we follow the actual historical trends, then,
17.2 / 1800 x 100 = 309.6 million <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Peak Muslim Population in India

15% / 1360 x 100 = 204 million Muslims in India in 2021.

I think they created their figures after a drunk late night office party, No matter the reputation, what they say has to make sense, it does not make sense at all. at most Muslim population in India will peak around the figures I just provided above. we can see the success of population control polices in India, that cannot be ignored.

Now Pakistan.
96% / 232 million x 100 = 223 million Muslims in Pakistan in 2021

212 increasing by 2.4%
.024 x 212 = 5 million x 4 = 20 million = 232 million in 2021, I have not taken into account accumulated growth.

Pakistan's first census after independence was also in 1951, the Muslims population was 97% from a population of 34 million, and in the last census in 2017, it is estimated to have a Muslim population of about 96% our of 212 Million. Yes, Muslim population decreased as a share of total population, non-Muslims are doing well after all, they just have a even higher birth rate.

Now, with Pakistan things get a bit tricky, because there have only been 2 censuses since 1981, in 1998 and 2017. Pakistan is known to have useless population control policies and measures.

Between 1981 and 1998 population increased by 59% from 84 million to 134 million over 17 years.
Between 1998 and 2017 population increased by 58% from 134 million to 212 million over 19 years. At an average annual growth rate of 2.4%.

Pakistan has experience a very similar and consistent growth rate from 1981 to 2017, that's a nearly 40 year period.
Now, lets assume a somewhat similar growth rather between 2017 and lets say 2035, I do not foresee any population planning program on the horizon, even if they start now, it takes time to get such a policy in place, get it approved and implemented, and more time still, before you start seeing results, so, I do not see radical changes around the corner.

2017 to 2035 is 18 years, lets assume a slightly slower increase lets say at 54%,
1.54 x 212 = 326 million, 313 million Muslims by 2035 and still growing like crazy in 2035.

Let us look at it from a different perspective,
One of the yard sticks used in population projections is the rule of 70, so a population growing at 1% will double in 70 years, at 2% at 35 years, so whatever the growth rate, you divide that by 70 and you get an estimated doubling time of that population.

If we take Pakistan's population growth at 2.4% in 2017,
70 / 2.4 = 29 years to double, so Pakistan's population of 212 million would reach 424 million by 2046,
96 / 424 x 100 = 407 million Muslims by 2046, by this time India's total and Muslim population would have stopped growing, with the Muslim share around 320 million, whereas, Pakistan's population would still most likely be growing.

This is the most basic but accurate representation I could present, so Pew's projections just do not make sense. Pakistan is highly likely to become the largest Muslim country in the world, over taking Indonesia around 2030 or so, and that position is not likely to change. Pakistan will remain the largest Muslim country in the world.

Pakistan's projections very much depend on how effective we are at organising an effective population control polices, but that is not in discussion here, we are discussion the size of Muslims populations. Pakistan's Muslim population became larger then India's sometime during the 1990s, and that gap has only, and will only increase with time. Indonesia's population is also slowing, so it is highly likely Pakistan will become the largest Muslim country in the world, by far. certainly far larger then India's Muslim population.

thought you might be interested in reading, or providing any feedback
Fascinating! Thanks for the tag. It does seem as though India's population growth will slow more so than Pakistan's. It would be interesting to know however whether India's slowing is also associated with a significant relative decline in working age population, with SK and Japan being notable recent examples where this phenomenon has reached crisis levels. I suspect India is still very far from such a scenario.
Fascinating! Thanks for the tag. It does seem as though India's population growth will slow more so than Pakistan's. It would be interesting to know however whether India's slowing is also associated with a significant relative decline in working age population, with SK and Japan being notable recent examples where this phenomenon has reached crisis levels. I suspect India is still very far from such a scenario.

You've made the correct assumption, India is nowhere near that mark as yet. There is lot of societal pressure on Muslims to control their birth rate, I know that first hand, so other then the effect of population control programs on the Muslims of India, they also face societal pressures, which very likely will mean an assured halt to their growth trajectory.

Personally, I am happy we have messed up population planning, because, our landmass is fully able to support up to 500 million, if not more, I say that with reasoned conviction. All countries find it difficult to increase population growth once stabilisation or a decline has set in, only exception being Iran, but that's largely because it is a theocratic state, with strong religious influence over it's population from the state level. No other nation can do that.

As long as we reach the 400 million mark, I think we can relax, lol, no nation on earth can take on a 400 million strong monster. That would place us around the same size as America, in terms of population, and, I don't think we plan to remain poor forever :-)
Personally, I am happy we have messed up population planning, because, our landmass is fully able to support up to 500 million, if not more, I say that with reasoned conviction. All countries find it difficult to increase population growth once stabilisation or a decline has set in, only exception being Iran, but that's largely because it is a theocratic state, with strong religious influence over it's population from the state level. No other nation can do that.

As long as we reach the 400 million mark, I think we can relax, lol, no nation on earth can take on a 400 million strong monster. That would place us around the same size as America, in terms of population, and, I don't think we plan to remain poor forever
Where will you get the water for 500 million people?

Pakistan is severely water scarce. You can still sustain people east of the Indus above Panjnad.

But Balochistan has no perennial rivers. It's uninhabitable without artificial water sources or desalination. Sindh is only inhabitable on the banks of the Indus and the delta.

India and Bangladesh have perennial rivers and plenty of rainfall to sustain their huge a** populations.
Where will you get the water for 500 million people?

Pakistan is severely water scarce. You can still sustain people east of the Indus above Panjnad.

But Balochistan has no perennial rivers. It's uninhabitable without artificial water sources or desalination. Sindh is only inhabitable on the banks of the Indus and the delta.

India and Bangladesh have perennial rivers and plenty of rainfall to sustain their huge a** populations.

Pardon me for my language, but this is where our stupidities and inefficiencies as a nation come in handy lol
Pakistan's agriculture is massively inefficient at every stage, correct land use, seed technology, fertilizer use, crop rotation, water management, storage, transportation and so on...

You take away these inefficiencies, and we can more then double our production capacity, right away. If we concentrate on just water use, as that was your main concern, over 90% of water use in Pakistan is by the agriculture sector, rest by domestic use, industry, and everything else, including mining.
Plus, Baluchistan actually has lot of water, but largely it is in seasonal rivers, and experiences lot of flash floods, that requires large number of small water storage dams, over the last 15 years Pakistan has been building those resources, it just takes time.

Just a 20% efficiency improvement in water use in the agriculture sector, which really isn't a difficult target, would result in massive amount of water being available for other sectors, and the funny thing is, when one become efficient, it doesn't just mean saving water, it naturally results in better practices that result in greater production. its the nature of things.

For example, changing 100 acres from flood irrigation, which is the standard practice right now, to drip irrigation, sprinkler, or controlled canal/pipe delivery method would save water, but at the same time provide the correct ratio of water for optimal growth of the crop. If you couple that with the lining of the canals, because lot of water is also wasted in the system, by seepage into the ground, and evaporation because of lack of tree cover results in higher temperatures along the water paths, reducing the surrounding temperature would result in low evaporation, and reduction in water lose. It all adds up, these are just the obvious solutions, once you setup a system and the will and intention to do something, new solutions present themselves.

Pakistan also has massive amounts of arable land that have not been bought into use due to lack of access to water, I can think of Thal canal that is already playing a part in converting Thal desert between the Jhelum river and the Indus river into arable land.
Plus there is Kachhi canal project in Baluchistan, that will bring into use something like 700,000 acres of new arable land. There are also other areas that can be bought into use.

Then we have a massive empty coastline, the cost of desalination has come down massively. Unlike other countries, our coastline is empty, we can easily build and operationalize green house farming along the coastline with desalination plants, purely for use in green houses agriculture, and only grow vegetables and flowers, they have higher market value, and because of the controlled environment the end product will be of higher value, and able to command decent prices.

We have the capacity, what we have lacked thus far, is the will to move forward. Obviously, living in a bad neighbourhood hasn't helped either, I don't lay all the blame on our heads, which I think is a cheap mindset. Once we correct our direction, rest is easy. imagine the new ideas that would come forward once we start.
We can easily feed 500 million people.
Where will you get the water for 500 million people?

Pakistan is severely water scarce. You can still sustain people east of the Indus above Panjnad.

But Balochistan has no perennial rivers. It's uninhabitable without artificial water sources or desalination. Sindh is only inhabitable on the banks of the Indus and the delta.

India and Bangladesh have perennial rivers and plenty of rainfall to sustain their huge a** populations.
Relax. Desalination.
Relax. Desalination.
How tf will you build water transport systems taking desalinated water from the coast to upland? Does Pakistan have the funds for it? We can't even pay back our loans yet without taking on new loans.

What a total clusterfuck. 500 million ghazi force. Bachay 10 hi achay. Can't even weed out malnutrition yet but want to double the population to 500 million.
video unavailable..the content is not available on this country domain due to a legal complaint from the government.
I watched this video a few months back...just now checked zakir naik's youtube channel was blocked in india in 0ct 2020.
his peace tv youtube channel has not yet been blocked in india.
Zakir Naik did more bad to muslims of india than good.He was aggressive and demeaning in his approach when he was doing dawah...he forgot india is a majority hindu country and hurting hindu sentiments was not good for him or his community...he through his speeches insulted hindu customs and philosophy.

Yeah yeah, Modi is doing good to Muslims of India right?

And Dr Zakir Naik did bad to Hindus by saving them from eternal hellfire, yes?

This must be the idealogy of RSS bakhts
You're a fraud and anti-Pakistani. You've been exposed enough times around here.

A guy sitting in UK gives the fatwa :rofl:

Aren't you the same guy who is happy what Chinese are doing to Muslim Uighurs? by forcing them to become atheists?

You are now giving fatwas on patriotism lol
Last edited:
Zakir Naik may be very important person for you guys but nobody gives any shit to this Mullahs. Nobody need any support for kashmir for third rate person like him. His place is in jail where he will go.

Why are your thoughts exactly like some of the expat Pakistanis sitting in UK, US? I understand why Indians hate Dr Zakir Naik, what i don't understand is why some Pakistani Muslims who have flags of UK/US also hate Dr Zakir Naik.

Pakistan loves Dr Zakir Naik and Muslims all over the world love him, even many Hindus loved him before Modi expelled him.

He is a good person and only scumbags of earth hate a good person
No. Zakir Naik was banned because of giving hate speech against Chinese and Hindus living in Malaysia. Basically he was inciting the majority Malays against the country's ethnic and religious minorities.

In one video this man claimed that Malaysian Hindus are more loyal to India than Malaysia. In another video this dude said that Malaysian Chinese should go back to China.

The ideal place for Zakir Naik is Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan where the population of non muslims are close to none and you can spew hate speech against Hindus, Christians, Jews without inciting riots between two communities.

But when you are living as a guest in a multicultural land, better try to be humble.

You have English comprehension issues or maybe you're so biased you can't listen to Dr Zakir Naik without twisting his words.
I have read those studies, but like they say, they are not the gospel truths, they have to make sense. I have consistently observed Pew being wrong on so many matters that I understand. I have been following population developments in South Asia for nearly 30 years, so rather then just provide my statements, I will provide rational for why I believe myself to be correct and Pew to be talk out of their organisational backside.

Population projections in essence are just about maths, that's, historical trends, present growth rate, and expected future growth, the last part is guess work, because it relies on population control polices, there implementations, the acceptance at social level, accurate reporting of such efforts and the list goes on, but you can also assess the future trends partly by looking at historical performance of population control policies in a country.

We are here to discuss, national figures, not regional figures, especially from tiny states, sticking to national figures makes sense because it is the overall population and percentage share that we are concerned with, so, lets ignore the regional example.

For sake of ease, where possible I will be rounding off to the nearest whole number.
India's first census after independence was in 1951, in that census India had a Muslim population 10% from a total population of 360 million. In the 2011 census, India had a Muslim population of 14.2% from a total population of 1210 million.

14.2 - 9.8 = 4.4 / 6 (decades) = 0.73
On average Muslim population has increased by 0.73 percentage points as a share of the total population. This during a period of explosive population growth, India has already reach near fertility replacement levels, meaning its population will stop growing over the next couple of decades, after the natural growth momentum also comes to a halt.
But, the leveling of growth is not just among Hindus or non-Muslims, India Muslims have also lower fertility rate then in the past and their population is also growing at a much slower rate then before, higher the then other groups, but still slowing fast, meaning their growth rate will also reach zero natural growth within next couple of decades, perhaps a decade slower then other groups.

On the basis of previous growth trajectory, lets assume India's Muslim population will stand at 15% in the next census, which is this year. so the growth of Muslim population as a share of overall population would have grown by 5% percentage points, from 10% to 15% in 70 years.
We have already established the growth trends were different in the previous decades and have already changed and are expected to come to a halt within the next 3 decades.

India's Muslim population at most will increase at the same percentage points as in the previous decades, so,
0.73 x 3 = 2.19 + 15 = 17.2% by 2051, by which India's population is sure to come to a halt, including its Muslims population growth, lets round that to 18%

you have stated that India's population will peak at 1650, that naturally means all groups within a country reach a peak, otherwise it would continue to grow.

18 / 1650 x 100 = 297 Million, lets assume a higher peak of 1800 million
18 / 1800 x 100 = 324 million <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

But if we follow the actual historical trends, then,
17.2 / 1800 x 100 = 309.6 million <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Peak Muslim Population in India

15% / 1360 x 100 = 204 million Muslims in India in 2021.

I think they created their figures after a drunk late night office party, No matter the reputation, what they say has to make sense, it does not make sense at all. at most Muslim population in India will peak around the figures I just provided above. we can see the success of population control polices in India, that cannot be ignored.

Now Pakistan.
96% / 232 million x 100 = 223 million Muslims in Pakistan in 2021

212 increasing by 2.4%
.024 x 212 = 5 million x 4 = 20 million = 232 million in 2021, I have not taken into account accumulated growth.

Pakistan's first census after independence was also in 1951, the Muslims population was 97% from a population of 34 million, and in the last census in 2017, it is estimated to have a Muslim population of about 96% our of 212 Million. Yes, Muslim population decreased as a share of total population, non-Muslims are doing well after all, they just have a even higher birth rate.

Now, with Pakistan things get a bit tricky, because there have only been 2 censuses since 1981, in 1998 and 2017. Pakistan is known to have useless population control policies and measures.

Between 1981 and 1998 population increased by 59% from 84 million to 134 million over 17 years.
Between 1998 and 2017 population increased by 58% from 134 million to 212 million over 19 years. At an average annual growth rate of 2.4%.

Pakistan has experience a very similar and consistent growth rate from 1981 to 2017, that's a nearly 40 year period.
Now, lets assume a somewhat similar growth rather between 2017 and lets say 2035, I do not foresee any population planning program on the horizon, even if they start now, it takes time to get such a policy in place, get it approved and implemented, and more time still, before you start seeing results, so, I do not see radical changes around the corner.

2017 to 2035 is 18 years, lets assume a slightly slower increase lets say at 54%,
1.54 x 212 = 326 million, 313 million Muslims by 2035 and still growing like crazy in 2035.

Let us look at it from a different perspective,
One of the yard sticks used in population projections is the rule of 70, so a population growing at 1% will double in 70 years, at 2% at 35 years, so whatever the growth rate, you divide that by 70 and you get an estimated doubling time of that population.

If we take Pakistan's population growth at 2.4% in 2017,
70 / 2.4 = 29 years to double, so Pakistan's population of 212 million would reach 424 million by 2046,
96 / 424 x 100 = 407 million Muslims by 2046, by this time India's total and Muslim population would have stopped growing, with the Muslim share around 320 million, whereas, Pakistan's population would still most likely be growing.

This is the most basic but accurate representation I could present, so Pew's projections just do not make sense. Pakistan is highly likely to become the largest Muslim country in the world, over taking Indonesia around 2030 or so, and that position is not likely to change. Pakistan will remain the largest Muslim country in the world.

Pakistan's projections very much depend on how effective we are at organising an effective population control polices, but that is not in discussion here, we are discussion the size of Muslims populations. Pakistan's Muslim population became larger then India's sometime during the 1990s, and that gap has only, and will only increase with time. Indonesia's population is also slowing, so it is highly likely Pakistan will become the largest Muslim country in the world, by far. certainly far larger then India's Muslim population.

thought you might be interested in reading, or providing any feedback

Thanks for the informative post

The size of Pakistan's Muslim populations won't impress anyone else in the Muslim world. Pakistan's large population will be an albatross. Even a modest decline in Indus river waters can send Pakistan into a tailspin.
Thanks for the informative post

The size of Pakistan's Muslim populations won't impress anyone else in the Muslim world. Pakistan's large population will be an albatross. Even a modest decline in Indus river waters can send Pakistan into a tailspin.

Are you feeling OK?
Where did I make any claims of superiority? so, nothing to impress.

It was a post for sake of information, and you thanked me for it.
Have the decency to behave, and not make stupid statements.

Pakistan's water supply system is not yours, or anyone else's concerns,
Your logic would apply to every other country in the world, and the whole human race, what an idiot.

Perhaps you would like to share the joke,
or, did the nurse forget to give you your medicine?
Are you feeling OK?
Where did I make any claims of superiority? so, nothing to impress.

It was a post for sake of information, and you thanked me for it.
Have the decency to behave, and not make stupid statements.

Pakistan's water supply system is not yours, or anyone else's concerns,
Your logic would apply to every other country in the world, and the whole human race, what an idiot.

Perhaps you would like to share the joke,
or, did the nurse forget to give you your medicine?

The fertility rate in most of the world has dropped. Immigration barriers are going up not down.
You need to send the memo to residents of Pakistan

thanks for playing along @peagle
The fertility rate in most of the world has dropped. Immigration barriers are going up not down.
You need to send the memo to residents of Pakistan

thanks for playing along @peagle

Do you wake up daily with a depleted brain?

What you said made no sense, how is it related in any way to my discussion, how, you are numnut, who needs to revisit school, because clearly you are unable to have an articulate conversation.

you do not have to tag me, when you are replying to me, it is a basic function you fool, when you reply, it comes to me, tagging is only required if you have an empty head.

if you have points then discuss, otherwise, better you go bother your own kind, I hear there are few bored donkeys looking to make new friend.
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