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Modi sends Envoy to Dr Zakir Naik for Safe Passage Back to India

I have told you before to stop lying about me. You really have no shame.



My post was deleted earlier because i spoke against Hindus. I prayed for Iran against America.

What now?

You are protecting those who wish genocide against the Pakistani race and nation. Like the pig/chimpanzee hybrid KUFFAR dog, zakir KUFFAR naik.
You are protecting those who wish genocide against the Pakistani race and nation. Like the pig/chimpanzee hybrid KUFFAR dog, zakir KUFFAR naik.

Your hatred has blinded you and is consuming you.

Watch the video ffs. Dr Zakir Naik is shaming Modi and speaking up for Kashmiris and Indian Muslims despite offers from Modi. Is that someone who wants bad for Muslims? He got banned in Malaysia for speaking against Indian Hindus.

That old video where he gives his opinion about partition doesn't mean he wants bad of Pakistanis. That's quite a jump to making him anti-Pakistan and just a lone video. Clearly, he doesn't feel so strongly about this or he would be very outspoken on this issue. The situation was different. Modi wasn't in power. I don't remember India being the filth that it is today.
Your hatred has blinded you and is consuming you.

Watch the video ffs. Dr Zakir Naik is shaming Modi and speaking up for Kashmiris and Indian Muslims despite offers from Modi. Is that someone who wants bad for Muslims? He got banned in Malaysia for speaking against Indian Hindus.

That old video where he gives his opinion about partition doesn't mean he wants bad of Pakistanis. That's quite a jump to making him anti-Pakistan and just a lone video. Clearly, he doesn't feel so strongly about this or he would be very outspoken on this issue. The situation was different. Modi wasn't in power. I don't remember India being the filth that it is today.

If you think Pakistan shouldn't be created, WHAT would happen?
Dr Zakir Naik is banned in Malaysia from doing lectures because of his comments against China (Uighurs) and Kashmir atrocities.
Not true, those are not the reason he was told to stop doing lectures (at least for the time being)
If you think Pakistan shouldn't be created, WHAT would happen?

I don't think that.

Not true, those are not the reason he was told to stop doing lectures (at least for the time being)


On Sunday, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said that Dr Zakir had overstepped the line when he told ethnic Chinese to “go back” and questioned the loyalty of Malaysian-Indians in two separate instances, calling the Mumbai-born preacher’s words incendiary.

Hindu ministers were against him since day one, rallying Chinese with them. He finally responded they want me to go back because i am a guest. They're older guests than me, they should go back first.

He wouldn't have received this hatred from Chinese and Indians if he hadn't spoken about Uighurs and Kashmiris.
He wouldn't have received this hatred from Chinese and Indians if he hadn't spoken about Uighurs and Kashmiris.
He was hated by a lot of them for the past few years, Uighurs and Kashmir issues only surfaced last year, and I am not talking about the reason for him being hated (by those people), I am talking about the reason he was told to stop giving lectures (by the government)

On Sunday, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said that Dr Zakir had overstepped the line when he told ethnic Chinese to “go back” and questioned the loyalty of Malaysian-Indians in two separate instances, calling the Mumbai-born preacher’s words incendiary.
In this article you posted, you already answered the actual reason he was told to stop talking, and it has nothing to do with Kashmir or Uighurs
Whoa. Half his videos. Yeah, you definitely are the most truthful person and Dr Zakir Naik is a liar.

Did you bother to read rest of what I wrote in the same para? Also did you bother to watch any of the videos I shared? You don't need to watch them just listen to them, multi-tasking or whenever you have free time. And that 1st line was a generic line, it wasn't meant to be taken literal. But I guess, your brain isn't mature enough to process simple arguments.

This is Allama Iqbal - a proponent of Ummah.

I don't want to open a new pandora box, but do tell me how people of your nature found him when he wrote "Shikwa"? Do you know Iqbal was very close to Ahmedis as well, in his early life? So stop cherry picking what you like from Iqbals concepts. The thing is, he was wrong about some stuff and right about others. If he had lived today, he would have agreed this whole Ummah Chummah concept was flawed and frail. The thing is nation and boundaries were a new concept in that era. Saudis were new, oil was newly considered as the "main dish" for the west.

You aren't looking it holistically and a person like you can't comprehend these concepts, I am pretty sure after reading your comments.

Zakir Naik is a human.

But still you continue with your pooja, as explained by the following comments:

I didn't see anywhere Dr Zakir Naik dismissing Pakistan or speaking against Pakistan. He simply gave an opinion.

> 2010. Most likely, his views changed
> Gives his views about partition.
> Thinks Muslims being united would've been better for us.

This video is too weak. Too old. This one video is the only proof?

For you there is no proof, blind can't see light no matter what. Do tell me isn't he toeing the same line as Maudodi? How can you not see that to be anti-Pakistan, dismissing Pakistan? It's not any-ones job to find proofs that satisfy you, no-one here has the time to look through Naiks bs to find one particular video. We are not a Naik hating organization who has ton of stuff against naik. Here, every one is commenting in his personal capacity. No one has the time to waste providing this proof then that proof, then more proofs on top of those. And you didn't even watch the videos I shared with you. I know a kid like you have a short attention span so I will waste a little bit of my time to show you exactly the timestamp that would have answered your and Zakir misconception about creation of Pakistan. Which if he had studied better would have known,he didn't needed to see current modis era to come to that conclusion or made comment of "Muslims being united in India under Hindu rule would have been better for the muslims". He just had to see/read about the foundation for the creation of Pakistan.

Jinnah was a proponent of Unity too. He didn't believe in two nation. It's well known Iqbal influenced him then after learning of Hindus filth, he worked for two nations. What happened to Jinnahs vision? Didn't he knew what kind of filth Hindus are from birth?

Just take that head out of your a++ and watch the frigging videos which I shared. Your ego won't take you no-where. Please don't reply like a retard, otherwise I would be forced to assume you are one.

Jinnah was a human. Dr Zakir Naik is a human. Humans make mistakes.

Again, one person is dead and the other is living. But since you claim that Zakirs ideas/vision is changed then do post me a clip where he says creation of Pakistan was a necessity for the Muslims of India. Since, you claim that you have watched all of his stuff, surely you could find me one clip where he says, creation of Pakistan was a necessasity? If you can't, I will assume that he is maintaining his previous stance regarding Pakistan as the video shared by the other member.

People here thought I was your alternate account.

I don't know who these "People" are, but you could have tagged them. I never came across any one who told me that I have this or that secondary account. If that was the case I would have confronted them then and there, also involved mods into the mix.
Islamic preacher Dr Zakir Naik has released an anti-India hate statement targeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government and its decision to scrap Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir.

Zakir Naik, in the statement, hit out at the Indian government's actions in Kashmir and warned against a Palestine-like situation building up in the state.

Zakir Naik, who is no stranger to controversies and his anti-India stance, said that Kashmir is another Palestine in the making and "Israel is giving tutorials to India on Kashmir".

Zakir Naik said that Kashmir's current situation is an "action of hatred by the right-wing extremist Bharatiya Janata Party [BJP] government". Talking of Article 370, Zakir Naik said that Kashmir was "singled out for being a Muslim-majority state".

In his statement, Zakir Naik detested "pumping in a million armed personnel" and called it an "act of war by the the BJP government against the biggest Muslim community in the country".

Zakir Naik also went on to claim that Kashmiri youth are being arrested and "sent to undisclosed jails in and outside Kashmir". Zakir Naik, elaborating his statement said, "Every detainee is reported to being subject to extreme torture that lasts for hours. There are reports of beating with sticks and rods and electrocution for hours at a stretch."

"There are also reports of Indian soldiers firing at and killing women and children passing by. But as usual, the Indian government continues to deny the deaths and injuries or any wrongdoing by the Indian military," Zakir Naik claimed.

Zakir Naik said that the BJP and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's (RSS) have admiration for Isreal and how "Israel is giving tutorials to India on Kashmir".

Zakir Naik targeted Modi government's decision to scrap Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir calling it "Modi government's atrocities on Kashmiris".

Zakir Naik in the past has made similar claims in his anti-India hate statements. Zakir Naik is wanted in India for fuelling terrorism.

Naik reportedly left India in 2016 and subsequently moved to Muslim-majority Malaysia, where he was granted permanent residency.

Preach brother Zakir preach .

I dont agree with all his views or opinion, and i know he said he isnt a fan of partition, but if there is one thing i appreciate from this guy is his emphasis on giving reference to things he is talking about (just like in this video he is giving the dates to when someone said something or when he said something).
Dr Zakir Naik is banned in Malaysia from doing lectures because of his comments against China (Uighurs) and Kashmir atrocities.

I wish other leaders had courage like he has.

Zakir Nayak never talked about Kashmir in those talks. He is not exactly banned from lectures but had been advised to stay away from topics Malaysians are sensitive to. I am not a fan of this idiot, its mostly Indians (Tamil Hindus) making noise against this clown. Government of Malaysia wont send Zakir out regardless of what India or Malaysian Hindus complaint about.
Zakir naik wish genocide on Pakistan ?
Zakir Naik wants Indian muslims to live like slaves in India ? Wants Hindus to rule them ?

I must have missed this news , when did zakir naik ever utter a bad word against Pakistani or Pakistan ? He always support us Kashmiris and our fight for freedom from Hindu oppression so I can’t believe it
You know what's funny? People here thought I was your alternate account. I didn't know who you were but meeting you, boy, are we completely different people hahaha.

This is Allama Iqbal - a proponent of Ummah.



The Muslim also constructed a different harem of his own The Azar of civilization made different idols of his own
Country, is the biggest among these new gods! What is its shirt is the shroud of Deen (Religion
Your arm is enforced with the strength of the Divine Unity
You are the followers of Mustafa(saww) , your country is Islam
God’s creation is unjustly divided among nations by it
The Islamic concept of nationality is uprooted by it

This is Iqbal^. Are you going to call him a traitor too? Look at his words.

Jinnah was a proponent of Unity too. He didn't believe in two nation. It's well known Iqbal influenced him then after learning of Hindus filth, he worked for two nations. What happened to Jinnahs vision? Didn't he knew what kind of filth Hindus are from birth? Of course not. Stop venerating humans to be above humans. Jinnah was a human. Dr Zakir Naik is a human. Humans make mistakes.

I didn't see anywhere Dr Zakir Naik dismissing Pakistan or speaking against Pakistan. He simply gave an opinion.

> 2010. Most likely, his views changed
> Gives his views about partition.
> Thinks Muslims being united would've been better for us.

This video is too weak. Too old. This one video is the only proof?

Surely, an anti-Pakistan dog who wants Muslims as slave of Hindus would have been very vocal against Pakistan, wouldn't he?

Whoa. Half his videos. Yeah, you definitely are the most truthful person and Dr Zakir Naik is a liar.

Please post half his videos with lies and misinformation and post references from Holy Quran just like he does. Thank you.
Yes Hindus are flith. Kick all those in pakistan and make your county clear of faith.
He always support us Kashmiris and our fight for freedom from Hindu oppression so I can’t believe it

Some posters are expressing extreme views about Zakir Naik, to which I don't agree. But, I think that he has never supported the right of self determination of Kashmiri people. Here, you appear to be mistaken.
Zakir naik wish genocide on Pakistan ?
Zakir Naik wants Indian muslims to live like slaves in India ? Wants Hindus to rule them ?

I must have missed this news , when did zakir naik ever utter a bad word against Pakistani or Pakistan ? He always support us Kashmiris and our fight for freedom from Hindu oppression so I can’t believe it

F**K zakir KUFFAR naik. This pig/chimpanzee hybrid who is AGAINST the creation of Pakistan and an advocate of the genocide of the Pakistani race and nation. He is a KUFFAR of the highest order. All his life, these creature has done NOTHING but use Islam to justify the slavery of indian so called "Muslims" by hindus.

NEVER EVER forget the sacred and Devine creation of Pakistan by Jinnah (pbuh).

NEVER EVER forget the millions who sacrificed themselves for the creation of Pakistan in Allah (swt) name:

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